65 research outputs found

    The demographics of neutron star - white dwarf mergers: rates, delay-time distributions and progenitors

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    The mergers of neutron stars (NSs) and white dwarfs (WDs) could give rise to explosive transients, potentially observable with current and future transient surveys. However, the expected properties and distribution of such events is not well understood. Here we characterize the rates of such events, their delay time distribution, their progenitors and the distribution of their properties. We use binary populations synthesis models and consider a wide range of initial conditions and physical processes. In particular we consider different common-envelope evolution models and different NS natal kick distributions. We provide detailed predictions arising from each of the models considered. We find that the majority of NS-WD mergers are born in systems in which mass-transfer played an important role, and the WD formed before the NS. For the majority of the mergers the WDs have a carbon-oxygen composition (60-80%) and most of the rest are with oxygen-neon WDs. The rates of NS-WD mergers are in the range of 3-15% of the type Ia supernovae (SNe) rate. Their delay time distribution is very similar to that of type Ia SNe, but slightly biased towards earlier times. They typically explode in young 0.1-1Gyr environments, but have a tail distribution extending to long, Gyrs-timescales. Models including significant kicks give rise to relatively wide offset distribution extending to hundreds of kpcs. The demographic and physical properties of NS-WD mergers suggest they are likely to be peculiar type Ic-like SNe, mostly exploding in late type galaxies. Their overall properties could be related to a class of rapidly evolving SNe recently observed, while they are less likely to be related to the class of Ca-rich SNe.Comment: updated version: accepted for publication in A&

    Central role for MCP-1/CCL2 in injury-induced inflammation revealed by in vitro, in silico, and clinical studies

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    The translation of in vitro findings to clinical outcomes is often elusive. Trauma/hemorrhagic shock (T/HS) results in hepatic hypoxia that drives inflammation. We hypothesize that in silico methods would help bridge in vitro hepatocyte data and clinical T/HS, in which the liver is a primary site of inflammation. Primary mouse hepatocytes were cultured under hypoxia (1% O 2) or normoxia (21% O2) for 1-72 h, and both the cell supernatants and protein lysates were assayed for 18 inflammatory mediators by Luminex™ technology. Statistical analysis and data-driven modeling were employed to characterize the main components of the cellular response. Statistical analyses, hierarchical and k-means clustering, Principal Component Analysis, and Dynamic Network Analysis suggested MCP-1/CCL2 and IL-1α as central coordinators of hepatocyte-mediated inflammation in C57BL/6 mouse hepatocytes. Hepatocytes from MCP-1-null mice had altered dynamic inflammatory networks. Circulating MCP-1 levels segregated human T/HS survivors from non-survivors. Furthermore, T/HS survivors with elevated early levels of plasma MCP-1 post-injury had longer total lengths of stay, longer intensive care unit lengths of stay, and prolonged requirement for mechanical ventilation vs. those with low plasma MCP-1. This study identifies MCP-1 as a main driver of the response of hepatocytes in vitro and as a biomarker for clinical outcomes in T/HS, and suggests an experimental and computational framework for discovery of novel clinical biomarkers in inflammatory diseases. © 2013 Ziraldo et al

    LensWatch: I. Resolved HST Observations and Constraints on the Strongly-Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx ("SN Zwicky")

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    Supernovae (SNe) that have been multiply-imaged by gravitational lensing are rare and powerful probes for cosmology. Each detection is an opportunity to develop the critical tools and methodologies needed as the sample of lensed SNe increases by orders of magnitude with the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The latest such discovery is of the quadruply-imaged Type Ia SN 2022qmx (aka, "SN Zwicky"; Goobar et al. 2022) at z = 0.3544. SN Zwicky was discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) in spatially unresolved data. Here we present follow-up Hubble Space Telescope observations of SN Zwicky, the first from the multi-cycle "LensWatch" program (www.lenswatch.org). We measure photometry for each of the four images of SN Zwicky, which are resolved in three WFC3/UVIS filters (F475W, F625W, F814W) but unresolved with WFC3/IR F160W, and produce an analysis of the lensing system using a variety of independent lens modeling methods. We find consistency between time delays estimated with the single epoch of HST photometry and the lens model predictions constrained through the multiple image positions, with both inferring time delays of <1 day. Our lens models converge to an Einstein radius of (0.168+0.009-0.005)", the smallest yet seen in a lensed SN. The "standard candle" nature of SN Zwicky provides magnification estimates independent of the lens modeling that are brighter by ~1.5 mag and ~0.8 mag for two of the four images, suggesting significant microlensing and/or additional substructure beyond the flexibility of our image-position mass models

    SN 2023ixf in Messier 101: Photo-ionization of Dense, Close-in Circumstellar Material in a Nearby Type II Supernova

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    We present UV/optical observations and models of supernova (SN) 2023ixf, a type II SN located in Messier 101 at 6.9 Mpc. Early-time ("flash") spectroscopy of SN 2023ixf, obtained primarily at Lick Observatory, reveals emission lines of H I, He I/II, C IV, and N III/IV/V with a narrow core and broad, symmetric wings arising from the photo-ionization of dense, close-in circumstellar material (CSM) located around the progenitor star prior to shock breakout. These electron-scattering broadened line profiles persist for \sim8 days with respect to first light, at which time Doppler broadened features from the fastest SN ejecta form, suggesting a reduction in CSM density at r1015r \gtrsim 10^{15} cm. The early-time light curve of SN2023ixf shows peak absolute magnitudes (e.g., Mu=18.6M_{u} = -18.6 mag, Mg=18.4M_{g} = -18.4 mag) that are 2\gtrsim 2 mag brighter than typical type II supernovae, this photometric boost also being consistent with the shock power supplied from CSM interaction. Comparison of SN 2023ixf to a grid of light curve and multi-epoch spectral models from the non-LTE radiative transfer code CMFGEN and the radiation-hydrodynamics code HERACLES suggests dense, solar-metallicity, CSM confined to r=(0.51)×1015r = (0.5-1) \times 10^{15} cm and a progenitor mass-loss rate of M˙=102\dot{M} = 10^{-2} M_{\odot}yr1^{-1}. For the assumed progenitor wind velocity of vw=50v_w = 50 km s1^{-1}, this corresponds to enhanced mass-loss (i.e., ``super-wind'' phase) during the last \sim3-6 years before explosion.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to ApJ

    Flight of the Bumblebee: the Early Excess Flux of Type Ia Supernova 2023bee revealed by TESSTESS, SwiftSwift and Young Supernova Experiment Observations

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    We present high-cadence ultraviolet through near-infrared observations of the Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2023bee in NGC~2708 (D=32±3D = 32 \pm 3 Mpc), finding excess flux in the first days after explosion relative to the expected power-law rise from an expanding fireball. This deviation from typical behavior for SNe Ia is particularly obvious in our 10-minute cadence TESSTESS light curve and SwiftSwift UV data. Compared to a few other normal SNe Ia with detected early excess flux, the excess flux in SN 2023bee is redder in the UV and less luminous. We present optical spectra of SN 2023bee, including two spectra during the period where the flux excess is dominant. At this time, the spectra are similar to those of other SNe Ia but with weaker Si II, C II and Ca II absorption lines, perhaps because the excess flux creates a stronger continuum. We compare the data to several theoretical models that have been proposed to explain the early flux excess in SNe Ia. Interaction with either a nearby companion star or close-in circumstellar material is expected to produce a faster evolution than seen in the data. Radioactive material in the outer layers of the ejecta, either from a double detonation explosion or simply an explosion with a 56^{56}Ni clump near the surface, can not fully reproduce the evolution either, likely due to the sensitivity of early UV observable to the treatment of the outer part of ejecta in simulation. We conclude that no current model can adequately explain the full set of observations. We find that a relatively large fraction of nearby, bright SNe Ia with high-cadence observations have some amount of excess flux within a few days of explosion. Considering potential asymmetric emission, the physical cause of this excess flux may be ubiquitous in normal SNe Ia.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. Accepted by the astrophysical journa

    LensWatch. I. Resolved HST Observations and Constraints on the Strongly Lensed Type Ia Supernova 2022qmx (“SN Zwicky”)

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    Supernovae (SNe) that have been multiply imaged by gravitational lensing are rare and powerful probes for cosmology. Each detection is an opportunity to develop the critical tools and methodologies needed as the sample of lensed SNe increases by orders of magnitude with the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory and Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. The latest such discovery is of the quadruply imaged Type Ia SN 2022qmx (aka, “SN Zwicky”) at z = 0.3544. SN Zwicky was discovered by the Zwicky Transient Facility in spatially unresolved data. Here we present follow-up Hubble Space Telescope observations of SN Zwicky, the first from the multicycle “LensWatch (www.lenswatch.org)” program. We measure photometry for each of the four images of SN Zwicky, which are resolved in three WFC3/UVIS filters (F475W, F625W, and F814W) but unresolved with WFC3/IR F160W, and present an analysis of the lensing system using a variety of independent lens modeling methods. We find consistency between lens-model-predicted time delays (≲1 day), and delays estimated with the single epoch of Hubble Space Telescope colors (≲3.5 days), including the uncertainty from chromatic microlensing (∼1-1.5 days). Our lens models converge to an Einstein radius of θ E = ( 0.168 − 0.005 + 0.009 ) ″ , the smallest yet seen in a lensed SN system. The “standard candle” nature of SN Zwicky provides magnification estimates independent of the lens modeling that are brighter than predicted by ∼ 1.7 − 0.6 + 0.8 mag and ∼ 0.9 − 0.6 + 0.8 mag for two of the four images, suggesting significant microlensing and/or additional substructure beyond the flexibility of our image-position mass models