687 research outputs found

    Radio Sources in the NCP Region Observed with the 21 Centimeter Array

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    We present a catalog of 624 radio sources detected around the North Celestial Pole (NCP) with the 21 Centimeter Array (21CMA), a radio interferometer dedicated to the statistical measurement of the epoch of reionization (EoR). The data are taken from a 12 h observation made on 2013 April 13, with a frequency coverage from 75 to 175 MHz and an angular resolution of ~ 4 arcmin. The catalog includes flux densities at eight sub-bands across the 21CMA bandwidth and provides the in-band spectral indices for the detected sources. To reduce the complexity of interferometric imaging from the so-called "w" term and ionospheric effects, the present analysis are restricted to the east-west baselines within 1500 m only. The 624 radio sources are found within 5 degrees around the NCP down to ~ 0.1 Jy. Our source counts are compared, and also exhibit a good agreement, with deep low-frequency observations made recently with the GMRT and MWA. In particular, for fainter radio sources below ~ 1 Jy, we find a flattening trend of source counts towards lower frequencies. While the thermal noise (~0.4 mJy) is well controlled to below the confusion limit, the dynamical range (~10^4) and sensitivity of current 21CMA imaging is largely limited by calibration and deconvolution errors, especially the grating lobes of very bright sources, such as 3C061.1, in the NCP field which result from the regular spacings of the 21CMA. We note that particular attention should be paid to the extended sources, and their modeling and removals may constitute a large technical challenge for current EoR experiments. Our analysis may serve as a useful guide to design of next generation low-frequency interferometers like the Square Kilometre Array.Comment: 16 pages, 21 figures, 7 tables, 1 machine readable table, accepted for publication in Ap

    Does Employee Substance Abuse Predict Fraud?

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    Motivated by survey evidence, we examine the relation between worker substance abuse and workplace fraud. In our sample of white-collar professionals, nearly 10% of all frauds occur in the 0.01% of worker-years where the worker receives a professional sanction for substance abuse. Workers receiving such a sanction are between 40 and 50 times more likely to commit fraud in the current year relative to their peers. These results are consistent with prior research suggesting that substance abuse creates financial pressures and impairs neural functioning of self-regulatory mechanisms, both of which make fraud more appealing. We also find that there is no increased likelihood to commit fraud among workers with past or future substance abuse sanctions. This suggests that (1) workers with past but not current substance problems are not a fraud risk, and (2) the results we observe are driven by actual substance abuse, as opposed to stable personality traits predictive of both fraud and substance abuse. This study has implications for employers and policymakers as they consider both how to prevent fraud and how to reduce the negative impact of substance abuse in the workplace through internal control systems and practices like Employee Assistance Programs

    Automated Fourier space region-recognition filtering for off-axis digital holographic microscopy

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    Automated label-free quantitative imaging of biological samples can greatly benefit high throughput diseases diagnosis. Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a powerful quantitative label-free imaging tool that retrieves structural details of cellular samples non-invasively. In off-axis DHM, a proper spatial filtering window in Fourier space is crucial to the quality of reconstructed phase image. Here we describe a region-recognition approach that combines shape recognition with an iterative thresholding to extracts the optimal shape of frequency components. The region recognition technique offers fully automated adaptive filtering that can operate with a variety of samples and imaging conditions. When imaging through optically scattering biological hydrogel matrix, the technique surpasses previous histogram thresholding techniques without requiring any manual intervention. Finally, we automate the extraction of the statistical difference of optical height between malaria parasite infected and uninfected red blood cells. The method described here pave way to greater autonomy in automated DHM imaging for imaging live cell in thick cell cultures

    Supersymmetric Cycles in Exceptional Holonomy Manifolds and Calabi-Yau 4-Folds

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    We derive in the SCFT and low energy effective action frameworks the necessary and sufficient conditions for supersymmetric cycles in exceptional holonomy manifolds and Calabi-Yau 4-folds. We show that the Cayley cycles in Spin(7)Spin(7) holonomy eight-manifolds and the associative and coassociative cycles in G2G_2 holonomy seven-manifolds preserve half of the space-time supersymmetry. We find that while the holomorphic and special Lagrangian cycles in Calabi-Yau 4-folds preserve half of the space-time supersymmetry, the Cayley submanifolds are novel as they preserve only one quarter of it. We present some simple examples. Finally, we discuss the implications of these supersymmetric cycles on mirror symmetry in higher dimensions

    Supersymmetric cycles in exceptional holonomy manifolds and Calabi-Yau four-folds

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    We derive in the SCFT and low energy effective action frameworks the necessary and sufficient conditions for supersymmetric cycles in exceptional holonomy manifolds and Calabi-Yau four-folds. We show that the Cayley cycles in Spin(7) holonomy eight-manifolds and the associative and coassociative cycles in G2 holonomy seven-manifolds preserve half of the space-time supersymmetry. We find that while the holomorphic and special Lagrangian cycles in Calabi-Yau four-folds preserve half of the space-time supersymmetry, the Cayley submanifolds are novel as they preserve only one quarter of it. We present some simple examples. Finally, we discuss the implications of these supersymmetric cycles on mirror symmetry in higher dimensions

    Monepantel is a non-competitive antagonist of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors from Ascaris suum and Oesophagostomum dentatum

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    Zolvix (R) is a recently introduced anthelmintic drench containing monepantel as the active ingredient. Monepantel is a positive allosteric modulator of DEG-3/DES-2 type nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in several nematode species. The drug has been reported to produce hypercontraction of Caenorhabditis elegans and Haemonchus contortus somatic muscle. We investigated the effects of monepantel on nAChRs from Ascaris suum and Oesophagostomum dentatum heterologously expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. Using two-electrode voltagec-lamp electrophysiology, we studied the effects of monepantel on a nicotine preferring homomeric nAChR subtype from A. suum comprising of ACR-16; a pyrantel/tribendimidine preferring heteromeric subtype from O. dentatum comprising UNC-29, UNC-38 and UNC-63 subunits; and a levamisole preferring subtype (O. dentatum) comprising UNC-29, UNC-38, UNC-63 and ACR-8 subunits. For each subtype tested, monepantel applied in isolation produced no measurable currents thereby ruling out an agonist action. When monepantel was continuously applied, it reduced the amplitude of acetylcholine induced currents in a concentration-dependent manner. In all three subtypes, monepantel acted as a non-competitive antagonist on the expressed receptors. ACR-16 from A. suum was particularly sensitive to monepantel inhibition (IC50 values: 1.6 +/- 3.1 nM and 0.2 +/- 2.3 mu M). We also investigated the effects of monepantel on muscle flaps isolated from adult A. suum. The drug did not significantly increase baseline tension when applied on its own. As with acetylcholine induced currents in the heterologously expressed receptors, contractions induced by acetylcholine were antagonized by monepantel. Further investigation revealed that the inhibition was a mixture of competitive and non-competitive antagonism. Our findings suggest that monepantel is active on multiple nAChR subtypes

    Reduced carbon use efficiency and increased microbial turnover with soil warming

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    Global soil carbon (C) stocks are expected to decline with warming, and changes in microbial processes are key to this projection. However, warming responses of critical microbial parameters such as carbon use efficiency (CUE) and biomass turnover (rB) are not well understood. Here, we determine these parameters using a probabilistic inversion approach that integrates a microbial-enzyme model with 22 years of carbon cycling measurements at Harvard Forest. We find that increasing temperature reduces CUE but increases rB, and that two decades of soil warming increases the temperature sensitivities of CUE and rB. These temperature sensitivities, which are derived from decades-long field observations, contrast with values obtained from short-term laboratory experiments. We also show that long-term soil C flux and pool changes in response to warming are more dependent on the temperature sensitivity of CUE than that of rB. Using the inversion-derived parameters, we project that chronic soil warming at Harvard Forest over six decades will result in soil C gain of \u3c1.0% on average (1st and 3rd quartiles: 3.0% loss and 10.5% gain) in the surface mineral horizon. Our results demonstrate that estimates of temperature sensitivity of microbial CUE and rB can be obtained and evaluated rigorously by integrating multidecadal datasets. This approach can potentially be applied in broader spatiotemporal scales to improve long-term projections of soil C feedbacks to climate warming