99 research outputs found

    Machine Learning on Human Muscle Transcriptomic Data for Biomarker Discovery and Tissue-Specific Drug Target Identification

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    For the past several decades, research in understanding the molecular basis of human muscle aging has progressed significantly. However, the development of accessible tissue-specific biomarkers of human muscle aging that may be measured to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions is still a major challenge. Here we present a method for tracking age-related changes of human skeletal muscle. We analyzed publicly available gene expression profiles of young and old tissue from healthy donors. Differential gene expression and pathway analysis were performed to compare signatures of young and old muscle tissue and to preprocess the resulting data for a set of machine learning algorithms. Our study confirms the established mechanisms of human skeletal muscle aging, including dysregulation of cytosolic Ca2+ homeostasis, PPAR signaling and neurotransmitter recycling along with IGFR and PI3K-Akt-mTOR signaling. Applying several supervised machine learning techniques, including neural networks, we built a panel of tissue-specific biomarkers of aging. Our predictive model achieved 0.91 Pearson correlation with respect to the actual age values of the muscle tissue samples, and a mean absolute error of 6.19 years on the test set. The performance of models was also evaluated on gene expression samples of the skeletal muscles from the Gene expression Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project. The best model achieved the accuracy of 0.80 with respect to the actual age bin prediction on the external validation set. Furthermore, we demonstrated that aging biomarkers can be used to identify new molecular targets for tissue-specific anti-aging therapies

    On Multilabel Classification Methods of Incompletely Labeled Biomedical Text Data

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    Multilabel classification is often hindered by incompletely labeled training datasets; for some items of such dataset (or even for all of them) some labels may be omitted. In this case, we cannot know if any item is labeled fully and correctly. When we train a classifier directly on incompletely labeled dataset, it performs ineffectively. To overcome the problem, we added an extra step, training set modification, before training a classifier. In this paper, we try two algorithms for training set modification: weighted k-nearest neighbor (WkNN) and soft supervised learning (SoftSL). Both of these approaches are based on similarity measurements between data vectors. We performed the experiments on AgingPortfolio (text dataset) and then rechecked on the Yeast (nontext genetic data). We tried SVM and RF classifiers for the original datasets and then for the modified ones. For each dataset, our experiments demonstrated that both classification algorithms performed considerably better when preceded by the training set modification step

    Blood Biochemistry Analysis to Detect Smoking Status and Quantify Accelerated Aging in Smokers

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    Abstract There is an association between smoking and cancer, cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. However, currently, there are no affordable and informative tests for assessing the effects of smoking on the rate of biological aging. In this study we demonstrate for the first time that smoking status can be predicted using blood biochemistry and cell count results andthe recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI). By employing age-prediction models developed using supervised deep learning techniques, we found that smokers exhibited higher aging rates than nonsmokers, regardless of their cholesterol ratios and fasting glucose levels. We further used those models to quantify the acceleration of biological aging due to tobacco use. Female smokers were predicted to be twice as old as their chronological age compared to nonsmokers, whereas male smokers were predicted to be one and a half times as old as their chronological age compared to nonsmokers. Our findings suggest that deep learning analysis of routine blood tests could complement or even replace the current error-prone method of self-reporting of smoking status and could be expanded to assess the effect of other lifestyle and environmental factors on aging

    In search for geroprotectors: in silico screening and in vitro validation of signalome-level mimetics of young healthy state

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    ABSTRACT Populations in developed nations throughout the world are rapidly aging, and the search for geroprotectors, or anti-aging interventions, has never been more important. Yet while hundreds of geroprotectors have extended lifespan in animal models, none have yet been approved for widespread use in humans. GeroScope is a computational tool that can aid prediction of novel geroprotectors from existing human gene expression data. GeroScope maps expression differences between samples from young and old subjects to aging-related signaling pathways, then profiles pathway activation strength (PAS) for each condition. Known substances are then screened and ranked for those most likely to target differential pathways and mimic the young signalome. Here we used GeroScope and shortlisted ten substances, all of which have lifespan-extending effects in animal models, and tested 6 of them for geroprotective effects in senescent human fibroblast cultures. PD-98059, a highly selective MEK1 inhibitor, showed both life-prolonging and rejuvenating effects. Natural compounds like N-acetyl-L-cysteine, Myricetin and Epigallocatechin gallate also improved several senescence-associated properties and were further investigated with pathway analysis. This work not only highlights several potential geroprotectors for further study, but also serves as a proof-of-concept for GeroScope, Oncofinder and other PAS-based methods in streamlining drug prediction, repurposing and personalized medicine
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