34 research outputs found

    Non-linear relationship of serum albumin-to-globulin ratio and cognitive function in American older people: a cross-sectional national health and nutrition examination survey 2011–2014 (NHANES) study

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    BackgroundInflammation and liver function are associated with cognitive decline and dementia. Little is known about the serum albumin-to-globulin ratio on cognitive function.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to investigate the association between albumin-to-globulin ratio and cognitive function among the American older people.MethodsThe public data available on the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2011 to 2014 was used for this cross-sectional study. Participants aged ≥60 years completed the cognitive function assessments, including word learning and recall modules from the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD), the animal fluency (AF) test, and the digit symbol substitution test (DSST). A composite cognition score was calculated to evaluate global cognition. The univariate and multivariate linear regression analysis, curve fitting, a threshold effect, along with a subgroup analysis and interaction tests were conducted.ResultsSerum albumin-to-globulin ratio (per 0.1 unit) was positively associated DSST score (β = 0.36, 95% CI: 0.21, 0.51), AF score (β = 0.1, 95% CI: 0.04, 0.16) and global cognition score (β = 0.05, 95% CI: 0.02, 0.07), after being fully adjusted, while albumin-to-globulin ratio was not related to CERAD score (β = 0.05, 95% CI: −0.02, 0.12). A non-linear was observed in the dose–response relationship between albumin-to-globulin ratio and global cognition (P for non-linearity < 0.001). The subgroup analysis was overall stable, yet the interaction test was significant for age on global cognition (P for interaction = 0.036).ConclusionThe findings of this cross-sectional study suggested a positive and non-linear association between albumin-to-globulin ratio and cognitive function in the American older people. Maintaining albumin-to-globulin ratio with an appropriate range may be one of the therapeutic strategies to limit the progression of cognitive decline for the older people

    Engineering Genetic Predisposition in Human Neuroepithelial Stem Cells Recapitulates Medulloblastoma Tumorigenesis.

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    Human neural stem cell cultures provide progenitor cells that are potential cells of origin for brain cancers. However, the extent to which genetic predisposition to tumor formation can be faithfully captured in stem cell lines is uncertain. Here, we evaluated neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells, representative of cerebellar progenitors. We transduced NES cells with MYCN, observing medulloblastoma upon orthotopic implantation in mice. Significantly, transcriptomes and patterns of DNA methylation from xenograft tumors were globally more representative of human medulloblastoma compared to a MYCN-driven genetically engineered mouse model. Orthotopic transplantation of NES cells generated from Gorlin syndrome patients, who are predisposed to medulloblastoma due to germline-mutated PTCH1, also generated medulloblastoma. We engineered candidate cooperating mutations in Gorlin NES cells, with mutation of DDX3X or loss of GSE1 both accelerating tumorigenesis. These findings demonstrate that human NES cells provide a potent experimental resource for dissecting genetic causation in medulloblastoma

    Sciences for The 2.5-meter Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST)

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    The Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST) is a dedicated photometric survey facility under construction jointly by the University of Science and Technology of China and Purple Mountain Observatory. It is equipped with a primary mirror of 2.5m in diameter, an active optical system, and a mosaic CCD camera of 0.73 Gpix on the main focus plane to achieve high-quality imaging over a field of view of 6.5 square degrees. The installation of WFST in the Lenghu observing site is planned to happen in the summer of 2023, and the operation is scheduled to commence within three months afterward. WFST will scan the northern sky in four optical bands (u, g, r, and i) at cadences from hourly/daily to semi-weekly in the deep high-cadence survey (DHS) and the wide field survey (WFS) programs, respectively. WFS reaches a depth of 22.27, 23.32, 22.84, and 22.31 in AB magnitudes in a nominal 30-second exposure in the four bands during a photometric night, respectively, enabling us to search tremendous amount of transients in the low-z universe and systematically investigate the variability of Galactic and extragalactic objects. Intranight 90s exposures as deep as 23 and 24 mag in u and g bands via DHS provide a unique opportunity to facilitate explorations of energetic transients in demand for high sensitivity, including the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave events detected by the second/third-generation GW detectors, supernovae within a few hours of their explosions, tidal disruption events and luminous fast optical transients even beyond a redshift of 1. Meanwhile, the final 6-year co-added images, anticipated to reach g about 25.5 mag in WFS or even deeper by 1.5 mag in DHS, will be of significant value to general Galactic and extragalactic sciences. The highly uniform legacy surveys of WFST will also serve as an indispensable complement to those of LSST which monitors the southern sky.Comment: 46 pages, submitted to SCMP

    Anchor Generation Optimization and Region of Interest Assignment for Vehicle Detection

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    Region proposal network (RPN) based object detection, such as Faster Regions with CNN (Faster R-CNN), has gained considerable attention due to its high accuracy and fast speed. However, it has room for improvements when used in special application situations, such as the on-board vehicle detection. Original RPN locates multiscale anchors uniformly on each pixel of the last feature map and classifies whether an anchor is part of the foreground or background with one pixel in the last feature map. The receptive field of each pixel in the last feature map is fixed in the original faster R-CNN and does not coincide with the anchor size. Hence, only a certain part can be seen for large vehicles and too much useless information is contained in the feature for small vehicles. This reduces detection accuracy. Furthermore, the perspective projection results in the vehicle bounding box size becoming related to the bounding box position, thereby reducing the effectiveness and accuracy of the uniform anchor generation method. This reduces both detection accuracy and computing speed. After the region proposal stage, many regions of interest (ROI) are generated. The ROI pooling layer projects an ROI to the last feature map and forms a new feature map with a fixed size for final classification and box regression. The number of feature map pixels in the projected region can also influence the detection performance but this is not accurately controlled in former works. In this paper, the original faster R-CNN is optimized, especially for the on-board vehicle detection. This paper tries to solve these above-mentioned problems. The proposed method is tested on the KITTI dataset and the result shows a significant improvement without too many tricky parameter adjustments and training skills. The proposed method can also be used on other objects with obvious foreshortening effects, such as on-board pedestrian detection. The basic idea of the proposed method does not rely on concrete implementation and thus, most deep learning based object detectors with multiscale feature maps can be optimized with it

    Recent Progress in Smart Electronic Nose Technologies Enabled with Machine Learning Methods

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    Machine learning methods enable the electronic nose (E-Nose) for precise odor identification with both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Advanced machine learning methods are crucial for the E-Nose to gain high performance and strengthen its capability in many applications, including robotics, food engineering, environment monitoring, and medical diagnosis. Recently, many machine learning techniques have been studied, developed, and integrated into feature extraction, modeling, and gas sensor drift compensation. The purpose of feature extraction is to keep robust pattern information in raw signals while removing redundancy and noise. With the extracted feature, a proper modeling method can effectively use the information for prediction. In addition, drift compensation is adopted to relieve the model accuracy degradation due to the gas sensor drifting. These recent advances have significantly promoted the prediction accuracy and stability of the E-Nose. This review is engaged to provide a summary of recent progress in advanced machine learning methods in E-Nose technologies and give an insight into new research directions in feature extraction, modeling, and sensor drift compensation

    Precise Identification of Food Smells to Enable Human–Computer Interface for Digital Smells

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    Food safety technologies are important in maintaining physical health for everyone. It is important to digitize the scents of foods to enable an effective human–computer interface for smells. In this work, an intelligent gas-sensing system is designed and integrated to capture the smells of food and convert them into digital scents. Fruit samples are used for testing as they release volatile organic components (VOCs) which can be detected by the gas sensors in the system. Decision tree, principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and one-dimensional convolutional neural network (1D-CNN) algorithms were adopted and optimized to analyze and precisely classify the sensor responses. Furthermore, the proposed system and data processing algorithms can be used to precisely identify the digital scents and monitor the decomposition dynamics of different foods. Such a promising technology is important for mutual understanding between humans and computers to enable an interface for digital scents, which is very attractive for food identification and safety monitoring