99 research outputs found

    Historical biogeography of Loranthaceae (Santalales): Diversification agrees with emergence of tropical forests and radiation of songbirds

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    Coadaptation between mistletoes and birds captured the attention of Charles Darwin over 150 years ago, stimulating considerable scientific research. Here we used Loranthaceae, a speciose and ecologically important mistletoe family, to obtain new insights into the interrelationships among its hosts and dispersers. Phylogenetic analyses of Loranthaceae were based on a dataset of nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences. Divergence time estimation, ancestral area reconstruction, and diversification rate analyses were employed to examine historical biogeography. The crown group of Loranthaceae was estimated to originate in Australasian Gondwana during the Paleocene to early Eocene (59 Ma, 95% HPD: 53–66 Ma), and rapidly diversified, converting from root parasitic to aerial parasitic trophic mode ca. 50 Ma during the Eocene climatic optimum. Subsequently, Loranthaceae were inferred to be widespread in Australasia and South America but absent in Africa. The African and European members were derived from Asiatic lineages. The burst of diversification of Loranthaceae occurred during a climatic optimum period that coincides with the dominance of tropical forests in the world. This also corresponds to the trophic mode conversion of Loranthaceae and rapid radiation of many bird families – important agents for long-distance dispersal in the Cenozoic.Fil: Liu, Bing. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de ChinaFil: Le, Chi Toan. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de China. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; ChinaFil: Barrett, Russell L.. National Herbarium of New South Wales; Australia. Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research. Australian National Herbarium; AustraliaFil: Nickrent, Daniel L.. University Carbondale; Estados UnidosFil: Chen, Zhiduan. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de ChinaFil: Lu, Limin. Chinese Academy of Sciences; República de ChinaFil: Vidal Russell, Romina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Laboratorio de Ecotono; Argentin

    Integrated phylogenomic analyses unveil reticulate evolution in Parthenocissus (Vitaceae), highlighting speciation dynamics in the Himalayan–Hengduan Mountains

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    Hybridization caused by frequent environmental changes can lead both to species diversification (speciation) and to speciation reversal (despeciation), but the latter has rarely been demonstrated. Parthenocissus, a genus with its trifoliolate lineage in the Himalayan-Hengduan Mountains (HHM) region showing perplexing phylogenetic relationships, provides an opportunity for investigating speciation dynamics based on integrated evidence.We investigated phylogenetic discordance and reticulate evolution in Parthenocissus based on rigorous analyses of plastome and transcriptome data. We focused on reticulations in the trifoliolate lineage in the HHM region using a population-level genome resequencing dataset, incorporating evidence from morphology, distribution, and elevation.Comprehensive analyses confirmed multiple introgressions within Parthenocissus in a robust temporal-spatial framework. Around the HHM region, at least three hybridization hot spots were identified, one of which showed evidence of ongoing speciation reversal.We present a solid case study using an integrative methodological approach to investigate reticulate evolutionary history and its underlying mechanisms in plants. It demonstrates an example of speciation reversal through frequent hybridizations in the HHM region, which provides new perspectives on speciation dynamics in mountainous areas with strong topographic and environmental heterogeneity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Extensive pyrosequencing reveals frequent intra-genomic variations of internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA

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    BACKGROUND: Internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) is already one of the most popular phylogenetic and DNA barcoding markers. However, the existence of its multiple copies has complicated such usage and a detailed characterization of intra-genomic variations is critical to address such concerns. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we used sequence-tagged pyrosequencing and genome-wide analyses to characterize intra-genomic variations of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2)regions from 178 plant species. We discovered that mutation of ITS2 is frequent, with a mean of 35 variants per species. And on average, three of the most abundant variants make up 91% of all ITS2 copies. Moreover, we found different congeneric species share identical variants in 13 genera. Interestingly, different species across different genera also share identical variants. In particular, one minor variant of ITS2 in Eleutherococcus giraldii was found identical to the ITS2 major variant of Panax ginseng, both from Araliaceae family. In addition, DNA barcoding gap analysis showed that the intra-genomic distances were markedly smaller than those of the intra-specific or inter-specific variants. When each of 5543 variants were examined for its species discrimination efficiency, a 97% success rate was obtained at the species level. CONCLUSIONS: Identification of identical ITS2 variants across intra-generic or inter-generic species revealed complex species evolutionary history, possibly, horizontal gene transfer and ancestral hybridization. Although intra-genomic multiple variants are frequently found within each genome, the usage of the major variants alone is sufficient for phylogeny construction and species determination in most cases. Furthermore, the inclusion of minor variants further improves the resolution of species identification.Jingyuan Song, Linchun Shi, Dezhu Li, Yongzhen Sun, Yunyun Niu, Zhiduan Chen, Hongmei Luo, Xiaohui Pang, Zhiying Sun, Chang Liu, Aiping Lv, Youping Deng, Zachary Larson-Rabin, Mike Wilkinson and Shilin Che

    Phylogenetics and evolution of Su(var)3-9 SET genes in land plants: rapid diversification in structure and function

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Plants contain numerous <it>Su(var)3-9 </it>homologues (<it>SUVH</it>) and related (<it>SUVR</it>) genes, some of which await functional characterization. Although there have been studies on the evolution of plant <it>Su(var)3-9 SET </it>genes, a systematic evolutionary study including major land plant groups has not been reported. Large-scale phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses can help to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms and contribute to improve genome annotation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Putative orthologs of plant Su(var)3-9 SET protein sequences were retrieved from major representatives of land plants. A novel clustering that included most members analyzed, henceforth referred to as core <it>Su(var)3-9 </it>homologues and related (<it>cSUVHR</it>) gene clade, was identified as well as all orthologous groups previously identified. Our analysis showed that plant Su(var)3-9 SET proteins possessed a variety of domain organizations, and can be classified into five types and ten subtypes. Plant <it>Su(var)3-9 SET </it>genes also exhibit a wide range of gene structures among different paralogs within a family, even in the regions encoding conserved PreSET and SET domains. We also found that the majority of SUVH members were intronless and formed three subclades within the SUVH clade.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A detailed phylogenetic analysis of the plant <it>Su(var)3-9 SET g</it>enes was performed. A novel deep phylogenetic relationship including most plant <it>Su(var)3-9 SET </it>genes was identified. Additional domains such as SAR, ZnF_C2H2 and WIYLD were early integrated into primordial PreSET/SET/PostSET domain organization. At least three classes of gene structures had been formed before the divergence of <it>Physcomitrella patens </it>(moss) from other land plants. One or multiple retroposition events might have occurred among <it>SUVH </it>genes with the donor genes leading to the V-2 orthologous group. The structural differences among evolutionary groups of plant <it>Su(var)3-9 SET </it>genes with different functions were described, contributing to the design of further experimental studies.</p

    Cayratia cheniana (Vitaceae): An Endangered New Species Endemic to the Limestone Mountains of Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam

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    Considerable numbers of species have become extinct before being scientifically described, and the loss of natural habitats is known to be one of the major reasons for biodiversity declines. In this study, an endangered new species, Cayratia cheniana L. M. Lu & J. Wen, endemic to the limestone mountains of Ninh Thuan province of Vietnam is herein described based on both morphological and molecular evidence. With five chloroplast markers, Cayratia cheniana is placed as the first diverged lineage of Cayratia Juss. Morphologically, Cayratia cheniana shares synapomorphies with all other Cayratia s. s. in possessing a membrane enclosing ventral infolds in the seeds and presence of bracts on the lower part of the inflorescence axis. This species can be readily distinguished from other congeners by its tripalmate-trifoliate to bipinnate leaf architecture and stems with shredding bark