288 research outputs found

    Stripes in Quantum Hall Double Layer Systems

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    We present results of a study of double layer quantum Hall systems in which each layer has a high-index Landau level that is half-filled. Hartree-Fock calculations indicate that, above a critical layer separation, the system becomes unstable to the formation of a unidirectional coherent charge density wave (UCCDW), which is related to stripe states in single layer systems. The UCCDW state supports a quantized Hall effect when there is tunneling between layers, and is {\it always} stable against formation of an isotropic Wigner crystal for Landau indices N1N \ge 1. The state does become unstable to the formation of modulations within the stripes at large enough layer separation. The UCCDW state supports low-energy modes associated with interlayer coherence. The coherence allows the formation of charged soliton excitations, which become gapless in the limit of vanishing tunneling. We argue that this may result in a novel {\it ``critical Hall state''}, characterized by a power law IVI-V in tunneling experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures include

    Establishment of serum protein pattern for screening colorectal cancer using SELDI-TOF-MS

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    Aim: The purpose of this study is to develop a proteomic pattern for distinguishing individuals with colorectal cancer from healthy controls and monitoring micrometastasis using SELDI-TOF-MS. Methods: A training set consisting of 63 patients with colorectal cancer, 20 patients with benign colorectal diseases and 26 healthy volunteers was used to develop a proteomic model that discriminated colorectal cancer effectively. The sensitivity and specificity of this model was validated by an independent test set. To explore serum proteins changed after operation, the protein profiles of 31 postoperative patients were compared with those of preoperative patients. We also analyzed protein profiles of patients with and without metastasis to monitor micrometastasis. Results: Our study yielded a four-peak model (m/z: 3191.5, 3262.9, 3396.3 and 5334.4) that discriminated cancer from non-cancer samples with sensitivity of 90.3% and specificity of 95.7%. This model was validated in the test set with sensitivity of 87.5% and specificity of 93.8% which was significantly better than the combination use of CEA, CA199 and CA242 (sensitivity 62.4%) for early detection of colorectal cancer. Two peaks (m/z: 2753.8 and 4172.4) were found down-regulated in postoperative samples comparing with preoperative samples. We also detected two proteins (m/z: 9184.4 and 9340.9) that can discriminate patients with primary colorectal cancer from metastatic colorectal cancer. Conclusions: The four-peak model and two peaks (m/z: 2753.8 and 4172.4) detected in this study have the potential for assistance in diagnostics and therapeutic strategies in colorectal cancer and the two proteins (m/z: 9184.4 and 9340.9) were effective biomarkers for monitoring micrometastasis.Цель: исследование белкового профиля сыворотки крови больных колоректальным раком и здоровых доноров методом SELDI-TOF-MS для диагностики заболевания и мониторинга микрометастазов. Методы: методом SELDI-TOF-MS исследованы сыворотки крови 63 больных колоректальным раком, 20 больных с доброкачественными новообразованиями прямой кишки и 26 — здоровых доноров. Проведено сравнение профилей белков сыворотки крови 31 больного до и после хирургического вмешательства, а также больных с метастазами или без таковых. Результаты: получена 4-пиковая модель (m/z: 3191,5; 3262,9; 3396,3 и 5334,4), позволяющая отличить опухолевые образцы от неопухолевых с чувствительностью 90,3% и специфичностью 95,7%. Такая модель проверена в тест-системе с чувствительностью 87,5% и специфичностью 93,8%, что является лучшим результатом, чем комбинированное применение CEA, CA199 и CA242 (чувствительность 62,4%) для раннего выявления колоректального рака. Выявлено снижение интенсивности двух пиков (m/z: 2753,8 и 4172,4) при сравнении образцов до и после проведения операции, и идентифицированы два белка (m/z: 9184,4 и 9340,9), позволяющие выявлять больных колоректальным раком с метастазами. Выводы: полученная мо

    Quantum Ferromagnetism and Phase Transitions in Double-Layer Quantum Hall Systems

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    Double layer quantum Hall systems have interesting properties associated with interlayer correlations. At ν=1/m\nu =1/m where mm is an odd integer they exhibit spontaneous symmetry breaking equivalent to that of spin 1/21/2 easy-plane ferromagnets, with the layer degree of freedom playing the role of spin. We explore the rich variety of quantum and finite temperature phase transitions in these systems. In particular, we show that a magnetic field oriented parallel to the layers induces a highly collective commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in the magnetic order.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX 3.0, IUCM93-013, 1 FIGURE, hardcopy available from: [email protected]

    Additive Autocorrelation of Resilient Boolean Functions

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    Abstract. In this paper, we introduce a new notion called the dual func-tion for studying Boolean functions. First, we discuss general properties of the dual function that are related to resiliency and additive autocor-relation. Second, we look at preferred functions which are Boolean func-tions with the lowest 3-valued spectrum. We prove that if a balanced preferred function has a dual function which is also preferred, then it is resilient, has high nonlinearity and optimal additive autocorrelation. We demonstrate four such constructions of optimal Boolean functions using the Kasami, Dillon-Dobbertin, Segre hyperoval and Welch-Gong Transformation functions. Third, we compute the additive autocorrela-tion of some known resilient preferred functions in the literature by using the dual function. We conclude that our construction yields highly non-linear resilient functions with better additive autocorrelation than the Maiorana-McFarland functions. We also analysed the saturated func-tions, which are resilient functions with optimized algebraic degree and nonlinearity. We show that their additive autocorrelation have high peak values, and they become linear when we fix very few bits. These potential weaknesses have to be considered before we deploy them in applications.

    Non-Markovian dynamics for an open two-level system without rotating wave approximation: Indivisibility versus backflow of information

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    By use of the two measures presented recently, the indivisibility and the backflow of information, we study the non-Markovianity of the dynamics for a two-level system interacting with a zero-temperature structured environment without using rotating wave approximation (RWA). In the limit of weak coupling between the system and the reservoir, and by expanding the time-convolutionless (TCL) generator to the forth order with respect to the coupling strength, the time-local non-Markovian master equation for the reduced state of the system is derived. Under the secular approximation, the exact analytic solution is obtained and the sufficient and necessary conditions for the indivisibility and the backflow of information for the system dynamics are presented. In the more general case, we investigate numerically the properties of the two measures for the case of Lorentzian reservoir. Our results show the importance of the counter-rotating terms to the short-time-scale non-Markovian behavior of the system dynamics, further expose the relations between the two measures and their rationality as non-Markovian measures. Finally, the complete positivity of the dynamics of the considered system is discussed

    Enterotypes of the human gut mycobiome

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    BACKGROUND: The fungal component of the human gut microbiome, also known as the mycobiome, plays a vital role in intestinal ecology and human health. However, the overall structure of the gut mycobiome as well as the inter-individual variations in fungal composition remains largely unknown. In this study, we collected a total of 3363 fungal sequencing samples from 16 cohorts across three continents, including 572 newly profiled samples from China. RESULTS: We identify and characterize four mycobiome enterotypes using ITS profiling of 3363 samples from 16 cohorts. These enterotypes exhibit stability across populations and geographical locations and significant correlation with bacterial enterotypes. Particularly, we notice that fungal enterotypes have a strong age preference, where the enterotype dominated by Candida (i.e., Can_type enterotype) is enriched in the elderly population and confers an increased risk of multiple diseases associated with a compromised intestinal barrier. In addition, bidirectional mediation analysis reveals that the fungi-contributed aerobic respiration pathway associated with the Can_type enterotype might mediate the association between the compromised intestinal barrier and aging. CONCLUSIONS: We show that the human gut mycobiome has stable compositional patterns across individuals and significantly correlates with multiple host factors, such as diseases and host age. Video Abstract

    Phyllosticta citricarpa and sister species of global importance to Citrus.

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    Several Phyllosticta species are known as pathogens of Citrus spp., and are responsible for various disease symptoms including leaf and fruit spots. One of the most important species is P. citricarpa, which causes a foliar and fruit disease called citrus black spot. The Phyllosticta species occurring on citrus can most effectively be distinguished from P. citricarpa by means of multilocus DNA sequence data. Recent studies also demonstrated P. citricarpa to be heterothallic, and reported successful mating in the laboratory. Since the domestication of citrus, different clones of P. citricarpa have escaped Asia to other continents via trade routes, with obvious disease management consequences. This pathogen profile represents a comprehensive literature review of this pathogen and allied taxa associated with citrus, focusing on identification, distribution, genomics, epidemiology and disease management. This review also considers the knowledge emerging from seven genomes of Phyllosticta spp., demonstrating unknown aspects of these species, including their mating behaviour.TaxonomyPhyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Aa, 1973. Kingdom Fungi, Phylum Ascomycota, Class Dothideomycetes, Order Botryosphaeriales, Family Phyllostictaceae, Genus Phyllosticta, Species citricarpa.Host rangeConfirmed on more than 12 Citrus species, Phyllosticta citricarpa has only been found on plant species in the Rutaceae.Disease symptomsP. citricarpa causes diverse symptoms such as hard spot, virulent spot, false melanose and freckle spot on fruit, and necrotic lesions on leaves and twigs.Useful websitesDOE Joint Genome Institute MycoCosm portals for the Phyllosticta capitalensis (https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phycap1), P. citriasiana (https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phycit1), P. citribraziliensis (https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phcit1), P. citrichinaensis (https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phcitr1), P. citricarpa (https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phycitr1, https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phycpc1), P. paracitricarpa (https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phy27169) genomes. All available Phyllosticta genomes on MycoCosm can be viewed at https://genome.jgi.doe.gov/Phyllosticta

    Direct Measurements of the Branching Fractions for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e and Determinations of the Form Factors f+K(0)f_{+}^{K}(0) and f+π(0)f^{\pi}_{+}(0)

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    The absolute branching fractions for the decays D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e are determined using 7584±198±3417584\pm 198 \pm 341 singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 sample from the data collected around 3.773 GeV with the BES-II detector at the BEPC. In the system recoiling against the singly tagged Dˉ0\bar D^0 meson, 104.0±10.9104.0\pm 10.9 events for D0Ke+νeD^0 \to K^-e ^+\nu_e and 9.0±3.69.0 \pm 3.6 events for D0πe+νeD^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e decays are observed. Those yield the absolute branching fractions to be BF(D0Ke+νe)=(3.82±0.40±0.27)BF(D^0 \to K^-e^+\nu_e)=(3.82 \pm 0.40\pm 0.27)% and BF(D0πe+νe)=(0.33±0.13±0.03)BF(D^0 \to \pi^-e^+\nu_e)=(0.33 \pm 0.13\pm 0.03)%. The vector form factors are determined to be f+K(0)=0.78±0.04±0.03|f^K_+(0)| = 0.78 \pm 0.04 \pm 0.03 and f+π(0)=0.73±0.14±0.06|f^{\pi}_+(0)| = 0.73 \pm 0.14 \pm 0.06. The ratio of the two form factors is measured to be f+π(0)/f+K(0)=0.93±0.19±0.07|f^{\pi}_+(0)/f^K_+(0)|= 0.93 \pm 0.19 \pm 0.07.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Search for the Rare Decays J/Psi --> Ds- e+ nu_e, J/Psi --> D- e+ nu_e, and J/Psi --> D0bar e+ e-

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    We report on a search for the decays J/Psi --> Ds- e+ nu_e + c.c., J/Psi --> D- e+ nu_e + c.c., and J/Psi --> D0bar e+ e- + c.c. in a sample of 5.8 * 10^7 J/Psi events collected with the BESII detector at the BEPC. No excess of signal above background is observed, and 90% confidence level upper limits on the branching fractions are set: B(J/Psi --> Ds- e+ nu_e + c.c.)<4.8*10^-5, B(J/Psi --> D- e+ nu_e + c.c.) D0bar e+ e- + c.c.)<1.1*10^-5Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    The σ\sigma pole in J/ψωπ+πJ/\psi \to \omega \pi^+ \pi^-

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    Using a sample of 58 million J/ψJ/\psi events recorded in the BESII detector, the decay J/ψωπ+πJ/\psi \to \omega \pi^+ \pi^- is studied. There are conspicuous ωf2(1270)\omega f_2(1270) and b1(1235)πb_1(1235)\pi signals. At low ππ\pi \pi mass, a large broad peak due to the σ\sigma is observed, and its pole position is determined to be (541±39)(541 \pm 39) - ii (252±42)(252 \pm 42) MeV from the mean of six analyses. The errors are dominated by the systematic errors.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PL