58 research outputs found

    Tolerating Correlated Failures in Massively Parallel Stream Processing Engines

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    Fault-tolerance techniques for stream processing engines can be categorized into passive and active approaches. A typical passive approach periodically checkpoints a processing task's runtime states and can recover a failed task by restoring its runtime state using its latest checkpoint. On the other hand, an active approach usually employs backup nodes to run replicated tasks. Upon failure, the active replica can take over the processing of the failed task with minimal latency. However, both approaches have their own inadequacies in Massively Parallel Stream Processing Engines (MPSPE). The passive approach incurs a long recovery latency especially when a number of correlated nodes fail simultaneously, while the active approach requires extra replication resources. In this paper, we propose a new fault-tolerance framework, which is Passive and Partially Active (PPA). In a PPA scheme, the passive approach is applied to all tasks while only a selected set of tasks will be actively replicated. The number of actively replicated tasks depends on the available resources. If tasks without active replicas fail, tentative outputs will be generated before the completion of the recovery process. We also propose effective and efficient algorithms to optimize a partially active replication plan to maximize the quality of tentative outputs. We implemented PPA on top of Storm, an open-source MPSPE and conducted extensive experiments using both real and synthetic datasets to verify the effectiveness of our approach

    Passive and partially active fault tolerance for massively parallel stream processing engines

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    Integrative Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Parallel Stream Processing Engine

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    Load balancing, operator instance collocations and horizontal scaling are critical issues in Parallel Stream Processing Engines to achieve low data processing latency, optimized cluster utilization and minimized communication cost respectively. In previous work, these issues are typically tackled separately and independently. We argue that these problems are tightly coupled in the sense that they all need to determine the allocations of workloads and migrate computational states at runtime. Optimizing them independently would result in suboptimal solutions. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate how these three issues can be modeled as one integrated optimization problem. In particular, we first consider jobs where workload allocations have little effect on the communication cost, and model the problem of load balance as a Mixed-Integer Linear Program. Afterwards, we present an extended solution called ALBIC, which support general jobs. We implement the proposed techniques on top of Apache Storm, an open-source Parallel Stream Processing Engine. The extensive experimental results over both synthetic and real datasets show that our techniques clearly outperform existing approaches

    Scalable and adaptable distributed stream processing

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    Disseminating streaming data in a dynamic environment: an adaptive and cost-based approach

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    In a distributed stream processing system, streaming data are continuously disseminated from the sources to the distributed processing servers. To enhance the dissemination efficiency, these servers are typically organized into one or more dissemination trees. In this paper, we focus on the problem of constructing dissemination trees to minimize the average loss of fidelity of the system. We observe that existing heuristic-based approaches can only explore a limited solution space and hence may lead to sub-optimal solutions. On the contrary, we propose an adaptive and cost-based approach. Our cost model takes into account both the processing cost and the communication cost. Furthermore, as a distributed stream processing system is vulnerable to inaccurate statistics, runtime fluctuations of data characteristics, server workloads, and network conditions, we have designed our scheme to be adaptive to these situations: an operational dissemination tree may be incrementally transformed to a more cost-effective one. Our adaptive strategy employs distributed decisions made by the distributed servers independently based on localized statistics collected by each server at runtime. For a relatively static environment, we also propose two static tree construction algorithms relying on apriori system statistics. These static trees can also be used as initial trees in a dynamic environment. We apply our schemes to both single- and multi-object dissemination. Our extensive performance study shows that the adaptive mechanisms are effective in a dynamic context and the proposed static tree construction algorithms perform close to optimal in a static environmen

    Data Management in Microservices: State of the Practice, Challenges, and Research Directions

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    We are recently witnessing an increased adoption of microservice architectures by the industry for achieving scalability by functional decomposition, fault-tolerance by deployment of small and independent services, and polyglot persistence by the adoption of different database technologies specific to the needs of each service. Despite the accelerating industrial adoption and the extensive research on microservices, there is a lack of thorough investigation on the state of the practice and the major challenges faced by practitioners with regard to data management. To bridge this gap, this paper presents a detailed investigation of data management in microservices. Our exploratory study is based on the following methodology: we conducted a systematic literature review of articles reporting the adoption of microservices in industry, where more than 300 articles were filtered down to 11 representative studies; we analyzed a set of 9 popular open-source microservice-based applications, selected out of more than 20 open-source projects; furthermore, to strengthen our evidence, we conducted an online survey that we then used to cross-validate the findings of the previous steps with the perceptions and experiences of over 120 practitioners and researchers. Through this process, we were able to categorize the state of practice and reveal several principled challenges that cannot be solved by software engineering practices, but rather need system-level support to alleviate the burden of practitioners. Based on the observations we also identified a series of research directions to achieve this goal. Fundamentally, novel database systems and data management tools that support isolation for microservices, which include fault isolation, performance isolation, data ownership, and independent schema evolution across microservices must be built to address the needs of this growing architectural style

    Fast Search-By-Classification for Large-Scale Databases Using Index-Aware Decision Trees and Random Forests

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    The vast amounts of data collected in various domains pose great challenges to modern data exploration and analysis. To find "interesting" objects in large databases, users typically define a query using positive and negative example objects and train a classification model to identify the objects of interest in the entire data catalog. However, this approach requires a scan of all the data to apply the classification model to each instance in the data catalog, making this method prohibitively expensive to be employed in large-scale databases serving many users and queries interactively. In this work, we propose a novel framework for such search-by-classification scenarios that allows users to interactively search for target objects by specifying queries through a small set of positive and negative examples. Unlike previous approaches, our framework can rapidly answer such queries at low cost without scanning the entire database. Our framework is based on an index-aware construction scheme for decision trees and random forests that transforms the inference phase of these classification models into a set of range queries, which in turn can be efficiently executed by leveraging multidimensional indexing structures. Our experiments show that queries over large data catalogs with hundreds of millions of objects can be processed in a few seconds using a single server, compared to hours needed by classical scanning-based approaches