99 research outputs found

    Infochemical-tritrophic Interactions of Soybean Aphids-host Plants-natural Enemies and Their Practical Applications in Pest Management

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    The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, is a newly invasive insect species that seriously threatens U.S. soybean production. This aphid pest has kept haunting many soybean growers by developing large colonies on soybeans in North America since 2000. Since its first appearance inWisconsin, it has spread to over half of US states and southern provinces in Canada. The heavy infestation of this pest whittles soybean growers’ profits and causes hundreds of million dollar losses. The present chapter will mainly describe efforts in studying aphid chemical ecology and sensory physiology for understanding how male aphids find their mates and host plants. It will also cover research efforts to understand host plant associated volatiles being used as cues for overwintering host plant location. In addition, findings on how soybean plant defensive system works against aphid infestation, as well as how those induced plant volatiles are used by aphid’s natural enemies for prey location will be presented. Finally, the use the basic understandings for developing useful tools for soybean aphid practical control will be discussed

    Methods for Surveying Stable Fly Populations

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    Stable flies are among the most important pests of livestock throughout much of the world. Their painful bites induce costly behavioral and physiological stress responses and reduce productivity. Stable flies are anthropogenic and their population dynamics vary depending on agricultural and animal husbandry practices. Standardized sampling methods are needed to better identify the factors controlling stable fly populations, test novel control technologies, and determine optimal management strategies. The current study reviewed methods used for a long-term study of stable fly population dynamics in the central Great Plains. An additional study compared the relative size of flies sampled from the general population with that of flies sampled emerging from substrates associated with livestock production. Flies developing in livestock associated substrates are significantly larger than those in the general population indicating that other types of developmental sites are contributing significant numbers of flies to the general population. Because efforts to identify those sites have yet to be successful, we speculate that they may be sites with low densities of developing stable flies, but covering large areas such as croplands and grasslands. The stable fly surveillance methods discussed can be used and further improved for monitoring stable fly populations for research and management programs

    Methods for Surveying Stable Fly Populations

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    Stable flies are among the most important pests of livestock throughout much of the world. Their painful bites induce costly behavioral and physiological stress responses and reduce productivity. Stable flies are anthropogenic and their population dynamics vary depending on agricultural and animal husbandry practices. Standardized sampling methods are needed to better identify the factors controlling stable fly populations, test novel control technologies, and determine optimal management strategies. The current study reviewed methods used for a long-term study of stable fly population dynamics in the central Great Plains. An additional study compared the relative size of flies sampled from the general population with that of flies sampled emerging from substrates associated with livestock production. Flies developing in livestock associated substrates are significantly larger than those in the general population indicating that other types of developmental sites are contributing significant numbers of flies to the general population. Because efforts to identify those sites have yet to be successful, we speculate that they may be sites with low densities of developing stable flies, but covering large areas such as croplands and grasslands. The stable fly surveillance methods discussed can be used and further improved for monitoring stable fly populations for research and management programs

    Antibacterial Activities of Nepetalactones Against Public Health-Related Pathogens

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    The antimicrobial activities of (Z,E)- and (E,Z)-nepetalactones, 2 major compositional compounds from the essential oil of catnip (Nepeta cataria), were first discovered from fly larval development media studies with over 98% inhibition of bacterial growth. Further investigation demonstrated inhibition of the growth of various bacterial species of public health significance. Catnip oil showed antibacterial activity against 5 Gram-positive and 9 Gram-negative bacteria. The antimicrobial activity varied among the original essential oil from the plant and its major compositional compounds as a blended mixture or an individual compound. Growth inhibition was observed against 5 Neisseria species, with particularly strong inhibition against Neisseria sicca (with MICs ranging from 0.5 to 5 mg/mL) that provided comparable or increased levels of growth control produced by 2 antibiotics (Ceftiofur and Cephalothin). The development of plant-based antibacterial agents to prevent or delay the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria is discussed

    Development and first evaluation of an attractant impregnated adhesive tape against blood-sucking flies

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    Stable flies are one of the most important arthropod pests of livestock that reduce cattle weight gain and milk production leading to annual economic losses in excess of $2 billion to the US cattle industry. The host-seeking behavior is primarily mediated by associated odors from stable fly larval development environments and host animals. The present paper reports the development and evaluation of attractant-impregnated adhesive tapes to reduce stable fly attacks on cattle. Laboratory bioassays showed that only m-cresol impregnated adhesive tapes caught significantly more stable flies (16 ± 1) than the control tape without attractant added (7 ± 1), with a 77% fly recapture rate. Attractantimpregnated adhesive tapes deployed in cattle feedlots showed significant impacts in reducing fly population, with a total of one million stable flies captured over a period of three weeks (mean catches from 57 596 to 102 088 stable flies per trap per week). It further relieved cattle stress with a significant reduction of biting fly avoidance behavior, (6 ± 0.4 cows observed with tail wagging in control vs. 3 ± 0.4 from the trap-deployed). The efficacy of the developed tapes lasted up to 1-week longevity, although 70% of mcresol was released starting from the second day. The m-cresol impregnated adhesive tape provided an 80% reduction in cattle stress due to stable fly attack. This is the first report of a technology developed by integrating an attractant compound into an adhesive material on a plastic film with demonstrated effectiveness in trapping biting flies that attack livestock animals

    Blue and Green Phosphorescent Liquid-Crystalline Iridium Complexes with High Hole Mobility

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    Blue- and green-emitting cyclometalated liquid-crystalline iridium complexes are realized by using a modular strategy based on strongly mesogenic groups attached to an acetylacetonate ancillary ligand. The cyclometalated ligand dictates the photophysical properties of the materials, which are identical to those of the parent complexes. High hole mobilities, up to 0.004 cm2 V-1 s-1, were achieved after thermal annealing, while amorphous materials show hole mobilities of only approximately 10-7-10-6 cm2 V-1 s-1, similar to simple iridium complexes. The design strategy allows the facile preparation of phosphorescent liquid-crystalline complexes with fine-tuned photophysical properties

    A push–pull strategy to suppress stable fly (Diptera: Muscidae) attacks on pasture cattle via a coconut oil fatty acid repellent formulation and traps with \u3ci\u3em\u3c/i\u3e-cresol lures

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    BACKGROUND: Stable flies [Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)] are economically important pests of cattle and other livestock. As an alternative to conventional insecticides, we tested a push–pull management strategy using a coconut oil fatty acid repellent formulation and an attractant-added stable fly trap. RESULTS: In our field trials we found that weekly applications of a push–pull strategy can reduce stable fly populations on cattle as well as a standard insecticide (permethrin). We also found that the efficacy periods of the push–pull and permethrin treatments following on-animal application were equivalent. Traps with an attractant lure used as the pull component of the push–pull strategy captured sufficient numbers of stable flies to reduce on-animal numbers by an estimated 17–21%. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first proof-of-concept field trial demonstrating the effectiveness of a push–pull strategy using a coconut oil fatty acid-based repellent formulation and traps with an attractant lure to manage stable flies on pasture cattle. Also notable is that the push–pull strategy had an efficacy period equivalent to that of a standard, conventional insecticide under field conditions

    Development and first evaluation of an attractant impregnated adhesive tape against blood-sucking flies

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    Stable flies are one of the most important arthropod pests of livestock that reduce cattle weight gain and milk production leading to annual economic losses in excess of $2 billion to the US cattle industry. The host-seeking behavior is primarily mediated by associated odors from stable fly larval development environments and host animals. The present paper reports the development and evaluation of attractant-impregnated adhesive tapes to reduce stable fly attacks on cattle. Laboratory bioassays showed that only m-cresol impregnated adhesive tapes caught significantly more stable flies (16 ± 1) than the control tape without attractant added (7 ± 1), with a 77% fly recapture rate. Attractantimpregnated adhesive tapes deployed in cattle feedlots showed significant impacts in reducing fly population, with a total of one million stable flies captured over a period of three weeks (mean catches from 57 596 to 102 088 stable flies per trap per week). It further relieved cattle stress with a significant reduction of biting fly avoidance behavior, (6 ± 0.4 cows observed with tail wagging in control vs. 3 ± 0.4 from the trap-deployed). The efficacy of the developed tapes lasted up to 1-week longevity, although 70% of mcresol was released starting from the second day. The m-cresol impregnated adhesive tape provided an 80% reduction in cattle stress due to stable fly attack. This is the first report of a technology developed by integrating an attractant compound into an adhesive material on a plastic film with demonstrated effectiveness in trapping biting flies that attack livestock animals

    Sex Pheromone of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, and Its Potential Use in Semiochemical-Based Control

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    The newly invasive soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura, has seriously threatened soybean production in North America, after having spread to \u3e20 states in the United States and several southern provinces of Canada. Control of A. glycineshas focused on applications of insecticides, which are not a long-term solution to soybean aphid pest management. In autumn, soybean aphids start producing alate females (gynoparae) that search for their overwintering host plants, the common buckthorn, Rhamnus cathartica. The gynoparae then produce pheromone-emitting wingless female offspring (oviparae) that attract male aphids. In this study, we report the chemical identification of the soybean aphid sex pheromone using gas chromatography–electroantennogram, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Behavioral activities of males and gynoparous females in the field were also characterized. The potential applications using formulations containing specific soybean aphid pheromone compositions for reducing overwintering populations are discussed

    Better than DEET Repellent Compounds Derived from Coconut Oil

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    Hematophagous arthropods are capable of transmitting human and animal pathogens worldwide. Vector-borne diseases account for 17% of all infectious diseases resulting in 700,000 human deaths annually. Repellents are a primary tool for reducing the impact of biting arthropods on humans and animals. N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET), the most effective and long-lasting repellent currently available commercially, has long been considered the gold standard in insect repellents, but with reported human health issues, particularly for infants and pregnant women. In the present study, we report fatty acids derived from coconut oil which are novel, inexpensive and highly efficacious repellant compounds. These coconut fatty acids are active against a broad array of blood-sucking arthropods including biting flies, ticks, bed bugs and mosquitoes. The medium-chain length fatty acids from C8:0 to C12:0 were found to exhibit the predominant repellent activity. In laboratory bioassays, these fatty acids repelled biting flies and bed bugs for two weeks after application, and ticks for one week. Repellency was stronger and with longer residual activity than that of DEET. In addition, repellency was also found against mosquitoes. An aqueous starch-based formulation containing natural coconut fatty acids was also prepared and shown to protect pastured cattle from biting flies up to 96-hours in the hot summer, which, to our knowledge, is the longest protection provided by a natural repellent product studied to date
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