9 research outputs found

    Study of Water Binding Capacity, pH, Chemical Composition and Microstructure of Livestock Meat and Poultry

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    This paper shows the results of analysis of chemical composition, water binding capacity, pH and microstructure of maral meat, goat meat, lamb, and turkey meat. From the analysis, the high content of protein and ash is observed in turkey meat, fat prevails in lamb, and less amount in maral meat and goat meat. pH value lies between 5.7 (turkey white meat) and 6.4 (goat meat). Low value of water binding capacity is detected in turkey meat (58.2% in red meat, 59.2% in white meat) and high value – in maral meat 79.57%. The morphology and microstructure of meat have some differences in position and diameter of muscle fibers. Micrographic investigation shows that the largest diameter of muscle fibers was observed in turkey white meat (46.58 µm) and the smallest – in muscle tissue of lamb (29.92 µm). Obtained results will be useful for further processing and developing meat products

    Выявление особенностей влияния процесса охлаждения и режимов тонкого измельчения на качественные показатели мясокостной пасты

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    This paper describes a technology for obtaining a homogeneous meat and bone paste made through a multi-stage grinding at a chopper grinder and the micro-grinder "Supermasscolloider". The relevance of the study relates to that the meat and bone raw materials are processed for food purposes, thereby improving a non-waste technology in the meat processing industry. The effect of a cooling process and the parameters of fine grinding on the quality indicators and the microstructure of meat and bone paste after grinding has been studied. The research results have established that a decrease in the diameter of a chopper grinder's mesh leads to an increase in the temperature of meat and bone mince, from 16 °C to 26 °C. A change in the temperature of output raw materials has been investigated at the micro-grinder "Supermasscolloider" with different gaps between the grinding wheels (0.25 mm, 0.10 mm, 0.02 mm), depending on the amount of added water. It has been established that following the grinding at a micro-grinder with the addition of water the temperature of the raw materials at the output decreased, at gaps of 0.25 mm and 0.10 mm, from 34 °C to 17 °C; at a gap of 0.02 mm ‒ from 37 °C to 19 °C.When studying the functional and technological properties of a meat and bone paste with the addition of 50 % of water, it was found that the meat and bone paste had high moisture-binding (75.63 %) and fat-retaining (73.38 %) capacities. The moisture-binding capacity of the meat and bone paste was 65.3 %, the emulsifying capacity was 55.8 %. The microstructure and granulometric composition of the meat and bone paste with the addition of 50 % of water have been studied. The result of the conducted analysis of the geometric dimensions of bone particles has revealed that when the minced meat and bone are processed at a micro-grinder, the size of the bone particles was within the set gaps between the grinding wheels, while the consistency of the meat and bone paste was uniform and ointment-likeОписана технология получения гомогенной мясокостной пасты, полученной после многостадийного измельчения на волчке-дробилке и микроизмельчителе «Супермассколойдер». Актуальность исследования заключается в переработке мясокостного сырья на пищевые цели, тем самым повышая безотходную технологию в мясоперерабатывающей промышленности. Исследовано влияние процесса охлаждения и параметров тонкого измельчения на качественные показатели и микроструктуру мясокостной пасты после измельчения. Из результатов исследований установлено, что с уменьшением диаметра решетки волчка-дробилки наблюдается увеличение температуры мясокостного фарша с 16 °С до 26 °С. Исследовано изменение температуры выходного сырья на микроизмельчителе «Супермассколойдер» с различными зазорами между шлифовальными кругами (0,25 мм, 0,10 мм, 0,02 мм) в зависимости от количества добавляемой воды. Установлено, что после измельчения на микроизмельчителе с добавлением количества воды температура сырья на выходе уменьшается при зазорах 0,25 мм и 0,10 мм – с 34 °С до 17 °С, при зазоре 0,02 мм – с 37 °С до 19 °С.При исследовании функционально-технологических свойств мясокостной пасты с добавлением 50 % воды установлено, что мясокостная паста обладает высокой влагосвязывающей (75,63 %) и жироудерживающей (73,38 %) способностями. Влагоудерживающая способность мясокостной пасты составила 65,3 %, эмульгирующая способность 55,8 %. Исследованы микроструктура и гранулометрический состав мясокостной пасты с добавлением 50 % воды. В результате проведенного анализа геометрических размеров костных частиц выявлено, что при переработке мясокостного фарша на микроизмельчителе размеры костных частиц лежат в пределах выставляемых зазоров между шлифовальными кругами, консистенция мясокостной пасты однородная и мазеобразна

    Effect of chicken by-products on the physicochemical properties of forcemeat formulations

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    The effect of by-products of chicken slaughter (chicken feet and heads) on the physical and chemical properties of forcemeat formulations was investigated. The chicken feet and heads were prepared in the form of ground mass and in the form of dry powder. Six types of samples were made with the addition of ground mass and powder of the chicken feet and heads in different proportions separately and together in the forcemeat formulation and the control sample without additive. Based on the results of the chemical composition study, it was found that adding the additive in powder form significantly increases the protein and ash content of the forcemeat formulations, as well as the water-binding capacity and yield stress. The addition of additive in the form of ground mass reduces the total content of protein and fat while the moisture and ash contents increase, the value of water-binding capacity decreases. According to the microstructural characteristics, there are no obvious differences between the control and experimental samples, with no large bone particles, cartilage or coarse crumpled particles. Incorporating chicken by-products into meat-based products is a beneficial approach to enhance their physical and chemical properties, leading to improved overall quality. Additionally, this method can be cost-effective and contribute to sustainability by reducing poultry waste

    Exploring natural colourants for enhanced sausage appeal: A review of sourcing, extraction methods, and applications, with emphasis on beetroot as an example

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    Incorporating natural colourants in sausage production offers an avenue to enhance product desirability while meeting consumer preferences for clean-label ingredients. This paper thoroughly examines the selection, formulation, processing, and quality control aspects involved in utilizing natural colourants in sausages, with particular attention to beetroot. Key subjects explored encompass a variety of natural colourant sources and types, diverse extraction techniques, factors influencing colour stability, regulatory considerations, and consumer perception. Furthermore, the paper delves into emerging trends and advancements in sausage manufacturing, such as plant-based alternatives, functional fortification, and sustainability initiatives. By strategically harnessing the potential of natural colourants, including beetroot, sausage producers can customize their offerings to align with consumer preferences, distinguish their products, and bolster their competitiveness in the market

    Chemical, physical properties, microstructure and granulometric composition of ultra-finely ground chicken bone paste

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    The article describes a method for processing chicken bones from the neck, leg, breast, and wing in order to obtain finely dispersed chicken meat-bone paste (MBP). Bones were crushed two times: (a) with a bone chopper (particle size ≤ 5 mm), (b) ultrafine grinding machine (particle size ≤ 0.1 mm). Thereafter, ice water was added in different ratios (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) into crushed bones. The effect of added water on the temperature, water binding capacity and chemical composition of MBP was studied. An increase in the proportion of water in MBP during ultrafine grinding leads to a decrease in the water binding capacity. The addition of water to crushed chicken bones followed by ultrafine grinding causes an increase in moisture content and a decrease in fat, protein and ash contents of meat-bone paste. After ultrafine grinding the size of >80% of bone particles is < 0.1 mm, and the remaining portion is < 0.25 mm. The optimal way of processing MBP is a two-stage grinding with preliminary freezing, crushing on the bone chopper, adding 50% of water to the mass of chopped bone, and finally ultrafine grinding. This processing method makes it possible to obtain MBP with good water binding capacity, homogeneous consistency, and balanced chemical composition. Practical implications: Waste-free processing of poultry bones can help processing plants reduce labor and energy costs, make more efficient use of production capacity, and improve the profitability of poultry production as a whole. This information can guide manufacturers in achieving desired moisture levels and consistency in the final product. It also highlights the importance of controlling the water-to-MBP ratio during the grinding process to meet specific quality and moisture requirements

    Potential Role of Plant Extracts and Phytochemicals Against Foodborne Pathogens

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    Foodborne diseases are one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality, especially in low-income countries with poor sanitation and inadequate healthcare facilities. The foremost bacterial pathogens responsible for global outbreaks include Salmonella species, Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, Shigella sp., Vibrio, Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium botulinum. Among the viral and parasitic pathogens, norovirus, hepatitis A virus, Giardia lamblia, Trichinella spiralis, Toxoplasma and Entamoeba histolytica are commonly associated with foodborne diseases. The toxins produced by Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens also cause these infections. The currently available therapies for these infections are associated with various limited efficacy, high cost and side-effects. There is an urgent need for effective alternative therapies for the prevention and treatment of foodborne diseases. Several plant extracts and phytochemicals were found to be highly effective to control the growth of these pathogens causing foodborne infections in in vitro systems. The present review attempts to provide comprehensive scientific information on major foodborne pathogens and the potential role of phytochemicals in the prevention and treatment of these infections. Further detailed studies are necessary to evaluate the activities of these extracts and phytochemicals along with their mechanism of action using in vivo models

    Lycopene as a Natural Antioxidant Used to Prevent Human Health Disorders

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    Lycopene, belonging to the carotenoids, is a tetraterpene compound abundantly found in tomato and tomato-based products. It is fundamentally recognized as a potent antioxidant and a non-pro-vitamin A carotenoid. Lycopene has been found to be efficient in ameliorating cancer insurgences, diabetes mellitus, cardiac complications, oxidative stress-mediated malfunctions, inflammatory events, skin and bone diseases, hepatic, neural and reproductive disorders. This review summarizes information regarding its sources and uses amongst different societies, its biochemistry aspects, and the potential utilization of lycopene and possible mechanisms involved in alleviating the abovementioned disorders. Furthermore, future directions with the possible use of this nutraceutical against lifestyle-related disorders are emphasized. Its protective effects against recommended doses of toxic agents and toxicity and safety are also discussed