30 research outputs found

    Everyday Life Residents of Almaty Region and City Dwellers in the Soviet Union from 1920 to the 1930s (State of Health Care)

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    This work studied everyday life of Almaty region dwellers and the impact on their life from rising socialisation and reform of state branches. The interest in everyday life is a result of making an effort to comprehend new construction samples from the period of Stalin's first five-year plan from the point of view of a Soviet man/population? This information presented the ambitions and living conditions of Almaty's residents in the industrialisation years of the Soviet Union's history. During the 1930s, modernisation and its effects were one of the most important factors in the life of Almaty residents. This paper focusses on healthcare and quality of medical service in that era. The research has been done in Almaty city but the analysis have been taken for research from Almaty surrounding regions as well. Zhetisu regional hospital locates in Almaty region


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    Article describes some boiler construction solutions for hot-water boilers of small heat output that give together with reliability improvement get the increase of boilers’ efficiency. Experiments approved that usage of bi-radiated furnace screens in KVa series boilers can give from 70.5 to 72.2 % of all heat power of the boiler. KVa-0.1 hot-water boiler thermal tests results showed that boiler’s efficiency rate on nominal power output is 93.12 %. Thermal tests of KSGn-0.63 and KSGn-1.16 boiler with bi-radiated screens approved that the efficiency rate on “small fire” mode is about 93 % and on nominal power output is about 92 %.В работе представлены некоторые конструктивные решения для водогрейных котлов малой мощности, позволяющие, наряду с повышением надежности водогрейных котлов, повысить их эффективность. Экспериментально получено, что использование двусветных экранов в котлах КВа позволяет снимать от 70,5 до 72,2 % от общей тепловой мощности котла. Результаты испытаний водогрейного котла КВа-1,0 показали, что КПД котла при расчетной нагрузке составил 93,12 %. Теплотехнические испытания котлов КСГн-0,63 и КСГн-1,16 с двусветными экранами показали, что КПД котлов на малом горении составляли порядка 93 %, а на нагрузках, близких к номинальным, порядка 92 %

    The antagonist and synergist potential of cholinium-based deep eutectic solvents

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    The design of environmentally friendlier solvents has gained increasing relevance in the last decade. Deep eutectic solvents (DES) have recently emerged, with advantages like low-cost and putative lower environmental impact. However, information about DES toxicity is still scarce. This work aims to contribute to profiling the ecotoxicity of DES based on cholinium chloride ([Chol]Cl). Six DES were addressed, combining [Chol]Cl (as hydrogen bond acceptor - HBA) with ethylene glycol, glycerol, 1,2-propanediol, propionic acid, 1-propanol, and urea as hydrogen bond donors (HBD), in different molar ratios. The Microtox® Acute Toxicity Test, was used for assessing their toxicity towards the marine bacteria Allivibrio fischeri . Because the dissociation of DES in water is expected, analysis appraising the mixtures toxicity theory should be considered, which is a step forward in this field. This analysis suggested that [Chol]Cl and all HBD with the exception of propionic acid:[Chol]Cl 1:2 and 4:1 behave antagonistically, which is contrary to what has been suggested previously. The most extreme cases are Urea:[Chol]Cl and 1-Propanol:[Chol]Cl, with EC50 values higher than their starting materials dosed singly, configuring very promising and biocompatible alternative solvents. Toxicity was found to be dependent on DES composition, as well as on molar proportions of the starting materials.publishe

    Геополитические концепции и мысли казахских лидеров и новый подход в их изучении

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    С момента формирования общей концепции теории международных отношений она претерпела множество изменений и прошла путь развития. В научном сообществе обсуждались взгляды о том, что теория международных отношений сформировалась «на западе» и что не существует теории международных отношений на «востоке». Однако, восточные ученые развивали новые концепции, научные идеи и углубляли их историю, такие как «теория международных отношений в Китайском стиле», китайские ученые доказали своим западным коллегам, что на «востоке» (точнее в Китае) существует теория международных отношений. Как может казахская государственность, имеющая глубокую историю и создавшая десятки империй и каганатов на мировой арене за длительный период международных отношений с древних времен до наших дней, не иметь теоретической основы геополитической концепции и мысли, государственного устройства и международных правил?! Основной целью статьи является поиск теоретических основ в политических выводах и мыслях Казахских лидеров. Основная цель Касым-хана в завоевании городов вдоль Сырдарьи, правовые основы «Каска жол/Светлый путь»; идея (интеграции) «Алты алаш», берущая начало со времен ханов Хакназара, Тауекел, усовершенствованная Абылай-ханом и ставшая целью Алашординцев, должны стать основой внешнеполитических концепций независимого Казахстана. Ключевые слова: геополитика, геополитические идеи, казахские лидеры, «Алты Алаш» и интеграция


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    В статье рассматривается образование дипломатических отношений между Республикой Казахстан и Китайской Народной Республикой и их развитие до настоящего времени. Указываются предпосылки и причины установления дипломатических отношений между Республикой Казахстан и Китайской Народной Республикой. В статье имеется важная информация относительно казахско-китайских отношений

    Chinese dream in XXI century

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    Today, we often hear the idea that the 21st century is the age of China, and humanity is beginning to get used to this information. The path of development of the People’s Republic of China, initiated by Mao Zedong, retaining the continuity of generations, continuing today Xi Jingping enters a special period. Headed by Xi Qinping, strengthening their place in the world arena, representatives of the «fifth generation» often talk about the «Great Chinese Dream». To implement this goal, concrete programs and plans have been adopted at the state level, and their phased implementation is expected. Moreover, a specific chronological framework for achieving the result has been approved. If by 2021, to the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, it is planned to become a state with an average profit, then by the year 2049, to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the People’s Republic of China, it is planned to become a global superpower and fully realize the Chinese dream. Of course, it is important for each nation to have their own dream and better that they will come true. But, how will the «Chinese dream» affect the world? Can the realization of the dream of one nation harm the wishes of another nation!? Key words: Chinese dream, People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, China’s foreign policy, Clash of civilizations

    A new globalization from the East

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    The development of mankind in the 21st century requires new changes in international relations and questions about the world order. Day after day, the destruction of the borders between the economy and political relations gives new impetus to globalization. In this article, it is planned, based on the examples of European, Soviet, and American globalization, to make a scientific examination of the Chinese model of globalization, which is the subject of hot discussions at present. New globalization from the East is not just a rumor; the People’s Republic of China is actually implementing it. At the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, Chinese scientists began to search for the Chinese theory of international relations. If we take into account that the general theory of science can become a common value only when it is accepted by all mankind, it seems that some theories and scientific principles proposed by Chinese scientists are being asked for general use. In addition, Chinese globalization is combined not only from a scientific point of view, but also with global projects such as «One Belt – One Road». Key words: A new globalization, People’s Republic of China, Chinese dream, Xi Jinping, China’s International relation theory

    Formation of type III Deep Eutectic Solvents and effect of water on their intermolecular interactions

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    Abstract Several novel applications of Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs) have emerged recently. With a growing interest in the field, there is an urge to understand formation and functioning of these solvents at molecular level, which in turn would assist in further designing of DESs. We herein performed molecular dynamics simulations on three of the commonly used type III DES, viz, reline, ethaline, and glyceline, which are mixtures of urea, ethylene glycol, and glycerol with choline chloride at eutectic composition. Our results explain the role of inter-molecular and intra-molecular hydrogen bonding and energies on formation of these DESs. Furthermore, the ability of these DESs to be altered in a desired way through a simple addition of water makes it versatile solution for several other applications. Hence, simulations are also performed on the aqueous DES solutions, which reveal the effect of water on intermolecular network of interaction existing within these DESs

    A Study on Geopolitical Risk of the Belt and Road Construction in Central Asia

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    The Belt and Road Initiative is a cross-regional cooperation framework linking China and the three continents of Asia, Africa and Europe. The proposal of the "One Belt, One Road" construction conforms to the trend of the world and China's development, and expresses China's determination to deeply integrate into the world political and economic system. Central Asia is an important part of China's major neighboring diplomacy. The joint construction of the "Belt and Road" in Central Asia is an important decision for China to maximize the common interests with the Central Asian region on the basis of a profound grasp of the new international political and economic situation and new trends. The independence of Central Asian countries is relatively short. Under the influence of many international and domestic factors, the geopolitical risks and challenges in the region are relatively severe, which will bring difficulties and obstacles to the advancement of the “Belt and Road” initiative in Central Asia. Therefore, it is of great research value and theoretical significance to effectively predict and control the geopolitical risks of the Belt and Road construction in Central Asia. This paper analyzes the background and reasons of taking Central Asia as the research area, and comprehensively analyzes the geopolitical significance of Central Asia to the construction of the “Belt and Road”, including from an objective point of view, the geopolitics of the “Belt and Road” in Central Asia benefits, and the consensus of Central Asian countries on the construction of the “Belt and Road” on the subjective level. This paper systematically analyzes the geopolitical risks and their factors in Central Asia under the construction of the “Belt and Road”, mainly from four aspects: bilateral, major power game, multilateral relations, and regional security. influencing factors. It provides ideas for avoiding the geopolitical risks faced in the implementation of the "Belt and Road" construction in Central Asia. Key words: “Belt and Road”; China; Central Asia; geopolitics; ris