19 research outputs found

    To-friend or not-to-friend with teachers on SNSs: University students' perspectives

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    A large majority of university students use social networking sites (SNS) actively. Nevertheless, there are very limited studies examining students’ perceptions about student-teacher relationships in SNSs comprehensively. The purpose of this research was to investigate university students’ perceptions about interacting with their teachers in SNSs, and to this end an exploratory mixed-methods design was utilised. Qualitative data were collected from 21 students via interviews, and quantitative data from 1,324 students in 19 universities in Turkey via a questionnaire. Content analysis, descriptive analysis and principal component analysis methods were used to analyse the data. The content analysis contributed to the formulation of the questionnaire items. The principal component analysis yielded the following four dimensions: perceived utility, perceived barriers, perceived favourable teacher behaviours, and perceived unfavourable teacher behaviours. The most prominent finding is that the students were mostly opposed to their teachers’ sharing their political and religious views; however, they were in favour of teachers sharing information about their personal life. Despite some students displaying some hesitation, especially concerning the level of respect between them, the majority of students had a positive outlook towards teacher-student friendships. The students indicated that being friends on SNSs would increase their motivation towards the course

    To-friend or not-to-friend with teachers on SNSs: University students' perspectives

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    A large majority of university students use social networking sites (SNS) actively. Nevertheless, there are very limited studies examining students’ perceptions about student-teacher relationships in SNSs comprehensively. The purpose of this research was to investigate university students’ perceptions about interacting with their teachers in SNSs, and to this end an exploratory mixed-methods design was utilised. Qualitative data were collected from 21 students via interviews, and quantitative data from 1,324 students in 19 universities in Turkey via a questionnaire. Content analysis, descriptive analysis and principal component analysis methods were used to analyse the data. The content analysis contributed to the formulation of the questionnaire items. The principal component analysis yielded the following four dimensions: perceived utility, perceived barriers, perceived favourable teacher behaviours, and perceived unfavourable teacher behaviours. The most prominent finding is that the students were mostly opposed to their teachers’ sharing their political and religious views; however, they were in favour of teachers sharing information about their personal life. Despite some students displaying some hesitation, especially concerning the level of respect between them, the majority of students had a positive outlook towards teacher-student friendships. The students indicated that being friends on SNSs would increase their motivation towards the course

    To-friend or not-to-friend with teachers on SNSs: University students’ perspectives

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    La gran mayoría de los estudiantes universitarios utilizan activamente las redes sociales (RRSS). Sin embargo, hay estudios limitados sobre las percepciones de estos con base en la relación estudiante-profesor en RRSS. El propósito de esta investigación fue investigar las percepciones de los estudiantes universitarios sobre la interacción con sus profesores en redes sociales. Para este fin se empleó un diseño exploratorio mediante métodos mixtos. Se recopilaron datos cualitativos de 21 estudiantes por medio de entrevistas y datos cuantitativos de 1.324 sujetos en 19 universidades de Turquía mediante cuestionario. Para analizar los datos se aplicaron análisis de contenido, análisis descriptivo, y análisis de componentes principales. El primero contribuyó a la formulación de los ítems del cuestionario. El análisis del componente principal arrojó cuatro dimensiones: utilidad percibida, barreras percibidas, comportamientos docentes percibidos como favorables y desfavorables. El hallazgo más destacado fue que los estudiantes se opusieron principalmente a que sus profesores compartieran sus puntos de vista políticos y religiosos. No obstante, estaban a favor de que los docentes compartieran información sobre su vida personal. A pesar de que algunos estudiantes mostraron dudas, especialmente con respecto al nivel de respeto entre ellos, la mayoría del alumnado tenía una perspectiva positiva hacia las amistades profesor-alumno. Estos indicaron que ser amigos en las redes sociales aumentaría su motivación hacia el cursoA large majority of university students use social networking sites (SNS) actively. Nevertheless, there are very limited studies examining students’ perceptions about student-teacher relationships in SNSs comprehensively. The purpose of this research was to investigate university students’ perceptions about interacting with their teachers in SNSs, and to this end an exploratory mixed-methods design was utilised. Qualitative data were collected from 21 students via interviews, and quantitative data from 1,324 students in 19 universities in Turkey via a questionnaire. Content analysis, descriptive analysis and principal component analysis methods were used to analyse the data. The content analysis contributed to the formulation of the questionnaire items. The principal component analysis yielded the following four dimensions: perceived utility, perceived barriers, perceived favourable teacher behaviours, and perceived unfavourable teacher behaviours. The most prominent finding is that the students were mostly opposed to their teachers’ sharing their political and religious views; however, they were in favour of teachers sharing information about their personal life. Despite some students displaying some hesitation, especially concerning the level of respect between them, the majority of students had a positive outlook towards teacherstudent friendships. The students indicated that being friends on SNSs would increase their motivation towards the cours

    Effects of bariatric surgery on adipokine-induced inflammation and insulin resistance

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    Over a third of the US population is obese and at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and other metabolic disorders. Obesity is considered a chronic lowgrade inflammatory condition that is primarily attributed to expansion and inflammation of adipose tissues. Indeed, adipocytes produce and secrete numerous proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines known as adipokines.When the balance of these adipokines is shifted toward higher production of proinflammatory factors, local inflammation within adipose tissues and subsequently systemic inflammation occur. These adipokines including leptin, visfatin, resistin, apelin, vaspin, and retinol binding protein-4 can regulate inflammatory responses and contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetes.These effects are mediated by key inflammatory signaling molecules including activated serine kinases such as c-Jun N-terminal kinase and serine kinases inhibitor κB kinase and insulin signaling molecules including insulin receptor substrates, protein kinase B (PKB, also known as Akt), and nuclear factor kappa B. Bariatric surgery can decrease body weight and improve insulin resistance in morbidly obese subjects. However, despite reports suggesting reduced inflammation and weight-independent effects of bariatric surgery on glucose metabolism, mechanisms behind such improvements are not yet well understood. This review article focuses on some of these novel adipokines and discusses their changes after bariatric surgery and their relationship to insulin resistance, fat mass, inflammation, and glucose homeostasis

    Protein-4, and Vaspin Concentrations and Insulin Resistance in Morbidly Obese Subjects

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    Visfatin/Nampt, vaspin, and retinol binding protein-4 (RBP-4) play an important role in insulin resistance. The objectives of this study were to measure visfatin/Nampt, vaspin, and RBP-4 concentrations in blood, liver, muscle, subcutaneous, omental, and mesenteric adipose tissues in morbidly obese subjects and investigate their relationship to insulin resistance. Blood and tissue samples were collected from 38 morbidly obese subjects during Roux-en-Y surgery. Insulin resistance biomarkers were measured using standard kits. Visfatin/Nampt, vaspin, and RBP-4 gene expression levels in tissues were measured using real-time PCR. Their protein concentrations in blood and tissues were measured using ELISA kits. Diabetic subjects had significantly higher homeostasis model of assessment-insulin resistance and age and lower blood HDL-cholesterol concentrations than nondiabetic and prediabetic subjects. Diabetic and prediabetic subjects had significantly higher blood concentrations of visfatin/Nampt and vaspin than nondiabetic subjects. Liver RBP-4 concentrations were positively associated with blood glucose concentrations. Blood insulin resistance biomarker levels were positively associated with visfatin/Nampt concentrations in omental adipose tissue and liver, and vaspin concentrations in mesenteric adipose tissue. In conclusion, the correlations of visfatin/Nampt, vaspin, and RBP-4 with insulin resistance are tissue dependent

    The Reasons for Non-Use of Social Networking Websites by University Students

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    Although social networking websites (SNSs, especially Facebook) have become highly popular with youths, some university students do not want to participate in such sites. This study explores the underlying reasons for hightech university students’ non-use of social networking websites. The study group (n=20) consisted of 18 to 25yearold undergraduate students, who were selected by the purposive sampling method. Data were collected from two large state universities in Turkey. Facebook, as one of the most popular social networking websites, was selected as a study context. Qualitative research methods were used in the data collection and analysis processes. The primary reasons for not using social networking websites were that they were perceived to be a waste of time, or an unnecessary tool; that they might lead to an addiction; that they might violate privacy concerns or share unnecessary information; and that they might invoke family concerns. Additionally, the findings indicated that most of the students did not trust virtual friendships, and did not like sharing photographs and political views online. This identification of non-user students’ attitudes about SNSs will help us to better understand individual perceptions and experiences relating to these social services

    Gamification and Education: Achievements, Cognitive Loads, and Views of Students

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    In this mixed method research study, the effect of gamification strategies on students’ cognitive load levels and achievements was examined along with student opinions about gamification. The topic of spreadsheets was covered for six weeks in a sixth grade information technologies and software course. The sample consisted of a control group of 48 students who were trained via traditional procedures and an experimental group of 46 students who were trained using gamification strategies. Independent sample t-test, Mann-Whitney U test and descriptive analysis were applied to the data. A significant difference was found between the two groups that indicated higher achievement in the experimental group. When comparing cognitive load levels, the experimental group also scored higher than the control group. Interviews indicated that the students had positive views about gamification strategies

    Razones por las que los alumnos universitarios no utilizan las redes sociales

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    Although social networking websites (SNSs, especially Facebook) have become highly popular with youths, some university students do not want to participate in such sites. This study explores the underlying reasons for hightech university students� non-use of social networking websites. The study group (n=20) consisted of 18 to 25yearold undergraduate students, who were selected by the purposive sampling method. Data were collected from two large state universities in Turkey. Facebook, as one of the most popular social networking websites, was selected as a study context. Qualitative research methods were used in the data collection and analysis processes. The primary reasons for not using social networking websites were that they were perceived to be a waste of time, or an unnecessary tool; that they might lead to an addiction; that they might violate privacy concerns or share unnecessary information; and that they might invoke family concerns. Additionally, the findings indicated that most of the students did not trust virtual friendships, and did not like sharing photographs and political views online. This identification of non-user students� attitudes about SNSs will help us to better understand individual perceptions and experiences relating to these social services.Aunque las redes sociales (los SRS, especialmente Facebook) se han popularizado entre la juventud, hay algunos alumnos universitarios que no desean participar en ellas. Esta investigación explora las razones subyacentes por las cuales los alumnos universitarios no utilizan las redes sociales. El grupo experimental (n=20) estuvo formado por alumnos de licenciatura de entre 18 y 25 años, seleccionados mediante muestreo intencional. Se recogieron los datos en dos grandes universidades estatales de Turquía. Facebook fue seleccionado para contextualizar esta investigación, por ser una de las redes sociales más populares. Los métodos de investigación cualitativa se emplearon en la recogida y análisis de los datos. Entre las razones principales por las que no utilizan las redes sociales se encuentran su percepción como una pérdida de tiempo, o una herramienta innecesaria; las posibilidades de poder conllevar una adicción; violar las normas de privacidad, compartir información excesiva; e invocar la preocupación parental. Adicionalmente, los resultados indicaron que la mayoría de los alumnos no confió en sus amistades virtuales y que no les gustaba compartir fotografías ni opiniones políticas en línea. El haber identificado las actitudes hacia los SRS de los alumnos nousuarios nos ayudará a entender mejor las percepciones y experiencias individuales relacionadas con estos servicios sociales

    Gamification and Education: Achievements, Cognitive Loads, and Views of Students

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