506 research outputs found

    Changes of some blood indices and myocardial electrolyte content during hypokinesia

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    Using special hypokinetic cages, the volume changes of circulating blood, its hematocrit and protein content, volume ratios between extra- and intracellular liquids in the body, as well as electrolyte content in the blood and myocardium during hypokinesia were investigated experimentally in rabbits

    Strategies for Overcoming University Researchers’ Writer’s Block

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    This paper reveals the importance of overcoming writer’s block for university researchers as second language writers. The idea and materials for the paper come from the experience of the Center for Academic Writing “Impulse” at the University of Tyumen, Russia. The target audience of the Center is the university faculty and researchers who have a lack of time to immerse in the writing process, rather they mainly want to obtain an immediate tangible result. However, our research shows that they often get frustrated by their inability to complete their writing piece because they get stuck at different stages of the writing process. For example, some people find it difficult to finish their papers, or others fade away in the middle, but the main problem is to start writing. Thus, they face writer’s block which can be referred to moderate blockage. To overcome the block, we offer the researchers a variety of activities during courses and special projects. This paper describes two strategies: classroom intervention including mainly pre-writing activities, such as freewriting, looping, word association, aimed to overcome the fear of a white page, and individualized intervention based on the project entitled “Drop in & Reboot your Writing”. The project comprised 10-20 weekly individual meetings lasting for 30 minutes and aiming at dealing with a particular writing issue. The individual approach to each participant led to a better understanding of the causes of writer’s block and finding the cures. These strategies aim to develop researchers’ positive attitude to writing, to enable them to boost their awareness of the writing process in receiving the desired results, and build confidence as second language writers

    The Impact of Combination Therapy with Rivaroxaban and Acetylsalicylic Acid in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease on the Achievement of the Target for Reducing Mortality from Cardiovascular Diseases of the Federal Project "Fight against Cardiovascular Diseases"

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    Aim. To assess the outcomes of combination therapy with rivaroxaban and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in patients with stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and a high risk of thrombotic events on the set targets of Ministry of Health for reduction of cardiovascular mortality in Russia.Material and methods. The development of the model for analysis in MS Excel included the following stages: calculation of the population of patients with stable CAD who can be treated with combination therapy (rivaroxaban and ASA); calculation of the number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease (CVD), number of strokes and myocardial infarction (MI) in the current scenario (patients receive monotherapy with ASA) and simulated scenario (some patients switch from monotherapy to combination therapy); estimation the impact of the number of avoided cases of deaths due to combination therapy on set target for reducing CVD mortality in 2024 year; sensitivity analysis to assess the sustainability of outcomes.Results. Total number of eligible patients for combination therapy was estimated as 1.08 million patients. Based on the simulation results, it was determined that with the reallocation of patients from monotherapy with ASA to combination therapy with rivaroxaban and ASA, the number of avoided deaths in 2022 will be 973 cases, in 2023 – 1,622 cases, in 2024 – 3,245 cases, which will make it possible to reach 6.7%, 7.4% and 11.1% of the set target for reduction of mortality from CVD in the respective years. In addition, the gradual reallocation of patients from monotherapy to combination therapy might decrease the cases of stroke and MI in 973 and 649 cases by 2022, 1,622 and 1,082 cases by 2023, and 3 245 and 2 163 cases by 2024 year, respectively. Sensitivity analysis showed that outcomes are sustainable.Conclusion. The use of combination therapy of rivaroxaban and ASA in patients with stable CAD and high thrombotic risk will allow to achieve up to 11.1% of the set target for reduction of mortality from CVD by 2024 in Russia and can also potentially impact on another set target for reduction mortality from cerebrovascular diseases by reducing the number of strokes. Thereby, this therapy can be considered for drug provision programmes for patients with stable CAD and high thrombotic risk to fulfill the goals to reduce mortality from CVD

    Mobilidade acadêmica internacional e a Rússia no século 21

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    The article studies aftereffects of restructuring the Russian system of education and personnel training and shows the participation of Russia international academic mobility in the 21st century. It also touches upon the issue of attracting foreign students to overseas universities in conditions of globalization of education service market. The authors analyze the processes taking place in the present and potential ‘suppliers’ of high school and university students, post-graduate students, trainees and young researchers and study the impact of these processes on the increase in population incomes, demographic situation in the country or region as a whole. The novelty of the research in connected with the education sphere analysis. The authors point out to the important role of students in political life and public movements. Establishing, intensifying and broadening direct partner’s links among universities of memberstates of EAEU and CIS can foster the development of long-term cooperation in postsoviet space. The article puts forward recommendations for the project aimed at upgrading the training of specialists for foreign countries in Russian universities, mainly for member-states of CIS, post-soviet space and countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.El artículo estudia las consecuencias de la reestructuración del sistema ruso de educación y formación de personal y muestra la participación de la movilidad académica internacional de Rusia en el siglo XXI. También aborda el tema de atraer estudiantes extranjeros a universidades extranjeras en condiciones de globalización del mercado de servicios educativos. Los autores analizan los procesos que tienen lugar en el presente y el potencial de los 'proveedores' de estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria, estudiantes de posgrado, jóvenes en prácticas y jóvenes investigadores, y estudian el impacto de estos procesos en el aumento de los ingresos de la población y la situación demográfica en el país. o región en su conjunto. La novedad de la investigación en relación con el análisis del ámbito educativo. Los autores señalan el importante papel de los estudiantes en la vida política y en los movimientos públicos. El establecimiento, la intensificación y la ampliación de los vínculos de los socios directos entre las universidades de los estados miembros de EAEU y CIS pueden fomentar el desarrollo de una cooperación a largo plazo en el espacio postsoviético. El artículo presenta recomendaciones para el proyecto destinado a mejorar la capacitación de especialistas para países extranjeros en universidades rusas, principalmente para los estados miembros de la CEI, el espacio post soviético y países de Asia, África y América Latina.O artigo estuda os efeitos posteriores da reestruturação do sistema russo de educação e treinamento de pessoal e mostra a participação da mobilidade acadêmica internacional da Rússia no século XXI. Também aborda a questão de atrair estudantes estrangeiros para universidades estrangeiras em condições de globalização do mercado de serviços educacionais. Os autores analisam os processos que ocorrem nos atuais e potenciais 'fornecedores' de estudantes do ensino médio e universitário, estudantes de pósgraduação, estagiários e jovens pesquisadores e estudam o impacto desses processos no aumento da renda da população, situação demográfica no país. ou região como um todo. A novidade da pesquisa em conexão com a análise da esfera da educação. Os autores apontam para o importante papel dos estudantes na vida política e nos movimentos públicos. Estabelecer, intensificar e ampliar os vínculos diretos entre as universidades dos Estados membros da EAEU e da CEI pode fomentar o desenvolvimento de uma cooperação de longo prazo no espaço pós-soviético. O artigo apresenta recomendações para o projeto destinado a melhorar a formação de especialistas para países estrangeiros nas universidades russas, principalmente para estados membros da CEI, espaço pós-soviético e países da Ásia, África e América Latina

    Analysis of the drug prescription for obese patients in Moscow

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    Objectives. Obesity is a chronic relapsing disease that requires long-term and lifelong treatment. The development of diseases associated with obesity may cause the additional need for prescribing drug therapy. The main aim was to analyze the structure of preferential drug prescriptions for patients with obesity for the period 2015-2018 in Moscow. Methods. A pharmacoepidemiological retrospective analysis of the structure of drug prescriptions for the period 2015-2018 in Moscow according to the chosen nosology — obesity (code ICD-10 — E66) was performed. The total number of patients receiving medications, the total number of prescribed prescriptions and packages were analyzed. The results are processed using the MS Excel 2013 package and are presented in the form of absolute values, shares (%). Results. For the period from 2015-2018 there is a 3.5-fold increase in the number of obese patients receiving preferential drugs — from 259 people up to 899 people. Over the entire analyzed period, there is a gradual increase in the proportion of drugs for the treatment of diabetes (from 43.1 to 51.6 %), mainly due to metformin, and for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract (from 6.7 to 18.7 %). The total costs of drug therapy for obese patients over the analyzed period increased by 3.6 times. The largest share of the costs was attributed to drugs for the treatment of diabetes mellitus (from 38.1 to 62.5 %). Conclusions. Analysis can help to improve the system of rational distribution of financial resources for the drug provision of obese patients through the development of clinical and economic approaches that allow choosing the most effective and less costly approaches to providing medical care to patients

    Оценка влияния эффекта Доплера на качество радиосвязи в условиях высокоскоростного движения

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    The article proposes a methodology for evaluating radio signal distortions caused by Doppler effect (DE; also, Doppler shift) under the conditions of highspeed train traffic (HSR, high-speed rail). The objective of the work is to develop criteria for assessing quality of radiocommunications with moving objects in HSR environment. For this, a technique is proposed for calculating the probability of an error arising from Doppler effect. A rationale for relevance of the topic is that radiocommunications are used on railways for controlling train traffic and ensuring safety and achieving required quality of radio signals is a major challenge. Quality assessment is especially important for organization of broadband communication channels with locomotive drivers using mobile networks. To solve this problem, a model for assessing quality of radiocommunication influenced by DE is considered. Distortions of signals in a radio channel due to DE are proposed to be estimated using the reduced dispersion of the total error, which consists of two components: dynamic and interference. Calculations of the total reduced signal error and the error probability for speeds above 100 km/h are described. Estimates of the effect of DE on a coherent receiver, in which errors may occur due to changes in duration of radio pulses, are suggested. Effectiveness of the receiver’s automatic frequency control (AFC) system is analysed as a means of challenging DE. For this, the concept of an instantaneous spectrum of parasitic frequency modulation due to DE was introduced and quality of radio communication was calculated using the reduced dispersion of the total error. The efficiency of using AFC has been proven after comparing the evaluations of reception quality with and without AFC in the form of the ratio of error probabilities. The features of the use of mobile communications on railways under the conditions of DE are formulated.В статье предложена методика оценки искажений радиосигнала от действия эффекта Доплера (ЭД) в условиях высокоскоростного движения поездов. Цель работы – разработка критериев оценки качества радиосвязи с подвижными объектами в условиях высокоскоростного движения поездов. Для этого предложена методика расчёта вероятности ошибки, возникающей в результате действия эффекта Доплера. Дано обоснование актуальности темы для железнодорожного транспорта, где посредством радиосвязи осуществляется управление движением поездов и обеспечение безопасности. Достижение требуемого качества радиосигналов является главной задачей. Особенно важна оценка качества при организации широкополосных каналов связи с машинистами подвижных составов с помощью сетей мобильной связи. Для решения этой задачи рассмотрена модель оценки качества радиосвязи в условиях действия ЭД. Искажения сигналов в радиоканале за счёт эффекта Доплера предложено оценивать с помощью приведённой дисперсии суммарной погрешности, которая состоит из двух составляющих: динамической и помеховой. Представлены расчёты суммарной приведённой погрешности сигнала и вероятности ошибки для скоростей движения выше 100 км/ч. Кроме того, даны оценки влияния ЭД на когерентный приёмник, в котором могут возникать ошибки за счёт изменений длительности радиоимпульсов.Приведён анализ эффективности системы автоматической подстройки частоты (АПЧ) приёмника как средства борьбы с ЭД. Для этого введено понятие мгновенного спектра паразитной частотной модуляции за счёт ЭД, и с помощью приведённой дисперсии суммарной погрешности рассчитано качество радиосвязи. Эффективность использования АПЧ доказана после сравнения оценок качества приёма с АПЧ и без него в виде отношения вероятностей ошибок. Сформулированы особенности использования мобильной связи на железнодорожном транспорте в условиях действия ЭД

    Application of the cost-effectiveness method in improving the pharmacotherapy of multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) accounts for 1 % of all cancers and about 10 % of all hemoblastoses. The use of innovative technologies with the inclusion of targeted drugs leads to a significant improvement in the quality of pharmacotherapy and the achievement of overall survival (OS).The aim of the work is to conduct a pharmacoeconomic analysis of the most used MM therapy regimens with the use of targeted drugs and to determine the dominant treatment regimens using a costeffectiveness analysis.Materials and methods. To determine the cost of a course of treatment, we summed up the costs of drugs included in the pharmacotherapy regimen, taking into account taxes, marginal trade markup and duration of the course. Dosing of the targeted drug included in the regimen was determined according to the official instructions for the drug. Progression-free survival (PFS) was adopted as the main criterion for the effectiveness of treatment. Information on PFS of targeted drugs was obtained from data from international phase III RCTs — ASPIRE, TOURMALINEMM1, POLLUX and ELOQUENT2.Results. Based on the results of the pharmacoeconomic analysis, the dominant treatment regimen for MM was determined — daratumumab / lenalidomide / dexamethasone, which has the best cost-effectiveness ratio. The combination of elotuzumab / lenalidomide / dexamethasone was recognized as the least effective technology

    Effect of dapagliflozin therapy on achieving cardiovascular mortality target indicators in patients with heart failure

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    Aim. To assess the effect of therapy with sodium glucose co-transporter type 2 inhibitor dapagliflozin in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (CHrEF) on the state cardiovascular mortality target indicators.Material and methods. All adult Russian patients with NYHA class II-IV HFrEF (left ventricular ejection fraction ≤40%) were considered as the target population. The characteristics of patients in the study corresponded to those in the Russian Hospital HF Registry (RUS-HFR). The study suggests that the use of dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy will be expanded by 10% of the patient population annually in 2022-24. Cardiovascular mortality modeling was performed based on the extrapolation of DAPA-HF study result. The number of deaths that can be prevented was calculated when using dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy. Further, the contribution of prevented deaths with dapagliflozin therapy to the achievement of federal and regional cardiovascular mortality target indicators (1, 2 and 3 years) was calculated.Results. The use of dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy for patients with NYHA class II-IV CHrEF with the expansion of dapagliflozin therapy by 10% of the patient population annually will additionally prevent 1729 cardiovascular death in the first year. This will ensure the implementation of cardiovascular mortality target indicators in Russia in 2022 by 11,8%. In the second year, 3769 cardiovascular deaths will be prevented, which will ensure the implementation of target indicators in 2023 by 17,2%. In the third year, 5465 cardiovascular deaths prevented, which will ensure the implementation of implementation of target indicators in 2024 by 18,7%.Conclusion. The use of dapagliflozin in addition to standard therapy for patients with NYHA class II-IV CHrEF will ensure the implementation of implementation of target indicators in 2024 by 18,7%