44 research outputs found
Distribution of HLA specificity in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Aim: to study the characteristics of the HLA phenotype in patients with acute
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in Kazakhstan, to search for the relationship
between the development of ALL and the expression of HLA antigens. Objects
and methods: 3621 healthy donors and 261 patients with a diagnosis of ALL were
examined. All patients were on treatment at the clinic of the National Scientific
Center of Oncology and Transplantology in Astana and were diagnosed on the
basis of the ALL-2013KZ protocol (Minutes No. 16 of August 16, 2013). DNA
was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes by a proteinase method using the
PROTRANS DNA BOX reagent kit (Protrans, Germany). Typing of HLA antigens
(HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, DQB1) was performed by polymerase chain reaction. The
results were assessed using the descriptive statistics methods. Results: a study of the
distribution of HLA antigens in patients with ALL and healthy donors suggested
the existence of associative links between the presence of HLA-A*30, B*44, C*16,
DRB1*07, *16 and the development of this pathology. Persons having phenotype
antigens HLA-A*02, C*02, DQB1*06 are resistant to the onset of this disease.
Conclusion: the obtained data can be used in the development of immunogenetic
criteria for predicting the development of ALL and the study of various diseases
associated with HLA antigens.Мета: дослідження особливостей HLAфенотипу упацієнтів ізгострим лімфобластним лейкозом (ГЛЛ) в Казахстані, вивчення зв’язку між розвитком ГЛЛ та експресією HLA-антигенів. Об’єкт
іметоди: обстежені 3621 здоровий донор та 261 хворий на ГЛЛ. Усі пацієнти перебували на лікуванні в клініці Національного наукового центру онкології і трансплантології м. Астана та були діагностовані за протоколом ГЛЛ-2013KZ (Протокол № 16
від 16.08.2013 р). ДНК виділяли з лейкоцитів периферичної крові протеїназним методом за допомогою
набору реагентів PROTRANS DNA BOX (Protrans,
Німеччина). HLA антигени (HLA-A, B, С, DRB1,
DQB1) визначали за допомогою методу полімеразної ланцюгової реакції. Для оцінки результатів дослідження використовували методи дескриптивної
статистики. Результати: дослідження розподілу
антигенів системи HLA уфенотипі пацієнтів ізГЛЛ
та здорових донорів показало існування асоціативних зв’язків між наявністю HLA-A*30, В*44, C*16,
DRB1*07, *16 та розвитком цієї патології. Особи,
в фенотипі яких наявні антигени HLA-А*02, С*02,
DQB1*06, виявилися стійкими до розвитку ГЛЛ.
Висновок: отримані дані можуть бути використані при розробці імуногенетичних критеріїв прогнозування розвитку ГЛЛ та інших захворювань, асоційованих із HLA-антигенами
The article presents a study on the distribution of gene polymorphisms in the histocompatibility antigens among the patients diagnosed with AML, and healthy donors in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as features of the HLA-A*, *B, Cw*, DRB1*, DQB1* distribution among the patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). HLA typing and data processing were performed at the Research and Production Center of Transfusiology, Nur-Sultan. A total of 3808 people were examined, including 3621 healthy blood donors and 187 patients diagnosed with AML. Genomic DNA for HLA typing was isolated from peripheral blood leukocytes by proteinase method using columns with silica membrane and using a set of reagents PROTRANS DNA BOX (Protrans, Germany). Typing of HLA-A, B, C, DRB1, DQB1 in the patients and blood donors was performed by polymerase chain reaction using commercial reagent kits from Protrans (PROTRANS HLA- A*/B*/DRB1* Cyclerplate System, PROTRANS HLA-C* Cyclerplate System, PROTRANS HLA-DQB1* Cyclerplate System).HLA-A*31 (OR = 1.8; CI 1.16-2.79; p < 0.01) proved to be more common in the group of patients compared to the control group, which suggesting an association between AML and presence of this antigen. The control group showed an increased frequency of HLA-A*02 antigen (OR = 0.55; CI 0.41-0.75; p < 0.01). This antigen may be, therefore, exert a protective effect in AML development.The studies of major histocompatibility complex which include HLA genes, did significantly expanded the understanding of HLA antigens which may have strong associative links with distinct diseases, and moderately or poorly expressed links in other disorders. Analysis of the literature data showed that myeloid leukemia is characterized by decreased frequency of HLA-B13, B14, B40 antigens, most often determined by antigens B16, Bw 22, B27. In this study, HLA-A*31, B*37 were associated with AML. Phenotypes with antigens HLA-A*02, B*27, C*02, DRB1*01, *04, DQB1*06 have a probable protective effect on the development of this pathology.The study has determined some features of histocompatibility gene distribution in AML patients, detection of HLA-markers that determine the risk or resistance to the occurrence of this disease. We have established characteristic specific markers of HLA system among AML patients in Kazakhstan, which may be associated with higher risk of the disease
Alaninaminotransferase and specific viral hepatitis markers in the blood of donors
Aim of investigation. To study the dynamics of viral hepatitis detection rate after implementation of donors preliminary testing for alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activity. Material and methods. Viral hepatitis markers detection rate by immuno-chemiluminescence assay at testing for ALT activity in venous (n=47080) and capillary (n=22530) blood of donors was studied. Results. Males had higher ALT activity in comparison to that in females, both in venous (for 54.1%), and in capillary (for 27.2%) blood. ALT capillary blood activity was higher on the average, than in venous, for 10.1% in men and 33.3% in women. Conclusions. ALT activity elevation is associated by twofold increase in the rate of lacteous serum and more frequent detection of hepatitis serological markers. In the samples received after capillary blood culling the anti-hepatitis C virus antibodies positivity rate was decreased. No relation of ALT activity to results of parenteral virus genomes screen was revealed