31 research outputs found

    Metal oxide/hydroxide materials for electrochemical capacitors

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    Energy storage and conversion materials are the subject of increasing research focus due to increasing global demand for clean energy. Compared with Li-ion batteries, electrochemical capacitors exhibit faster charge−discharge characteristics, higher power density, and longer lifetimes, making them indispensable in many portable systems and hybrid electric vehicles. The main aim of this doctoral research was to develop high performance electrode materials for electrochemical capacitors with the potential to be further developed into practical applications in the future. Relatively easy, cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods amenable to future industrial production were sought with regard to the fabrication of high performance electrode materials. Five novel works are reported in this doctoral thesis

    RFD-ECNet: Extreme Underwater Image Compression with Reference to Feature Dictionar

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    Thriving underwater applications demand efficient extreme compression technology to realize the transmission of underwater images (UWIs) in very narrow underwater bandwidth. However, existing image compression methods achieve inferior performance on UWIs because they do not consider the characteristics of UWIs: (1) Multifarious underwater styles of color shift and distance-dependent clarity, caused by the unique underwater physical imaging; (2) Massive redundancy between different UWIs, caused by the fact that different UWIs contain several common ocean objects, which have plenty of similarities in structures and semantics. To remove redundancy among UWIs, we first construct an exhaustive underwater multi-scale feature dictionary to provide coarse-to-fine reference features for UWI compression. Subsequently, an extreme UWI compression network with reference to the feature dictionary (RFD-ECNet) is creatively proposed, which utilizes feature match and reference feature variant to significantly remove redundancy among UWIs. To align the multifarious underwater styles and improve the accuracy of feature match, an underwater style normalized block (USNB) is proposed, which utilizes underwater physical priors extracted from the underwater physical imaging model to normalize the underwater styles of dictionary features toward the input. Moreover, a reference feature variant module (RFVM) is designed to adaptively morph the reference features, improving the similarity between the reference and input features. Experimental results on four UWI datasets show that our RFD-ECNet is the first work that achieves a significant BD-rate saving of 31% over the most advanced VVC

    Chen Zhong

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    A quatre-vingts ans passés, Chen Zhong représente la dernière génération des poly-instrumentistes, des musiciens qui ne se cantonnaient pas à un genre, une spécialité, un emploi. Pédagogue, père de famille, il représente le lien entre la musique des lettrés, le plaisir du jeu ensemble et le grand répertoire de concert. Il attache beaucoup d’importance à la culture, cultive l’amitié et la sincérité. Au-dessus de tout, pouvoir, savoir, sagesse, il met la saveur

    Becoming Chinese music: guqin and music scholarship in modern China.

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    Chuen Fung Wong.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 94-102).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Abstract --- p.iAbstract (Chinese Translation) --- p.iiiAcknowledgements --- p.vTable of Contents --- p.viList of Figures and Tables --- p.viiiRomanization and Translation --- p.ixChapter 1. --- Introduction --- p.1Beyond Ethnomusicology and Music History --- p.1Music Scholarship and Historiography in Modern China --- p.3Modern Research on Guqin: Becoming a Chinese Instrument --- p.8On Methodology --- p.11Chapter 2. --- The Making of Modern Notation: Reformation Models of Guqin Notation in the Twentieth Century --- p.14Introduction --- p.14Guqin Notation --- p.16Traditional Notation/Pre-Modern: An Imagined Tradition --- p.18Modern Changes --- p.20Notation Model in Oinxue Rumen --- p.21Notation Model in Qinjing --- p.23Wang Guangqi's Model --- p.25Yang Tinliu's Reformation Proposal --- p.28Gong Yi´ةs Guqin Yamoufa --- p.31Concluding Remarks: The Making of a Modern Notation --- p.35Chapter 3. --- Between Creativity and Reconstruction: Dapu and Its Changing Concept --- p.38Introduction --- p.38Defining Dapu --- p.40"Between Ancient and Modern, Historical and Creative" --- p.41The Power of Silk String --- p.46Dapu in Modern China and Its Practical Uses --- p.48Concluding Remarks: Dapu and Modernity in China --- p.51"Epilogue: A Brief Report on the Fourth National Dapu Conference,19-26 August 2001, Changshu" --- p.56Chapter 4. --- Becoming a Chinese Music history: Guqin and Music Historiography --- p.60Introduction --- p.60Music Historiography and the Work-Concept in China --- p.63Guqin and Musical Works --- p.66Situating Guqin Music into History: The Irony of Meihua Sannong --- p.68The Tactics of Historicization: The Case of Lisao --- p.72Werktreue and Chinese Music Historiography: A Conceptual Imperialism --- p.76Chapter 5. --- Conclusion: Guqin and Postcolonial Modernity in China --- p.80Introduction --- p.80A Postcolonial Reading --- p.82The Quest for Modernity --- p.83Final Remarks: On Translation and Chinese Music Scholarship --- p.86Appendix A Chinese Dynasties and Historical Periods --- p.88"Appendix B Map of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan" --- p.89Appendix C General Histories of Chinese Music --- p.90Reference Cited --- p.94Glossary of Chinese Terms --- p.10

    Маркетингові аспекти посилення ринкових позицій підприємства

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету". Керівник проекту: доцент, к. п. н., Денисенко Світлана МиколаївнаСтійкий розвиток інструментів маркетингу в ХХІ столітті сприяв утворенню чіткої кількості правил та інструментів, якими необхідно оперувати, щоб досягти поставлених організаційних цілей та претендувати на успішну професійну кар'єру. Правильне застосування інструментів маркетингу надає невимірену допомогу в реалізації товарів, що в свою чергу сприяє ефективному товарообігу, зміцненню ринку та стабілізації економіки в цілому. Ці інструменти різноманітні, але мета їх реалізації одна - підвищення конкурентоспроможності товаровиробника в умовах ринкової економіки. Недооцінка підприємствами важливості застосування інструментів маркетингу у реалізації маркетингової стратегії як у цифровому просторі, так і в оффлайн форматі, стає все більш актуальною в зв'язку з задоволенням змінливих потреб споживача в умовах рекламної перенасиченості, що зрештою може мати зубожілий ефект для недостатньо «гнучких» компаній на українському ринку товарів

    Consumer behavior in a multichannel context and its managerial implications

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    The dissertation project consists of four papers. Two papers are concerned with multichannel customer behavior: (a) drivers of competitive webrooming and (b) profitability effects of offline channel additions. The remaining two papers deal with consumer reactions towards different website cookie notifications

    Liquid-Solid Triboelectric Nanogenerators

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    The triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) has emerged as a notable innovation in energy research, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy through the triboelectric effect and electrostatic induction. Of its many variations, the liquidsolid mode TENG has gained significant attention due to its inherent wear resistance, mechanical durability, and consistent operation. This research provides a focused exploration into the interactions between solids and liquids within the domain of TENGs. Beginning with an overview of TENGs—from the general background to their various operational modes, followed by a comprehensive literature review of solid-liquid TENGs