15 research outputs found

    Post-Embryonic Development of <em>Aedes</em> (<em>Stegomyia</em>) <em>aegypti</em> Linnaeus, 1762 at Different Temperatures and CO<sub>2</sub> Concentrations, and Their Influences on Hatching and Development of Stabilized Population

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    This research aimed to verify biological parameters of Aedes aegypti Linnaeus, from Londrina, Paraná, in an incubator chamber (BOD) with different temperatures, and to analyze biological aspects of this mosquito from Manaus, Amazonas, in environments simulating the climatic conditions provided by the IPCC. In Londrina, the eggs were incubated for 10 days in BOD at different temperatures. The viability of eggs, number of adults, and mortality rate were analyzed later. In Manaus, the biological cycle time, number of adults, and mortality rate were analyzed in environmental rooms with different temperatures and CO2 concentrations. The viability of eggs and the number of adults from Londrina was greater at 5 and 25°C, while the mortality rate of immatures was greater at 0°C; eggs incubated at 45°C did not hatch. Mosquitoes from Manaus completed the fastest biological cycle in room 4. The mortality percentage in the different instars for rooms 1, 2 and 4 was: 14.4; 28 and 53.6%, respectively. Thus, temperatures from 5 to 29.74°C were more appropriate since values outside these limits can cause deleterious effects on the species during its development, but the A. aegypti mosquitoes from Londrina and Manaus can benefit from the increase in temperature stipulated by the IPCC

    Eficiência e Persistência de Três Produtos Comerciais à Base de Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis e Bacillus sphaericus no controle de Culicidae (Diptera) em Lagoas de Tratamento de Efluentes

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    The hematofagic effect caused by females belonging to some species of Culicidae on humans and animals can be directly related to pathogen transmission, allergic reactions and uneasiness. The emergence of populations resistant to chemical insecticides has fostered the use of alternative methods, mainly biological control. The trials were conducted in three effluent treatment lagoons, on larvae of Culicidae to test the efficiency and persistence of commercial products whose active principles are based on Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Berliner and Bacillus sphaericus Neide. The products tested were Vectolex (a granulated formulation of B. sphaericus), Sphaericus (a liquid formulation of B. sphaericus) and Bt-horus (a liquid formulation of B. thuringiensis). The products were applied biweekly and evaluations were conducted 0, 24, 48, 72, and 120 hours after each application. The lagoons were colonized by Culex nigripalpus Theobald (1.5%), Culex saltanensis Dyar (2.25%), and Culex quinquefasciatus Say (96.25%). Bt horus reduced larvae by 89.06%, 83.97% and 89.96% at 24, 48 and 72 hours after product application, respectively. The granulated and the liquid formulations containing B. sphaericus reduced larvae by 98.89 % and 98.34% 24 hours after application, and by 99.79% and 99.78% after 48 hours, respectively. The products and the different formulations were effective in controlling larvae of all three Culicidae species in lagoons with high levels of organic matter, but the persistence was recorded in two and three days for products containing respectively B. sphaericus and B. thuringiensis israelensis.A ação hematofágica exercida por fêmeas de algumas espécies de Culicidae sobre o homem e outros animais pode estar diretamente relacionada à transmissão de patógenos, além de provocar reações alérgicas e causar incômodo. O aparecimento de populações resistentes aos inseticidas químicos impulsiona o uso de métodos de controle alternativos, principalmente o biológico. Objetivando testar a eficiência e persistência de produtos comerciais com principio ativo a base de Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Berliner e Bacillus sphaericus Neide foram realizados experimentos em três lagoas de tratamento de efluentes, sobre larvas de Culicidae. Testou-se Vectolex (formulação granulada de B. sphaericus), Sphaericus (formulação líquida de B. sphaericus) e Bt-horus (formulação líquida de B. thuringiensis). As aplicações foram realizadas quinzenalmente com avaliações realizadas a 0, 24, 48, 72 e 120 horas após a aplicação. As lagoas estavam colonizadas por Culex nigripalpus Theobald (1,5%), Culex saltanensis Dyar (2,25%) e Culex quinquefasciatus Say (96,25%). Com o produto Bt horus, registrou-se redução larval de 89,06%, 83,97% e 89,96% respectivamente a 24, 48 e 72 horas após a aplicação. Nos produtos contendo B. sphaericus, respectivamente na formulação granulada e líquida observou-se uma redução de 98,89% e 98,34%, após 24 horas da aplicação e de 99,79% e 99,78% após 48 horas. Os produtos e as diferentes formulações foram eficientes no controle de larvas das três espécies de culicídeos em lagoas com grande quantidade de matéria orgânica, porém a persistência verificada foi de dois e três dias para produtos contendo respectivamente B. sphaericus e B. thuringiensis israelensis

    Eficácia de Ovitrampas com Diferentes Atrativos na Vigilância e Controle de Aedes

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    Resumo. Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus)é o vetor dos vírus dengue, febre amarela urbana e Zika vírus nas Américas. Aedes albopictus (Skuse)tem maior ocorrência em mata nativa e secundária junto às populações. Esses mosquitos veiculam também o vírus chikungunya. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eficácia e preferência de oviposição em armadilhas ovitrampas, instaladas em locais abrigados com diferentes misturas atrativas, sob condições distintas de luminosidade e fluxo de pessoas para ser usada na vigilância e controle de Aedes spp. Foram instaladas 75 armadilhas no campus da Universidade Estadual de Londrina Paraná, distribuídas em três centros de estudo: Centro de Ciências Biológicas (CCB), Biblioteca Central (BC) e Centro de Estudos Sociais Aplicados (CESA), que receberam cada um, 25 ovitrampas, no período de Março a Junho de 2012. As armadilhas receberam cinco diferentes misturas atrativas: infusão de água fenada (Iaf), água destilada, (Iaf) + Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis Berliner, (Iaf) + organofosforado Temephos, (Iaf) + regulador de crescimento Diflubenzuron. Todo o experimento foi realizado em 5 réplicas. Coletou-se 4.774 ovos. No (CCB) foram 436 ovos (9,23%) com Índice de Positividade de Ovitrampas (IPO) = 43,08% e Índice de Densidade de Ovos (IDO) = 15,75. No (CESA) 638 ovos (13,35%), IPO = 58,46% e IDO = 16,79. Na (BC) 3.700 ovos (77,42%), IPO = 83,08% e IDO = 68,51. Não ocorreram diferenças significativas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (p = 0,92) para os diferentes atrativos nas ovitrampas. Atrativos e produtos seletivos para o controle de Aedes spp. na ovitrampa não mostraram prejuízos para oviposição. Effectiveness of Ovitraps with Different Attractives in the Monitoring and Control of Aedes Abstract. Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) is the vector of dengue viruses, urban yellow fever and Zika virus in the Americas. Aedes albopictus (Skuse) has higher incidence in native and secondary forest next the populations. These mosquitoes also convey the chikungunya virus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and oviposition preference in ovitraps traps installed in sheltered places with different attractive mixtures, under different lighting conditions and flow of people to be used in monitoring and control of Aedes spp. Were installed 75 traps on campus of the State University of Londrina-Paraná, distributed in three study centers: Centre for Biological Sciences (CCB), Central Library (CL) and Applied Social Studies Center (ASSC), which each received 25 ovitraps in the period from March to June 2012. The traps received five different attractive mixtures: infusion of water made into hay (Iaf), distilled water (Iaf) + Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Berliner (Iaf) + organophosphate temephos, (Iaf) + growth regulator Diflubenzuron. The experiment was carried out in 5 replicates. Collected: 4,774 eggs. On (CCB) were 436 eggs (9.23%) with Positivity Index of Ovitraps (PIO) = 43.08%, and Eggs Density Index (EDI) = 15.75. On (ASSC) 638 eggs (13.35%), PIO = 58.46% and EDI = 16.79. On (CL) 3,700 eggs (77.42%), PIO = 83.08% and EDI = 68.51. There were no significant differences by Kruskal-Wallis test (p = 0.92) for the different attractive on ovitraps. Attractive and selective products for Aedes spp. control in egg trap do not show damage to oviposition

    Eficácia de Ovitrampas com Diferentes Atrativos na Vigilância e Controle de Aedes

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    Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) is the vector of dengue viruses, urban yellow fever and Zika virus in the Americas. Aedes albopictus (Skuse) has higher incidence in native and secondary forest next the populations. These mosquitoes also convey the chikungunya virus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and oviposition preference in ovitraps traps installed in sheltered places with different attractive mixtures, under different lighting conditions and flow of people to be used in monitoring and control of Aedes spp. Were installed 75 traps on campus of the State University of Londrina-Paraná, distributed in three study centers: Centre for Biological Sciences (CCB), Central Library (CL) and Applied Social Studies Center (ASSC), which each received 25 ovitraps in the period from March to June 2012. The traps received five different attractive mixtures: infusion of water made into hay (Iaf), distilled water (Iaf) + Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Berliner (Iaf) + organophosphate temephos, (Iaf) + growth regulator Diflubenzuron. The experiment was carried out in 5 replicates. Collected: 4,774 eggs. On (CCB) were 436 eggs (9.23%) with Positivity Index of Ovitraps (PIO) = 43.08%, and Eggs Density Index (EDI) = 15.75. On (ASSC) 638 eggs (13.35%), PIO = 58.46% and EDI = 16.79. On (CL) 3,700 eggs (77.42%), PIO = 83.08% and EDI = 68.51. There were no significant differences by Kruskal-Wallis test (p = 0.92) for the different attractive on ovitraps. Attractive and selective products for Aedes spp. control in egg trap do not show damage to oviposition.Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus)é o vetor dos vírus dengue, febre amarela urbana e Zika vírus nas Américas. Aedes albopictus (Skuse)tem maior ocorrência em mata nativa e secundária junto às populações. Esses mosquitos veiculam também o vírus chikungunya. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a eficácia e preferência de oviposição em armadilhas ovitrampas, instaladas em locais abrigados com diferentes misturas atrativas, sob condições distintas de luminosidade e fluxo de pessoas para ser usada na vigilância e controle de Aedes spp. Foram instaladas 75 armadilhas no campus da Universidade Estadual de Londrina Paraná, distribuídas em três centros de estudo: Centro de Ciências Biológicas (CCB), Biblioteca Central (BC) e Centro de Estudos Sociais Aplicados (CESA), que receberam cada um, 25 ovitrampas, no período de Março a Junho de 2012. As armadilhas receberam cinco diferentes misturas atrativas: infusão de água fenada (Iaf), água destilada, (Iaf) + Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis Berliner, (Iaf) + organofosforado Temephos, (Iaf) + regulador de crescimento Diflubenzuron. Todo o experimento foi realizado em 5 réplicas. Coletou-se 4.774 ovos. No (CCB) foram 436 ovos (9,23%) com Índice de Positividade de Ovitrampas (IPO) = 43,08% e Índice de Densidade de Ovos (IDO) = 15,75. No (CESA) 638 ovos (13,35%), IPO = 58,46% e IDO = 16,79. Na (BC) 3.700 ovos (77,42%), IPO = 83,08% e IDO = 68,51. Não ocorreram diferenças significativas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (p = 0,92) para os diferentes atrativos nas ovitrampas. Atrativos e produtos seletivos para o controle de Aedes spp. na ovitrampa não mostraram prejuízos para oviposição

    Abundância e Diversidade de Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) em Fragmento e Reflorestamento no Norte do Paraná

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    Staphylinidae beetles are important insects of the soil fauna to assist in facilitating the recycling of organic animal or vegetable matter and contribute to soil fertilization. The decline of native vegetation, made species of staphylinid and scattered colonized anthropogenic areas. The objective was to compare abundance and diversity of Staphylinidae in a forest fragment area and riparian reforestation. Samples were collected from March 2007 to March 2008 in the city of Rancho Alegre - Paraná. They were pitfall traps of the type, unattractive and baited with ripe bananas, ground beef and swine feces. Were collected 743 specimens of Staphylinidae, being 18.44% of the individuals from the forest fragment and 81.56% of reforestation. The Coproporus gender was the most abundant, with 46.43% of the total collected. The most representative morphospecies in the reforestation area was Coproporus sp.1 (39.77%) and forest fragment Aleocharinae sp.1 with 27.0%. Bryoporus sp.1 and Pselaphinae sp.1 were captured only in the fragment. Homaeotarsus sp.1, Staphylininae sp.1 and Xenopygus sp.1 were found only in the recovery area, presenting itself as singleton species. The biggest attraction was in traps baited with banana. The similarity between areas in relation to diversity (fragment H'= 0.7673 and reforestation H' = 0.6720) and high similarity (S = 0.7826) between these two habitats, indicates that staphylinid can be opportunistic and, therefore, possible bio-indicators of degraded areas.Besouros Staphylinidae são importantes insetos da fauna edáfica por auxiliarem na facilitação da reciclagem de matéria orgânica animal ou vegetal e contribuir na fertilização do solo. Com a diminuição da vegetação nativa, algumas espécies de estafilinídeos têm dispersado e colonizado áreas antrópicas. Objetivou-se comparar abundância e diversidade de Staphylinidae em área de fragmento florestal e reflorestamento de mata ciliar. As coletas foram realizadas de março de 2007 a março de 2008 no município de Rancho Alegre – Paraná. Utilizaram-se armadilhas do tipo pitfall, sem atrativo e iscadas com banana madura, carne bovina moída e fezes suína. Foram coletados 743 espécimes de Staphylinidae, sendo 18,44% dos indivíduos provenientes do fragmento florestal e 81,56% do reflorestamento. O gênero Coproporus foi o mais abundante, com 46,43% do total coletado. A morfoespécie mais representativa na área de reflorestamento foi Coproporus sp.1 (39,77%) e no fragmento florestal Aleocharinae sp.1 com 27,0%. Bryoporus sp.1 e Pselaphinae sp.1 foram capturados unicamente no fragmento. Homaeotarsus sp.1, Staphylininaesp.1 e Xenopygus sp.1foram encontrados somente na área de recuperação, apresentando-se como espécies singleton. A maior atratividade foi em armadilhas iscadas com banana. A semelhança entre as áreas em relação à diversidade (fragmento H’= 0,7673 e reflorestamento H’ = 0,6720) e alta similaridade (S=0,7826) entre estes dois habitats, indica que os estafilinídeos podem ser oportunistas e, portanto, possíveis bioindicadores de áreas degradadas

    Oviposition of Aedes aegypti Linnaeus, 1762 and Aedes albopictus Skuse, 1894 (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory and field conditions using ovitraps associated to different control agents, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of different control agents of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus associated with ovitraps under laboratory and field conditions. Five treatments were used: grass infusion + Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (gI + Bti), grass infusion + Saccharopolyspora spinosa (gI + Ss), grass infusion + Pyriproxyfen (gI + P), distilled water + Toxorhynchites haemorrhoidalis (dW + Th), and grass infusion (gI) (control). The highest mean number of eggs of both species were obtained with grass infusion in the laboratory. Among control agents, the lowest mean of A. aegypti eggs occurred with gI + Ss and the lowest mean of A. albopictus eggs occurred with dW + Th. There was no difference between treatments in A. aegypti (P = 0.4320) and A. albopictus (P = 0.7179). In the field, the highest mean number of eggs for both species were obtained with gI + Ss, and the lowest values were obtained with gI + P (P = 0.0124). The treatments can be applied to both the surveillance and the control, but ovitraps with biological larvicide Bti were more effective and safer considering the number of eggs laid and selectivity of pathogens for mosquitoes. Keywords: Chikungunya, Control, Dengue, Insecticides, Zik