92 research outputs found

    Neki aspekti kategeorija određenosti i neodređenosti u hrvatskom i engleskom

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    The article discusses some linguistic means used by Croatian and English respectively in expressing the categories of definiteness And indefiniteness. It also provides an English text amd its Croatian translation for a comparative analysis of the ways in which English and Croatian express definiteness/indefiniteness.U članku se raspravlja o nekim jezičnim sredstvima kojima se hrvatski i engleski služe da izraze određenost i neodređenost. Članak sadrži jedan engleski tekst i njegov hrvatski prijevod koji su poslužili za poredbenu analizu načina na koja ova dva jezika izražavaju određenost i neodređenost

    Eredetiség zágrábi és pécsi egyetemisták angol nyelvű írásaiban

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    A zágrábi és pécsi egyetemeken tanulmányaik megkezdésekor az angol szakra jelentkezett diákoknak már alkalmuk nyílt megismerni az idegen nyelvű írás különféle jellemzőit. Többek között olvasókként élményeket gyűjtöttek tankönyvi tartalmak, prózai szövegek és versek révén, megtanulták használni a nyelvi kódot grammatikailag helyes közlések alkotására, előrehaladtak szókincsük folyamatos kiterjesztésében és használatában, az összefüggő szövegekben megtanultak alkalmazni különböző kohéziós eszközöket, és kísérleteztek az álláspontoknak megfelelő más és más megközelítésekkel is. Az, hogy beléphetnek az egyetemre, részben annak köszönhető, hogy szintfelmérő vizsgákon formálisan is igazolták, elérték az európai skálán B2-nek nevezett szintet az íráskészségek komplex rendszerében


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    Članak opisuje ciljeve, metodologiju i rezultate istraživanja vještine pisanja na engleskom kao stranom jeziku, koje je provedeno u sklopu projekta Engleski jezik u Hrvatskoj (130514). Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi stupanj ovladanosti vještinom pisanja kod hrvatskih učenika engleskoga kao stranog jezika na kraju osnovnoškolskoga i srednjoškolskoga obrazovanja – dostižu li učenici razine ovladanosti predviđene i zadane nacionalnim kurikulumom: razinu A2 u osnovnoj školi i razinu B1 u srednjoj školi. Rezultati su pokazali da su učenici dostigli te razine. Rezultati istraživanja također su pokazali da na uspješnost u pisanju, najsloženijoj od jezičnih vještina, utječe vremensko ztrajanje učenja, intenzitet (broj sati) učenja engleskog jezika (samo kod učenika srednje škole), učenje drugih stranih jezika (prije svega njemačkog) te uporaba Interneta. Pokazalo se da je uspješnost učenica osnovne i srednje škole na testu pisanja veća od uspješnosti učenika. Ukupni uspjeh iz engleskog jezika u skladu je s uspjehom učenika na testu pisanja. Pisanje je najbolji prediktor ocjene iz engleskog jezika.Uz rezultate i komentare rezultata ponuđeni su prijedlozi za daljnje istraživanje.The article describes the aims, the methodology and the results of a study on writing profi cieny in English as a foreign language. The study was conducted within the project English in Croatia (130514). The aim of the study was to establish the respective levels of writing profi ciency in Croatian learners of English at the end of their primar, and at the end of their secondary education – whether they attain the levels envisaged and required by the national curriculum: level A2 at the end of primary school, and level B1 at the end of secondary school. The results have shown that students have attained those levels. The results have also shown that the profi ciency in writing, the most complex of the language skills, is affected by the length of English tuition (years), the intensity of tuition (applies only to secondary school students), learning other foreign languages (primarily German), as well as the use of the Internet. Ther research has proved that the girls attending primary and secondary schools have scored better at the English writing test than their male counterparts. The students’ overall profi ciency in English is in line with their results at the writing test. Writing is the best predictor of the mark in English. In addition to the results and comments, the article offers suggestions for further research

    Development of Genetics in the World and in Croatia – Forty Years of the Croatian Society of Human Genetics of the Croatian Medical Association

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    Resulting from several basic scientific disciplines, genetics has made impressive progress in the last century by discoveries of the heredity rules and genome structure, and by identification of the genes that determine the occurrence and characteristics of human diseases. In Croatia, the development of genetics began in the middle of the past century by the pioneering work of clinicians and basic scientists, which resulted in significant development of this scientific discipline that has quickly found its practical application in clinical genetics-cytogenetics, molecular genetics and prenatal diagnosis. The rapid advancement of technology and knowledge of genetics in recent decades has led to the development of genomics and related disciplines, entering the revolutionary new era of personalized medicine. Currently, much more data can be collected than interpreted. The data of electronic medical records, genomics, epigenetics, proteomics, metabolomics and microbiomics should be integrated and interpreted at the level of individual genome. Extensive use of new information will open a range of ethical issues that we must face timely. It is expected that in the forthcoming years, we will be able to learn more about genetics than what we have learned throughout the history of medicine. We must be prepared to welcome this new knowledge, reflecting on the positive and negative aspects of the latest achievements in the field of genetics. We hope that the experts dealing with human genetics in Croatia will successfully continue their work to enable practical application of the latest achievements in genetics, expanding our understanding of the concept of health and disease

    Automaticity of lexical access and executive control in Croatian-German bilinguals and second language learners

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    The aim of this study was to explore automaticity of lexical access and executive functions of language learners and bilinguals while considering their language automaticity. Three groups of youths aged 14 to 18 were tested: Croatian-German early bilinguals, Croatian high school students who participated in a German immersion programme at school and Croatian high school students of German as a foreign language. The participants were tested on a modified version of the Stroop test (i.e., a Stroop-like test). It presented pictures of an animal or an object with names of an animal or an object written over the picture. The names were written in Croatian or German and were either congruent or incongruent. Lexical access was slower for the bilinguals in both Croatian and German, which suggests that they used more of their cognitive resources because both of their languages were highly active, and more executive control was required to complete the task

    Der Stomatolog und die Klinische genetik

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    Autori uz niz povijesnih činjenica, navode i važnost kao i potrebu edukacije modernog liječnika u humanoj genetici. Oni iz svog šestmjesečnog iskustva, naglašavaju važnu ulogu stomatologa u kliničkoj genetici, koja vrvi sindromima, kojih su osnovni simptomi vezani za zube i čeljust. Ukazuju i na neophodnost timskog rada, u kojem je stomatolog primus inter pares. Navode nekoliko bolesnika iz svog šestmjesečnog rada, koji su, upućeni po stomatologu, konačnu dijagnozu dobili u Centru za kliničku genetiku.In this report the authors begin with some historical data and point out the importance of education in human genetics of every modern doctor. On the basis of their six month experience, they emphasize the important role of a dentist in clinical genetics due to the fact that may syndromes have just their leading symptoms associated with teeth and jaws. They emphasize the great value of team work in which a dentist is primus inter pares. They report few patients from their six month mutual work. These patients were sent by a dentist and their final diagnosis was exta- blished in the Center of clinical genetics, in team work with a pediatrician, dermatologist and other specialized persons if necessary.Der zeitgemasse Arzt muss auch in der klinischen Genetik eduziert sein. Syndrome in der klinischen Genetik beziehen sich auch auf Zähne und Kiefer. Die Autoren betonen die Notwendigkeit einer einschlägigen Teamarbeit bei der Stomatolog der erste unter Gleichen sein muss. Aus »ihrer sochsmonatigen klinischen Erfahrung werden Patienten angeführt welche vom Stomatologen überwiesen wurden die endgültige Diagnose jedoch erst im Zentrum für klinische Genetik gestellt werden konnte

    Pseudoanglicizmi u francuskom jeziku

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    Članak započinje objašnjenjem pojma pseudoanglicizam. Nadalje se u tekstu analiziraju, prema teoriji jezika u kontaktu Rudolfa Filipovića, riječi pronađene u dva rječnika anglicizama u francuskom za koje smatram da su pseudoanglicizmi