18 research outputs found

    Quantitative phase contrast imaging of a shock-wave with a laser-plasma based X-ray source

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    X-ray phase contrast imaging (XPCI) is more sensitive to density variations than X-ray absorption radiography, which is a crucial advantage when imaging weakly-absorbing, low-Z materials, or steep density gradients in matter under extreme conditions. Here, we describe the application of a polychromatic X-ray laser-plasma source (duration ~0.5 ps, photon energy >1 keV) to the study of a laser-driven shock travelling in plastic material. The XPCI technique allows for a clear identification of the shock front as well as of small-scale features present during the interaction. Quantitative analysis of the compressed object is achieved using a density map reconstructed from the experimental data

    X-ray phase-contrast imaging for laser-induced shock waves

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    X-ray phase-contrast imaging (XPCI) is a versatile technique with applications in many fields, including fundamental physics, biology and medicine. Where X-ray absorption radiography requires high density ratios for effective imaging, the image contrast for XPCI is a function of the density gradient. In this letter, we apply XPCI to the study of laser-driven shock waves. Our experiment was conducted at the Petawatt High-Energy Laser for Heavy Ion EXperiments (PHELIX) at GSI. Two laser beams were used: one to launch a shock wave and the other to generate an X-ray source for phase-contrast imaging. Our results suggest that this technique is suitable for the study of warm dense matter (WDM), inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and laboratory astrophysics

    Propagation-based imaging phase-contrast enhanced imaging setup for single shot acquisition using laser-generated X-ray sources

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    The development of new diagnostics is important to improve the interpretation of experiments. Often well-known physical processes and techniques originally developed in unrelated fields of science can be applied to a different area with a significant impact on the quality of the produced data. X-ray phase-contrast imaging (XPCI) is one techniques which has found many applications in biology and medicine. This is due to its capability to emphasise the presence of strong density variations normally oriented with respect to the X-ray propagation direction. With the availability of short energetic X-ray pulses XPCI extends to time-resolved pump-probe measurements of laser-matter interaction where strong density gradient are also present. In this work we present the setup for XPCI tested at the laser PHELiX at GSI in Germany

    Integrated quantitative PIXE analysis and EDX spectroscopy using a laser-driven particle source

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    Among the existing elemental characterization techniques, Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy are two of the most widely used in different scientific and technological fields. Here we present the first quantitative laser-driven PIXE and laser-driven EDX experimental investigation performed at the Centro de L\'aseres Pulsados in Salamanca. Thanks to their potential for compactness and portability, laser-driven particle sources are very appealing for materials science applications, especially for materials analysis techniques. We demonstrate the possibility to exploit the X-ray signal produced by the co-irradiation with both electrons and protons to identify the elements in the sample. We show that, using the proton beam only, we can successfully obtain quantitative information about the sample structure through laser-driven PIXE analysis. These results pave the way towards the development of a compact and multi-functional apparatus for the elemental analysis of materials based on a laser-driven particle source.Comment: This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ENSURE grant agreement No. 647554). Submitted to Science Advances on 20th May 2

    Investigation on the origin of hot electrons in laser plasma interaction at shock ignition intensities

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    Shock Ignition is a two-step scheme to reach Inertial Confinement Fusion, where the precompressed fuel capsule is ignited by a strong shock driven by a laser pulse at an intensity in the order of 10 16 W/cm 2 . In this report we describe the results of an experiment carried out at PALS laser facility designed to investigate the origin of hot electrons in laser-plasma interaction at intensities and plasma temperatures expected for Shock Ignition. A detailed time- and spectrally-resolved characterization of Stimulated Raman Scattering and Two Plasmon Decay instabilities, as well as of the generated hot electrons, suggest that Stimulated Raman Scattering is the dominant source of hot electrons via the damping of daughter plasma waves. The temperature dependence of laser plasma instabilities was also investigated, enabled by the use of different ablator materials, suggesting that Two Plasmon Decay is damped at earlier times for higher plasma temperatures, accompanied by an earlier ignition of SRS. The identification of the predominant hot electron source and the effect of plasma temperature on laser plasma interaction, here investigated, are extremely useful for developing the mitigation strategies for reducing the impact of hot electrons on the fuel ignition

    Characterization of hot electrons generated by laser-plasma interaction at shock ignition intensities

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    In an experiment carried out at the Prague Asterix Laser System at laser intensities relevant to shock ignition conditions (I > 1016 W/cm2), the heating and transport of hot electrons were studied by using several complementary diagnostics, i.e., Kα time-resolved imaging, hard x-ray filtering (a bremsstrahlung cannon), and electron spectroscopy. Ablators with differing composition from low Z (parylene N) to high Z (nickel) were used in multilayer planar targets to produce plasmas with different coronal temperature and collisionality and modify the conditions of hot-electron generation. The variety of available diagnostics allowed full characterization of the population of hot electrons, retrieving their conversion efficiency, time generation and duration, temperature, and angular divergence. The obtained results are shown to be consistent with those from detailed simulations and similar inertial confinement fusion experiments. Based on the measured data, the advantages, reliability, and complementarity of the experimental diagnostics are discussed

    Development of an adjustable Kirkpatrick-Baez microscope for laser driven x-ray sources at CLPU

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    A promising prototype of a highly adjustable Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) microscope has been designed, built and tested in a number of laser driven x-ray experiments using the high power (200TW) VEGA-2 laser system of the Spanish Centre for Pulsed Lasers (CLPU). The presented KB version consists of two, perpendicularly mounted, 500{\mu}m thick Silicon wafers, coated with a few tens of nm layer of Platinum unlike the conventional, coated, millimetre thick glass substrates, affording more bending flexibility and large adjustment range. According to simulations, and based on total external reflection, this KB offers a broad-band multi-keV reflection spectra, allowing more spectral tunablity than conventional Bragg crystals. In addition to be vacuum compatible, the prototype is characterised by a relatively small size (21cm x 31cm x 27cm) and permits remote control and modification of both the radius of curvature (down to 10m) and the grazing incidence angle (up to 60mrad). A few examples of focusing performance tests, limitations and experimental campaign results are discussed