6 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: Analyze the epidemiological situation of echinococcosis in children in the Astrakhan region. In the Astrakhan region from 2001 to 2016. Registered 141 cases of echinococcosis in humans, incl. In children — 22 cases (15,6%). Among all the sick children, echinococcosis was more often reported in school-age persons — 90,9%. From the preschool age group, echinococcosis was recorded in two (9,1%) unorganized children aged 5 and 6 years. The main complaints in the majority of invasive children were pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium — 40,9%, periodically arising cramping pain in the area of localization of the parasite — 31,8%. In rare cases, complaints of weakness and a feeling of bursting at the site of echinococcal cyst localization were noted — 4,5% each. A part of patients — 18,2% of the complaints were absent. When diagnosing, both laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods were used. In most cases — 90,9%, the diagnosis of echinococcosis was confirmed by the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA method). Thus, recently in the territory of the Astrakhan region there has been an increase in the number of cases of human infection with echinococcus, incl. аnd children of school age. The parasite is located, as a rule, in the liver and lung. The disease was susceptible to those who had a history of permanent contact with non-undelminthic dogs. In the diagnosis of echinococcosis, the main role is played by the complex methods of ELISA, CT, ultrasound, x-ray and histological methods.  Цель исследования: проанализировать эпидемиологическую ситуацию по эхинококкозу у детей в Астраханской области. В Астраханской области с 2001 по 2016 гг. зарегистрирован 141 случай эхинококкоза у человека, в т.ч. 22 случая — у детей (15,6%). Среди всех заболевших детей, эхинококкоз чаще регистрировался у школьников — 90,9%. Из группы пациентов дошкольного возраста эхинококкоз выявлен у двух (9,1%) неорганизованных детей в возрасте 5 и 6 лет. Основными жалобами у большинства инвазированных детей были боль и чувство тяжести в области правого подреберья — 40,9%, периодически возникающая схваткообразная боль в области локализации паразита — 31,8%. В редких случаях отмечались жалобы на слабость и чувство распирания в месте локализации эхинококковой кисты — по 4,5%. У части больных —18,2% жалобы отсутствовали. В большинстве случаев — 90,9% диагноз эхинококкоз был подтвержден метом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА). Таким образом, в последнее время на территории Астраханской области отмечается увеличение числа случаев заражения человека эхинококком, в т.ч. и детей школьного возраста. Паразит локализовался, как правило, в печени и легком. Заболеванию были подвержены лица, имевшие в анамнезе постоянный контакт с недегельминтизированными собаками. В диагностике эхинококкоза главную роль играет комплекс методов: ИФА, КТ, УЗИ, рентгенологический и гистологический. 

    Self condensation of enamines mediated by acetylation. A novel approach to 1-(azol-5-yl)-(1E,3Z)-butadiene-4-N,N-dimethylamines

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    Novel self-condensation of 3-(azol-5-yl)-1,1-dimethylenamines has been found to form new C-C bonds leading to 2,4-(1,2,3-triazole-1,2,3-thiadiazole-3- phenylisothiazole)-(1E,3Z)-5-yl-butadiene-1-amines. The discovered reaction represents a new example of C-H functionalization in unsaturated systems and can serve an efficient synthetic approach to rational design of new 2,4-(diazole-5-yl)-dieneamines. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry


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    Purpose of the study: Analyze the epidemiological situation of echinococcosis in children in the Astrakhan region. In the Astrakhan region from 2001 to 2016. Registered 141 cases of echinococcosis in humans, incl. In children — 22 cases (15,6%). Among all the sick children, echinococcosis was more often reported in school-age persons — 90,9%. From the preschool age group, echinococcosis was recorded in two (9,1%) unorganized children aged 5 and 6 years. The main complaints in the majority of invasive children were pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium — 40,9%, periodically arising cramping pain in the area of localization of the parasite — 31,8%. In rare cases, complaints of weakness and a feeling of bursting at the site of echinococcal cyst localization were noted — 4,5% each. A part of patients — 18,2% of the complaints were absent. When diagnosing, both laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods were used. In most cases — 90,9%, the diagnosis of echinococcosis was confirmed by the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA method). Thus, recently in the territory of the Astrakhan region there has been an increase in the number of cases of human infection with echinococcus, incl. аnd children of school age. The parasite is located, as a rule, in the liver and lung. The disease was susceptible to those who had a history of permanent contact with non-undelminthic dogs. In the diagnosis of echinococcosis, the main role is played by the complex methods of ELISA, CT, ultrasound, x-ray and histological methods


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    Purpose of the study: Analyze the epidemiological situation of echinococcosis in children in the Astrakhan region. In the Astrakhan region from 2001 to 2016. Registered 141 cases of echinococcosis in humans, incl. In children — 22 cases (15,6%). Among all the sick children, echinococcosis was more often reported in school-age persons — 90,9%. From the preschool age group, echinococcosis was recorded in two (9,1%) unorganized children aged 5 and 6 years. The main complaints in the majority of invasive children were pain and a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium — 40,9%, periodically arising cramping pain in the area of localization of the parasite — 31,8%. In rare cases, complaints of weakness and a feeling of bursting at the site of echinococcal cyst localization were noted — 4,5% each. A part of patients — 18,2% of the complaints were absent. When diagnosing, both laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods were used. In most cases — 90,9%, the diagnosis of echinococcosis was confirmed by the enzyme immunoassay (ELISA method). Thus, recently in the territory of the Astrakhan region there has been an increase in the number of cases of human infection with echinococcus, incl. аnd children of school age. The parasite is located, as a rule, in the liver and lung. The disease was susceptible to those who had a history of permanent contact with non-undelminthic dogs. In the diagnosis of echinococcosis, the main role is played by the complex methods of ELISA, CT, ultrasound, x-ray and histological methods.  Цель исследования: проанализировать эпидемиологическую ситуацию по эхинококкозу у детей в Астраханской области. В Астраханской области с 2001 по 2016 гг. зарегистрирован 141 случай эхинококкоза у человека, в т.ч. 22 случая — у детей (15,6%). Среди всех заболевших детей, эхинококкоз чаще регистрировался у школьников — 90,9%. Из группы пациентов дошкольного возраста эхинококкоз выявлен у двух (9,1%) неорганизованных детей в возрасте 5 и 6 лет. Основными жалобами у большинства инвазированных детей были боль и чувство тяжести в области правого подреберья — 40,9%, периодически возникающая схваткообразная боль в области локализации паразита — 31,8%. В редких случаях отмечались жалобы на слабость и чувство распирания в месте локализации эхинококковой кисты — по 4,5%. У части больных —18,2% жалобы отсутствовали. В большинстве случаев — 90,9% диагноз эхинококкоз был подтвержден метом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА). Таким образом, в последнее время на территории Астраханской области отмечается увеличение числа случаев заражения человека эхинококком, в т.ч. и детей школьного возраста. Паразит локализовался, как правило, в печени и легком. Заболеванию были подвержены лица, имевшие в анамнезе постоянный контакт с недегельминтизированными собаками. В диагностике эхинококкоза главную роль играет комплекс методов: ИФА, КТ, УЗИ, рентгенологический и гистологический.  </p