11 research outputs found

    Integrated Approach to the Assessment of the Quality of Immunostimulatory Beverage "Immuno Plus"

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    Based on the methods of theoretical qualimetry there was carried out the complex assessment of the quality of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus”. The hierarchic structure of the properties of ready product, including the organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also the ones of food and biological value was presented. It was demonstrated, that the improvement of consistence, homogeneity and steadiness of beverage can be explained by gluten that acts as a hydrocolloid and consumers estimate the beverage quality according to these very parameters. The profiles of vitamin and mineral composition of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” and also the content of irreplaceable acids in it were presented.The received complex parameter of the “Immuno plus” beverage quality proves the high quality of new product. The calculated competitiveness of enriched beverage is 1,5 higher comparing with the control sample. The calculations of competitiveness of the beverage of increased food and biological value according to the modeling method that includes the parameters of the product quality, information about the analogues of elaborated goods and principle of innovations were presented. It was established, that the immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” can be competitive on the Ukrainian consumer market at the expanse of improvement of organoleptic parameters, increase of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances content in it and also of the presence of prophylactic properties

    Investigation Of Foaming And Hydration Properties Of Collagen Hydrolyzate

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    Qualitative parameters of foams, received due to glutin were studied. Technological conditions for receiving food foams were optimized. Their microstructure was determined; it was demonstrated that foam bubbles have the spherical form with the size from 50 mcm to 200 mcm (at the shaking temperature 9°С), at increasing the temperature of foam creation to 20 °С, the mean bubble size reaches 1530 mcm.The data, obtained using IR-spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of free groups, able to bind free water molecules. The obtained microphotos of hydrated glutin demonstrated that the crystal form had not been destructed by the alkaline hydrolysis, partially dissolved at hydratation.The obtained data give a possibility to recommend collagen hydrolyzate as an effective foaming agent and stabilizer of food systems at producing beverages of raw material fruits


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    Based on the methods of theoretical qualimetry there was carried out the complex assessment of the quality of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus”. The hierarchic structure of the properties of ready product, including the organoleptic and physical-chemical parameters and also the ones of food and biological value was presented. It was demonstrated, that the improvement of consistence, homogeneity and steadiness of beverage can be explained by gluten that acts as a hydrocolloid and consumers estimate the beverage quality according to these very parameters. The profiles of vitamin and mineral composition of immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” and also the content of irreplaceable acids in it were presented. The received complex parameter of the “Immuno plus” beverage quality proves the high quality of new product. The calculated competitiveness of enriched beverage is 1,5 higher comparing with the control sample. The calculations of competitiveness of the beverage of increased food and biological value according to the modeling method that includes the parameters of the product quality, information about the analogues of elaborated goods and principle of innovations were presented. It was established, that the immunostimulatory beverage “Immuno plus” can be competitive on the Ukrainian consumer market at the expanse of improvement of organoleptic parameters, increase of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances content in it and also of the presence of prophylactic properties.&nbsp


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    Qualitative parameters of foams, received due to glutin were studied. Technological conditions for receiving food foams were optimized. Their microstructure was determined; it was demonstrated that foam bubbles have the spherical form with the size from 50 mcm to 200 mcm (at the shaking temperature 9°С), at increasing the temperature of foam creation to 20 °С, the mean bubble size reaches 1530 mcm. The data, obtained using IR-spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of free groups, able to bind free water molecules. The obtained microphotos of hydrated glutin demonstrated that the crystal form had not been destructed by the alkaline hydrolysis, partially dissolved at hydratation. The obtained data give a possibility to recommend collagen hydrolyzate as an effective foaming agent and stabilizer of food systems at producing beverages of raw material fruits.&nbsp

    Functioning of the agro-industrial complex in the digital economy

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    Digital solutions are increasingly infiltrating all segments of agriculture. To achieve profitability growth, agribusiness is extremely important to maximize the use of innovative technologies. Today is the time when intelligent digital solutions should help the agricultural industry cope with the problems of increasing productivity and sustainable development. In the article, the author considers the peculiarities of the functioning of the agro-industrial complex in the digital economy, within the framework of the article the Largest participants in the agro-industrial complex market, who combined efforts to digitalize agriculture, were considered. It was established that agro-industrial enterprises are mainly digitalized at their own expense, which is a consequence of the “lack” of support tools, and the result is an insufficient level of implementation of technologies and platform solutions in the agro-industrial complex as a whole. The factors that restrain the digitalization of the agro-industrial complex today are financing, infrastructure, and personnel. At the same time, there are a lot of federal support measures, it is necessary to analyze them again, first of all, at the regional level, and understand why they are not so actively used by entrepreneurs, SMEs, and, if necessary, form proposals for adjustment together with the business and expert community

    Комплексне дослідження якості імуностимулюючого напою «Імуно плюс»

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    Based on the methods of theoretical quality measurement, the integrated quality assessment of the immunostimulating beverage “Immuno plus” was carried out. The hierarchic structure of the properties of the finished product, which includes organoleptic, physical and chemical indicators, as well as the indicators of nutritive and biological value, was presented. It was shown that enhancement in consistency, uniformity and stability of the beverage is explained by the presence of glutin, which acts as hydrocolloid, it is according to these indicators that consumers determine the beverage quality. The profiles of the vitamin and mineral composition of the immunostimulating beverage “Immuno plus”, as well as the content of nonreplaceable amino acids were presented.The obtained comprehensive quality indicator of the beverage “Immuno plus” proves high quality of the new product. The calculated competitiveness of the enriched beverage is 1.5 times higher in comparison with the control sample. The authors presented calculations of competitiveness of the beverage with the improved nutritive and biological value by using the procedure of modeling, which includes the indicators of product quality, the information of the analogs of the developed goods and the principle of introducing innovations. It was established that the immunostimulating beverage “Immuno plus” will be competitive on the consumer market of Ukraine due to the improved organoleptic indicators, increase in the content of food fibers, vitamins and mineral substances, as well as existence of preventive properties.С помощью методов теоретической квалиметрии проведена комплексная оценка качества иммуностимулирующего напитка «Иммуно плюс». Представлена иерархическая структура свойств готовой продукции, включающая органолептические и физико-химические показатели, а также показатели пищевой и биологической ценностей. Приведены расчеты конкурентоспособности полученного напитка по методике моделированияЗа допомогою методів теоретичної кваліметрії проведено комплексну оцінку якості імуностимулюючого напою «Імуно плюс». Представлена ієрархічна структура властивостей готової продукції, що включає органолептичні та фізико-хімічні показники, а також показники харчової і біологічної цінностей. Наведено розрахунки конкурентоспроможності отриманого напою за методикою моделюванн

    Дослідження можливості використання гідролізата коллагена в якості структуроутворювача

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    The study of foaming properties of collagen hydrolyzate has proved availability of its use as a structure forming agent in production of aerated drinks.The foaming dynamics obtained in a wide range of pH values have shown that glutin forms a stable foam at pH values within 5.8...7 in a temperature range of 8‒10 °C. Microscopy of the obtained foamy structure has shown that it is characterized by the presence of dispersed particles with sizes of various orders and an average radius of a disperse particle equal to 1.53 mm.The IR spectroscopy data have shown presence of free groups capable of hydration. The lowest degree of hydration was observed at pH=10.1 and the highest one at pH=7.0 after 3‒3.5 hours of incubation.Optimum technological parameters of making aerated milk drinks with the use of glutin were obtained: pH=5.2, glutin concentration of 5 %, agar or apple pectin concentration of 1.5 %Исследованы динамики пенообразования гидролизата коллагена (ГК) в зависимости от температуры, времени взбивания и концентрации. Получены рациональные технологические параметры его использования в качестве пенообразователя для пищевых жидких систем (t=8–10°C, время сбивания 3 минуты с концентрацией 5 %). Наивысшая пенообразующая способность (520 %) ГК достигается при его концентрации в растворе 5 %Досліджено динаміки піноутворення гідролізату колагену (ГК) в залежності від температури, часу збивання і концентрації. Отримані раціональні технологічні параметри його використання в якості піноутворювача для харчових рідких систем (t=8–10 ° C, час збивання 3 хвилини з концентрацією 5 % ). Найвища піноутворююча здатність (520 % ) ГК досягається при його концентрації в розчині 5


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    Qualitative parameters of foams, received due to glutin were studied. Technological conditions for receiving food foams were optimized. Their microstructure was determined; it was demonstrated that foam bubbles have the spherical form with the size from 50 mcm to 200 mcm (at the shaking temperature 9°С), at increasing the temperature of foam creation to 20 °С, the mean bubble size reaches 1530 mcm.The data, obtained using IR-spectroscopy demonstrated the presence of free groups, able to bind free water molecules. The obtained microphotos of hydrated glutin demonstrated that the crystal form had not been destructed by the alkaline hydrolysis, partially dissolved at hydratation.The obtained data give a possibility to recommend collagen hydrolyzate as an effective foaming agent and stabilizer of food systems at producing beverages of raw material fruits.

    The impact of the digital revolution on the Russian financial sector development and the results of economic transformation

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    The paper examines the impact of the digital revolution on the development of the Russian financial sector and the results of economic transformation. The authors substantiate the relevance by the fact that new opportunities for digital technologies and new regulatory rules are imposed on a complex international situation and an ambiguous global economic situation and create a very complex background for strategic planning of the development of small and medium-sized financial organizations. The authors built a model of the navigator of strategic approaches, made prerequisites for clarifying the model of the palette of strategies, created a new metamodel of digital transformations of a financial organization, created a new framework for building IT strategies, identified opportunities, limitations and obstacles to the implementation of competitive strategies of financial organizations in the context of digital transformations of the state economy. The directions for the development of digitalization in the banking sector of the Russian Federation are proposed: the introduction of a financial messaging system to reduce the dependence of the banking sector on international organizations, the introduction of regtech, the use of international experience, based on global trends in the use of fintech and digital technologies in general

    Study Into Collagen Hydrolyzate Applicability as a Structure Forming Agent

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    The study of foaming properties of collagen hydrolyzate has proved availability of its use as a structure forming agent in production of aerated drinks.The foaming dynamics obtained in a wide range of pH values have shown that glutin forms a stable foam at pH values within 5.8...7 in a temperature range of 8‒10 °C. Microscopy of the obtained foamy structure has shown that it is characterized by the presence of dispersed particles with sizes of various orders and an average radius of a disperse particle equal to 1.53 mm.The IR spectroscopy data have shown presence of free groups capable of hydration. The lowest degree of hydration was observed at pH=10.1 and the highest one at pH=7.0 after 3‒3.5 hours of incubation.Optimum technological parameters of making aerated milk drinks with the use of glutin were obtained: pH=5.2, glutin concentration of 5 %, agar or apple pectin concentration of 1.5