779 research outputs found

    Changes of some blood indices and myocardial electrolyte content during hypokinesia

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    Using special hypokinetic cages, the volume changes of circulating blood, its hematocrit and protein content, volume ratios between extra- and intracellular liquids in the body, as well as electrolyte content in the blood and myocardium during hypokinesia were investigated experimentally in rabbits

    Synthesis of alkyd oligomers based on bicyclo[2,2,2] oct-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid anhydride and its application for obtaining lacquer coatings

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    The results of studies on the synthesis of modified by oil alkyd resin with the use of bicyclo [2,2,2] oct5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid anhydride as acylation agent in the polycondensation reaction with polyols for obtaining lacquer coatings and the study of their operational properties are presented in this article. It is found that the chemical modification of alkyd resin by replacing phthalic anhydride on bicyclic dicarboxylic acid anhydride allows to increase hardness, strength, adhesion of coatings formed on steel substrates

    Organization of design and research activities as a factor of improving social and professional mobility students college

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    The article covers the organization of design and research activities of college students. The technology of project education is considered as one of the most demanded pedagogical technologies that meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard, social expectations, psychophysiological capabilities of a person, ensuring an increase in the social and professional mobility of studentsВ статье освещаются вопросы организации проектно-исследовательской деятельности студентов колледжа. Технология проектного обучения рассматривается как одна из востребованных педагогических технологий, соответствующая требованиям федерального государственного образовательного стандарта, социальным ожиданиям, психофизиологическим возможностям личности, обеспечивающая повышение социально-профессиональной мобильности студенто

    Leader in Politics and Governance: Russian Aspect

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    The paper analyzes the nature of the political leader's image; interaction of the political leader with different faces, sides and aspects of political life is considered; distinctness of its manifestations is identified. Analysis of the political leader's image formation, comparison of models and comparative analysis of political leaders’ characters are made with reference of Russia

    Use of reconstructive mixtures for the disposal of waste oil production

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    The activity of the enterprises of oil and gas branch inevitably leads to a technogenic impact on the environment. The extent of technogenic transformation of the environment in areas of development of oil fields is quite high now. As the major technogenic factors defining transformation of ecosystems at operation of oil fields are considered: mechanical violations of a vegetable and soil cover, redistribution of a drain of water, pollution of atmospheric air, a snow cover, soils, surface and underground water, ground deposits, receipt of waste of oil production in all natural components. The oil and gas extraction branch include the whole range of pollutants: oil and oil products, waste and reservoir waters, boring solutions and number of chemical reagents. There is a need for development and deployment of the technology allowing at ecological safety for the environment effectively to utilise the drilling waste, waste of cleaning of the oil–field equipment and waste which are formed at the elimination of oil pollution. In work, the technology of receiving and use of remediation mixes for oil production recycling is presented. The technology of utilisation of boring slime, oil slime, soil and sand, polluted by oil or oil products assumes formation of finished goods — the Soil for recultivation which is characterised by ecological safety and high consumer properties that allow to use him diversely

    Modification of polyamide-6 by n, n'-bis-maleamidoacid

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    Article is devoted to receiving and research of compositions on the basis of industrially made polyamide6 modified by N,N '-bis-maleamidoacid of metaphenylenediamine. Existence in macromolecules of polyamides reactive carboxyl, amide and amino groups, capable to interact with multifunctional monomeric and oligomeric modifiers, gives the chance of receiving the materials possessing properties of sewed polymers. As a result the use of bis-amidoacid as a modifying additive in the system of aliphatic polyamide-6 provides the improvement of strength properties and thermal characteristics of a polymeric material

    Curing of epoxydiane resins by modified hardener of amine type

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    The paper presents the results of a comprehensive study of changes in the properties of filmforming compositions based on epoxydiane oligomer. Curing was carried out by a modified hardener. The degree of structurization changes depending on the amount of the hardener. The effect of timetemperature conditions, ratio of initial oligomers, and nature of the solvent on the process of epoxydiane resin curing by modified polyamide was determined


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    In accordance with the Federal state educational standard (FSES), namely the Chapter “Requirements for the results of the main educational program of basic General education”, it can be concluded that one of the most important tasks of modern education is the formation of a set of universal educational actions that develop the competence of self-education. В соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом (ФГОС), а именно главы «Требования к результатам освоения основной образовательной программы основного общего образования», можно сделать вывод, что одной из важнейших задач современного образования является формирование совокупности универсальных учебных действий, развивающих компетенцию самообразования.

    Morphometric Analysis of Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurons in situ and in Grafts Developing in the Anterior Eye Chambers of Young and Aged Wistar Rats

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    We performed a morphometric analysis of the somatic and nuclear areas in the pyramidal neurons of the hippocampal fields CA1 and CA3 in situ and in grafts developing for six weeks in the anterior eye chambers of young (3-to-9 wk.) and of aged (18-to-19.5 mos.) Wistar rats. The mean areas of the CA1 pyramidal somata and nuclei were significantly decreased in the aged animals in situ. The mean parameters of the CA3 pyramidal neurons were not changed, although their distribution was different (bimodal versus unimodal in the young animals). In both groups of recipients, the areas of CA1 neurons and of their nuclei were significantly larger in the grafted tissue than those found in situ. The areas of CA3 neurons did not show any difference in aged recipients and demonstrated only slight hypertrophy in young recipients. We concluded that the area sizes of the pyramidal cell bodies and nuclei in CA1 neurons are more sensitive than those of CA3 neurons to both aging and transplantation. The age of recipients did not significantly influence the growth and development of grafted pyramidal cells