1,158 research outputs found

    Two-to-one resonant multi-modal dynamics of horizontal/inclined cables. Part I : theoretical formulation and model validation

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    This paper is first of the two papers dealingwith analytical investigation of resonant multimodal dynamics due to 2:1 internal resonances in the finite-amplitude free vibrations of horizontal/inclined cables. Part I deals with theoretical formulation and validation of the general cable model. Approximate nonlinear partial differential equations of 3-D coupled motion of small sagged cables - which account for both spatio-temporal variation of nonlinear dynamic tension and system asymmetry due to inclined sagged configurations - are presented. A multidimensional Galerkin expansion of the solution ofnonplanar/planar motion is performed, yielding a complete set of system quadratic/cubic coefficients. With the aim of parametrically studying the behavior of horizontal/inclined cables in Part II [25], a second-order asymptotic analysis under planar 2:1 resonance is accomplished by the method of multiple scales. On accounting for higher-order effectsof quadratic/cubic nonlinearities, approximate closed form solutions of nonlinear amplitudes, frequencies and dynamic configurations of resonant nonlinear normal modes reveal the dependence of cable response on resonant/nonresonant modal contributions. Depending on simplifying kinematic modeling and assigned system parameters, approximate horizontal/inclined cable models are thoroughly validated by numerically evaluating statics and non-planar/planar linear/non-linear dynamics against those of the exact model. Moreover, the modal coupling role and contribution of system longitudinal dynamics are discussed for horizontal cables, showing some meaningful effects due to kinematic condensation

    A Full Multigrid Method for Linear Complementarity Problems arising from Elastic Normal Contact Problems

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    This paper presents a full multigrid (FMG) technique, which combines a multigrid method, an active set algorithm and a nested iteration technique, to solve a linear complementarity problem (LCP) modeling elastic normal contact problems. The governing system in this LCP is derived from a Fredholm integral of the first kind, and its coefficient matrix is dense, symmetric and positive definite. One multigrid cycle is applied to solve this system approximately in each active set iteration. Moreover, this multigrid solver incorporates a special strategy to handle the complementarity conditions, including restricting both the defect and the contact area (active set) to the coarse grid, and setting all quantities outside contact to zero. The smoother is chosen by some analysis based on the eigenvectors of the iteration matrix. This method is applied to a Hertzian smooth contact and a rough surface contact problem

    Calculation of excited polaron states in the Holstein model

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    An exact diagonalization technique is used to investigate the low-lying excited polaron states in the Holstein model for the infinite one-dimensional lattice. For moderate values of the adiabatic ratio, a new and comprehensive picture, involving three excited (coherent) polaron bands below the phonon threshold, is obtained. The coherent contribution of the excited states to both the single-electron spectral density and the optical conductivity is evaluated and, due to the invariance of the Hamiltonian under the space inversion, the two are shown to contain complementary information about the single-electron system at zero temperature. The chosen method reveals the connection between the excited bands and the renormalized local phonon excitations of the adiabatic theory, as well as the regime of parameters for which the electron self-energy has notable non-local contributions. Finally, it is shown that the hybridization of two polaron states allows a simple description of the ground and first excited state in the crossover regime.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to PR

    A universal Hamiltonian for the motion and the merging of Dirac cones in a two-dimensional crystal

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    We propose a simple Hamiltonian to describe the motion and the merging of Dirac points in the electronic spectrum of two-dimensional electrons. This merging is a topological transition which separates a semi-metallic phase with two Dirac cones from an insulating phase with a gap. We calculate the density of states and the specific heat. The spectrum in a magnetic field B is related to the resolution of a Schrodinger equation in a double well potential. They obey the general scaling law e_n \propto B^{2/3} f_n(Delta /B^{2/3}. They evolve continuously from a sqrt{n B} to a linear (n+1/2)B dependence, with a [(n+1/2)B]^{2/3} dependence at the transition. The spectrum in the vicinity of the topological transition is very well described by a semiclassical quantization rule. This model describes continuously the coupling between valleys associated with the two Dirac points, when approaching the transition. It is applied to the tight-binding model of graphene and its generalization when one hopping parameter is varied. It remarkably reproduces the low field part of the Rammal-Hofstadter spectrum for the honeycomb lattice.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    Comprehensive mechanism of gene silencing and its role in plant growth and development

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    Gene silencing is a negative feedback mechanism that regulates gene expression to define cell fate and also regulates metabolism and gene expression throughout the life of an organism. In plants, gene silencing occurs via transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) and post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS). TGS obscures transcription via the methylation of 5â€Č untranslated region (5â€ČUTR), whereas PTGS causes the methylation of a coding region to result in transcript degradation. In this review, we summarized the history and molecular mechanisms of gene silencing and underlined its specific role in plant growth and crop production

    Composite Spin Waves, Quasi-Particles and Low Temperature resistivity in Double Exchange Systems

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    We make a quantum description of the electron low temperature properties of double exchange materials. In these systems there is a strong coupling between the core spin and the carriers spin. This large coupling makes the low energy spin waves to be a combination of ion and electron density spin waves. We study the form and dispersion of these composite spin wave excitations. We also analyze the spin up and down spectral functions of the temperature dependent quasi-particles of this system. Finally we obtain that the thermally activated composite spin waves renormalize the carriers effective mass and this gives rise to a low temperature resistivity scaling as T ^{5/2}.Comment: 4 pages, REVTE

    Polaron Effective Mass, Band Distortion, and Self-Trapping in the Holstein Molecular Crystal Model

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    We present polaron effective masses and selected polaron band structures of the Holstein molecular crystal model in 1-D as computed by the Global-Local variational method over a wide range of parameters. These results are augmented and supported by leading orders of both weak- and strong-coupling perturbation theory. The description of the polaron effective mass and polaron band distortion that emerges from this work is comprehensive, spanning weak, intermediate, and strong electron-phonon coupling, and non-adiabatic, weakly adiabatic, and strongly adiabatic regimes. Using the effective mass as the primary criterion, the self-trapping transition is precisely defined and located. Using related band-shape criteria at the Brillouin zone edge, the onset of band narrowing is also precisely defined and located. These two lines divide the polaron parameter space into three regimes of distinct polaron structure, essentially constituting a polaron phase diagram. Though the self-trapping transition is thusly shown to be a broad and smooth phenomenon at finite parameter values, consistency with notion of self-trapping as a critical phenomenon in the adiabatic limit is demonstrated. Generalizations to higher dimensions are considered, and resolutions of apparent conflicts with well-known expectations of adiabatic theory are suggested.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Path integrals approach to resisitivity anomalies in anharmonic systems

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    Different classes of physical systems with sizeable electron-phonon coupling and lattice distortions present anomalous resistivity behaviors versus temperature. We study a molecular lattice Hamiltonian in which polaronic charge carriers interact with non linear potentials provided by local atomic fluctuations between two equilibrium sites. We study a molecular lattice Hamiltonian in which polaronic charge carriers interact with non linear potentials provided by local atomic fluctuations between two equilibrium sites. A path integral model is developed to select the class of atomic oscillations which mainly contributes to the partition function and the electrical resistivity is computed in a number of representative cases. We argue that the common origin of the observed resistivity anomalies lies in the time retarded nature of the polaronic interactions in the local structural instabilities.Comment: 4 figures, to appear in Phys.Rev.B, May 1st (2001

    Pairing symmetry of superconducting graphene

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    The possibility of intrinsic superconductivity in alkali-coated graphene monolayers has been recently suggested theoretically. Here, we derive the possible pairing symmetries of a carbon honeycomb lattice and discuss their phase diagram. We also evaluate the superconducting local density of states (LDOS) around an isolated impurity. This is directly related to scanning tunneling microscopy experiments, and may evidence the occurrence of unconventional superconductivity in graphene.Comment: Eur. Phys. J. B, to appea
