415 research outputs found

    Constraints on transmission, dispersion, and density of states in dielectric multilayers and stepwise potential barriers with arbitrary layer arrangement

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    Normal-incidence transmission and dispersion properties of optical multilayers and one-dimensional stepwise potential barriers in the non-tunneling regime are analytically investigated. The optical paths of every constituent layer in a multilayer structure, as well as the parameters of every step of the stepwise potential barrier, are constrained by a generalized quarter-wave condition. No other restrictions on the structure geometry is imposed, i.e., the layers are arranged arbitrarily. We show that the density of states (DOS) spectra of the multilayer or barrier in question are subject to integral conservation rules similar to the Barnett-Loudon sum rule but ocurring within a finite frequency or energy interval. In the optical case, these frequency intervals are regular. For the potential barriers, only non-periodic energy intervals can be present in the spectrum of any given structure, and only if the parameters of constituent potential steps are properly chosen. Abstract The integral conservation relations derived analytically have also been verified numerically. The relations can be used in dispersion-engineered multilayer-based devices, e.g., ultrashort pulse compressors or ultracompact optical delay lines, as well as to design multiple-quantum-well electronic heterostructures with engineered DOS.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, to be submitted to PR

    Elliptical dichroism: operating principle of planar chiral metamaterials

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    We employ a homogenization technique based on the Lorentz electronic theory to show that planar chiral structures (PCSs) can be described by an effective dielectric tensor similar to that of biaxial elliptically dichroic crystals. Such a crystal is shown to behave like a PCS insofar as it exhibits its characteristic optical properties, namely, co-rotating elliptical polarization eigenstates and asymmetric, direction-dependent transmission for left/right-handed incident wave polarization.Comment: 3 pages, version as accepted in Optics Letters but before final shortening

    Alpha self-absorption evaluation in radiometric filter material for the natural range of alpha energy (5-9 MeV)

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    In this paper, SRIM (The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) software package is used to simulate the interaction of alpha particles into the material of radiometric analytical filters. The effect of alpha particle self-absorption in alpha radiometric filters measurements is estimated, especially in the range of natural alpha energy (5-9 MeV, Radon and Thoron alpha energy). Software package SRIM allows to calculate the parameters of the ions interaction with target material using a Monte Carlo simulation method based on a quantum mechanical treatment of ion-atom collisions. The effect of the radiometric analytical filter material on the transmitted efficiency of alpha energy is discussed. As the energy increases the self-absorption in analytical filter material is decreased but still has a clear effect. In this case, the filter material and the space distance between the filter and the detector window decrease the number of alpha particles which reach to the detector window. © 2019 RAD Association. All rights reserved

    Effect of electronic cigarette (EC) aerosols on particle size distribution in indoor air and in a radon chamber

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    Particle size distribution is an important factor governing whether aerosols can be deposited in various respiratory tract regions in humans. Recently, electronic cigarette (EC), as the alternative of tobacco cigarette, has become increasingly popular all over the world. However, emissions from ECs may contribute to both indoor and outdoor air pollution; moreover, comments about their safety remain controversial, and the number of users is increasing rapidly. In this investigation, aerosols were generated from ECs and studied in the indoor air and in a chamber under controlled conditions of radon concentration. The generated aerosols were characterized in terms of particle number concentrations, size, and activity distributions by using aerosol diffusion spectrometer (ADS), diffusion battery, and cascade impactor. The range of ADS assessment was from 10 -3 μm to 10 μm. The number concentration of the injected aerosol particles was between 40 000 and 100 000 particles/cm 3 . The distribution of these particles was the most within the ultrafi ne particle size range (0-0.2 μm), and the other particle were in the size range from 0.3 μm to 1 μm. The surface area distribution and the mass size distribution are presented and compared with bimodal distribution. In the radon chamber, all distributions were clearly bimodal, as the free radon decay product was approximately 1 nm in diameter, with a fraction of ~0.7 for a clean chamber (without any additional source of aerosols). The attached fraction with the aerosol particles from the ECs had a size not exceeding 1.0 μm. © 2019 H. N. Khalaf, M. Y. A. Mostafa & M. Zhukovsky

    Asymmetric transmission in planar chiral split-ring metamaterials: Microscopic Lorentz-theory approach

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    The electronic Lorentz theory is employed to explain the optical properties of planar split-ring metamaterials. Starting from the dynamics of individual free carriers, the electromagnetic response of an individual split-ring meta-atom is determined, and the effective permittivity tensor of the metamaterial is calculated for normal incidence of light. Whenever the split ring lacks in-plane mirror symmetry, the corresponding permittivity tensor has a crystallographic structure of an elliptically dichroic medium, and the metamaterial exhibits optical properties of planar chiral structures. Its transmission spectra are different for right-handed versus left-handed circular polarization of the incident wave, so the structure changes its transmittance when the direction of incidence is reversed. The magnitude of this change is shown to be related to the geometric parameters of the split ring. The proposed approach can be generalized to a wide variety of metal-dielectric metamaterial geometries

    Color superconductivity in the static Einstein Universe

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    We study the behavior of quark and diquark condensates in dense quark matter under the influence of a gravitational field adopting as a simple model the static DD-dimensional Einstein Universe. Calculations are performed in the framework of the extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model at finite temperature and quark density on the basis of the thermodynamic potential and the gap equations. Quark and diquark condensates as functions of the chemical potential and temperature at different values of the curvature have been studied. Phase portraits of the system have been constructed

    The role of the Kaliningrad region in the development of Russian-German relations

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    Germany is one of the principal partners of the Russian Federation. The Kaliningrad region plays a significant role in the development of partnership between the two countries, but the existing opportunities for development are not fully exploited. This article analyses the development, current state and prospects of an increasing role of the region in Russian-German cooperation. The authors emphasize the role of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University as one of the leaders in the development of research and cultural links with German universities and research foundations. This publication is based on the authors' presentation at the round table discussion on the cooperation between Russian and German partner regions held on September 23, 2011 in the framework of the 8th International Conference on Transborder Cooperation: the Russian Federation, the European Union, and Norway (September 22—23, 2011, Kaliningrad). The article considers topical issues of Russian-German economic and cultural relations in the Kaliningrad region, which facilitate the development of Russian strategy for the integration of northwestern constituent entities into the economic and cultural space of the Baltic region

    Polarization switching and nonreciprocity in symmetric and asymmetric magnetophotonic multilayers with nonlinear defect

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    A one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with a nonlinear defect placed either symmetrically or asymmetrically inside the structure is considered. Simultaneous effects of time-reversal nonreciprocity and nonlinear spatial asymmetry in the structure are studied. Bistable response is demonstrated in a such system, accompanied by abrupt polarization switching between two circular or elliptical polarizations for transmitted and reflected waves. The effect is explained in terms of field localization at defect-mode spectral resonances and can be used in the design of thin-film optical isolators and polarization transformation devices.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Spectral and polarization effects in deterministically nonperiodic multilayers containing optically anisotropic and gyrotropic materials

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    Influence of material anisotropy and gyrotropy on optical properties of fractal multilayer nanostructures is theoretically investigated. Gyrotropy is found to uniformly rotate the output polarization for bi-isotropic multilayers of arbitrary geometrical structure without any changes in transmission spectra. When introduced in a polarization splitter based on a birefringent fractal multilayer, isotropic gyrotropy is found to resonantly alter output polarizations without shifting of transmission peak frequencies. The design of frequency-selective absorptionless polarizers for polarization-sensitive integrated optics is outlined