190 research outputs found

    Spectral correction method based on improved flat-top convoluted window for parameter estimation of power harmonic

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    Točna procjena harmonijskog parametra je važan zadatak u obradi signala elektroenergetskog sustava. Predlaže se nova vrsta flat-top prozora koja se generira vlastitim konvolucijama brzo padajućeg flat-top prozora (FDMS-FT) u domenu vremena. Proučavaju se značajke bočnog i glavnog režnja novog prozora. Nadalje, kako bi se poboljšala glatkoća glavnog režnja novog prozora, optimiziraju se koeficijenti matičnog prozora. Predstavlja se izmjenjivi algoritam ispravke razlike faze duljine prozora baziran na novom prozoru kako bi se procijenio strujni harmonični parametar. Kako bi se provjerila učinkovitost i točnost prikazane metode, provedeno je nekoliko računalnih simulacija i praktičnih eksperimenata s višefrekvencijskim strujnim signalima. Rezultati pokazuju da predložena metoda može učinkovito smanjiti opseg računanja i daje visok parametar točnosti procjene harmonijske snage.Accurate estimation of harmonic parameter is an important task in signal processing of power system. A new class of flat-top windows is proposed, which is generated by self-convolutions of the fast-decaying minimum-sidelobe flat-top (FDMS-FT) window in the time-domain. The mainlobe and sidelobe features of the new window are studied. In addition, to improve the flatness of mainlobe of the new window, the coefficients of its parent window are optimized. A window-length changeable discrete phase difference correction algorithm based on the new window is presented to estimate power harmonic parameter. In order to inspect the efficiency and accuracy of the presented method, several computer simulations and practical experiments were conducted with power multi-frequency signals. Results show that the proposed method can reduce the computation load efficiently and gives a high parameter estimation accuracy of power harmonic

    Analysis of demagnetization fault back-EMF of permanent magnet synchronous motor using mathematical model based on magnetic field superposition principle

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    According to magnetic field superposition principle and characteristic of square wave series, back-EMF of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) under demagnetization fault condition is decomposed into health component and demagnetization fault component. A operation of mathematical model of single slot and single phase no-load backEMF, when demagnetization fault of different degree occurred in any magnetic body, any single pole and any multiple pole, is presented. The back-EMF mathematical model and the finite element simulation model results for 42 kW - PMSM, which has 8 poles and V-shaped permanent magnet rotor structure are compared, that allowed to verify the mathematical model. The results show that the back-EMF waveform of the slot winding can reflect the specific position and the severity of the demagnetization poles. The single phase back-EMF waveform can reflect only demagnetization conditions of all poles, but can not identify the specific position of the demagnetization poles.В соответствии с принципом суперпозиции магнитного поля и характеристиками серий прямоугольных сигналов противодействующая электродвижущая сила синхронного двигателя с постоянными магнитами (СДПМ) в состоянии эффекта размагничивания раскладывается на рабочий компонент и компонент эффекта размагничивания. В статье представлена математическая модель однопазовой и однофазной противодействующей электродвижущей силы без нагрузки, когда при любом магнитном теле, любом полюсе или нескольких полюсах возникает эффект размагничивания. В статье сопоставлены результаты математической модели противодействующей электродвижущей силы СДПМ мощностью 42 кВт, который имеет 8 полюсов и V- образную форму постоянных магнитов, с результатами имитационного моделирования методом конечных элементов, что позволило подтвердить математическую модель. Результаты показывают, что форма сигнала противодействующей электродвижущей силы пазовой части обмотки может отражать определённое положение полюсов размагничивания. Форма сигнала однофазной противодействующей электродвижущей силы может отражать только условия размагничивания всех полюсов, но не может определять конкретное положение полюсов размагничивания.Відповідно до принципу суперпозиції магнітного поля і характеристик серій прямокутних сигналів протидіюча електрорушійна сила синхронного двигуна з постійними магнітами (СДПМ) у стані ефекту розмагнічування розкладається на робочий компонент і компонент ефекту розмагнічування. У статті представлено математичну модель однопазової та однофазної протидіючої електрорушійної сили без навантаження, коли при будьякому магнітному тілі, будь-якому одному або при декількох полюсах виникає ефект розмагнічування. У статті співставлено результати математичної моделі протидіючої електрорушійної сили СДПМ потужністю 42 кВт, який має 8 полюсів та V-подібну форму постійних магнітів, з результатами моделі для імітаційного моделювання методом кінцевих елементів, що дозволило перевірити і підтвердити математичну модель. Результати показують, що форма сигналу протидіючої електрорушійної сили пазової частини обмотки може відображати певне положення полюсів розмагнічування. Форма сигналу однофазної протидіючої електрорушійної сили може відображати тільки умови розмагнічування всіх полюсів, проте не може визначати конкретне положення полюсів розмагнічування

    Association of Toll-Like Receptor 4 Gene Polymorphism and Expression with Urinary Tract Infection Types in Adults

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    Background: Innate immunity of which Toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 and CXCR1 are key elements plays a central role in the development of urinary tract infection (UTI). Although the relation between the genetics of TLR4 and CXCR1 and UTI is investigated partly, the polymorphisms and expression of TLR4 and CXCR1 in different types of UTI in adults are not extremely clear. Methodology/Principal Findings: This study investigates the presence of TLR4 A (896) G and CXCR1 G (2608) C polymorphisms in 129 UTI patients using RFLP-PCR. Gene and allelic prevalence were compared with 248 healthy controls. Flow cytometry was used to detect TLR4 and CXCR1 expression in the monocytes of UTI patients and healthy controls. TLR4 (896) AG genotype and TLR4 (896) G allele had higher prevalence in UTI (especially in acute cystitis and urethritis) patients, whereas CXCR1 (2608) GC genotype and CXCR1 (2608) C allele had lower prevalence in UTI patients than controls. TLR4 expression was significantly lower in chronic UTI patients than in acute pyelonephritis or healthy controls. CXCR1 expression was similar in both controls and patients. TLR4 expression in chronic UTI patients after astragalus treatment was higher than pre-treatment. Conclusions: The results indicate the relationship between the carrier status of TLR4 (896) G alleles and the development of UTI, especially acute cystitis and urethritis, in adults. TLR4 expression levels are correlated with chronic UTI

    Influence of hematoxylin and eosin staining on linear birefringence measurement of fibrous tissue structures in polarization microscopy

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    Significance For microscopic polarization imaging of tissue slices, two types of samples are often prepared: one unstained tissue section for polarization imaging to avoid possible influence from staining dyes quantitatively and one hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) stained adjacent tissue section for histological diagnosis and structural feature identification. However, this sample preparation strategy requires high-quality adjacent tissue sections, and labeling the structural features on unstained tissue sections is impossible. With the fast development of data driven-based polarimetric analysis, which requires a large amount of pixel labeled images, a possible method is to directly use H&E stained slices, which are standard samples archived in clinical hospitals for polarization measurement. Aim We aim to study the influence of hematoxylin and eosin staining on the linear birefringence measurement of fibrous tissue structures. Approach We examine the linear birefringence properties of four pieces of adjacent bone tissue slices with abundant collagen fibers that are unstained, H&E stained, hematoxylin (H) stained, and eosin (E) stained. After obtaining the spatial maps of linear retardance values for the four tissue samples, we carry out a comparative study using a frequency distribution histogram and similarity analysis based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient to investigate how H&E staining affects the linear birefringence measurement of bone tissues. Results Linear retardance increased after H&E, H, or E staining (41.7%, 40.8%, and 72.5% increase, respectively). However, there is no significant change in the imaging contrast of linear retardance in bone tissues. Conclusions The linear retardance values induced by birefringent collagen fibers can be enhanced after H&E, H, or E staining. However, the structural imaging contrasts based on linear retardance did not change significantly or the staining did not generate linear birefringence on the sample area without collagen. Therefore, it can be acceptable to prepare H&E stained slices for clinical applications of polarimetry based on such a mapping relationship

    Silver-Promoted Site-Selective Intramolecular Cyclization of 2-Methylthiobenzamide Through α-C(sp3)–H Functionalization

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    Silver-mediated intramolecular α-C(sp3)–H bond functionalization of the methylthio group has been established in the presence of Selectfluor as an additive. This novel strategy provides efficient access to various diverse sulfur-based heterocycles with good yields and functional group compatibility. It is noteworthy that the completely novel benzooxathiin-4-imine skeletons were reported for the first time in this study

    Uber die Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen und ihre Verwandten im Darmkanal

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    Der Welch-Fraenkelsche Bazillus, der sich als ein Bodenbakterium weit im Boden verbreitet, ist obligater Anaerobier, und bekannt als Erreger des Gasoedems, welches eine chirurgisch und insbesonders kriegschirurgisch wichtige Wundinfektionskrankheit ist. Die Tatsache, dass dieses Stabchen nicht nur aus dem Boden, sondern auch aus menschlichem Darm gezuchtet wird, hat viele Autoren schon bisweilen beschaftigt. Dieser Bazillus ist Gram-positiv, gross und kraftig, abgerundet, unbeweglich und sporuliert nicht im gewohnlichen Nahrboden. Die Milch wurde sturmisch mit Gasbildung vergoren. Schon nach 20 Stunden schwamm das Kasein deutlich geschieden in truber, immer klarer werdender Molke. Die Kaseingerinnsel wurden ferner nicht wieder durch Peptonisierung gelost, noch kam es nach dem leicht sauerlich bleibenden Geruch zu Eiweissfaulniss. Die oben beschriebene Eigenschaft, die sog. Sturmische Gerinnung , ist charakteristisches Merkmal zur Diagnose-stellung des Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillus. Der Verfasser hat aus 172 Faeces der Menschen 244 Stamme der Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen und 39 ahnliche Stamme, die von erstem Bazillus deutlich voneinander in Eigenstumlichkeit abweicht gezuchtet; d. h. dem Letzteren fehlt die sturmische Gerinnung. Diesen Bazillus nennt der Verfasser einen Verwandten der Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen , und vergleicht dieses Stabchen morphologisch und biologisch mit den Welch-Fraenkelschen Bazillen, welche er aus menschlichen Faeces und klassischem Gasoedem isoliert hat. Morphologie: Die Verwandten sind ebenso mit abgerundetem Ende 0.8-1.0μ breit, 4.0-1.0μ, nicht haufig 15μ in der Lange, zuweilen leicht gekrummt, und werden zarter als Welch-Fraenkelche Bazillen beobachtet. Sporen und Kapseln: Nicht nur in gewohnlichen Nahrboden, sondern auch in den alkalischen-, natriumphosphathaltigen Nahrsubstraten und im Hirnbrei nahm der Verfasser keine Sporen oder Kapseln wahr. Aber nur bei aus Gasoedem gezuchtetem Stamm beobachtete er beide im spezifischen antiserumhaltigen Nahrboden. Kolonientypen: Auf d

    Ultra-short lifetime isomer studies from photonuclear reactions using laser-driven ultra-intense {\gamma}-ray

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    Isomers, ubiquitous populations of relatively long-lived nuclear excited states, play a crucial role in nuclear physics. However, isomers with half-life times of several seconds or less barely had experimental cross section data due to the lack of a suitable measuring method. We report a method of online {\gamma} spectroscopy for ultra-short-lived isomers from photonuclear reactions using laser-driven ultra-intense {\gamma}-rays. The fastest time resolution can reach sub-ps level with {\gamma}-ray intensities >10^{19}/s ({\geqslant} 8 MeV). The ^{115}In({\gamma}, n)^{114m2}In reaction (T_{1/2} = 43.1 ms) was first measured in the high-energy region which shed light on the nuclear structure studies of In element. Simulations showed it would be an efficient way to study ^{229m}Th (T_{1/2} = 7 {\mu}s), which is believed to be the next generation of nuclear clock. This work offered a unique way of gaining insight into ultra-short lifetimes and promised an effective way to fill the gap in relevant experimental data

    Wall shear stress and its role in atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis (AS) is the major form of cardiovascular disease and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in countries around the world. Atherosclerosis combines the interactions of systemic risk factors, haemodynamic factors, and biological factors, in which biomechanical and biochemical cues strongly regulate the process of atherosclerosis. The development of atherosclerosis is directly related to hemodynamic disorders and is the most important parameter in the biomechanics of atherosclerosis. The complex blood flow in arteries forms rich WSS vectorial features, including the newly proposed WSS topological skeleton to identify and classify the WSS fixed points and manifolds in complex vascular geometries. The onset of plaque usually occurs in the low WSS area, and the plaque development alters the local WSS topography. low WSS promotes atherosclerosis, while high WSS prevents atherosclerosis. Upon further progression of plaques, high WSS is associated with the formation of vulnerable plaque phenotype. Different types of shear stress can lead to focal differences in plaque composition and to spatial variations in the susceptibility to plaque rupture, atherosclerosis progression and thrombus formation. WSS can potentially gain insight into the initial lesions of AS and the vulnerable phenotype that gradually develops over time. The characteristics of WSS are studied through computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. With the continuous improvement of computer performance-cost ratio, WSS as one of the effective parameters for early diagnosis of atherosclerosis has become a reality and will be worth actively promoting in clinical practice. The research on the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis based on WSS is gradually an academic consensus. This article will comprehensively review the systemic risk factors, hemodynamics and biological factors involved in the formation of atherosclerosis, and combine the application of CFD in hemodynamics, focusing on the mechanism of WSS and the complex interactions between WSS and plaque biological factors. It is expected to lay a foundation for revealing the pathophysiological mechanisms related to abnormal WSS in the progression and transformation of human atherosclerotic plaques

    Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation to Recover Memory and Learning Trial (AFFIRMING): Rationale and Design of a Multi-center, Double-blind, Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: People with atrial fibrillation (AF) have elevated risk of developing cognitive impairment. At present, there is a dearth of randomized controlled trials investigating cognitive impairment management in patients with AF. The Atrial Fibrillation Follow-up Investigation to Recover Memory and learning (AFFIRMING) study is aimed at evaluating the potential for computerized cognitive training to improve cognitive function in patients with AF. Methods: The study is a multi-center, double-blind, randomized controlled study using a 1:1 parallel design. A total of 200 patients with AF and mild cognitive decline without dementia are planned to be recruited. The intervention group will use the adaptive training software with changes in difficulty, whereas the positive control group will use basic training software with minimal or no variation in difficulty level. At the end of 12 weeks, the participants will be unblinded, and the positive control group will stop training. The intervention group will be rerandomized 1:1 to stop training or continue training. All participants will be followed up until 24 weeks. The primary endpoint is the proportion of the improvement of the global cognitive function at week 12 compared with baseline, using the Basic Cognitive Ability Test (BCAT)

    A Missense Mutation in PPARD Causes a Major QTL Effect on Ear Size in Pigs

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    Chinese Erhualian is the most prolific pig breed in the world. The breed exhibits exceptionally large and floppy ears. To identify genes underlying this typical feature, we previously performed a genome scan in a large scale White Duroc × Erhualian cross and mapped a major QTL for ear size to a 2-cM region on chromosome 7. We herein performed an identical-by-descent analysis that defined the QTL within a 750-kb region. Historically, the large-ear feature has been selected for the ancient sacrificial culture in Erhualian pigs. By using a selective sweep analysis, we then refined the critical region to a 630-kb interval containing 9 annotated genes. Four of the 9 genes are expressed in ear tissues of piglets. Of the 4 genes, PPARD stood out as the strongest candidate gene for its established role in skin homeostasis, cartilage development, and fat metabolism. No differential expression of PPARD was found in ear tissues at different growth stages between large-eared Erhualian and small-eared Duroc pigs. We further screened coding sequence variants in the PPARD gene and identified only one missense mutation (G32E) in a conserved functionally important domain. The protein-altering mutation showed perfect concordance (100%) with the QTL genotypes of all 19 founder animals segregating in the White Duroc × Erhualian cross and occurred at high frequencies exclusively in Chinese large-eared breeds. Moreover, the mutation is of functional significance; it mediates down-regulation of β-catenin and its target gene expression that is crucial for fat deposition in skin. Furthermore, the mutation was significantly associated with ear size across the experimental cross and diverse outbred populations. A worldwide survey of haplotype diversity revealed that the mutation event is of Chinese origin, likely after domestication. Taken together, we provide evidence that PPARD G32E is the variation underlying this major QTL