21 research outputs found

    Method of Measuring Permittivity of Composite Materials with Hexagonal Ferrite Inclusions

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    A new simple method for measuring complex permittivity of substantially lossy composite materials is presented. In this method, a sample of the material under study should completely fill in the cross-section of the single-mode transmission line (waveguide), and the length of the sample must be an integer of a half-wavelength in the waveguide filled with this material. The oscillator frequency is swept linearly, the minima of the reflection coefficient are measured, and then analytical formulas are used to calculate real and imaginary parts of permittivity. The method was tested on magneto- dielectric samples containing hexagonal ferrite powders, as well on such dielectric materials, as PMMA, schungite composites, and alabaster. This method can be a useful technique for measuring dielectric properties of absorbing materials designed, for example, for electromagnetic shielding purposes

    Implementing polylingual space into the process of training future primary school teachers

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    La relevancia del problema objeto de investigación es debido a un nuevo orden social, reflejado en el Concepto para el Desarrollo de la Educación en Idiomas Extranjeros de la República de Kazajstán, donde la formación de una personalidad polilingüe se determina como resultado cualitativo final de la sociedad, estudiando una lengua y cultura extranjeras. En estas condiciones, el problema de la capacitación del personal pedagógico respectivo de maestros de escuela primaria se está actualizando para construir un nuevo tipo de educación en un entorno polilingüe en la etapa moderna de la educación, incluidas las cuestiones del desarrollo de su apoyo teórico y tecnológico. La mejora de la calidad de la educación, que es un problema clave de la pedagogía, en las condiciones modernas de expansión de las áreas de cooperación internacional y las tendencias de formar una comunidad global unificada, se enfoca con atención. El objetivo del artículo es desarrollar el contenido de un plan de estudios experimental sobre el espacio polilingüe y probar la formación de la competencia lingüística de los futuros maestros de Primaria en el proceso de Educación Superior, así como estudiar los detalles de su capacitación para trabajar con estudiantes en el espacio educativo multicultural de la moderna Kazajstán. El método principal para estudiar este problema es el análisis, que permite identificar las necesidades lingüísticas de los estudiantes. El estudio analizó una serie de encuestas a 115 estudiantes y estudiantes universitarios, así como a profesores universitarios de diversas disciplinas. Además, implementando en el estudio métodos como el análisis, síntesis, generalización, encuesta, diagnóstico y realización de diversos trabajos prácticos, se determinaron las condiciones para optimizar el desarrollo de currículos y cursos especiales y eliminar obstáculos en la implementación de la educación trilingüe. El análisis de los trabajos para mejorar el sistema de capacitación de maestros de Primaria en las condiciones del espacio polilingüe y los requisitos para la personalidad de un maestro muestra que se pueden enfatizar las siguientes áreas de su implementación: el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas de un maestro; la organización de sitios experimentales de diferentes niveles para enseñar a los estudiantes en tres idiomas; el desarrollo del aprendizaje integrador; el uso de tecnologías innovadoras de aprendizaje. Como resultado del trabajo experimental, el programa de la disciplina "Espacio polilingüe: teoría y práctica" se desarrolló en tres idiomas para estudiantes de Pregrado de la especialidad 6M010200 - Pedagogía y Metodología de la Educación Primaria, un libro de texto con el mismo título y textos en tres idiomas que fueron publicados, probados e implementados en el proceso educativo. Los materiales de este artículo pueden ser útiles para profesores de Primaria, que trabajan en un entorno polilingüe, así como para estudiantes, estudiantes universitarios y estudiantes de doctorado de la especialidad mencionada anteriormente.The relevance of the problem under research is due to a new social order of the society, reflected in the Concept for the Development of Foreign Language Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the formation of a polylingual personality is determined as the final qualitative result of studying a foreign language and culture. In these conditions, the problem of training the respective pedagogical staff primary school teachers, is being actualized for constructing a new type of education in a polylingual environment at the modern stage of the modernization of education, including the issues of developing its theoretical and technological support. Improving the quality of education, being a key problem of pedagogy, in the modern conditions of expanding the areas of international cooperation and the tendencies of forming a unified global community, comes into sharp focus. The aim of the article is to develop the content of an experimental curriculum on polylingual space and to test the formation of language competence of future primary school teachers in the process of higher education, as well as to study the specifics of their training for working with students in the multicultural educational space of modern Kazakhstan. The leading method of studying this problem is the analysis, which allows to identify the language needs of students. The study analyzed a series of surveys of 115 students and undergraduates, as well as university teachers of various disciplines. Moreover, implementing in the study such methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, survey, diagnostics and carrying out various practical works, conditions to optimize the development of curricula and special courses and to remove obstacles in the implementation of trilingual education were determined. The analysis of works on improving the system of training primary school teachers in the conditions of polylingual space and the requirements for the personality of a teacher shows that the following areas of its implementation can be emphasized: the development of a teacher’s communicative abilities; the organization of experimental sites of different levels for teaching students in three languages; the development of integrative learning; the use of innovative learning technologies. As a result of the experimental work, the program of the discipline “Polylingual space: Theory and Practice” was developed in three languages for undergraduates of the specialty 6M010200 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, a textbook with the same title and texts in three languages was published, tested, and implemented in the educational process. The materials of this article can be useful for primary school teachers, working in a polylingual environment, as well as for students, undergraduates and PhD students of the above-mentioned specialty.peerReviewe

    Study of stress-strain state of the roller conveyor

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    Numerous studies have established that the damage to the lower surface of hot-rolled strips is mainly due to their friction against rollers of mill rollers. In this case, the probability of scoring, scrapes and other mechanical damage increases otherwise severe wear on the surface of the rollers, improper installation and jamming. This also applies fully to the pulling and forming rollers of the coilers. A prerequisite for preventing damage to the surface of hotrolled strips is also the maintenance of a high level technical condition of the mill equipment, which includes inspections of wiring armature bars, roller conveyor rollers and other units for each transshipment, timely replacement and repair of individual parts and assemblies

    Expression analysis of mammaglobin A (SCGB2A2) and lipophilin B (SCGB1D2) in more than 300 human tumors and matching normal tissues reveals their co-expression in gynecologic malignancies

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    BACKGROUND: Mammaglobin A (SCGB2A2) and lipophilin B (SCGB1D2), two members of the secretoglobin superfamily, are known to be co-expressed in breast cancer, where their proteins form a covalent complex. Based on the relatively high tissue-specific expression pattern, it has been proposed that the mammaglobin A protein and/or its complex with lipophilin B could be used in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. In view of these clinical implications, the aim of the present study was to analyze the expression of both genes in a large panel of human solid tumors (n = 309), corresponding normal tissues (n = 309) and cell lines (n = 11), in order to evaluate their tissue specific expression and co-expression pattern. METHODS: For gene and protein expression analyses, northern blot, dot blot hybridization of matched tumor/normal arrays (cancer profiling arrays), quantitative RT-PCR, non-radioisotopic RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were used. RESULTS: Cancer profiling array data demonstrated that mammaglobin A and lipophilin B expression is not restricted to normal and malignant breast tissue. Both genes were abundantly expressed in tumors of the female genital tract, i.e. endometrial, ovarian and cervical cancer. In these four tissues the expression pattern of mammaglobin A and lipophilin B was highly concordant, with both genes being down-, up- or not regulated in the same tissue samples. In breast tissue, mammaglobin A expression was down-regulated in 49% and up-regulated in 12% of breast tumor specimens compared with matching normal tissues, while lipophilin B was down-regulated in 59% and up-regulated in 3% of cases. In endometrial tissue, expression of mammaglobin A and lipophilin B was clearly up-regulated in tumors (47% and 49% respectively). Both genes exhibited down-regulation in 22% of endometrial tumors. The only exceptions to this concordance of mammaglobin A/lipophilin B expression were normal and malignant tissues of prostate and kidney, where only lipophilin B was abundantly expressed and mammaglobin A was entirely absent. RNA in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry confirmed expression of mammaglobin A on a cellular level in endometrial and cervical cancer and their corresponding normal tissues. CONCLUSION: Altogether, these data suggest that expression of mammaglobin A and lipophilin B might be controlled in different tissues by the same regulatory transcriptional mechanisms. Diagnostic assays based on mammaglobin A expression and/or the mammaglobin A/lipophilin B complex appear to be less specific for breast cancer, but with a broader spectrum of potential applications, which includes gynecologic malignancies

    Национальный корпус казахского языка: фонетические особенности и просодические маркеры

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    The article focuses on the issue of corpus linguistics in Kazakh language studies. Nowadays, the sphere of corpus linguistics is being researched, and the base for the National corpus of the Kazakh language is in the process of preparation. The article discusses the ways of entering phonetic and prosodic markers to the oral text subcorpus of the Kazakh language. The analysis of vowels, consonants, and the three types of syllables is done. The system of linguistic knowledge is taken into consideration for entering the texts to the corpus base automatically. In particular, the article describes the rules of putting phonetic and prosodic markers, the studies of word melody, the analysis of automatically dividing a word into syllables, and distinctive features of phonemes. All the sounds of the Kazakh language are described in the article, and the differences and definitions of phonemes and phonetics are given. Also, to demonstrate the intonational features of words, the markers signifying tone, loudness, pauses, and intensity are given. The models of intonemes of sentences are created. For instance, the following model is described, and the ways of its automatization are given: in the beginning of the sentence, there is rising tone, and the sign of incomplete intoneme (↑) is given; at the end of the sentence the tone falls, and the sign of complete intoneme (↓) is given, while the tone stabilizes in the middle of the sentence (→). The results of the study will be useful for preparing the prosodic marking of the oral subcorpus, for the research in the fields of phonetics and phonology, and for writing Master’s and Doctor’s scientific papersВ статье изучается проблема корпусной лингвистики в казахском языкознании. В настоящее время проводятся исследования, связанные с корпусной лингвистикой и подготавливается база национального корпуса казахского языка. В статье рассматриваются пути расстановки фонетической и просодической разметки в устном текстовом подкорпусе казахского языка, анализируются гласные и согласные звуки, а также открытые, полузакрытые и закрытые слоги. Для автоматического введения текстов в базу корпуса взята за основу система лингвистических знаний, в том числе описаны правила расстановки фонетической и просодической разметки, исследования, проведенные с целью определения мелодики слова, анализ автоматического деления слова на слоги, а также дифференциальные признаки каждой фонемы. В статье описываются все звуки, характерные для казахского языка, даются описания и различия фонем и фонетики. Также с целью демонстрации интонационных особенностей отдельных слов даны условные знаки, обозначающие тон, громкость, паузы и темп. Созданы модели интонем предложений. К примеру, в начале предложения присутствует повышение тона (интонема), то есть ставится знак интонемы незавершенности, а в конце предложения наблюдается понижение тона, и ставится знак интонемы завершенности (↓), тогда как в середине предложения тон стабилен (→). Приведенный пример описан в виде модели, даны пути ее автоматизации. Результаты исследования будут полезны в создании просодической разметки базы устного подкорпуса, в проведении фонетико-фонологических исследований, а также в написании научных работ магистрантов и докторанто

    Accurate Expression Profiling of Very Small Cell Populations

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    BACKGROUND: Expression profiling, the measurement of all transcripts of a cell or tissue type, is currently the most comprehensive method to describe their physiological states. Given that accurate profiling methods currently available require RNA amounts found in thousands to millions of cells, many fields of biology working with specialized cell types cannot use these techniques because available cell numbers are limited. Currently available alternative methods for expression profiling from nanograms of RNA or from very small cell populations lack a broad validation of results to provide accurate information about the measured transcripts. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We provide evidence that currently available methods for expression profiling of very small cell populations are prone to technical noise and therefore cannot be used efficiently as discovery tools. Furthermore, we present Pico Profiling, a new expression profiling method from as few as ten cells, and we show that this approach is as informative as standard techniques from thousands to millions of cells. The central component of Pico Profiling is Whole Transcriptome Amplification (WTA), which generates expression profiles that are highly comparable to those produced by others, at different times, by standard protocols or by Real-time PCR. We provide a complete workflow from RNA isolation to analysis of expression profiles. CONCLUSIONS: Pico Profiling, as presented here, allows generating an accurate expression profile from cell populations as small as ten cells

    Frequent expression loss of Inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain (ITIH) genes in multiple human solid tumors: A systematic expression analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitors (ITI) are a family of plasma protease inhibitors, assembled from a light chain – bikunin, encoded by <it>AMBP </it>– and five homologous heavy chains (encoded by <it>ITIH1</it>, <it>ITIH2</it>, <it>ITIH3</it>, <it>ITIH4</it>, and <it>ITIH5</it>), contributing to extracellular matrix stability by covalent linkage to hyaluronan. So far, ITIH molecules have been shown to play a particularly important role in inflammation and carcinogenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We systematically investigated differential gene expression of the <it>ITIH </it>gene family, as well as <it>AMBP </it>and the interacting partner <it>TNFAIP6 </it>in 13 different human tumor entities (of breast, endometrium, ovary, cervix, stomach, small intestine, colon, rectum, lung, thyroid, prostate, kidney, and pancreas) using cDNA dot blot analysis (Cancer Profiling Array, CPA), semiquantitative RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that <it>ITIH </it>genes are clearly downregulated in multiple human solid tumors, including breast, colon and lung cancer. Thus, <it>ITIH </it>genes may represent a family of putative tumor suppressor genes that should be analyzed in greater detail in the future. For an initial detailed analysis we chose <it>ITIH2 </it>expression in human breast cancer. Loss of <it>ITIH2 </it>expression in 70% of cases (n = 50, CPA) could be confirmed by real-time PCR in an additional set of breast cancers (n = 36). Next we studied ITIH2 expression on the protein level by analyzing a comprehensive tissue micro array including 185 invasive breast cancer specimens. We found a strong correlation (p < 0.001) between ITIH2 expression and estrogen receptor (ER) expression indicating that ER may be involved in the regulation of this ECM molecule.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Altogether, this is the first systematic analysis on the differential expression of <it>ITIH </it>genes in human cancer, showing frequent downregulation that may be associated with initiation and/or progression of these malignancies.</p

    Implementing Polylingual Space into the Process of Training Future Primary School Teachers

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    Abstract The relevance of the problem under research is due to a new social order of the society, reflected in the Concept for the Development of Foreign Language Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the formation of a polylingual personality is determined as the final qualitative result of studying a foreign language and culture. In these conditions, the problem of training the respective pedagogical staff primary school teachers, is being actualized for constructing a new type of education in a polylingual environment at the modern stage of the modernization of education, including the issues of developing its theoretical and technological support. Improving the quality of education, being a key problem of pedagogy, in the modern conditions of expanding the areas of international cooperation and the tendencies of forming a unified global community, comes into sharp focus. The aim of the article is to develop the content of an experimental curriculum on polylingual space and to test the formation of language competence of future primary school teachers in the process of higher education, as well as to study the specifics of their training for working with students in the multicultural educational space of modern Kazakhstan. The leading method of studying this problem is the analysis, which allows to identify the language needs of students. The study analyzed a series of surveys of 115 students and undergraduates, as well as university teachers of various disciplines. Moreover, implementing in the study such methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, survey, diagnostics and carrying out various practical works, conditions to optimize the development of curricula and special courses and to remove obstacles in the implementation of trilingual education were determined. The analysis of works on improving the system of training primary school teachers in the conditions of polylingual space and the requirements for the personality of a teacher shows that the following areas of its implementation can be emphasized: the development of a teacher’s communicative abilities; the organization of experimental sites of different levels for teaching students in three languages; the development of integrative learning; the use of innovative learning technologies. As a result of the experimental work, the program of the discipline “Polylingual space: Theory and Practice” was developed in three languages for undergraduates of the specialty 6M010200 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, a textbook with the same title and texts in three languages was published, tested, and implemented in the educational process. The materials of this article can be useful for primary school teachers, working in a polylingual environment, as well as for students, undergraduates and PhD students of the above-mentioned specialty. Keywords: Polylingual Space; Training Primary School Teachers; Trilingual Education; Intercultural Communication; Linguistic PersonalityThe relevance of the problem under research is due to a new social order of the society, reflected in the Concept for the Development of Foreign Language Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the formation of a polylingual personality is determined as the final qualitative result of studying a foreign language and culture. In these conditions, the problem of training the respective pedagogical staff primary school teachers, is being actualized for constructing a new type of education in a polylingual environment at the modern stage of the modernization of education, including the issues of developing its theoretical and technological support. Improving the quality of education, being a key problem of pedagogy, in the modern conditions of expanding the areas of international cooperation and the tendencies of forming a unified global community, comes into sharp focus. The aim of the article is to develop the content of an experimental curriculum on polylingual space and to test the formation of language competence of future primary school teachers in the process of higher education, as well as to study the specifics of their training for working with students in the multicultural educational space of modern Kazakhstan. The leading method of studying this problem is the analysis, which allows to identify the language needs of students. The study analyzed a series of surveys of 115 students and undergraduates, as well as university teachers of various disciplines. Moreover, implementing in the study such methods as analysis, synthesis, generalization, survey, diagnostics and carrying out various practical works, conditions to optimize the development of curricula and special courses and to remove obstacles in the implementation of trilingual education were determined. The analysis of works on improving the system of training primary school teachers in the conditions of polylingual space and the requirements for the personality of a teacher shows that the following areas of its implementation can be emphasized: the development of a teacher’s communicative abilities; the organization of experimental sites of different levels for teaching students in three languages; the development of integrative learning; the use of innovative learning technologies. As a result of the experimental work, the program of the discipline “Polylingual space: Theory and Practice” was developed in three languages for undergraduates of the specialty 6M010200 - Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education, a textbook with the same title and texts in three languages was published, tested, and implemented in the educational process. The materials of this article can be useful for primary school teachers, working in a polylingual environment, as well as for students, undergraduates and PhD students of the above-mentioned specialty. Keywords: Polylingual Space; Training Primary School Teachers; Trilingual Education; Intercultural Communication; Linguistic Personalit

    Study of stress-strain state of the roller conveyor

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    Numerous studies have established that the damage to the lower surface of hot-rolled strips is mainly due to their friction against rollers of mill rollers. In this case, the probability of scoring, scrapes and other mechanical damage increases otherwise severe wear on the surface of the rollers, improper installation and jamming. This also applies fully to the pulling and forming rollers of the coilers. A prerequisite for preventing damage to the surface of hotrolled strips is also the maintenance of a high level technical condition of the mill equipment, which includes inspections of wiring armature bars, roller conveyor rollers and other units for each transshipment, timely replacement and repair of individual parts and assemblies

    Epidemiology of echinococcosis in Kazakhstan: an update

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    Kazakhstan is highly endemic for echinococcosis. Both Echinococcus granulosus and E. multilocularis are widely distributed in the country. Official records of human cystic echinococcosis over the past 5-10 years suggest a stable incidence of approximately 800-1000 cases per year, which is 5 cases per 100,000 per year. This followed a rapid increase in the incidence following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Between 2007 and 2013, 5949 cases were reported in the national surveillance data. The prevalence in sheep, based on slaughterhouse studies, suggests that between 30 and 50% of sheep are infected with hydatid cysts, while cattle have a prevalence of approximately 7%. Rural dogs have a high prevalence of infection of between 5 and 10%, with shepherd dogs having prevalences of over 20%. G1 and G6/7 strains of E. granulosus have been isolated from dogs in Kazakhstan. Wolves are also infected, with one prevalence estimate of approximately 20%. The incidence of human alveolar echinococcosis is less clear, although estimates from Kazakhstani expatriates living in Germany and the hospital records of a single referral centre in Almaty suggest 34 or 130 cases per year (or an annual incidence of 0.20 or 0.76 cases per 100,000), respectively, could be occurring in Kazakhstan. Studies suggest that in some rural dog populations the prevalence may be about 5%. The parasite is widely distributed in foxes and small mammals through much of Kazakhsta