77 research outputs found

    The Effect of One-Lung Ventilation on Cognitive Functions: Cross-Sectional Research

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    Amaç: Postoperatif kognitif disfonksiyon (POKD), majör cerrahi sonrası özellikle ileri yaş olmak üzere tüm yaş grubu hastalarda sıkça görülür ve aylarca sebat edebilir. Etiyolojisi multifaktöriyel olmakla birlikte, serebral oksijen sunum ve tüketim dengesini etkileyen faktörler suçlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle hipoksi gibi ciddi komplikasyonlarla seyredebilen tek akciğer ventilasyonu (TAV) uygulanan torasik cerrahi hastalarında POKD'yi mini-mental durum testi ile değerlendirerek hastalarda POKD'nin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya 20 yaş ve 72 yaş arası, torasik cerrahide TAV adayı hastalar dâhil edildi. Anestezi protokolü tüm hastalarda aynı şekilde uygulandı. Kognitif değerlendirme operasyondan 1 gün önce, operasyondan 1 ve 3 gün sonra yapıldı. Bu amaçla MiniMental Durum Değerlendirme Testi kullanıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya 30 hasta dâhil edildi. TAV uygulanan hastaların %26,6'sında POKD tespit edildi. Hastaların yapılan mini-mental durum değerlendirme testi, ameliyat öncesi ile ameliyat sonrası 1. gün ile 3. gün arasında kognitif disfonksiyon açısından fark tespit edildi. Ameliyat sonrası 1. gün ile ameliyat sonrası 3. gün arasında fark tespit edilmemiştir. Sonuç: Toraks cerrahisinde TAV uygulanan hastalarda erken dönem kognitif disfonksiyon görülmektedir. Bunda cerrahi süre, anestetik ilaçlar, hastayla ilgili parametreler etkili olmakta olup, hastalar intaroperatif yakın takip edilmeli ve ameliyat sonrasında da hastalar kognitif fonksiyonları açısından yakından izlenmelidir.Objective: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is frequently seen in patients of all age groups, especially advanced age, after major surgery and may persist for months. Although its etiology is multifactorial, factors affecting the balance of cerebral oxygen delivery and consumption are blamed. For this reason, it was aimed to evaluate whether patients developed POCD by evaluating POCD with mini-mental state test in thoracic surgery patients who underwent one lung ventilation (OLV), which can progress with serious complications such as hypoxia. Material and Methods: Patients between 20 years and 72 years of age candidates for OLV in thoracic surgery were included in the study. The anesthesia protocol was applied the same way in all patients. Cognitive assessment was conducted 1 day before the operation, 1 day after the operation and 3 days after. For this purpose, Mini-Mental Status Examination test was used. Results: Thirty patients were included in the study. POCD was detected in 26% of patients who underwent OLV. The mini-mental state test of the patients showed a difference in terms of cognitive dysfunction between preoperative and postoperative day 1 and day 3. However, no difference was detected between day 1 and day 3 after surgery. Conclusion: Early cognitive dysfunction is observed in patients undergoing OLV in thoracic surgery. Surgical time, anesthetic drugs, and patient-related parameters are effective, and patients should be closely monitored in terms of cognitive functions of the patients, in close follow-up and after surgery

    Middle Ear Pressure and Factors Affecting It in Intubated Patients Hospitalized in Intensive Care

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    Objective:To assess the probable agents affecting middle ear pressure in intubated patients hospitalized in intensive care units with various diagnoses.Methods:Middle ear pressure of 38 patients hospitalized in intensive care units within our faculty hospital was measured using portable tympanograms and acoustic reflectometry. The mode of the device to which each patient was attached and patients’ blood pressure, Glasgow Coma Score, and additional disease parameters other than admission diagnosis were recorded. All data collected were subjected to statistical analysis to determine whether or not they affected middle ear pressure.Results:Septal deviation, survey, and mode of automatic respiratory device emerged as factors affecting middle ear pressure (odds coefficient 4.796, 3.745, 2.557, respectively, with 95% CI). Although aged over 60, additional disease and nasogastric tube also compromised middle ear pressure; the levels involved were not statistically significant.Conclusion:Middle ear pressure in patients hospitalized in intensive care units may change, particularly after the seventh day. This may particularly involve septal deviation, survey, and mode of automatic respiratory device, and tympanograms and reflectometry may be added to the patient-monitoring protocol in terms of changes in middle ear pressure

    Ultrasonography-Guided Injection for Quadriceps Fat Pad Edema: Preliminary Report of a Six-Month Clinical and Radiological Follow-Up

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    Purpose: To investigate efficacy and safety of ultrasonography-guided local corticosteroid and anesthetic injection followed by physical therapy for the management of quadriceps fat pad (QFP) edema. Materials and Methods: We prospectively evaluated 1671 knee MRI examinations in 1542 patients for QFP edema with mass effect, which was present in 109 (6.5%) knees. Participants were assigned into injection and therapy groups (both received the same physical therapy program). Injection group was first treated with ultrasonography-guided QFP injection of 1 mL corticosteroid and 1 mL local anesthetic agent. Patients were evaluated at baseline and 1-, 2-, 6-month follow-up for pain using static and dynamic visual analogue scale (VAS), suprapatellar tenderness, and QFP edema on MRI. Results: Final sample size consisted of 19 knees (injection group, 10; therapy group, 9) in 17 patients. An overall improvement was detected in both groups between baseline and final assessments. The injection group fared better than the therapy group in static VAS scores (3.33 ± 1.70 versus 0.56 ± 1.33), while there was no such difference for dynamic VAS. Incidence of suprapatellar tenderness decreased in both groups, statistically significantly in the injection group (from 100% to 0%). Pain reduction was greater in the injection group at the first month (88.9% – 90% good response versus 50% – 66.7% good response, static-dynamic VAS scoring, respectively), whereas there was no such superiority at the sixth month. No severe adverse events were identified. Conclusion: Ultrasonography-guided local injection followed by physical therapy is safe in the management of QFP edema; however, it is not superior to stand-alone physical therapy program in the long term

    Yeni Tüketici Hukuku Konferansı

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    Zarar Görenin Kusuru

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    Türk Borçlar Kanunu Sempozyumu

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    Geschichtliche Wurzeln und Reformen in mittel-und osteuropäischen Privatrechtsordnungen

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