1,041 research outputs found

    Competition between magnetic and superconducting pairing exchange interactions in confined systems

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    We analyze the competition between magnetic and pairing interactions in confined systems relevant to either small superconducting grains or trapped ultracold atomic gases. The response to the imbalance of the chemical potential for the two spin states leads to various inhomogeneous profiles of the pair energy distribution. We show that the position in the energy spectrum for the unpaired particles can be tuned by varying the filling or the pairing strength. When small grains are considered, the antiferromagnetic exchange stabilizes the pair correlations, whereas for Fermi gases, a transition from a mixed configuration to a phase-separated one beyond a critical polarization threshold appears, as does an unconventional phase with a paired shell around a normal core

    Effectiveness of Color-Picking Interfaces Among Non-designers

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    There are relatively few studies on the effectiveness of color picking interface. This study therefore set out to measure both the efficiency in terms of task completion time and preference of four color-picking interfaces found in many design software applications including RGB, HSL, map and palette. A controlled experiment was conducted involving n = 16 participants without formal design training. The results show that the map and RGB interfaces were preferred by the participants while the palette interface resulted in the shortest task completion times. The HSL was the least favorable color picking interface for the given cohort of users. The results indicate that the palette, map and RGB color pickers found in entry level software probably are the most suitable for users without training in the use of colors.acceptedVersio

    Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors by chlorinated hydrocarbons and endogenous steroids.

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    Trichloroethylene (TCE) and related hydrocarbons constitute an important class of environmental pollutants whose adverse effects on liver, kidney, and other tissues may, in part, be mediated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), ligand-activated transcription factors belonging to the steroid receptor superfamily. Activation of PPAR induces a dramatic proliferation of peroxisomes in rodent hepatocytes and ultimately leads to hepatocellular carcinoma. To elucidate the role of PPAR in the pathophysiologic effects of TCE and its metabolites, it is important to understand the mechanisms whereby PPAR is activated both by TCE and endogenous peroxisome proliferators. The investigations summarized in this article a) help clarify the mechanism by which TCE and its metabolites induce peroxisome proliferation and b) explore the potential role of the adrenal steroid and anticarcinogen dehydroepiandrosterone 3beta-sulfate (DHEA-S) as an endogenous PPAR activator. Transient transfection studies have demonstrated that the TCE metabolites trichloroacetate and dichloroacetate both activate PPAR alpha, a major liver-expressed receptor isoform. TCE itself was inactive when tested over the same concentration range, suggesting that its acidic metabolites mediate the peroxisome proliferative potential of TCE. Although DHEA-S is an active peroxisome proliferator in vivo, this steroid does not stimulate trans-activation of PPAR alpha or of two other PPAR isoforms, gamma and delta/Nuc1, when evaluated in COS-1 cell transfection studies. To test whether PPAR alpha mediates peroxisomal gene induction by DHEA-S in intact animals, DHEA-S has been administered to mice lacking a functional PPAR alpha gene. DHEA-S was thus shown to markedly increase hepatic expression of two microsomal P4504A proteins associated with the peroxisomal proliferative response in wild-type mice. In contrast, DHEA-S did not induce these hepatic proteins in PPAR alpha-deficient mice. Thus, despite its unresponsiveness to steroidal peroxisome proliferators in transfection assays, PPAR alpha is an obligatory mediator of DHEA-S-stimulated hepatic peroxisomal gene induction. DHEA-S, or one of its metabolites, may thus serve as an important endogenous regulator of liver peroxisomal enzyme expression

    Effect of Size-Dependent Thermal Instability on Synthesis of Zn2 SiO4-SiOx Core–Shell Nanotube Arrays and Their Cathodoluminescence Properties

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    Vertically aligned Zn2SiO4-SiOx(x < 2) core–shell nanotube arrays consisting of Zn2SiO4-nanoparticle chains encapsulated into SiOx nanotubes and SiOx-coated Zn2SiO4 coaxial nanotubes were synthesized via one-step thermal annealing process using ZnO nanowire (ZNW) arrays as templates. The appearance of different nanotube morphologies was due to size-dependent thermal instability and specific melting of ZNWs. With an increase in ZNW diameter, the formation mechanism changed from decomposition of “etching” to Rayleigh instability and then to Kirkendall effect, consequently resulting in polycrystalline Zn2SiO4-SiOx coaxial nanotubes, single-crystalline Zn2SiO4-nanoparticle-chain-embedded SiOx nanotubes, and single-crystalline Zn2SiO4-SiOx coaxial nanotubes. The difference in spatially resolved optical properties related to a particular morphology was efficiently documented by means of cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy using a middle-ultraviolet emission at 310 nm from the Zn2SiO4 phase

    Quantum phases with differing computational power

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    The observation that concepts from quantum information has generated many alternative indicators of quantum phase transitions hints that quantum phase transitions possess operational significance with respect to the processing of quantum information. Yet, studies on whether such transitions lead to quantum phases that differ in their capacity to process information remain limited. Here We show that there exist quantum phase transitions that cause a distinct qualitative change in our ability to simulate certain quantum systems under perturbation of an external field by local operations and classical communication. In particular, we show that in certain quantum phases of the XY model, adiabatic perturbations of the external magnetic field can be simulated by local spin operations, whereas the resulting effect within other phases results in coherent non-local interactions. We discuss the potential implications to adiabatic quantum computation, where a computational advantage exists only when adiabatic perturbation results in coherent multi-body interactions.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, with published title "Quantum phases with differing computational power

    Investigation on two abnormal phenomena about thermal conductivity enhancement of BN/EG nanofluids

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    The thermal conductivity of boron nitride/ethylene glycol (BN/EG) nanofluids was investigated by transient hot-wire method and two abnormal phenomena was reported. One is the abnormal higher thermal conductivity enhancement for BN/EG nanofluids at very low-volume fraction of particles, and the other is the thermal conductivity enhancement of BN/EG nanofluids synthesized with large BN nanoparticles (140 nm) which is higher than that synthesized with small BN nanoparticles (70 nm). The chain-like loose aggregation of nanoparticles is responsible for the abnormal increment of thermal conductivity enhancement for the BN/EG nanofluids at very low particles volume fraction. And the difference in specific surface area and aspect ratio of BN nanoparticles may be the main reasons for the abnormal difference between thermal conductivity enhancements for BN/EG nanofluids prepared with 140- and 70-nm BN nanoparticles, respectively

    Estimation of coronary artery hyperemic blood flow based on arterial lumen volume using angiographic images

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a method to estimate the hyperemic blood flow in a coronary artery using the sum of the distal lumen volumes in a swine animal model. The limitations of visually assessing coronary artery disease are well known. These limitations are particularly important in intermediate coronary lesions where it is difficult to determine whether a particular lesion is the cause of ischemia. Therefore, a functional measure of stenosis severity is needed using angiographic image data. Coronary arteriography was performed in 10 swine (Yorkshire, 25–35 kg) after power injection of contrast material into the left main coronary artery. A densitometry technique was used to quantify regional flow and lumen volume in vivo after inducing hyperemia. Additionally, 3 swine hearts were casted and imaged post-mortem using cone-beam CT to obtain the lumen volume and the arterial length of corresponding coronary arteries. Using densitometry, the results showed that the stem hyperemic flow (Q) and the associated crown lumen volume (V) were related by Q = 159.08 V3/4 (r = 0.98, SEE = 10.59 ml/min). The stem hyperemic flow and the associated crown length (L) using cone-beam CT were related by Q = 2.89 L (r = 0.99, SEE = 8.72 ml/min). These results indicate that measured arterial branch lengths or lumen volumes can potentially be used to predict the expected hyperemic flow in an arterial tree. This, in conjunction with measured hyperemic flow in the presence of a stenosis, could be used to predict fractional flow reserve based entirely on angiographic data

    Sensitization, energy transfer and infra-red emission decay modulation in Yb3+-doped NaYF4 nanoparticles with visible light through a perfluoroanthraquinone chromophore

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    The authors thank Dr. R. Wilson for XRD measurements. H.L., Y.P., H.Y., J.H. and H.G. are funded by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and Queen Mary University of London. H. L. also would like to thank the support from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project (2017M611440). I.H. acknowledges funding from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (grant MAT2016-80438-P), the EU FP7 (Marie Curie-CIG-Grant 303535). WPG would like to thank EPSRC for support (EP/K004484/1 and EP/L020114/1) and NSFC (61574095). X.C. was supported by the Centre of Excellence in Medical Engineering funded by the Wellcome Trust and EPSRC under grant number WT088641/Z/09/Z. We are grateful to the EPSRC UK NMSF at Swansea University for mass spectrometry

    MARS an improved de novo peptide candidate selection method for non-canonical antigen target discovery in cancer

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    Understanding the nature and extent of non-canonical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) presentation in tumour cells is a priority for target antigen discovery for the development of next generation immunotherapies in cancer. We here employ a de novo mass spectrometric sequencing approach with a refined, MHC-centric analysis strategy to detect non-canonical MHC-associated peptides specific to cancer without any prior knowledge of the target sequence from genomic or RNA sequencing data. Our strategy integrates MHC binding rank, Average local confidence scores, and peptide Retention time prediction for improved de novo candidate Selection; culminating in the machine learning model MARS. We benchmark our model on a large synthetic peptide library dataset and reanalysis of a published dataset of high-quality non-canonical MHC-associated peptide identifications in human cancer. We achieve almost 2-fold improvement for high quality spectral assignments in comparison to de novo sequencing alone with an estimated accuracy of above 85.7% when integrated with a stepwise peptide sequence mapping strategy. Finally, we utilize MARS to detect and validate lncRNA-derived peptides in human cervical tumour resections, demonstrating its suitability to discover novel, immunogenic, non-canonical peptide sequences in primary tumour tissue

    Impact of an Innovative Financing and Payment Model on Tuberculosis Patients’ Financial Burden: is Tuberculosis Care More Affordable for the Poor?

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    Background: In response to the high financial burden of health services facing tuberculosis (TB) patients in China, the China-Gates TB project, Phase II, has implemented a new financing and payment model as an important component of the overall project in three cities in eastern, central and western China. The model focuses on increasing the reimbursement rate for TB patients and reforming provider payment methods by replacing fee-for-service with a case-based payment approach. This study investigated changes in out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditure and the financial burden on TB patients before and after the interventions, with a focus on potential differential impacts on patients from different income groups