108 research outputs found

    An application of the integrative method for extending part lactation milk record in Mediterranean Italian buffalo reared in Caserta province

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    This study was performed on 21,622 lactation of Mediterranean Italian dairy buffalo recorded by AIA with ICAR standard from 1992 to 1996 in Caserta province. The extending of lactation was performed using integrative methods (Pilla et al., 1979), taking into account the effect of lactation number per day, calving order and month of calving. The results showed that the obtained coefficient was able to extending the lactation at 270 days with good approximation also beginning from a part –lactation of 90 days. In this case, the correlation coefficient between real and estimate milk yield varied from 0.91 to 0.93 in the considered groups. Moreover, the percentage of difference between real and estimated average milk yield is not over 5%

    embryonic mortality in buffalo naturally mated

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the incidence of embryonic mortality in three different period of year in buffaloes naturally mated. The trial was carried out in a buffalo farm located in Caserta province between 2000-2006. In this period were registered natural insemination on 200 buffaloes. Pregnancy diagnosis was carried out on Day 30, confirmed on Day 45 and every 15th days until 90 days after natural mating. Buffaloes that were pregnant on Day 30 but not on Day 45 or Day 90 were considered to have undergone embryonic (EM) or fetal mortality (FM) respectively. EM and FM were 8.8% and 13.4% respectively throughout the experimental period. A high incidence (P<0.01) of FM was found in the transitional period (December-March) than in other months of the year. The incidence of embryonic mortality was significantly (P<0.01) higher between 28-60 days of gestation and lower after 71 day of gestation. The higher fetal mortality found in this study could be due the lower serum levels of progesterone normally found in transitional period in buffalo cows

    Strategies to reduce embryonic mortality in buffalo cows

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    The aim of the present study was to examine whether treatment with a GnRH agonist, hCG or P4 on Day 25 after AI increased P4 concentrations and reduced the incidence of embryonic mortality (EM) in pregnant buffaloes mated in mid-winter in a Mediterranean environment. The trial was carried out in two farms characterized, in previous years, by low (LEM Group), 153 buffaloes (DIM=150±7 days), and high (HEM Group), 284 buffaloes (DIM=163±5 days), incidence of embryo mortality. Animals were synchronized by Ovsynch-TAI Program and artificially inseminated. On day 25, pregnant buffaloes were randomly assigned to four groups: Control (no treatment), GnRH agonist (buserelin acetate, 12.6 μg), hCG (1500 IU) and P4 (341 mg of P4 i.m. every 4 days for three times). Progesterone (pg/ml) was determined in milk whey on Days 10, 20 and 25 after AI in all buffaloes and in Days 30 and 45 only in buffaloes pregnant on day 25 and assigned to four groups of treatment. Pregnancy diagnosis was undertaken on Day 45 by ultrasound. All treatments increased P4 milk whey and reduced embryonic mortality in buffalo cows bred in the farm characterized by high EM

    Effect of pre-partum habituation to milking routine on behaviour and lactation performance of buffalo heifers

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect pre-partum habituation in the milkingparlour on behaviour and lactation performance of buffalo heifers. Sixteen buffalo heifersin late gestation were used for this study. The animals, with an age ranging from 30 to44 months at the start of the study, were equally allocated into two treatments and bal-anced for estimated calving date. Eight animals received pre-partum habituation for 10 daysbefore the estimated calving date (group H), while the eight others received no treatmentand served as the control (group C). During the pre-partum habituation sessions, group Hanimals were moved to the milking parlour and left for 10 min in the milking stall onceeach day, where the udder was thoroughly washed with warm water, wiped with a dis-posable towel and massaged. The behaviours, registered from entrance into the milkingstall to exit, were step and kick. After calving milk flow profiles, milk yield and milk qual-ity variables were determined along with behavioural recordings. The H animals duringthe habituation procedure showed a reduction in the number of steps (P < 0.001) and kicks(P < 0.01). After calving the H animals performed fewer steps than the control animals at 0(P < 0.001), 3 (P < 0.01), 6 (P < 0.01), 13 (P < 0.01) and 20 (P < 0.01) days after calving. Animalsfrom group H also performed fewer kicks than control animals at 0 (P < 0.001), 3 (P < 0.01),6 (P < 0.01) and 13 (P < 0.01) days after calving. In the C group a reduction in the numberof steps (P < 0.001) and kicks (P < 0.001) was observed as lactation proceeded, whereas forgroup H only a tendency for a reduction over lactation was detected. Pre-partum habitu-ation did not significantly affect milk quality or milk flow variables. Milk yield in the first3 min of milking (P < 0.001), and average milk flow (P < 0.001), increased throughout theexperimental period, whereas the duration of the pre-milking phase decreased as lactationproceeded (P < 0.001). This study shows that buffalo heifers exposed to a pre-partum habit-uation programme performed fewer steps and kicks than control animals during milking.Therefore, it is concluded that using this treatment can reduce the level of restlessness inbuffalo heifers during milking

    Mediterranean river buffalo oxytocin-neurophysin I (OXT) gene: structure, promoter analysis and allele detection

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    Oxytocin (OXT) is a very abundant nonapeptide neurohypophysial hormone implicated in several aspects of reproduction, including social, sexual and maternal behaviour, induction of labour and milk ejection. The nucleotide sequence of the whole OXTneurophysin I encoding gene (OXT) in Mediterranean river buffalo was determined, plus 993 nucleotides at the 5’ flanking region. Buffalo oxytocin gene sequence analysis showed two transitions in the promoter region (C→T in position – 966 and G→A in position – 790) and one transversion G→T at the 170th nucleotide of the second exon, responsible for the Arg97→Leu aa substitution which identifies an allele named OXT B. A PCR-RFLP based method for a rapid identification of carriers of these alleles has been developed

    Effect of Cereals and Legumes Processing on In Situ Rumen Protein Degradability: A Review

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    The determination of the ruminal degradability rate of feeds, mainly starch and crude protein, is one of the most common methods to evaluate the nutritional value of ruminant feed. The protein requirements for ruminants are met from microbial protein and undegraded dietary protein digested in the small intestine. In order to reach maximum productivity, high-quality proteins are needed, and the requirement for undegraded dietary protein increases with the performance of the animal. This protein can be supplied by reducing the ruminal degradation to increase the amount of protein digested post-rumen, but the form in which a feed is administered influences degradability, and grain processing, especially, is a common practice to improve feed efficiency. Despite these aspects, studies on the effects of feed processing methods on protein degradability are limited, even though more and more ruminants are fed with processed feeds. For these reasons, this review investigated the protein degradability of different processed cereals and legumes in ruminants based on the analysis of available literature in order to take stock of the state of the art on this topic. Results showed that: First, the majority of the papers are focused on the energy aspects mainly due to carbohydrate-rich feeds; second, the majority of the studies in the literature are quite old, probably because the changes occurred in the animal testing legislation that made in vivo studies more and more difficult in the last 20 years; third, as a consequence, the few data available in recent years concern in vitro experiments; fourth, we found a high variability of the experimental conditions thus affecting protein degradability and making it quite difficult to compare the different results

    Mediterranean river buffalo oxytocin-neurophysin I (OXT) gene: structure, promoter analysis and allele detection

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    Oxytocin (OXT) is a very abundant nonapeptide neurohypophysial hormone implicated in several aspects of reproduction, including social, sexual and maternal behaviour, induction of labour and milk ejection. The nucleotide sequence of the whole OXTneurophysin I encoding gene (OXT) in Mediterranean river buffalo was determined, plus 993 nucleotides at the 5' flanking region. Buffalo oxytocin gene sequence analysis showed two transitions in the promoter region (C→T in position – 966 and G→A in position – 790) and one transversion G→T at the 170th nucleotide of the second exon, responsible for the Arg97→Leu aa substitution which identifies an allele named OXT B. A PCR-RFLP based method for a rapid identification of carriers of these alleles has been developed

    Byzantine wall paintings from San Marco d’Alunzio, Sicily: non-invasive diagnostics and microanalytical investigation of pigments and plasters

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    A diagnostic investigation was carried out on twelfth century Byzantine wall paintings preserved in the Museum of Byzantine and Norman Culture and Figurative Arts of San Marco d’Alunzio (Messina, Italy) on the occasion of recent restoration works. First, the wall paintings were analyzed using portable X-Ray Fluorescence (p-XRF) and Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy (FORS) to obtain a non-invasive preliminary identification of the original palette. Then, five fragments were sampled for a micro-stratigraphy study using Digital Optical Microscope (DOM), Polarizing Optical Microscope (POM), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) combined with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometry (EDS) to characterize the mortars and the blue and black pigments non unequivocally identified through non-invasive techniques. The palette included mainly earthen pigments like red and yellow ochres, green earth, and more valuable lapis lazuli blue applied on a bone black layer; while the analysis of mortars found on the different apses showed the same manufacturing technique and constitutive materials: lime-based binder with the addition of quartz, and rare calcareous lithic fragments as aggregate. The obtained results shed light on the pictorial technique used for the wall paintings and allowed us to compare the Sicilian pictorial cycle with the coeval Byzantine wall paintings preserved in Sardinia and Southern Italy

    Estudio e investigaciones realizadas en el LEMIT sobre materiales empleados en edificios históricos

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    Cuando se abordan problemas de restauraci&oacute;n, reparaci&oacute;n y conservaci&oacute;n de edificios y construcciones de valor hist&oacute;rico se debe realizar, antes de iniciar las tareas de puesta en valor, un estudio integral de las causales que han provocado los deterioros. Esta situaci&oacute;n es de primordial importancia, ya que si no se eliminan las causales, r&aacute;pidamente reaparecen los signos externos de las alteraciones. Sin embargo, muchas de las alteraciones y/o deterioros de las construcciones de valor patrimonial y/o de los materiales que las constituyen se deben, con exclusividad, al pasaje del tiempo (vida en servicio de la construcci&oacute;n). Los materiales empleados en la construcci&oacute;n experimentan procesos de deterioro por reacciones f&iacute;sico, qu&iacute;micas o f&iacute;sico-qu&iacute;micas entre el material y los agentes agresivos o el originado por el crecimiento de microorganismos, en particular algas en sectores h&uacute;medos y sombr&iacute;os y/o l&iacute;quenes o plantas mayores como por ejemplo helechos. En este trabajo se presentan investigaciones y estudios de distintos materiales constituyentes de construcciones de valor patrimonial, en particular, se analizan ladrillos cer&aacute;micos comunes, mezclas de asiento, morteros internos y externos, tejas y materiales de revestimiento (cer&aacute;micos, pinturas y papel). Estos estudios fueron realizados para la caracterizaci&oacute;n de los materiales y/o para disponer de informaci&oacute;n t&eacute;cnica para su restauraci&oacute;n o reemplazo. En todos los casos, se informan las t&eacute;cnicas de caracterizaci&oacute;n mec&aacute;nica, f&iacute;sica y qu&iacute;mica empleadas para su evaluaci&oacute;n. En algunos casos, se realizan estudios de difracci&oacute;n de rayos X, microscopia electr&oacute;nica de barrido (SEM), cortes petrogr&aacute;ficos, an&aacute;lisis en lupa microsc&oacute;pica y microscopio petrogr&aacute;fico. Adem&aacute;s, se han aplicado t&eacute;cnicas para determinar color y rugosidad
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