1,540 research outputs found

    Spanning trails containing given edges

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    A graph G is Eulerian-connected if for any u and v in V ( G ) , G has a spanning ( u , v ) -trail. A graph G is edge-Eulerian-connected if for any e ′ and e ″ in E ( G ) , G has a spanning ( e ′ , e ″ ) -trail. For an integer r ⩾ 0 , a graph is called r -Eulerian-connected if for any X ⊆ E ( G ) with | X | ⩽ r , and for any u , v ∈ V ( G ) , G has a spanning ( u , v ) -trail T such that X ⊆ E ( T ) . The r -edge-Eulerian-connectivity of a graph can be defined similarly. Let θ ( r ) be the minimum value of k such that every k -edge-connected graph is r -Eulerian-connected. Catlin proved that θ ( 0 ) = 4 . We shall show that θ ( r ) = 4 for 0 ⩽ r ⩽ 2 , and θ ( r ) = r + 1 for r ⩾ 3 . Results on r -edge-Eulerian connectivity are also discussed

    Edge-connectivities for spanning trails with prescribed edges

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    Two-dimensional Massless Dirac Fermions in Antiferromagnetic AFe2As2 (A = Ba, Sr)

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    We report infrared studies of AFe2_{2}As2_{2} (A = Ba, Sr), two representative parent compounds of iron-arsenide superconductors, at magnetic fields (B) up to 17.5 T. Optical transitions between Landau levels (LLs) were observed in the antiferromagnetic states of these two parent compounds. Our observation of a B\sqrt{B} dependence of the LL transition energies, the zero-energy intercepts at B = 0 T under the linear extrapolations of the transition energies and the energy ratio (∼\sim 2.4) between the observed LL transitions, combined with the linear band dispersions in two-dimensional (2D) momentum space obtained by theoretical calculations, demonstrates the existence of massless Dirac fermions in antiferromagnetic BaFe2_{2}As2_{2}. More importantly, the observed dominance of the zeroth-LL-related absorption features and the calculated bands with extremely weak dispersions along the momentum direction kzk_{z} indicate that massless Dirac fermions in BaFe2_{2}As2_{2} are 2D. Furthermore, we find that the total substitution of the barium atoms in BaFe2_{2}As2_{2} by strontium atoms not only maintains 2D massless Dirac fermions in this system, but also enhances their Fermi velocity, which supports that the Dirac points in iron-arsenide parent compounds are topologically protected.Comment: Magneto-infrared study, Landau level spectroscopy, DFT+DMFT calculation
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