239 research outputs found

    Equivariant A-infinity algebras for nonorientable Lagrangians

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    We set up an algebraic framework for the study of pseudoholomorphic discs bounding nonorientable Lagrangians, as well as equivariant extensions of such structures arising from a torus action. First, we define unital cyclic twisted A∞A_\infty algebras and prove some basic results about them, including a homological perturbation lemma which allows one to construct minimal models of such algebras. We then construct an equivariant extension of A∞A_\infty algebras which are invariant under a torus action on the underlying complex. Finally, we construct a homotopy retraction of the Cartan-Weil complex to equivariant cohomology, which allows us to construct minimal models for equivariant cyclic twisted A∞A_\infty algebras. In a forthcoming paper we will use these results to define and obtain fixed-point expressions for the open Gromov-Witten theory of RP2nâ†ȘCP2n\mathbb{RP}^{2n} \hookrightarrow \mathbb{CP}^{2n}, as well as its equivariant extension.Comment: Revised subsection 5.2 to simplify the argument and correct a typo in the proof of Lemma 51 (of v1). This does not affect the validity of the statement of Lemma 51 (or any other parts of the paper

    Taylor Expansion Proof of the Matrix Tree Theorem - Part I

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    The Matrix-Tree Theorem states that the number of spanning trees of a graph is given by the absolute value of any cofactor of the Laplacian matrix of the graph. We propose a very short proof of this result which amounts to comparing Taylor expansions

    Taylor Expansion Proof of the Matrix Tree Theorem - Part II

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    The All Minors Matrix Tree Theorem states that the determinant of any submatrix of a matrix whose columns sum to zero can be computed as a sum over certain oriented forests. We offer a particularly short proof of this result, which amounts to comparing Taylor series expansions

    Invitation to Topological Conformal Field Theories

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    Topological conformal field theories are defined using only basic results from the theory of quasiconformal mappings.Comment: Submitted as an MSc thesis to the Hebrew U. of Jerusale

    Elsa Boyer, Le Conflit des perceptions

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    La profonde singularitĂ© et puissance argumentative de l’ouvrage d’Elsa Boyer est de mettre Ă  l’épreuve plusieurs pensĂ©es de la perception (celles d’Edmund Husserl, de Jacques Derrida et de Bernard Stiegler) au moyen de la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle qu’expĂ©rimente le joueur de jeux vidĂ©o. En tentant d’articuler la perception originaire et la perception non originaire (conscience d’images libres ou phantasia chez Husserl), Elsa Boyer articule avec finesse le triple rapport de la perception, du support t..

    Anne Beyaert-Geslin, SĂ©miotique du design

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    Le sujet de cet essai d’Anne Beyaert-Geslin est la chaise. Sujet d’étude fort restreint au premier abord, mais que l’auteure, par une dĂ©marche comparatiste et une grande ductilitĂ© des rĂ©fĂ©rences, conduit progressivement Ă  des interrogations toutes essentielles : diffĂ©rences entre sculpture et objet utilitaire, entre art et design, entre utilisateur et spectateur. L’auteur nous propose ainsi une sĂ©miotique et une phĂ©nomĂ©nologie comparĂ©es de diffĂ©rentes catĂ©gories d’objets, oĂč perception et uti..

    Anne Beyaert-Geslin, SĂ©miotique du design

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    Le sujet de cet essai d’Anne Beyaert-Geslin est la chaise. Sujet d’étude fort restreint au premier abord, mais que l’auteure, par une dĂ©marche comparatiste et une grande ductilitĂ© des rĂ©fĂ©rences, conduit progressivement Ă  des interrogations toutes essentielles : diffĂ©rences entre sculpture et objet utilitaire, entre art et design, entre utilisateur et spectateur. L’auteur nous propose ainsi une sĂ©miotique et une phĂ©nomĂ©nologie comparĂ©es de diffĂ©rentes catĂ©gories d’objets, oĂč perception et uti..

    Retrospective Writing, or How One Becomes an Art Critic

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    The common characteristic of these books by Anne Tronche, Simon Reynolds and Douglas Crimp – in which a French, English and an American critic, all develop a similar “style of writing” – is the close intertwining of first and third-person discourses. Each writer integrates the subjectivity of a personal viewpoint into the analysis of musical, visual or cinematographic works. The style reflects an awareness of what exactly a critic is, namely, someone who is both inside and outside art, at onc..
