20 research outputs found

    Rural Labor Absorption Efficiency in Urban Areas under Different Urbanization Patterns and Industrial Structures: The Case of China

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    In this paper, we use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to estimate how well China’s urban areas absorb migrant workers under the interaction of urbanization and industrialization. We applied an output-oriented BCC model to evaluate provincial and regional rural labor absorption efficiency in mainland China. It appears that 4 out of 31 provinces and municipals are efficient, and 2 out of 8 economic regions are efficient in absorbing migrant workers. In the southern and eastern parts of China, urban labor absorption efficiency is higher compared with the western and northern parts of China. Different urbanization patterns and industrial development strategies should be adopted in different economic areas to enhance labor absorption ability in these areas. Urban areas in many parts of China still have potential to accommodate rural migrant workers. The inter-regional flow of production factors would affect urban labor absorption efficiency.rural labor absorption in urban areas, urbanization, industry structure, DEA

    Real Exchange Rate, Foreign Trade and Employment: Evidence from China

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    Coordination of macro-economic development and employment is an essential issue for China's social development, which largely depends on economic expansion, as well as integration into the global market to create jobs. Through the literature review and empirical test, this paper analyses the relationship between macro-economic policy and employment, and discusses the impact of real exchange rate and foreign trade on employment. The research indicates that a stable and competitive exchange rate policy plays an indispensable role in employment promotion, more effective than monetary and fiscal policies, while the export growth also plays a positive role in employment promotion.China, employment, foreign trade, real exchange rate

    Розрахунок геометрії черв’ячної передачі і аналіз її міцності

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    Робота публікується згідно наказу Ректора НАУ від 27.05.2021 р. №311/од "Про розміщення кваліфікаційних робіт здобувачів вищої освіти в репозиторії університету". Керівник роботи: професор, д.т.н. Карускевич Михайло ВіталійовичFace gearing is a new type of gearing that has many unique advantages, especially in high-speed, heavy-duty applications. The paper investigates the tooth surface generation and meshing characteristics of offset face gears, machining modelling of offset face gear drives and dynamics analysis of offset face gear drives. The mathematical model of the involute offset cylindrical worm drive is established. Through the analysis of the meshing characteristics of the face gear transmission, the contact trajectory equations of the face gear tooth surface and the cylindrical worm tooth surface are derived. Three-dimensional model of the offset worm face gear transmission is created and assembled based on SolidWorks software, then imported into ABAQUS software for finite element analysis. The contact lines and contact traces of the offset worm face gear transmission are investigated; the tooth surface induced normal curvature of the contact points is derived; and the elliptical long and short axes and contact stress values of the point contact of the offset worm face gear are calculated using Hertzian theory, and the theoretical calculations are verified using finite element software. Then, the bending stresses of the offset worm face gear with single tooth loading are analysed and the bending stress variation law is derived. The tooth design of the offset worm face gear is proposed.Торцева передача – це новий тип передачі, який має багато унікальних переваг, особливо у високошвидкісних і важких умовах. У роботі досліджено генерацію поверхні зуба та характеристики зачеплення зубчастих коліс із зміщеною поверхнею, моделювання обробки зубчастих передач із зміщеною поверхнею та аналіз динаміки приводів із зміщеною поверхнею. Створено математичну модель евольвентного офсетного циліндричного черв'ячного приводу. Завдяки аналізу характеристик зачеплення торцевої зубчастої передачі отримано рівняння траєкторії контакту поверхні зуба торцевої шестерні та поверхні зуба циліндричного черв’яка. Тривимірна модель черв'ячної зубчастої передачі зі зсувом створюється та збирається на основі програмного забезпечення SolidWorks, а потім імпортується в програмне забезпечення ABAQUS для кінцево-елементного аналізу. Досліджено контактні лінії та контактні сліди зсувної черв'ячної торцевої передачі; отримано спричинену поверхнею зуба нормальну кривизну контактних точок, а еліптичні довгі та короткі осі та значення контактної напруги точкового контакту зміщеної черв’ячної шестерні розраховуються за допомогою теорії Герца, теоретичні розрахунки перевіряються за допомогою програмного забезпечення кінцевих елементів. Потім проаналізовано згинальні напруження черв’ячної передачі зі зміщенням при навантаженні одним зубом і отримано закон зміни напружень згину. Запропоновано конструкцію зубів офсетної черв'ячної передачі

    Parental Gender Stereotypes and Student Wellbeing in China

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    Non-cognitive abilities are supposed to affect students’ educational performance, who are challenged by parental expectations and norms. Using standard econometric techniques, parental gender stereotypes are shown to strongly decrease student wellbeing in China. Students are strongly more depressed, feeling blue, unhappy, not enjoying life and sad while parental education does not matter. The relationships though dealing with a gender-specific issue do not exhibit gender-specific differences: Neither does it matter who the parent is, nor whether the kid concerned is a boy or a girl. Parental stereotypes may undermine girls' self-confidence and make them more prone to anxiety and other mental health issues. For boys, stronger stereotypes may indicate higher expectations and pressures, which also generate negative emotions

    Evidences for Chlorogenic Acid — A Major Endogenous Polyphenol Involved in Regulation of Ripening and Senescence of Apple Fruit

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    <div><p>To learn how the endogenous polyphenols may play a role in fruit ripening and senescence, apple pulp discs were used as a model to study the influences of chlorogenic acid (CHA, a major polyphenol in apple pulp) on fruit ripening and senescence. Apple (‘Golden Delicious’) pulp discs prepared from pre-climacteric fruit were treated with 50 mg L<sup>-1</sup> CHA and incubated in flasks with 10 mM MES buffer (pH 6.0, 11% sorbitol). Compared to the control samples, treatment with CHA significantly reduced ethylene production and respiration rate, and enhanced levels of firmness and soluble solids content of the pulp discs during incubation at 25°C. These results suggested that CHA could retard senescence of the apple pulp discs. Proteomics analysis with sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF) revealed that the expressions of several key proteins correlated to fruit ripening and senescence were affected by the treatment with CHA. Further study showed that treating the pulp discs with CHA remarkably reduced levels of lipoxygenase, β-galactosidase, NADP-malic enzyme, and enzymatic activities of lipoxygenase and UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, all of which are known as promoters of fruit ripening and senescence. These results could provide new insights into the functions of endogenous phenolic compounds in fruit ripening and senescence.</p></div

    The synergistic effect of dietary cholesterol with fruit tannins in forming kidney stones

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    Prevalence of kidney stones has increased continously over several decades worldwide, the major causes of which are largely unknown. To explore the dietary causes of kidney stones, and reveal mechanisms underlying dietary risk factors inducing kidney stones, animal experiments using mice as the disease model were performed. Eight-week old male CD-1 mice were treated by ethylene glycol, cholesterol or/and apple tannins for 3 d, respectively. In the present study, the crystalline analysis in urine and kidney tissues, HE staining kidney sections as well as observation of micro-stones, tannins and cholesterol deposition in kidneys of mice in different groups were conducted. We found that gavage with ethylene glycol, cholesterol and tannins resulted in mice urine solute supersaturation in renal tubules and forming kidney stones. Significant cholesterol and tannin deposits in mouse kidney were observed by laser confocal microscopy and crystals were shown either adhered with or co-deposited with cholesterol and tannin deposits. The primary crystals were found in renal cortex, medullar, especially papilla in the kidney sections under polarized microscope. These findings demonstrate that interaction of cholesterol and tannins in kidney plays a critical role in the formation of kidney stones

    Effects of CHA on apple pulp discs incubated at 25°C.

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    <p>Each data point represents a mean ± standard deviation (for respiration rates and ethylene production, n = 3; for firmness and SSC, n = 6). Values with different letters are significantly different at <i>p</i> < 0.05.</p

    Effect of CHA on changes in levels of the senescence related proteins in apple pulp discs during incubation at 25°C.

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    <p>Effect of CHA on changes in levels of the senescence related proteins in apple pulp discs during incubation at 25°C.</p

    HPLC-chromatographic profile of phenolic compounds in apple pulp at 280 nm wavelengths.

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    <p>The major peak was identified by both of internal standard method and external reference method with chlorogenic acid (3-O-caffeoylquinic acid, CHA) as a standard substance.</p

    Identification of proteins related to senescence of apple pulp disc.

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    <p>(A) SDS-PAGE analysis of protein profile of apple pulp discs during incubation at 25°C; (B) Identifying and isolation of proteins (band 1–11) related to senescence of apple pulp discs by native-PAGE and SDS–PAGE.</p