61 research outputs found

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the kinds of protagonist’s loyalty in Sidney Sheldon’s novel Tell Me Your Dreams. The theory applied in this research is the one proposed by Fletcher, in which it is stated that loyalty emerges when someone has a feeling to protect something.The data are taken from the novel by using descriptive analysis method. The method used is qualitative. The results show that there are two kinds of protagonist’s loyalty found in the novel. They are loyalty to his mother and loyalty to his friend. Loyalty or being loyal to his mother is shown by the protagonist by a commitment he makes as a deal with his allegiance to save her mother; meanwhile, being loyal to his friend is shown by the protagonist by fulfilling his commitment to help his friend in trouble. Being a loyal person will give the person positive effect in family, in workplace or in society. He will be a trust-worthy person and a place for someone to lean on

    Principes de la procédure d’application des mesures de protection des droits des enfants

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    The paper proposes a set of specific principles of the procedure for applying measures to protect rights of children, which are meant to become the core of the teleological hermeneutics applying the Convention of the Rights of the Children and other international treaties shaping the regulatory framework, so that our judicial system really protects the rights of children. For this purpose, this paper examine both the principles explicitly recognized as such by the legislator, as well as principles arising from the review of the legislation, that without being explicitly recognized as such, help structuring the building of judicial protection of rights of children.El trabajo propone un conjunto de principios específicos del procedimiento de aplicación de medidas de protección de derechos de niños y niñas, los que están llamados a erigirse en el eje teleológico de una hermenéutica que aplique la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño y los demás tratados internacionales que configuran el marco normativo, de forma que nuestro sistema judicial proteja realmente los derechos de los niños. Para esto se examinan tanto aquellos principios denominados como tales por el legislador de familia como, a partir de la revisión de la normativa, algunos que sin ser explicitados como tales, nos parecen contribuyen a estructurar el edificio de la protección jurisdiccional de derechos de la niñez.Cette chronique propose un ensemble de príncipes spécifiques de la procédure d’application des mesures de protection des droits des enfants, ce qui ont le but de devenir le noyau téleologique d’une herméneutique pour mettre en place la Convention sur les droits des enfants et d’autres traités internationaux qui sont partie du cadre normatif, pour aboutir à une réelle protection des droits des enfants par notre système judiciaire

    La Suisse et le Québec au temps de la Révolution tranquille. Échos et effets de la francophonie en périphérie culturelle

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    Dirigée au sortir de la décolonisation par une France qui peut s’appuyer sur une vocation messianique souvent proclamée et une longue tradition en matière de politique culturelle, la mise en place de l’ensemble politico-linguistique de la francophonie est également stimulée par divers élans culturels qui se produisent de façon simultanée dans les périphéries francophones. Il s’agit dans cet article d’évaluer quels ont été les moteurs de ces renouveaux identitaires qui s’expriment de diverses manières au cours des années 1960 et 1970. Au Québec, par une « Révolution tranquille » qu’accompagne une autonomisation du champ culturel, dont les vecteurs les plus connus (chansonniers, poètes) s’exportent avec succès sur le terrain francophone. En Suisse romande, par l’émergence d’une nouvelle génération prompte à s’engager pour briser les cadres établis d’une culture suisse qu’elle juge rigidifiée, et qui exprime ses nouvelles forces créatrices en dynamisant divers secteurs culturels (cinéma, chanson, théâtre, littérature) dont la réputation dépasse rapidement les frontières du pays. Dans quelle mesure l’émergence et le développement de ces élans culturels francophones, qu’ils proviennent de nouveaux centres institutionnels ou de champs culturels périphériques (même s’ils ne sont pas directement affiliés aux actions menées par les mouvements indépendantistes alors très engagés, au Québec comme dans le Jura suisse, dans un combat identitaire fondé sur la défense de la langue française) ont-ils été considérés comme un danger politique par les autorités fédérales helvétiques ou canadiennes ? L’analyse des relations culturelles bilatérales Québec-Suisse durant la période charnière de la Révolution tranquille permet d’évaluer pour chaque partenaire le degré d’autonomie du champ culturel vis-à-vis de la sphère politique.On decolonisation, France, leaning on its often-proclaimed messianic vocation and a long tradition of cultural policy, set in motion a politico-linguistic set-up of French-speaking communities. This was also stimulated by various cultural bouts of enthusiasm springing up simultaneously in the French-speaking surroundings. We shall evaluate the driving force of these identity renewals expressed in various ways throughout the 60’s and 70’s. In Quebec – by means of a “quiet revolution” accompanying autonomy in the cultural field, of which the best-known forms (singers, poets) are successfully exported into the French-speaking areas. In the French-speaking part of Switzerland, by the emergence of a new generation eager to be involved in breaking up the established lines of a Swiss culture considered rigidified, and expressing its new creative forces in various cultural sectors (cinema, song, theatre, literature) whose reputation rapidly reaches beyond its frontiers. To what extent have the emergence and the development of this French-speaking cultural enthusiasm – whether coming from new institutional centres or from surrounding cultural fields – been considered as a political danger by the Swiss or Canadian federal authorities ? And this, even if not directly related to actions led by separatist movements nor, as in Quebec and in the Swiss Jura, much engaged in an identity struggle based on the defence of the French language. The analysis of bilateral cultural relations Quebec-Switzerland in this important period of the quiet revolution will thus permit the evaluation, for each partner, of the degree of autonomy of its cultural field as opposed to the political sphere

    El interés superior del niño en la aplicación de las medidas de protección otorgadas por el juzgado de familia sub especialidad en violencia contra la mujer e integrantes del grupo familiar Cusco - periodo 2022

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    La presente investigación, se busco Determinar la inobservancia del principio del interés superior del niño, en las medidas de protección otorgadas por el Juzgado de Familia Subespecialidad en violencia contra la mujer e integrantes del grupo familiar Cusco del periodo 2022, aplicando la metodología Cualitativa, por el cual se analizaron Medidas de Protección otorgadas por el Juzgado de Familia Sub Especialidad en Violencia Contra la Mujer e Integrantes del Grupo Familiar Cusco, en el periodo 2022, por el cual inobservancia del principio del interés superior del niño, en las medidas de protección otorgadas por el Juzgado de Familia Subespecialidad en violencia contra la mujer e integrantes del grupo familiar Cusco del periodo 2022, demostrando la inobservancia del Interés Superior del Niño, ante la ausencia de un Derecho que también les corresponde a los niños y más si son participes de sus derechos vulnerados que es el Derecho a la Defensa, se observa que no hay participación de las partes, siendo en este caso del menor dentro de las medidas cautelares previsionales no son suficientes para acreditar el interés superior del niño, el cual es elemental en el desarrollo de la sociedad en vista que conforma el núcleo familiar en un fututo siguiente, y para un desarrollo pleno en su formación física y psicológica las medidas de protección solo demuestran con más eficiencia para las mujeres, mas no para los menores de edad, ya sea con su participación Directa o Indirecta de los hechos, ya son más agraviados que sus propios progenitores.The present investigation sought to determine the non-observance of the principle of the best interest of the child, in the protection measures granted by the Family Court Subspecialty in violence against women and members of the Cusco family group for the period 2022, applying the Qualitative methodology, for which Protection Measures granted by the Family Court Sub-Specialty in Violence Against Women and Members of the Cusco Family Group were analyzed, in the period 2022, for which non-observance of the principle of the best interest of the child, in the protection measures granted by the Family Court Subspecialty in violence against women and members of the Cusco family group of the period 2022, demonstrating the non-observance of the Best Interest of the Child, in the absence of a Right that also corresponds to children and more if they are participants in their violated rights that is the Right to Defense, it is observed that there is no participation of the parties, being in this case the minor within the precautionary social security measures are not enough to prove the best interests of the child, which is elementary in the development of society in view of the fact that it forms the family nucleus in the near future, and for a full development in their physical and psychological formation, protection measures only prove more efficient for women, but not for minors, either with their Direct or Indirect participation in the events, they are already more aggrieved than their own parents.Análisis de las instituciones del derecho penal: Análisis de Contenidos y Sistemática Pena