11 research outputs found

    Mapping land cover using a developed U-Net model with weighted cross entropy

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    High-quality and high-productivity land cover data as a critical proxy are urgently needed for various communities. Although efforts in mapping projects had been made, various architectures to answer the challenges of Big Data of remote sensing are still needed. Therefore, this paper developed an improved U-Net model with weighted cross entropy (WCE) to map land covers. The accuracy was assessed by confusion matrix, and compared with the other two alternative cross-entropy loss functions. The comparisons highlighted an issue that unbalanced sample space of training dataset is a major cause of lower mapping accuracy. Also, the higher accuracy of U-Net with WCE implied its ability to handle the issue. This paper suggests an alternative solution for mapping land cover to address the challenges

    Development of our laser fusion integration simulation

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    In the target design of the Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) program, it is common practice to apply radiation hydrodynamics code to study the key physical processes happening in ICF process, such as hohlraum physics, radiation drive symmetry, capsule implosion physics in the radiation-drive approach of ICF. Recently, many efforts have been done to develop our 2D integrated simulation capability of laser fusion with a variety of optional physical models and numerical methods. In order to effectively integrate the existing codes and to facilitate the development of new codes, we are developing an object-oriented structured-mesh parallel code-supporting infrastructure, called JASMIN. Based on two-dimensional three-temperature hohlraum physics code LARED-H and two-dimensional multi-group radiative transfer code LARED-R, we develop a new generation two-dimensional laser fusion code under the JASMIN infrastructure, which enable us to simulate the whole process of laser fusion from the laser beams' entrance into the hohlraum to the end of implosion. In this paper, we will give a brief description of our new-generation two-dimensional laser fusion code, named LARED-Integration, especially in its physical models, and present some simulation results of holhraum