7 research outputs found

    Leczenie oksytocyną zapobiega stłuszczeniu szpiku kostnego obserwowanemu u królików z cukrzycą wywołaną alloksanem — badanie przy użyciu protonowej spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego

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    Introduction: Oxytocin might be used therapeutically as an ally to rescue osteopathy resulting from diabetes. However, the in vivo effects of oxytocin on marrow adipogenesis in diabetes remain unknown. In this longitudinal study, we aimed to investigate the protective ef­fects of oxytocin on diabetes-induced marrow adiposity in rabbits using proton MR spectroscopy. Material and methods: Forty-five female New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into controls, diabetes, and diabetes treated with oxytocin (ip, 0.78 mg/kg) for six months. Marrow fat fraction (FF) was determined by proton MR spectroscopy at baseline, and at three and six months. Bone mineral density was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Serum biomarkers, glycolipid metabolism, and histological analysis of marrow adipocytes were determined. Results: Oxytocin treatment had positive metabolic effects in diabetic rabbits, which was based on the changes in glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and lipid profiles. The diabetic rabbits demonstrated dramatic marrow adiposity in a time-dependent manner; at three and six months the FF percentage changes from baseline were 10.1% and 25.8%, respectively (all P < 0.001). Moreover, oxytocin treatment significantly reversed FF values and quantitative parameters of marrow adipocyte in diabetic rabbits to levels of naive control rabbits. Oxytocin improved bone formation marker in diabetic rabbits compared to the saline group. Also, treatment of diabetic rabbits with oxytocin significantly mitigated bone deterioration when compared with the saline-treated diabetic group (all P < 0.05). Conclusions: Oxytocin appears to alleviate harmful effects of hyperglycaemia on marrow adiposity. Proton MR spectroscopy may be a valuable tool, providing complementary information on efficacy assessments.Wstęp: Oksytocyna może być stosowana terapeutycznie w osteopatii wynikającej z cukrzycy, jednakże jej wpływ in vivo na stłuszczenie szpiku kostnego w przebiegu cukrzycy pozostaje niezbadany. Niniejsze badanie przekrojowe ma na celu zbadać ochronne działanie oksy­tocyny na wywołane cukrzycą stłuszczenie szpiku kostnego u królików przy użyciu protonowej spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego. Materiał i metody: Czterdzieści pięć samic królików nowozelandzkich podzielono losowo na grupę kontrolną, grupę z cukrzycą oraz grupę z cukrzycą leczoną oksytocyną (0.78 mg/kg, i.p.) przez sześć miesięcy. Frakcja tłuszczu (ang. fat fraction; FF) szpiku kostnego została określona za pomocą protonowej spektroskopii rezonansu magnetycznego na początku badania oraz po trzech i sześciu miesiącach. Gęstość mineralną kości zmierzono za pomocą absorpcjometrii promieniowania rentgenowskiego o podwójnej energii. Określono również biomarkery surowicy krwi, metabolizm glikolipidów oraz sporządzono analizę histologiczną adipocytów szpiku kostnego. Wyniki: Leczenie oksytocyną przyniosło pozytywne efekty metaboliczne u królików z cukrzycą, co stwierdzono na podstawie zmian w me­tabolizmie glukozy, wrażliwości na insulinę oraz profili lipidowych. Zauważono drastyczny wzrost stłuszczenia szpiku kostnego u królików z cukrzycą w sposób zależny od czasu; po trzech i sześciu miesiącach, procentowe zmiany frakcji tłuszczu w stosunku do wartości wyjściowej wynosiły odpowiednio 10,1% i 25,8% (wszystkie P &lt; 0.001). Co więcej, leczenie oksytocyną znacząco odwracało wartości frakcji tłuszczu oraz ilościowe parametry adipocytów szpiku kostnego u królików z cukrzycą do poziomu królików z grupy kontrolnej. Oksytocyna poprawiała marker tworzenia kości u królików z cukrzycą w porównaniu do grupy, której podawano sól fizjologiczną. Ponadto, leczenie oksytocyną królików z cukrzycą znacząco łagodziło niszczenie kości w porównaniu do grupy z cukrzycą, której podawano sól fizjologiczną (wszystkie P &lt; 0.05). Wnioski: Oksytocyna wydaje się zmniejszać szkodliwy wpływ hiperglikemii na stłuszczenie szpiku kostnego. Protonowa spektroskopia rezonansu magnetycznego może być cennym narzędziem, dostarczającym uzupełniających informacji na temat oceny skuteczności leczenia

    Quantitative measurement of chain crosslink of poly(butylene succinate-co-terephthalate)(PBST) mulch film during degradation above the soil in cotton growth

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    Degradation of poly (butylene succinate-co-terephthalate) (PBST) mulch film in the vast cotton field in the dry and windy plain has been studied. The films within 3 months' use which were above the soil and far away from the plant were selected collected as they were under closely identical outdoor degradation conditions. In macro mechanical properties, the quick decay of the ductility was the most obvious change of the mulch film in outdoor use. The elongation at break in transverse direction (TD) decreased faster than that in machine direction (MD). From micro view, chemical groups are almost retained within 3 months, while three kinds of changes in the polymer chain have been observed: (a) most additives are lost after 1 month's use; (b) chain slightly hydrolysis, of which far less than 1 break per chain occurs at the end of the 3rd month; (c) chain crosslinks, of which there are ∼1.3, 4.1 and 5.2 crosslink points per chain in average after 1, 2 and 3 months' use. The chain crosslink of the PBST is considered to be the main reason for the big decrease of the mechanical property, especially the ductility of the film, and then the main reason for the large-scale breakage of the film during 1∼2 months in Xinjiang. UV screening agent which has a strong adhesion to the polymer should be considered to solve the mulch film problem in the dry and windy plain

    Single-Cell Microwell Platform Reveals Circulating Neural Cells as a Clinical Indicator for Patients with Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown

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    Central nervous system diseases commonly occur with the destruction of the blood-brain barrier. As a primary cause of morbidity and mortality, stroke remains unpredictable and lacks cellular biomarkers that accurately quantify its occurrence and development. Here, we identify NeuN+/CD45−/DAPI+ phenotype nonblood cells in the peripheral blood of mice subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and stroke patients. Since NeuN is a specific marker of neural cells, we term these newly identified cells as circulating neural cells (CNCs). We find that the enumeration of CNCs in the blood is significantly associated with the severity of brain damage in MCAO mice (p<0.05). Meanwhile, the number of CNCs is significantly higher in stroke patients than in negative subjects (p<0.0001). These findings suggest that the amount of CNCs in circulation may serve as a clinical indicator for the real-time prognosis and progression monitor of the occurrence and development of ischemic stroke and other nervous system disease

    Progressive genomic convergence of twoHelicobacter pyloristrains during mixed infection of a patient with chronic gastritis

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    Objective: To study the detailed nature of genomic microevolution during mixed infection with multiple Helicobacter pylori strains in an individual. Design: We sampled 18 isolates from a single biopsy from a patient with chronic gastritis and nephritis. Whole-genome sequencing was applied to these isolates, and statistical genetic tools were used to investigate their evolutionary history. Results: The genomes fall into two clades, reflecting colonisation of the stomach by two distinct strains, and these lineages have accumulated diversity during an estimated 2.8 and 4.2 years of evolution. We detected about 150 clear recombination events between the two clades. Recombination between the lineages is a continuous ongoing process and was detected on both clades, but the effect of recombination in one clade was nearly an order of magnitude higher than in the other. Imputed ancestral sequences also showed evidence of recombination between the two strains prior to their diversification, and we estimate that they have both been infecting the same host for at least 12 years. Recombination tracts between the lineages were, on average, 895 bp in length, and showed evidence for the interspersion of recipient sequences that has been observed in in vitro experiments. The complex evolutionary history of a phage-related protein provided evidence for frequent reinfection of both clades by a single phage lineage during the past 4 years. Conclusions: Whole genome sequencing can be used to make detailed conclusions about the mechanisms of genetic change of H. pylori based on sampling bacteria from a single gastric biopsy