23 research outputs found

    Розробка нейромережевої інтелектуальної системи для прогнозування енергетичних центрів плямових зображень у процесах профілювання лазерного променя

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    Здійснено розробку нейромережевої інтелектуальної системи для прогнозування енергетичних центрів (ЕЦ) плямових зображень у процесах профілювання лазерного променя (ЛП). Обґрунтовано актуальність задачі прогнозування координат ЕЦ профілю ЛП. Розглянуто методи прогнозування та обґрунтовано доцільність застосування нейромережевої моделі. Здійснено комп’ютерне моделювання системи прогнозування, а також на основі отриманих результатів сформульовано вимоги та здійснено програмну реалізацію інтелектуальної системи.Выполнено разработку нейросетевой интеллектуальной системы для прогнозирования энергетических центров (ЭЦ) пятенных зображений в процесах профилирования лазерного луча (ЛЛ). Обоснована актуальность задачи прогнозирования координат ЭЦ профиля ЛЛ. Рассмотрены методы прогнозирования и обоснована целесообразность применения нейросетевой модели. Выполнено компьютерное моделирование системы прогнозирования, а также на основе полученных результатов сформулированы требования и выполнено программную реализацию интеллектуальной системы.The development of a neural net intellectual system for energy centers (EC) spot images forecasting in the processes of laser beam profiling (LB) is done. Actuality of the problem of coordinates forecasting of EC of laser beam profile is proved. Methods of forecasting are considered and the appropriateness of usage the neural net model is justified. Computer simulation of forecasting system is carried out and also on the basis of the obtained results the requirements are formulated and software implementation of intelligent system is performed

    Production and secretion of recombinant spider silk in Bacillus megaterium

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    Abstract Background Silk proteins have emerged as versatile biomaterials with unique chemical and physical properties, making them appealing for various applications. Among them, spider silk, known for its exceptional mechanical strength, has attracted considerable attention. Recombinant production of spider silk represents the most promising route towards its scaled production; however, challenges persist within the upstream optimization of host organisms, including toxicity and low yields. The high cost of downstream cell lysis and protein purification is an additional barrier preventing the widespread production and use of spider silk proteins. Gram-positive bacteria represent an attractive, but underexplored, microbial chassis that may enable a reduction in the cost and difficulty of recombinant silk production through attributes that include, superior secretory capabilities, frequent GRAS status, and previously established use in industry. Results In this study, we explore the potential of gram-positive hosts by engineering the first production and secretion of recombinant spider silk in the Bacillus genus. Using an industrially relevant B. megaterium host, it was found that the Sec secretion pathway enables secretory production of silk, however, the choice of signal sequence plays a vital role in successful secretion. Attempts at increasing secreted titers revealed that multiple translation initiation sites in tandem do not significantly impact silk production levels, contrary to previous findings for other gram-positive hosts and recombinant proteins. Notwithstanding, targeted amino acid supplementation in minimal media was found to increase production by 135% relative to both rich media and unaltered minimal media, yielding secretory titers of approximately 100 mg/L in flask cultures. Conclusion It is hypothesized that the supplementation strategy addressed metabolic bottlenecks, specifically depletion of ATP and NADPH within the central metabolism, that were previously observed for an E. coli host producing the same recombinant silk construct. Furthermore, this study supports the hypothesis that secretion mitigates the toxicity of the produced silk protein on the host organism and enhances host performance in glucose-based minimal media. While promising, future research is warranted to understand metabolic changes more precisely in the Bacillus host system in response to silk production, optimize signal sequences and promoter strengths, investigate the mechanisms behind the effect of tandem translation initiation sites, and evaluate the performance of this system within a bioreactor

    Chemical Synthesis of Silk-Mimetic Polymers

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    Silk is a naturally occurring high-performance material that can surpass man-made polymers in toughness and strength. The remarkable mechanical properties of silk result from the primary sequence of silk fibroin, which bears semblance to a linear segmented copolymer with alternating rigid (“crystalline”) and flexible (“amorphous”) blocks. Silk-mimetic polymers are therefore of great emerging interest, as they can potentially exhibit the advantageous features of natural silk while possessing synthetic flexibility as well as non-natural compositions. This review describes the relationships between primary sequence and material properties in natural silk fibroin and furthermore discusses chemical approaches towards the synthesis of silk-mimetic polymers. In particular, step-growth polymerization, controlled radical polymerization, and copolymerization with naturally derived silk fibroin are presented as strategies for synthesizing silk-mimetic polymers with varying molecular weights and degrees of sequence control. Strategies for improving macromolecular solubility during polymerization are also highlighted. Lastly, the relationships between synthetic approach, supramolecular structure, and bulk material properties are explored in this review, with the aim of providing an informative perspective on the challenges facing chemical synthesis of silk-mimetic polymers with desirable properties

    Two-step conversion of polyethylene into recombinant proteins using a microbial platform

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    Abstract Background The increasing prevalence of plastic waste combined with the inefficiencies of mechanical recycling has inspired interest in processes that can convert these waste streams into value-added biomaterials. To date, the microbial conversion of plastic substrates into biomaterials has been predominantly limited to polyhydroxyalkanoates production. Expanding the capabilities of these microbial conversion platforms to include a greater diversity of products generated from plastic waste streams can serve to promote the adoption of these technologies at a larger scale and encourage a more sustainable materials economy. Results Herein, we report the development of a new strain of Pseudomonas bacteria capable of converting depolymerized polyethylene into high value bespoke recombinant protein products. Using hexadecane, a proxy for depolymerized polyethylene, as a sole carbon nutrient source, we optimized media compositions that facilitate robust biomass growth above 1 × 109 cfu/ml, with results suggesting the benefits of lower hydrocarbon concentrations and the use of NH4Cl as a nitrogen source. We genomically integrated recombinant genes for green fluorescent protein and spider dragline-inspired silk protein, and we showed their expression in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, reaching titers of approximately 10 mg/L when hexadecane was used as the sole carbon source. Lastly, we demonstrated that chemically depolymerized polyethylene, comprised of a mixture of branched and unbranched alkanes, could be converted into silk protein by Pseudomonas aeruginosa at titers of 11.3 ± 1.1 mg/L. Conclusion This work demonstrates a microbial platform for the conversion of a both alkanes and plastic-derived substrates to recombinant, protein-based materials. The findings in this work can serve as a basis for future endeavors seeking to upcycle recalcitrant plastic wastes into value-added recombinant proteins

    Novel insights into construct toxicity, strain optimization, and primary sequence design for producing recombinant silk fibroin and elastin-like peptide in E. coli

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    Spider silk proteins (spidroins) are a remarkable class of biomaterials that exhibit a unique combination of high-value attributes and can be processed into numerous morphologies for targeted applications in diverse fields. Recombinant production of spidroins represents the most promising route towards establishing the industrial production of the material, however, recombinant spider silk production suffers from fundamental difficulties that includes low titers, plasmid instability, and translational inefficiencies. In this work, we sought to gain a deeper understanding of upstream bottlenecks that exist in the field through the production of a panel of systematically varied spidroin sequences in multiple E. coli strains. A restriction on basal expression and specific genetic mutations related to stress responses were identified as primary factors that facilitated higher titers of the recombinant silk constructs. Using these findings, a novel strain of E. coli was created that produces recombinant silk constructs at levels 4–33 times higher than standard BL21(DE3). However, these findings did not extend to a similar recombinant protein, an elastin-like peptide. It was found that the recombinant silk proteins, but not the elastin-like peptide, exert toxicity on the E. coli host system, possibly through their high degree of intrinsic disorder. Along with strain engineering, a bioprocess design that utilizes longer culturing times and attenuated induction was found to raise recombinant silk titers by seven-fold and mitigate toxicity. Targeted alteration to the primary sequence of the recombinant silk constructs was also found to mitigate toxicity. These findings identify multiple points of focus for future work seeking to further optimize the recombinant production of silk proteins and is the first work to identify the intrinsic disorder and subsequent toxicity of certain spidroin constructs as a primary factor related to the difficulties of production

    Branched Block Copolymers for Tuning of Morphology and Feature Size in Thin Film Nanolithography

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    A library of Y-shaped poly­(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-<i>b</i>-poly­(d,l-lactide) (PLA) diblock copolymers and their corresponding linear counterparts were synthesized, and their morphologies and feature sizes in bulk and thin films were compared using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), scanning force microscopy (SFM), and grazing incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GI-SAXS). For macromolecular isomers with approximately the same molecular weights and volume fractions (PLA <i>f</i><sub>L</sub>: 0.20 and 0.35), different thin film morphologies were obtained for the Y-shaped PDMS-<i>b</i>-PLA derivatives when compared to the corresponding linear derivatives. These data also gave us the option to determine some of the key parameters of these block copolymers. A relatively high χ value of 0.24 was found for these PDMS-<i>b</i>-PLA systems and was shown to be influenced by architecture