32 research outputs found

    vad blev kvar av bolotnajatorget en nystart for den lokala aktivismen i ryssland

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    [What remains of the Bolotnaya Square? A new beginning for local activism in Russia] With the failure of the Bolotnaya movement to initiate institutional change in Russia, what could the participants, who became aware about their citizens' voice during the protests, do to sustain the sense of solidarity and to promote democratic participation? Oleg Žuravlev's article explores the changes experienced by the Russian civil society since the mobilization in 2011–2012, specifically examining local activism. Žuravlev argues that the Bolotnaya movement generated a new set of political collective actions that perceive local communities as a society in miniature rather than as an arena for specific local issues and concerns. While one of the main failures of the mass movement was its inability to articulate specific socio-economic and political demands, the post-Bolotnaya activist groups considers local challenges as long-term political projects, which makes them more diverse, effective and resistant. Publication history: Published original. (Published 8 February 2017) Citation: Žuravlev, Oleg (2017) "Vad blev kvar av Bolotnajatorget? En nystart for den lokala aktivismen i Ryssland", in Fran perestrojka till Bolotnaja. Utvecklingen av ett ryskt civilsamhalle , special issue of Arkiv. Tidskrift for samhallsanalys , issue 7, pp. 129–164. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13068/2000-6217.7.

    Nicht Befürworter:innen und nicht Gegner:innen: Wie verändert sich bei der Bevölkerung in Russland mit der Zeit die Wahrnehmung des Krieges in der Ukraine?

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    Auf der Grundlage von qualitativen Längsschnittdaten (Interviews mit Russ:innen aus dem Frühjahr und Herbst 2022) befassen sich die Verfasser:innen mit der Frage, wie sich die Wahrnehmung des Krieges durch gewöhnliche Russ:innen, die nicht eindeutige Gegner:innen des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine sind, im Laufe der Zeit verändert. Einerseits ändert sich die Wahrnehmung des Krieges nicht radikal (aus Befürworter:innen werden nicht Gegner:innen und umgekehrt). Andererseits ist die Wahrnehmung nicht stabil und im Wandel begriffen. Diese beiden auf den ersten Blick widersprüchlichen Tendenzen sind Bestandteile ein und desselben Phänomens, nämlich einer »erzwungenen« und raschen Politisierung eines zuvor apolitischen Teils der russischen Gesellschaft

    Bank Liquidity Management at the Macro and Micro Levels

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    The article is aimed at deepening and systematizing the theoretical and methodological foundations of liquidity management at the macro and micro levels. The state of liquidity of the banking system of Ukraine during the war period is analyzed and the shortcomings of the practice of liquidity management of banks at the macro and micro levels are allocated. It is found that, despite a sufficient level of liquidity of domestic banks and moderate systemic liquidity risk, banks have problems with a fixed-term deposit structure, a significant liquidity surplus, increased funding costs and increased competition for business funds. The theoretical and methodological foundations of liquidity management at different levels are systematized and supplemented, taking into account the actual problems of liquidity management of domestic banks. Two structural and logical schemes of liquidity management of the bank at the micro and macro levels have been built, which contain conceptual foundations for building liquidity management (principles, methods, instruments, communication) and take into account modern regulatory requirements (central bank, Basel committee). At the micro level, the process of liquidity management and liquidity risk management is differentiated, taking into account the channels of interaction, specific methods and instruments. Methods and instrumentarium for liquidity risk management in the process of bank liquidity management have been expanded. A universal, step-by-step algorithm of liquidity management process at the micro level is proposed. The instrumentarium of liquidity monitoring at the bank level is systematized, taking into account modern practice. The conceptual foundations of liquidity management at the macro level have been supplemented, in particular: 1) management instruments have been supplemented by the indicative ones; 2) the principles have been expanded, synergy, behaviorality, controllability have been added; 3) the functions and objectives of management are adjusted taking into account crisis factors. Emphasis is placed on proper inter-level communication and coherence of strategies, policies, methodologies and procedures for managing liquidity of banks. It is determined that the regulator at the macro level should form an appropriate atmosphere for effective liquidity management at the micro level, and banks should take a responsible (taking into account system-wide goals) approach to the liquidity management. Prospects for further research in this direction are: 1) analysis of the impact of technological innovations on the process of liquidity management at the macro and micro levels; 2) study of the global context, namely the impact of systemic shocks of different jurisdictions on the liquidity of the domestic banking system

    Study of sulfur isotopes by vibrational spectroscopy and quantum chemistry

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    The results show the dependence of the experimental and calculated frequencies in the IR- and Raman spectra from the molecular mass of the sulfur isotope. The effect of a sulfur isotope shifts on the change of thermodynamic parameters. The results obtained demonstrate that the quantum-chemical calculations are sensitive to the isotopic shifts in the vibrational spectra of sulfur isotopes and are able to assess changes in their thermodynamic properties

    Quantum chemical study of the structure and properties of isotopically pure lead chalcogenides

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    In the present work the theoretical methods B3LYP/SDD, GGA and BP86/TZ2P were used for quantum-chemical calculations of lead chalcogenides. It is shown that these levels of theory are applicable for assessment of their geometric parameters, Raman and IR spectra and thermodynamic characteristics. It is shown that there are correlations between the experimental and calculated characteristics of lead sulphide, selenide and telluride. The influence of different isotopes of lead, sulphur, selenium and tellurium on the thermodynamic parameters and the Raman spectra for the lead chalcogenides is shown

    Побудова технології масової організації дистанційного навчання для учнів на карантині

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    The current state of implementation of distance learning in general secondary education institutions and the existing disadvantages in the organization of this form of education during quarantine were analyzed in the research; besides, the necessary means for the effective organization of distance learning were allocated. The expediency of the deployment on the basis of the Moodle platform “Educational portal for general secondary education institutions” was substantiated and the preconditions for its using by the participants of the ed- ucational process of these institutions are determined; the structure of the electronic educational resource is presented. It is established that it is much better for students to use the weekly format of the course, which pro- vides enough time for any student not only to learn educational materials either independently or with the sup- port of a tutor according to the curriculum, but also for homework, recreation, hobbies and self-improvement. An example of the structure of a distance course for a particular class of general secondary education is given. Compulsory content elements in the structure of the distance course are distinguished.У дослідженні проаналізовано сучасний стан впровадження дистанційного навчання в закладах загальної середньої освіти та наявні недоліки в організації цієї форми навчання під час карантину; крім того, виділено необхідні засоби для ефективної організації дистанційного навчання. Обґрунтовано доцільність розгортання на базі платформи Moodle «Освітній портал для закладів загальної середньої освіти» та визначено передумови його використання учасниками навчально-виховного процесу цих закладів; представлена ​​структура електронного освітнього ресурсу. Встановлено, що студентам набагато краще використовувати тижневий формат курсу, який дає достатньо часу для будь-якого студента не лише для самостійного опанування навчальних матеріалів або за підтримки репетитора за навчальним планом, а також для домашніх завдань, відпочинку, хобі та самовдосконалення. Наведено приклад структури дистанційного курсу для конкретного класу загальної середньої освіти. Виділяються обов’язкові змістові елементи в структурі дистанційного курсу

    Microsociology of big events : the dynamics of eventful solidarities in "for fair elections" and Euromaidan protest movements

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    Defence date: 22 October 2018Examining Board: Professor Donatella della Porta, Scuola Normale Superiore, supervisor; Professor László Bruszt, Central European University; Professor Nina Eliasoph, University of Southern California; Professor Laurent Thévenot, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.The thesis is devoted to a micro-sociological analysis of "big" protests. Comparing Russian "For fair elections" movement with Ukrainian Euromaidan, I study how eventful identities, solidarities, and cultural representations that emerged in the course of the protests then developed and changed contributing to either socio-political change, or reproduction. I analyze dynamics of both the uprisings themselves and the dynamics of post-protest collective action. The first part of the text analyzes a phenomenon new to Russia: the politicized local activism that has emerged in the wake of the "For fair elections" protests. Urban activism in Russian has been rarely politicized; rather, it addressed "familiar", "close to home" problems and that kept distance from "politics". Anti-Putin rallies of 2011-2012 changed the landscape of Russian civic activism. Inspired by the experience of collective actions, protesters resolved to keep it going in their own neighborhoods, establishing local activist groups and tackling smaller-scale problems typical of apolitical activism, e.g., defending parks from deforestation and buildings from demolition, and working for improvements. However, activists attributed oppositional and "political" meanings to practices that had been rather apolitical before the protests of 2011-2012. Thus, my study revealed the significant eventful change in the political culture of Russian urban activism. At the same time, in many cases mass events lead to the intensifying of pre-existing political and cultural structures, cultures, identities and discourses. In the second part of the text I show that Euromaidan consecutively first weakened and then enforced the ethno-cultural and political split between Western and Eastern Ukranian citizens. While “Euromaidan” initially succeeded at creating a new civic identity that united the protesters, this identity failed to spread beyond the event. Paradoxically, the initial push for civic unity and inclusivity, when intensified, transformed into a tool of promoting exclusivity. The text is based on the analysis of in-depths interviews and focus-groups. The conclusions address the theoretical discussions within the eventful approach in social science, pragmatic and cultural sociology


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    The purpose of the work: the investigation of the processes of interaction of the slide discharge and plasmic electrodes with the media and creation of the new methods and means of formation of the electrodes with high operating characteristics on the base of the obtained results, ensuring the development of the high-effective electrodischarge devices. The models of the processes of the plasmic electrodes formation, starting the development of the electrophysical method and means of excitation of the new surface discharges, ensuring the creation of the electrodes with high operating characteristics and the development of the effective devices on its base, have been developed. The positive conclusiona of medical organisations have been obtained. The created test complex ensures the multiple reduction of the cycle of the finishing tests of the working chambers and electrotechnological devices.Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio