13 research outputs found

    Global Weather States and Their Properties from Passive and Active Satellite Cloud Retrievals

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    In this study, the authors apply a clustering algorithm to International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP) cloud optical thickness-cloud top pressure histograms in order to derive weather states (WSs) for the global domain. The cloud property distribution within each WS is examined and the geographical variability of each WS is mapped. Once the global WSs are derived, a combination of CloudSat and Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations (CALIPSO) vertical cloud structure retrievals is used to derive the vertical distribution of the cloud field within each WS. Finally, the dynamic environment and the radiative signature of the WSs are derived and their variability is examined. The cluster analysis produces a comprehensive description of global atmospheric conditions through the derivation of 11 WSs, each representing a distinct cloud structure characterized by the horizontal distribution of cloud optical depth and cloud top pressure. Matching those distinct WSs with cloud vertical profiles derived from CloudSat and CALIPSO retrievals shows that the ISCCP WSs exhibit unique distributions of vertical layering that correspond well to the horizontal structure of cloud properties. Matching the derived WSs with vertical velocity measurements shows a normal progression in dynamic regime when moving from the most convective to the least convective WS. Time trend analysis of the WSs shows a sharp increase of the fair-weather WS in the 1990s and a flattening of that increase in the 2000s. The fact that the fair-weather WS is the one with the lowest cloud radiative cooling capability implies that this behavior has contributed excess radiative warming to the global radiative budget during the 1990s

    Comparison of Different Global Information Sources Used in Surface Radiative Flux Calculation: Radiative Properties of the Surface

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    Direct estimates of surface radiative fluxes that resolve regional and weather-scale variabilty over the whole globe with reasonable accuracy have only become possible with the advent of extensive global, mostly satellite, datasets within the past couple of decades. The accuracy of these fluxes, estimated to be about 10-15 W per square meter is largely limited by the accuracy of the input datasets. The leading uncertainties in the surface fluxes are no longer predominantly induced by clouds but are now as much associated with uncertainties in the surface and near-surface atmospheric properties. This study presents a fuller, more quantitative evaluation of the uncertainties for the surface albedo and emissivity and surface skin temperatures by comparing the main available global datasets from the Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer product, the NASA Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment Surface Radiation Budget project, the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Centers for Environmental Prediction, the International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP), the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, NOAA/NASA Pathfinder Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer project, NOAA Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature Analysis and the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Image project. The datasets are, in practice, treated as an ensemble of realizations of the actual climate such that their differences represent an estimate of the uncertainty in their measurements because we do not possess global truth datasets for these quantities. The results are globally representative and may be taken as a generalization of our previous ISCCP-based uncertainty estimates for the input datasets. Surface properties have the primary role in determining the surface upward shortwave (SW) and longwave (LW) flux. From this study, the following conclusions are obtained. Although land surface albedos in the near near-infrared remain poorly constrained (highly uncertain), they do not cause too much error in total surface SW fluxes; the more subtle regional and seasonal variations associated with vegetation and snow are still on doubt. The uncertainty of the broadband black-sky SW albedo for land surface from this study is about 7%, which can easily induce 5-10 W per square meter uncertainty in (upwelling) surface SW flux estimates. Even though available surface (broadband) LW emissivity datasets differ significantly (3%-5% uncertainty), this disagreement is confined to wavelengths greater than 20 micrometers so that there is little practical effect (1-3 W per square meters) on the surface upwelling LW fluxes. The surface skin temperature is one of two leading factors that cause problems with surface LW fluxes. Even though the differences among the various datasets are generally only 2-4 K, this can easily cause 10-15 W per square meter uncertainty in calculated surface (upwelling) LW fluxes. Significant improvements could be obtained for surface LW flux calculations by improving the retrievals of (in order of decreasing importance): (1) surface skin temperature, (2) surface air and near-surface-layer temperature, (3) column precipitable water amount and (4) broadband emissivity. And for surface SW fluxes, improvements could be obtained (excluding improved cloud treatment) by improving the retrievals of (1) aerosols (from our sensitivity studies but not discussed in this work), and (2) surface (black-sky) albedo, of which, NIR part of the spectrum has much larger uncertainty

    The Continual Intercomparison of Radiation Codes: Results from Phase I

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    The computer codes that calculate the energy budget of solar and thermal radiation in Global Climate Models (GCMs), our most advanced tools for predicting climate change, have to be computationally efficient in order to not impose undue computational burden to climate simulations. By using approximations to gain execution speed, these codes sacrifice accuracy compared to more accurate, but also much slower, alternatives. International efforts to evaluate the approximate schemes have taken place in the past, but they have suffered from the drawback that the accurate standards were not validated themselves for performance. The manuscript summarizes the main results of the first phase of an effort called "Continual Intercomparison of Radiation Codes" (CIRC) where the cases chosen to evaluate the approximate models are based on observations and where we have ensured that the accurate models perform well when compared to solar and thermal radiation measurements. The effort is endorsed by international organizations such as the GEWEX Radiation Panel and the International Radiation Commission and has a dedicated website (i.e., http://circ.gsfc.nasa.gov) where interested scientists can freely download data and obtain more information about the effort's modus operandi and objectives. In a paper published in the March 2010 issue of the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society only a brief overview of CIRC was provided with some sample results. In this paper the analysis of submissions of 11 solar and 13 thermal infrared codes relative to accurate reference calculations obtained by so-called "line-by-line" radiation codes is much more detailed. We demonstrate that, while performance of the approximate codes continues to improve, significant issues still remain to be addressed for satisfactory performance within GCMs. We hope that by identifying and quantifying shortcomings, the paper will help establish performance standards to objectively assess radiation code quality, and will guide the development of future phases of CIR

    Comparison of Clouds and Cloud Feedback between AMIP5 and AMIP6

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    We examine the changes in clouds and cloud feedback between Phase 5 (AMIP5) and Phase 6 (AMIP6) of the Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project. Each model is perturbed by uniformly increasing the sea surface temperature by 4 K. The simulated cloud fraction, the perturbed states and cloud radiative kernels are used to derive cloud feedback in the shortwave (SW), longwave (LW) and their sum (Net). Compared to AMIP5, the cloud fraction in AMIP6 increases by 9.1%, while the perturbation leads to a 0.25% decrease. The Net cloud feedback at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) is almost double (174%). Statistical tests support that this change is mainly due to an increase in the surface SW cloud feedback caused by optically thick, middle and low clouds. The contribution of the atmospheric Net component (12%) stems from the increase in the atmospheric LW cloud feedback, likely to play a role in weakening (strengthening) the northward (southward) meridional atmospheric energy transport, while the opposite is true for the surface LW and Net cloud feedback in the meridional oceanic energy transport. The substantial increase in cloud feedback at the TOA primarily contributes to the higher climate sensitivity. The cloud feedback spread in AMIP6 is comparable to that in AMIP5

    Atmospheric Diabatic Heating in Different Weather States and the General Circulation

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    Analysis of multiple global satellite products identifies distinctive weather states of the atmosphere from the mesoscale pattern of cloud properties and quantifies the associated diabatic heating/cooling by radiative flux divergence, precipitation, and surface sensible heat flux. The results show that the forcing for the atmospheric general circulation is a very dynamic process, varying strongly at weather space-time scales, comprising relatively infrequent, strong heating events by ''stormy'' weather and more nearly continuous, weak cooling by ''fair'' weather. Such behavior undercuts the value of analyses of time-averaged energy exchanges in observations or numerical models. It is proposed that an analysis of the joint time-related variations of the global weather states and the general circulation on weather space-time scales might be used to establish useful ''feedback like'' relationships between cloud processes and the large-scale circulation

    Age-related morphometrics of normal adrenal glands based on deep learning-aided segmentation

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    Objective.This study aims to evaluate the morphometrics of normal adrenal glands in adult patients semiautomatically using a deep learning-based segmentation model.Materials and Methods.A total of 520 abdominal CT image series with normal findings, from January 1, 2016, to March 14, 2019, were retrospectively collected for the training of the adrenal segmentation model. Then, 1043 portal venous phase image series of inpatient contrast-enhanced abdominal CT examinations with normal adrenal glands were included for analysis and grouped by every 10-year gap. A 3D U-Net-based segmentation model was used to predict bilateral adrenal labels followed by manual modification of labels as appropriate. Quantitative parameters (volume, CT value, and diameters) of the bilateral adrenal glands were then analyzed.Results.In the study cohort aged 18–77 years old (554 males and 489 females), the left adrenal gland was significantly larger than the right adrenal gland [all patients, 2867.79 (2317.11–3499.89) mm3 vs. 2452.84 (1983.50–2935.18) mm3, P < 0.001]. Male patients showed a greater volume of bilateral adrenal glands than females in all age groups (all patients, left: 3237.83 ± 930.21 mm3 vs. 2646.49 ± 766.42 mm3, P < 0.001; right: 2731.69 ± 789.19 mm3 vs. 2266.18 ± 632.97 mm3, P = 0.001). Bilateral adrenal volume in male patients showed an increasing then decreasing trend as age increased that peaked at 38–47 years old (left: 3416.01 ± 886.21 mm3, right: 2855.04 ± 774.57 mm3).Conclusions.The semiautomated measurement revealed that the adrenal volume differs as age increases. Male patients aged 38–47 years old have a peaked adrenal volume

    Structural Design of Ocean Temperature and Depth Sensor with Quick Response and High Sensitivity

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    The electrical sensing elements used in the traditional XBT (Expendable Bathythermograph) have problems such as low sensitivity and slow response time, and it is difficult to overcome the complex marine environment using the time&ndash;depth formula. In this paper, an ocean temperature depth sensor based on brass diaphragm and liquid filling is designed. The stress response time of FBGs with different lengths and the heat transfer time of different liquid materials are compared, and it is found that a fast response of 51 ms can be obtained by using GaInSn liquid for temperature sensing. The center deflection changes of brass diaphragms with different radii are analyzed, and the brass diaphragms with radius and thickness of 10 mm and 1 mm are selected, which still have good elastic properties under the pressure of 5 MPa. The influence of the inner metal shell section radius on the temperature and depth sensitivity is analyzed. When the final section radius is 3 mm, the temperature sensitivity of the sensor is 1.065 nm/&deg;C, the pressure sensitivity is 1.245 nm/MPa, and the response time of temperature and depth is relatively close. Compared with the traditional temperature and depth sensors using empirical formulas for calculation, the data accuracy is improved, and a wide range of sensitivity can be tuned by adjusting the size of the internal metal shell, which can meet the needs of ocean temperature and depth data detection with high sensitivity and fast response time

    Stratigraphic and Structural Control on Hydrothermal Dolomitization in the Middle Permian Carbonates, Southwestern Sichuan Basin (China)

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    The Qixia Formation and Maokou Formation of Middle Permian in the southwestern Sichuan Basin were pervasively dolomitized during the diagenetic history. Petrographically, four types of dolomites, namely three replacive dolomites (Rd1, Rd2, and Rd3) and one dolomite cement (Cd), were distinguished. Rd1 dolomite occurs as very fine (&lt;50 µm), planar-s to nonplanar crystals; Rd2 dolomite shows planar-e to planar-s crystal shapes with fine crystal sizes (50–250 µm) and is characterized by center-frog and margin-clear; Rd3 dolomite occurs as medium to coarse (250 µm–2 mm), nonplanar crystals; and Cd dolomite is characterized by saddle crystals filling dissolution pores and/or fractures, translucent white color in the hand samples, and strong sweeping extinction under cross-polarized light. In areas close to reactivated basement faults (Zhangcun outcrop and well Hanshen1), Rd3 (~65% by abundance) was the dominant type of replacement dolomite and minor amounts of Rd1 and Rd2 (~10%) were found in this area. Cd (~25%) was extensively developed in fractures and dissolution pores, whereas, in areas far away from the fault zones (Xinjigu outcrop), Rd1 (~20%) and Rd2 (~55%) were dominant replacement dolomites, and only a small portion of them were recrystallized to form Rd3 (~20%), with minor Cd (~5%) dolomite occurring in some dissolution pores. The δ13CV-PDB (−0.37‰ to 4.32‰) and δ18OV-PDB values (−7.41‰ to −5.19‰), 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.707085 to 0.707795), and rare earth elements (REE) patterns (flat REE patterns with slight light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment and slight negative Ce anomalies) suggest that Rd1 dolomite was formed penecontemporaneously in an evaporitic tidal flat evaporation environment with salinities higher than seawater. The Rd2 dolomite, characterized by δ13CV-PDB (−0.18‰ to 4.89‰) and δ18OV-PDB values from −6.6‰ to −5.5‰, 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.707292 to 0.707951, and LREE enrichment and slight negative Ce anomalies, was interpreted as forming from the recrystallization of Rd1 at shallow burial. The δ18OV-PDB values (−12.01‰ to −8.23‰), the prominent positive anomaly of Eu, high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7081–0.7198) and high fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures (149–255 °C) suggest that Rd3 and Cd dolomite were formed from hot fluids. Based on regional stratigraphic data, the Rd3 and Cd were likely formed at depths less than 1500 m; thus, the ambient burial temperature would be lower than 85 °C. The high fluid temperatures recorded by fluid inclusions, thus, indicate that the dolomitization was of hydrothermal nature. The δ18OV-SMOW values, homogenization temperatures, and salinities of the fluid inclusions of Rd3 and Cd in proximal areas were systematically higher than those in distal areas, suggesting that the hydrothermal fluid ascended along faults in proximal areas and then migrated laterally along the strata to distal areas. The dolomites of the Middle Permian carbonates in the southwestern Sichuan Basin, thus, resulted from different dolomitization phases, and the latter hydrothermal dolomitization was controlled by a combination of strata and structures