46 research outputs found

    6.3 MeV fast neutrons in the treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer

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    The study included 135 breast cancer patients (70 patients with locally recurrent breast cancer and 65 patients with locally advanced breast cancer with unfavorable prognostic factors) who received the neutron therapy alone or in combination with the photon therapy. The neutron therapy was shown to be effective in multimodality treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer.The 8-year survival rate in patients without repeated breast cancer recurrence was 87.6±8.7% after the neutron and neutron-photon therapy and 54.3±9.2% after the electron beam therapy

    6.3 MeV fast neutrons in the treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer

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    The study included 135 breast cancer patients (70 patients with locally recurrent breast cancer and 65 patients with locally advanced breast cancer with unfavorable prognostic factors) who received the neutron therapy alone or in combination with the photon therapy. The neutron therapy was shown to be effective in multimodality treatment of patients with locally advanced and locally recurrent breast cancer.The 8-year survival rate in patients without repeated breast cancer recurrence was 87.6±8.7% after the neutron and neutron-photon therapy and 54.3±9.2% after the electron beam therapy

    Novel technologies and theoretical models in radiation therapy of cancer patients using 6.3 MeV fast neutrons produced by U-120 cyclotron

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    The analysis of clinical use of neutron therapy with 6 MeV fast neutrons compared to conventional radiation therapy was carried out. The experience of using neutron and mixed neutron and photon therapy in patients with different radio-resistant malignant tumors shows the necessity of further studies and development of the novel approaches to densely-ionizing radiation. The results of dosimetry and radiobiological studies have been the basis for planning clinical programs for neutron therapy. Clinical trials over the past 30 years have shown that neutron therapy successfully destroys radio-resistant cancers, including salivary gland tumors, adenoidcystic carcinoma, inoperable sarcomas, locally advanced head and neck tumors, and locally advanced prostate cancer. Radiation therapy with 6.3 MeV fast neutrons used alone and in combination with photon therapy resulted in improved long-term treatment outcomes in patients with radio-resistant malignant tumors

    The role of MRI in the diagnosis of acute radiation reaction in breast cancer patient

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    A clinical case with acute radiation reaction of the left breast after organ-preserving surgery with 10 Gy IORT (24.8 Gy) conventional radiation therapy has been presented. Comprehensive MRI examination showed signs of radiation- induced damage to skin, soft tissues and vessels of the residual breast

    Physical therapy methods in the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients

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    The results of the effective use of magnetic laser therapy in the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients were presented. The effect of magnetic-laser therapy in the treatment of radiation-induced reactions in the patients with head and neck cancer and in the patients with breast cancer was analyzed. High efficiency of lymphedema and lymphorrhea treatment in the postoperative period in the patients with breast cancer was proved. The results of rehabilitation of the patients with gastric cancer after surgical treatment were presented. These data indicate a high effectiveness of different physical methods of treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients

    Concurrent thermochemoradiotherapy for brain high-grade glioma

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    Despite the achievements in the current strategies for treatment, the prognosis in malignant glioma patients remains unsatisfactory. Hyperthermia is currently considered to be the most effective and universal modifier of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Preliminary treatment outcomes for 28 patients with newly diagnosed (23) and recurrent (5) high-grade gliomas were presented. All the patients received multimodality treatment including surgery, thermoche-moradiotherapy followed by 4 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy. All the patients endured thermochemoradiotherapy well. A complication, limited skin burn (II stage), was diagnosed in two cases and treated conservatively without treatment interruption. A month after thermochemoradiotherapy the results were as follows: complete regression was achieved in 4 cases, partial regression in 4 cases, stable disease in 14 cases and disease progression in 6 cases (one of them is pseudo-progression). After completing the adjuvant chemotherapy 2 more patients demonstrated complete response and 1 patient had disease progression. Introduction of local hyperthermia in multimodal therapy of malignant glioma does not impair the combined modality treatment tolerability of patients with malignant gliomas. A small number of studied patients and short follow-up time do not allow making reliable conclusions about the impact of local hyperthermia on the treatment outcomes; however, there is a tendency towards the increase in disease-free survival in the patients with newly diagnosed malignant gliomas


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    The study included 103 patients with stage T1–3N0–3M0 breast cancer who received multimodality treatment including neo- and adjuvant chemotherapy according to CMF and CAF schedules, hormonal therapy, radical mastectomy and adjuvant radiation therapy. All patients were divided into two groups depending on the volume of postoperative radiation therapy. Group I patients (n=48) received 40–44 Gy external radiation therapy to the areas of potential regional spread. Group II patients (n-55) additionally received radiation therapy delivered to postoperative scar area at a total dose of 38–44 isoGy. The  comparative analysis of long-term results showed a significant decrease in the rate of local recurrences and increase in the 5-year recurrence-free and overall survival rates in the group of breast cancer patients who received adjuvant radiation therapy to the areas of potential regional spread and postoperative scar. In order to plan adequate radiotherapyand to minimize local radiation-induced reactions, it is necessary to consider clinical and morphological prognostic factors.В исследовании представлены результаты комплексного лечения 103 больных РМЖ стадии T1–3N0–3M0 c использованием нео- и адъювантной химиотерапии по схемам CMF, CAF и/или гормонотерапии, радикальной мастэктомии и адъювантной лучевой терапии. В зависимости от объема послеоперационной лучевой терапии больные были распределены на две группы: в I группе (n=48) проводилась дистанционная лучевая терапия (ДЛТ) на зоны регионарного лимфооттока в стандартном режиме СОД 40–44 Гр; во II группе (n-55) дополнительно проводилось облучение области послеоперационного рубца СОД 38–44 изоГр. Сравнительный анализ отдаленных результатов показал  значимое снижение числа местных рецидивов, а также повышение показателей  пятилетней безрецидивной и общей выживаемости в группе больных РМЖ, получавших адъювантную лучевую терапию на зоны регионарного лимфооттока и область послеоперационного рубца. Для планирования адекватного облучения и минимизации местных лучевых реакций нормальных тканей необходимо учитывать клинико-морфологические факторы прогноза заболевания


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    This review about the application of radiotherapy in breast cancer patients after radical mastectomy. Emphasizes the need for a differentiated approach to radiation therapy, which should be based on the definition of clinical morphological factors that determine the risk of loco-regional recurrence of breast cancer.Обзор посвящен применению послеоперационной лучевой терапии у больных раком молочной железы после выполнения радикальной мастэктомии. Подчеркивается необходимость дифференцированного подхода к лучевой терапии, который должен базироваться на оценке клинико-морфологических факторов, определяющих риск развития локо-регионарного рецидива РМЖ