13 research outputs found

    Neonatal DNA methylation and childhood low prosocial behavior: an epigenome-wide association meta-analysis

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    Low prosocial behavior in childhood has been consistently linked to later psychopathology, with evidence supporting the influence of both genetic and environmental factors on its development. Although neonatal DNA methylation (DNAm) has been found to prospectively associate with a range of psychological traits in childhood, its potential role in prosocial development has yet to be investigated. This study investigated prospective associations between cord blood DNAm at birth and low prosocial behavior within and across four longitudinal birth cohorts from the Pregnancy And Childhood Epigenetics (PACE) Consortium. We examined (a) developmental trajectories of "chronic-low" versus "typical" prosocial behavior across childhood in a case-control design (N = 2,095), and (b) continuous "low prosocial" scores at comparable cross-cohort time-points (N = 2,121). Meta-analyses were performed to examine differentially methylated positions and regions. At the cohort-specific level, three CpGs were found to associate with chronic low prosocial behavior; however, none of these associations was replicated in another cohort. Meta-analysis revealed no epigenome-wide significant CpGs or regions. Overall, we found no evidence for associations between DNAm patterns at birth and low prosocial behavior across childhood. Findings highlight the importance of employing multi-cohort approaches to replicate epigenetic associations and reduce the risk of false positive discoveries

    Murine pre-eclampsia induced by unspecific activation of the immune system correlates with alterations in the eNOS and AT1 receptor expression in the kidneys and placenta

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    It remains arguable if an animal model can be of use in pre-eclampsia (PE) studies, as it is clearly a human disease not observed spontaneously in other species. The aim of this study was to investigate whether PE-like signs in mice inoculated with activated Th1 cells were accompanied by abnormal expression of molecules related to the regulation of blood pressure, viz. nitric oxide synthase enzymes (eNOS and iNOS) and angiotensin (Ang) II receptors (AT1R and AT2R), in order to analyse the relevance of this model for human disease. In this model, C57/BL6-mated BALB/c females received lymphocytes crosslined with anti-CD3 and cultured with interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-12 to mimic PE pathology. Control mice received PBS. eNOS, iNOS and AT1R but not AT2R expression was augmented in the kidneys of PE-mice compared with control pregnant mice. The expression of eNOS but not of iNOS was augmented at the fetal-maternal interface of PE-mice as compared with the controls. NOSs regulate the synthesis of NO, a blood pressure and parturition mediator. As its expression is increased in PE patients, our data suggest that the Th1 cells-induced signs in this model are due to similar mechanisms as in humans. AT1R and AT2R mediate the effect of Ang II, and particularly the AT1R appears to be involved in the pathogenesis of human PE. The increased AT1R expression in the kidneys of PE-mice reinforces the theory that Th1 cells elicit a pathological situation closely resembling the human PE. All together, our data support the use of this animal model to study mechanisms underlying clinically overt PE

    Binding of Y-P30 to syndecan 2/3 regulates the nuclear localization of CASK

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    The survival promoting peptide Y-P30 has documented neuroprotective effects as well as cell survival and neurite outgrowth promoting activity in vitro and in vivo. Previous work has shown that multimerization of the peptide with pleiotrophin (PTN) and subsequent binding to syndecan (SDC) -2 and -3 is involved in its neuritogenic effects. In this study we show that Y-P30 application regulates the nuclear localization of the SDC binding partner Calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine kinase (CASK) in neuronal primary cultures during development. In early development at day in vitro (DIV) 8 when mainly SDC-3 is expressed supplementation of the culture medium with Y-P30 reduces nuclear CASK levels whereas it has the opposite effect at DIV 18 when SDC-2 is the dominant isoform. In the nucleus CASK regulates gene expression via its association with the T-box transcription factor T-brain-1 (Tbr-1) and we indeed found that gene expression of downstream targets of this complex, like the GluN2B NMDA-receptor, exhibits a corresponding down- or up-regulation at the mRNA level. The differential effect of Y-P30 on the nuclear localization of CASK correlates with its ability to induce shedding of the ectodomain of SDC-2 but not -3. shRNA knockdown of SDC-2 at DIV 18 and SDC-3 at DIV 8 completely abolished the effect of Y-P30 supplementation on nuclear CASK levels. During early development a protein knockdown of SDC-3 also attenuated the effect of Y-P30 on axon outgrowth. Taken together these data suggest that Y-P30 can control the nuclear localization of CASK in a SDC-dependent manner

    CD19+CD5+ cells as indicators of preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is a devastating pregnancy-associated disorder affecting 5% to 8% of pregnant women worldwide. It emerges as an autoimmune-driven disease, and, among others, the autoantibodies against angiotensin type 1 receptor II have been proposed to account for preeclampsia symptoms. Despite much attention focused on describing autoantibodies associated with preeclampsia, there is no clue concerning the cell population producing them. CD19(+)CD5(+) B-1a B cells constitute the main source of natural and polyreactive antibodies, which can be directed against own structures. Here, we aimed to identify the B-cell subpopulation responsible for autoantibody production during preeclampsia and to study their regulation, as well as their possible use as markers for the disease. The frequency of CD19(+)CD5(+) cells in peripheral blood of preeclamptic patients is dramatically increased compared with normal pregnant women as analyzed by flow cytometry. This seems to be driven by the high human chorionic gonadotropin levels present in the serum and placenta supernatant of preeclamptic patients versus normal pregnant women. Not only ≈95% of CD19(+)CD5(+) cells express the human chorionic gonadotropin receptor, but these cells also expand on human chorionic gonadotropin stimulation in a lymphocyte culture. Most importantly, isolated CD19(+)CD5(+) cells produce autoantibodies against angiotensin type 1 receptor II, and CD19(+)CD5(+) cells were further detected in the placenta of preeclamptic but not of normal pregnancies where barely B cells are present. Our results identify a B-cell population able to produce pregnancy-pathological autoantibodies as possible markers for preeclampsia, which opens vast diagnostic and therapeutic applications

    Analysis of Y-P30/Dermcidin expression and properties of the Y-P30 peptide

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    Background: The survival promoting peptide Y-P30 has a variety of neuritogenic and neuroprotective effects in vitro and in vivo. In previous work we reported the expression of Y-P30/dermcidin in maternal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and the transport of the protein to the fetal brain. In this study we analyzed hormonal regulation of Y-P30 in human immune cells and expression of Y-P30 in the placenta. We further studied the stability and secretion of the Y-P30 peptide. Results: We found indications that Y-P30 might be produced in human placenta. The Y-P30 mRNA was rarely found in isolated human PBMCs and alpha-feto-protein, human chorionic gonadotropin as well as estradiol combined with progesterone could not induce Y-P30 expression. Y-P30 was found to be extraordinarily stable; therefore, contamination with the peptide and the Y-P30/Dermcidin precursor mRNA is a serious concern in experiments looking at the expression of Y-P30/Dermcidin. In cultured cell lines and primary neurons we found that Y-P30 could be released, but neuronal uptake of Y-P30 was not observed. Conclusions: Our data suggest that a source of Y-P30 apart from eccrine glands might be the placenta. The peptide can be secreted together with the signaling peptide and it might reach the fetal brain where it can exert its neuritogenic functions by binding to neuronal membranes

    Analysis of Y-P30/Dermcidin expression and properties of the Y-P30 peptide

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    Background: The survival promoting peptide Y-P30 has a variety of neuritogenic and neuroprotective effects in vitro and in vivo. In previous work we reported the expression of Y-P30/dermcidin in maternal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and the transport of the protein to the fetal brain. In this study we analyzed hormonal regulation of Y-P30 in human immune cells and expression of Y-P30 in the placenta. We further studied the stability and secretion of the Y-P30 peptide. Results: We found indications that Y-P30 might be produced in human placenta. The Y-P30 mRNA was rarely found in isolated human PBMCs and alpha-feto-protein, human chorionic gonadotropin as well as estradiol combined with progesterone could not induce Y-P30 expression. Y-P30 was found to be extraordinarily stable; therefore, contamination with the peptide and the Y-P30/Dermcidin precursor mRNA is a serious concern in experiments looking at the expression of Y-P30/Dermcidin. In cultured cell lines and primary neurons we found that Y-P30 could be released, but neuronal uptake of Y-P30 was not observed. Conclusions: Our data suggest that a source of Y-P30 apart from eccrine glands might be the placenta. The peptide can be secreted together with the signaling peptide and it might reach the fetal brain where it can exert its neuritogenic functions by binding to neuronal membranes

    Salmonella SL7207 application is the most effective DNA vaccine delivery method for successful tumor eradication in a murine model for neuroblastoma

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    Attenuated Salmonella is an approved oral life vaccine that is currently entering pre-clinical cancer vaccination studies as a promising DNA carrier. In a syngeneic mouse model for neuroblastoma, oral gavage of Salmonella typhimurium (SL7207) carrying recent generated survivin DNA vaccines induced a stronger cellular anti-NB immune response than gene gun application or injection of lentivirally transduced bone marrow-derived DCs. The level of Salmonella-associated side effects was not significant as indicated by unaffected survivin-mediated hematopoiesis and wound healing. We believe that our findings provide an important baseline to translate Salmonella-based DNA vaccination into a clinical application for neuroblastoma

    Mast cells as protectors of health.

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    Mast cells (MCs), which are well known for their effector functions in T(H)2-skewed allergic and also autoimmune inflammation, have become increasingly acknowledged for their role in protection of health. It is now clear that they are also key modulators of immune responses at interface organs, such as the skin or gut. MCs can prime tissues for adequate inflammatory responses and cooperate with dendritic cells in T-cell activation. They also regulate harmful immune responses in trauma and help to successfully orchestrate pregnancy. This review focuses on the beneficial effects of MCs on tissue homeostasis and elimination of toxins or venoms. MCs can enhance pathogen clearance in many bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections, such as through Toll-like receptor 2-triggered degranulation, secretion of antimicrobial cathelicidins, neutrophil recruitment, or provision of extracellular DNA traps. The role of MCs in tumors is more ambiguous; however, encouraging new findings show they can change the tumor microenvironment toward antitumor immunity when adequately triggered. Uterine tissue remodeling by alpha-chymase (mast cell protease [MCP] 5) is crucial for successful embryo implantation. MCP-4 and the tryptase MCP-6 emerge to be protective in central nervous system trauma by reducing inflammatory damage and excessive scar formation, thereby protecting axon growth. Last but not least, proteases, such as carboxypeptidase A, released by Fc epsilon RI-activated MCs detoxify an increasing number of venoms and endogenous toxins. A better understanding of the plasticity of MCs will help improve these advantageous effects and hint at ways to cut down detrimental MC actions

    Alternatives for the worse: Molecular insights into adverse effects of bisphenol a and substitutes during human adipocyte differentiation.

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    Bisphenol A (BPA), which is used in a variety of consumer-related plastic products, was reported to cause adverse effects, including disruption of adipocyte differentiation, interference with obesity mechanisms, and impairment of insulin- and glucose homeostasis. Substitute compounds are increasingly emerging but are not sufficiently investigated.We aimed to investigate the mode of action of BPA and four of its substitutes during the differentiation of human preadipocytes to adipocytes and their molecular interaction with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ), a pivotal regulator of adipogenesis.Binding and effective biological activation of PPARγ were investigated by surface plasmon resonance and reporter gene assay, respectively. Human preadipocytes were continuously exposed to BPA, BPS, BPB, BPF, BPAF, and the PPARγ-antagonist GW9662. After 12 days of differentiation, lipid production was quantified via Oil Red O staining, and global protein profiles were assessed using LC-MS/MS-based proteomics. All tested bisphenols bound to human PPARγ with similar efficacy as the natural ligand 15d-PGJ2in vitroand provoked an antagonistic effect on PPARγ in the reporter gene assay at non-cytotoxic concentrations. During the differentiation of human preadipocytes, all bisphenols decreased lipid production. Global proteomics displayed a down-regulation of adipogenesis and metabolic pathways, similar to GW9662. Interestingly, pro-inflammatory pathways were up-regulated, MCP1 release was increased, and adiponectin decreased. pAKT/AKT ratios revealed significantly reduced insulin sensitivity by BPA, BPB, and BPS upon insulin stimulation.Thus, our results show that not only BPA but also its substitutes disrupt crucial metabolic functions and insulin signaling in adipocytes under low, environmentally relevant concentrations. This effect, mediated through inhibition of PPARγ, may promote hypertrophy of adipose tissue and increase the risk of developing metabolic syndrome, including insulin resistance