202 research outputs found

    DOI 10.1007/s10463-007-0158-9

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    Local influence analysis for penalized Gaussian likelihood estimation in partially linear single-index model

    Study on sandstorm in the western section of Hexi Corridor of 2020

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    A diagnostic analysis of the dust storm weather occurring in the western part of the Hexi Corridor from 27-30 June 2020 was carried out using Jiuquan city’s live data, as well as ECMWF numerical forecasts, and the NCEP reanalysis information was used to draw a theta dust storm model based on the routing principle. The results show that: 1.In the early stage of sandstorm, there was no precipitation in Suzhou and Jinta counties in March and April, which resulted in dry surface and thickened soil layer. These factors created favorable conditions for the occurrence of dust weather. 2.Development of unstable trough eastward in front of the ridge of Mountain Ural at 500 hPa, The cold high pressure is continuously strengthened in the process of moving, which is the large-scale system leading to the sandstorm. Thermal depression in front of ground cold front is the main cause for the outbreak of the severe sandstorm. 3.The beginning and ending time of the sandstorm can be accurately predicted by the simulation chart of sandstorm forecast, which has a good indication significance for the sandstorm forecast in the Hexi area

    De novo assembly and characterization of transcriptome using Illumina paired-end sequencing and identification of CesA gene in ramie (Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud)

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    BACKGROUND: Ramie fiber, extracted from vegetative organ stem bast, is one of the most important natural fibers. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of the vegetative growth of the ramie and the formation and development of bast fiber is essential for improving the yield and quality of the ramie fiber. However, only 418 expressed tag sequences (ESTs) of ramie deposited in public databases are far from sufficient to understand the molecular mechanisms. Thus, high-throughput transcriptome sequencing is essential to generate enormous ramie transcript sequences for the purpose of gene discovery, especially genes such as the cellulose synthase (CesA) gene. RESULTS: Using Illumina paired-end sequencing, about 53 million sequencing reads were generated. De novo assembly yielded 43,990 unigenes with an average length of 824 bp. By sequence similarity searching for known proteins, a total of 34,192 (77.7%) genes were annotated for their function. Out of these annotated unigenes, 16,050 and 13,042 unigenes were assigned to gene ontology and clusters of orthologous group, respectively. Searching against the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Pathway database (KEGG) indicated that 19,846 unigenes were mapped to 126 KEGG pathways, and 565 genes were assigned to http://starch and sucrose metabolic pathway which was related with cellulose biosynthesis. Additionally, 51 CesA genes involved in cellulose biosynthesis were identified. Analysis of tissue-specific expression pattern of the 51 CesA genes revealed that there were 36 genes with a relatively high expression levels in the stem bark, which suggests that they are most likely responsible for the biosynthesis of bast fiber. CONCLUSION: To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to characterize the ramie transcriptome and the substantial amount of transcripts obtained will accelerate the understanding of the ramie vegetative growth and development mechanism. Moreover, discovery of the 36 CesA genes with relatively high expression levels in the stem bark will present an opportunity to understand the ramie bast fiber formation and development mechanisms

    Visual-aural attention modeling for talk show video highlight detection

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    In this paper, we propose a visual-aural attention modeling based video content analysis approach, which can be used to automatically detect the highlights of the popular TV program - talk show video. First, the visual and aural affective features are extracted to represent and model the human attention of highlight. For efficiency consideration, the adopted affective features are kept as few as possible. Then, a specific fusion strategy called ordinal-decision is used to combine the visual, aural attention models and form the attention curve for a video. This curve can reflect the change of human attention while watching TV. Finally, highlight segments are located at the peaks of the attention curve. Moreover, sentence boundary detection is used to refine the highlight boundaries in order to keep the segments' integrality and fluency. This framework is extensible and flexible in integrating more affective features with a variety of fusion schemes. Experimental results demonstrate our proposed visual-aural attention analysis approach is effective for talk show video highlight detection. ?2008 IEEE.EI

    Towards Understanding and Boosting Adversarial Transferability from a Distribution Perspective

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    Transferable adversarial attacks against Deep neural networks (DNNs) have received broad attention in recent years. An adversarial example can be crafted by a surrogate model and then attack the unknown target model successfully, which brings a severe threat to DNNs. The exact underlying reasons for the transferability are still not completely understood. Previous work mostly explores the causes from the model perspective, e.g., decision boundary, model architecture, and model capacity. adversarial attacks against Deep neural networks (DNNs) have received broad attention in recent years. An adversarial example can be crafted by a surrogate model and then attack the unknown target model successfully, which brings a severe threat to DNNs. The exact underlying reasons for the transferability are still not completely understood. Previous work mostly explores the causes from the model perspective. Here, we investigate the transferability from the data distribution perspective and hypothesize that pushing the image away from its original distribution can enhance the adversarial transferability. To be specific, moving the image out of its original distribution makes different models hardly classify the image correctly, which benefits the untargeted attack, and dragging the image into the target distribution misleads the models to classify the image as the target class, which benefits the targeted attack. Towards this end, we propose a novel method that crafts adversarial examples by manipulating the distribution of the image. We conduct comprehensive transferable attacks against multiple DNNs to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Our method can significantly improve the transferability of the crafted attacks and achieves state-of-the-art performance in both untargeted and targeted scenarios, surpassing the previous best method by up to 40%\% in some cases.Comment: \copyright 20XX IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Clinical and immunological features of an APLAID patient caused by a novel mutation in PLCG2

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    BackgroundThe APLAID syndrome is a rare primary immunodeficiency caused by gain-of-function mutations in the PLCG2 gene. We present a 7-year-old APLAID patient who has recurrent blistering skin lesions, skin infections in the perineum, a rectal perineal fistula, and inflammatory bowel disease.MethodsTo determine the genetic cause of our patient, WES and bioinformatics analysis were performed. Flow cytometry was used for phenotyping immune cell populations in peripheral blood. Cytokines released into plasma were analyzed using protein chip technology. The PBMCs of patient and a healthy child were subjected to single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis.ResultsThe patient carried a novel de novo missense mutation c.2534T>C in exon 24 of the PLCG2 gene that causes a leucine to serine amino acid substitution (p.Leu845Ser). Bioinformatics analysis revealed that this mutation had a negative impact on the structure of the PLCγ2 protein, which is highly conserved in many other species. Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry revealed that in addition to the typical decrease in circulating memory B cells, the levels of myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) in the children’s peripheral blood were significantly lower, as were the CD4+ effector T cells induced by their activation. Single-cell sequencing revealed that the proportion of different types of cells in the peripheral blood of the APLAID patient changed.ConclusionsWe present the first case of APLAID with severely reduced myeloid dendritic cells carrying a novel PLCG2 mutation, and conducted a comprehensive analysis of immunological features in the ALPAID patient, which has not been mentioned in previous reports. This study expands the spectrum of APLAID-associated immunophenotype and genotype. The detailed immune analyses in this patient may provide a basis for the development of targeted therapies for this severe autoinflammatory disease

    Cerebral venous circulatory disturbance as an informative prognostic marker for neonatal hemorrhagic stroke

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    Neonatal hemorrhagic stroke (NHS) is a major problem of future generation’s health due to the high rate of death and cognitive disability of newborns after NHS. The incidence of NHS in neonates cannot be predicted by standard diagnostic methods. Therefore, the identification of prognostic markers of NHS is crucial. There is evidence that stress-related alterations of cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to NHS. Here, we assessed the stroke-associated CBF abnormalities for high prognosis of NHS using a new model of NHS induced by sound stress in the pre- and post-stroke state. With this aim, we used interdisciplinary methods such as a histological assay of brain tissues, laser speckle contrast imaging and Doppler coherent tomography to monitor cerebral circulation. Our results suggest that the venous stasis with such symptoms as progressive relaxation of cerebral veins, decrease the velocity of blood flow in them are prognostic markers for a risk of NHS and are an informative platform for a future study of corrections of cerebral venous circulatory disturbance related to NHS

    Stress plays provoking role in hypertension-related stroke: Injuries of blood-brain barrier function

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    Chronic hypertension itself does not cause stroke but significantly decreases the resistant to stroke induced by stress due to exhausting of adaptive capacity of cerebral endothelium and decrease resistance of blood-brain barrier to stress