404 research outputs found

    MONet: Heterogeneous Memory over Optical Network for Large-Scale Data Centre Resource Disaggregation

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    Memory over Optical Network (MONet) system is a disaggregated data center architecture where serial (HMC) / parallel (DDR4) memory resources can be accessed over optically switched interconnects within and between racks. An FPGA/ASIC-based custom hardware IP (ReMAT) supports heterogeneous memory pools, accommodates optical-to-electrical conversion for remote access, performs the required serial/parallel conversion and hosts the necessary local memory controller. Optically interconnected HMC-based (serial I/O type) memory card is accessed by a memory controller embedded in the compute card, simplifying the hardware near the memory modules. This substantially reduces overheads on latency, cost, power consumption and space. We characterize CPU-memory performance, by experimentally demonstrating the impact of distance, number of switching hops, transceivers, channel bonding and bit-rate per transceiver on bit-error rate, power consumption, additional latency, sustained remote memory bandwidth/throughput (using industry standard benchmark STREAMS) and cloud workload performance (such as operations per second, average added latency and retired instructions per second on memcached with YCSB cloud workloads). MONet pushes the CPU-memory operational limit from a few centimetres to 10s of metres, yet applications can experience as low as 10% performance penalty (at 36m) compared to a direct-attached equivalent. Using the proposed parallel topology, a system can support up to 100,000 disaggregated cards

    Demonstrating Optically Interconnected Remote Serial and Parallel Memory in Disaggregated Data Centers

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    Remote serial and parallel memory using memory-over-network bridge and optical switched interconnect is demonstrated. Remote memory bandwidth of 93% (HMC) and 66% (DDR4) of the local 3.2 and 3.7 GB/s bandwidth is showcased

    Report on the development of the national assessment method for the ecological status of natural lakes in Greece, using the Biological Quality Element “Macrophytes” (Hellenic Lake Macrophytes-HeLM assessment method)

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    This report discusses the development of the national ecological assessment method for Greek natural lakes, based on the Biological Quality Element (BQE) “macrophytes”. Due to lack of a common natural lake type within the Mediterranean Lake Geographical intercalibration Group, there has not been a Med GIG Intercalibration Exercise for macrophytes in natural lakes. As a result, there are neither proposed assessment methods with common boundaries within the Med GIG, nor proposed metrics for the assessment of lakes based on macrophytes. It is noted that at the Mediterranean Lake Phytoplankton GIG Intercalibration Report, Member States defined two common water body types (L-M5/7 and L-M8) for reservoirs but none for natural lakes. The operation of the Greek water monitoring network started in 2012, following the publication of a Joint Ministerial Decision in 2011. The development of the current assessment method, as described in this report, is based on the data from this national water monitoring network. In particular, 50 lake water bodies (including 26 reservoirs) have been included in the monitoring network, out of which 16 have been monitored for macrophytes during the 3-year period of 2013-2015. Eight of them are warm monomictic, deep natural lakes with mean depth >9m (GR-DNL), when the other eight are polymictic, shallow natural lakes with mean depth 3-9m (GR-SNL). In these 16 lakes, a total of 272 monitoring sites were established for sampling macrophytes, which resulted in an equal number of macrophytic sampling transects, the data of which have been added in the national dataset. Thirty six of these sites were revisited during the 3-year period, and a total of 308 measurements of maximum macrophytic colonization depth were made. On this national dataset, the most suitable lake macrophyte based assessment components proposed by WISER deliverables D3.2-1 (Kolada et al., 2009), D3.2-2 (Dudley et al., 2011) and D3.2-3 (Kolada et al., 2011) were tested, in various combinations, so as to reach a final form that can be used as a national assessment method for Greece. As already mentioned, this is the first effort to establish a national method, which may need additions and improvements in the future, as well as intercalibration exercises among Member States in the Mediterranean GIG

    HeLM: a macrophyte-based method for monitoring and assessment of Greek lakes

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    Zervas, D., Tsiaoussi, V. & Tsiripidis, I. HeLM: a macrophyte-based method for monitoring and assessment of Greek lakes. Environ Monit Assess 190, 326 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-018-6708-

    Comparative field studies of various traps and attractants for the Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) in fall

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    Για την επιλογή της πλέον αποτελεσματικής παγίδας και ελκυστικού μεταξύ ορισμένων από τους τύπους παγίδων και ελκυστικών ουσιών που χρησιμοποιούνται σήμερα για την παρακολούθηση και καταπολέμηση της μύγας της Μεσογείου, Ceratitis capitata, (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), συγκρίθηκαν σε πορτοκαλεώνες επτά τύποι παγίδων (δύο τύπου MePhail, Υαλοπλαστική, χάρτινο-δίπτυχο, χάρτινος φάκελος-χαρτοπλαστική, διαφανής πλαστική φιάλη, παγίδα ξηρού τύπου), τέσσερα τροφικά ελκυστικά ( Dacus bait 100, Entomela 12SL, όξινο ανθρακικό αμμώνιο και το με κωδικό ZI), ένα ελκυστικό φύλου (Trimedlure) και ένας συνδυασμός τροφικού και ελκυστικού φύλου (Όξινο ανθρακικό αμμώνιο+Trimedlure). Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι μεταξύ των παγίδων τύπου MePhail δεν υπάρχουν σημαντικές διαφορές.Η παγίδα τύπου πλαστικής φιάλης απεδείχθη πολύ αποτελεσματική όταν πληρούται με το ZI (πρωτεϊνικό τροφικό ελκυστικό). Από τα δοκιμασθέντα ελκυστικά , τα πλέον αποτελεσματικά ήταν το ZI και το Entomela. Ο συνδυασμός ελκυστικών τροφής και φύλου δεν έδειξε σημαντική συνεργιστική δράση στην αποτελεσματικότητα της παγίδας. Τα αποτελέσματα επιτρέπουν μια καλύτερη επιλογή μεταξύ των παραπάνω τύπων παγίδων και ελκυστικών, για παρακολούθηση και καταπολέμηση της μύγας της Μεσογείου.To clarify questions regarding the effectiveness of the many different types of traps and semiochemicals used for the monitoring and the control of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Τephrititae), seven trap types, four food attractants, one sex attractant and a combination of food and sex attractant, were evaluated under field conditions in orange orchards in fall. No major differences were observed between trap designs resembling the original McPhail glass trap. The plastic bottle trap of 1,5L volume, with four side openings for one-way fly entrance, proved very efficient when filled with a proteinaceous food attractant Ζ1. From the attractants, two of them, Ζ1 and Entomela showed the best performance. The combination of food and a sex attractant showed no significant synergistic effects on trap efficiency. The findings allow a better choice among trap types and attractants, available today in the market, for Medfly monitoring and control

    A phytosociological survey of aquatic vegetation in the main freshwater lakes of Greece. Vegetation

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    Zervas D, Tsiripidis I, Bergmeier E, Tsiaoussi V (2020) A phytosociological survey of aquatic vegetation in the main freshwater lakes of Greece. Vegetation Classification and Survey 1: 53-75. https://doi.org/10.3897/VCS/2020/48377This study aims to contribute to the knowledge of European freshwater lake ecosystems with updated and new information on aquatic plant communities, by conducting national-scale phytosociological research of freshwater lake vegetation in Greece. Moreover, it investigates the relationship between aquatic plant communities and lake environmental parameters, including eutrophication levels and hydro-morphological conditions. Study area: Lakes in Greece, SE Europe

    Reconfigurable computing for network function virtualization: A protocol independent switch

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    Network function virtualization (NFV) aims to decouple software network applications from their hardware in order to reduce development and deployment costs for new services. To enable the deployment of diverse network services, a reconfigurable and high performance hardware platform can bring considerable benefits to NFV. In this paper, an FPGA-based platform is proposed to perform as a protocol reconfigurable NFV switch. Logic circuit of virtual network functions can be reconfigured at run time on the proposed platform. A reconfiguration process is also proposed to enable packet loss free switch-over between virtual network functions that delivers undisrupted service. The platform can be reconfigured between Layer 1 circuit switch and Layer 2 Ethernet packet switch. Once running as a packet switch, the platform can switch over from Layer 2 Ethernet switch to Layer 3 IP parser and even Layer 4 UDP parser. Performance of the implemented 2×2 switch at 10Gbps per port delivers a minimum latency of 300 nanoseconds (circuit switch) and maximum latency of 1 microsecond. Reconfiguration between IP and UDP parser without loss of data is also demonstrated

    REoN: A protocol for reliable software-defined FPGA partial reconfiguration over network

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    This paper presents and defines a Reconfiguration over Network (REoN) protocol. It is a solution for a FPGA-based dynamically reconfigurable system, that offers partial (re)programming over the network without the need of a local/embedded soft/hard processor. This protocol can transport partial bit files from centralized control and management system via network resource management API to a FPGA empowered network node, using standard 10 Gbps Ethernet. This work architects and introduces a proprietary lightweight connection oriented protocol stack, which guarantees reliability over standard UDP/IP protocol. Hardware stack for standard networking protocols including remote reconfiguration engine directly interfaced with Xilinx Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP). This minimizes FPGA resource requirements in re-programming the FPGA. The presented work is an enabling technology for a range of applications such as reconfigurable computing enabled Network Function Virtualization (NFV), function dis aggregation on data centres empowered by FPGA/SoCs, as well as Internet of Things (IoT)

    Acute Respiratory Distress due to Thymoma in a Patient Treated with TK Inhibitor: A Case Report and Review of the Current Treatment Options

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    Thymic malignancies are rare intrathoracic tumors that may be aggressive and difficult to treat in advanced stage. Surgery is the cornerstone of the management of thymomas: it is significant for the definite histopathological diagnosis and staging, and in most cases, it constitutes the first step of the treatment strategy. For patients with primary unresectable thymomas, the multimodal treatment schedule nowadays includes neoadjuvant chemotherapy, extensive surgery, adjuvant radiotherapy, and in some cases, adjuvant chemotherapy. A patient with a history of stage III COPD and an undiagnosed thoracic mass was admitted to the intensive care unit with acute respiratory distress. A radiologic evaluation by CT scan revealed a mass of 13 cm in diameter at the mediastinum. Fine needle aspiration was performed and revealed a thymoma. Due to poor performance status, the patient was not able to undergo surgery. He refused to be treated with neither chemotherapy nor radiotherapy, but due to EGFR overexpression, treatment with TK inhibitor was suggested. Fine needle aspiration biopsy is commonly used to identify metastasis to the mediastinum. However, it is less often employed as a primary diagnostic tool for tumors, particularly thymic neoplasms. The use of targeted therapies for the treatment of thymic malignancies has been described in the literature. Over the past years, significant efforts have been made to dissect the molecular pathways involved in the carcinogenesis of these tumors. Insights have been obtained following anecdotal clinical responses to targeted therapies, and large-scale genomic analyses have been conducted

    Effects of olive pulp addition to broiler diets on performance, selected biochemical parameters and antioxidant enzymes

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    H παραγωγή ελαιόλαδου δημιουργεί ορισμένα υποπροϊόντα τα οποία μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν στη διατροφή των ζώων. Αυτά τα υποπροϊόντα περιέχουν αρκετές πολυφαινολικές ενώσεις που ενδέχεται να παρουσιάζουν αντιοξειδωτικές ιδιότητες. Η παρούσα μελέτη σχεδιάστηκε για να αξιολογήσει την επίδραση της προσθήκης πάστας ελαιόκαρπου στο σιτηρέσιο ορνιθίων κρεοπαραγωγής στην ανάπτυξη, στην απόδοση σε σφάγιο και στην ενεργότητα ορισμένων αντιοξειδωτικών ενζύμων. Διακόσιοι (200), νεοσσοί κρεοπαραγωγής Cobb 500, ηλικίας μιας ημέρας, εκτράφηκαν για συνολικά 42 ημέρες. Υπήρξαν 4 διατροφικές επεμβάσεις. Στην επέμβαση T1 δεν προστέθηκε πάστα ελαιόκαρπου στο εναρκτήριο, ανάπτυξης και τελικό σιτηρέσιο. Στην επέμβαση Τ2, η πάστα ελαιόκαρπου προστέθηκε στο εναρκτήριο, ανάπτυξης και τελικό σε επίπεδο 0, 2,5 και 5% αντιστοίχως. Στην επέμβαση Τ3, η πάστα ελαιόκαρπου προστέθηκε στα τρία σιτηρέσια σε επίπεδο 0, 5 και 5% αντιστοίχως, ενώ στην επέμβαση T4 σε επίπεδο 0, 5 και 8% αντιστοίχως. Μελετήθηκε η ανάπτυξη, η απόδοση σε σφάγιο και ένας αριθμός βιοχημικών παραμέτρων. Η oλευρωπεΐνη και η υδροξυτυροσόλη ανιχνεύτηκαν στην πάστα ελαιόκαρπου σε επίπεδα 952 και 216 mg/kg αντιστοίχως. Τα ορνίθια αναπτύχθηκαν καλά και δεν παρατηρήθηκαν διαφορές μεταξύ των επεμβάσεων στο τελικό σωματικό βάρος, την απόδοση σε σφάγιο, την ολική αντιοξειδωτική ικανότητα και την ενεργότητα των αντιοξειδωτικών ενζύμων. Εφαρμογή της διακριτικής ανάλυσης έδειξε ότι τα δείγματα διακρίνονται βάση του επιπέδου προσθήκης πάστας ελαιόκαρπου. Τα δείγματα των επεμβάσεων Τ2 και Τ3 εντοπίστηκαν στο κέντρο του διαγράμματος απομακρυσμένα από τις άλλες επεμβάσεις παρουσιάζοντας υψηλές τιμές σε απόδοση σε σφάγιο, αναλογία βάρους στήθους προς σωματικό βάρος και ενεργότητα των περισσοτέρων αντιοξειδωτικών ενζύμων. Συμπερασματικά, η πάστα ελαιόκαρπου μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί στα σιτηρέσια ορνιθίων κρεοπαραγωγής έως 5% και μελλοντικές μελέτες σε πραγματικές συνθήκες εκτροφής ίσως αναδείξουν περαιτέρω τις θετικές επιδράσεις αυτού στην απόδοση και αντιοξειδωτική προστασία των ορνιθίων.Olive oil production generates various by-products that can be used in animal nutrition. These by-products contain several polyphenolic compounds that may exhibit antioxidant properties. The present study was designed to evaluate the effects of adding olive pulp to the feed on broiler performance, carcass yield and antioxidant enzymes. Two hundred (200), as hatched, day-old, Cobb 500 broilers were reared in total for 42 days. There were 4 dietary treatments. In T1 treatment, no olive pulp was added to starter, grower and finisher diet. In T2 treatment, olive pulp was added to starter, grower and finisher diet at a level of 0, 2.5 and 5% respectively. In T3 treatment, olive pulp was added to starter, grower and finisher diet at a level of 0, 5 and 5% respectively. In T4 treatment, olive pulp was added to starter, grower and finisher diet at a level of 0, 5 and 8% respectively. Performance, carcass yield and a number of biochemical parameters were examined. Oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol were present in the olive pulp at 952 and 216 mg/kg respectively. Broilers performed well and no differences were observed between treatments on final body weight, carcass yield, total antioxidant activity and expression of selected antioxidant enzymes. Discriminant analysis was further applied and revealed that samples clustered according to added level of olive pulp. Samples from broilers fed T2 and T3 diet were located in the middle of the plot away from other treatments exhibiting high values of carcass, breast yield and most of the antioxidant enzyme activities. In conclusion, olive pulp can be used up to 5% in diets of broilers and future studies conducted on-farm conditions may pronounce its impact on growth performance and antioxidant potential