16 research outputs found

    Attitudes of therapists from selected inpatient care facilities to spiritual topics and techniques in the treatment of addiction

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    Spiritualita je zajímavý fenomén, který lze těžko uchopit a popsat, a proto pro každého člověka, může mít spiritualita jiný význam. V adiktologii využíváme bio-psycho-socio- spirituální model, v němž velice obsáhle dokážeme hovořit o prvních třech dimenzích, avšak čtvrtou "někdy" vynecháváme. Mnozí autoři poukazují na nutnost zapojovat spirituální dimenzi do léčby závislostí, například navozováním změněných stavů vědomí. V adiktologické praxi se nejčastěji setkáváme se spiritualitou v terapeutické komunitě ve formě mnohých rituálů. Cílem je popsat, jak adiktologové přistupují ke spiritualitě z osobního a profesního hlediska, jakou mají zkušenost se specifickými tématy a klienty, a nakonec jak vnímají různé spirituální techniky a nástroje v léčbě závislostí. V teoretické části se zabývám problematikou vymezení spirituality, změněných stavech vědomí a psychospirituální krizí. V druhé polovině teoretické části se zabývám spiritualitou a jejím místem v adiktologii s krátkou kapitolou ohledně psychedelik a jejich využití v adiktologii. V praktické části se zabývám vlastním kvalitativním výzkumem. Bylo využito polostrukturovaného rozhovoru. Rozhovor byl dále analyzován, a bylo využito metody kódování, následně kódy seskupeny do nadřazených kategorií korespondujících s výzkumnými otázkami. Výzkumný soubor...Spirituality is an interesting phenomenon that is hard to describe, therefore, any person may have different understanding or meaning of it. In addictology, a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model is used, in which you can talk about the first three dimensions but the fourth is "sometimes" omitted. Many authors urge the need to involve spiritual dimension in addiction treatment, for example by inducing altered states of consciousness. Most often in addictological practice, you encounter spirituality in the therapeutic community in form of many rituals. The aim of this paper is to describe how addictologists approach spirituality from a personal and professional point of view, their experience with specific topics and clients, and finally how they perceive different spiritual techniques and tools in addiction treatment. The theoretical part deals with the definition of spirituality, altered states of consciousness and psychospiritual crisis. In the second half of the theoretical part, spirituality and its place in addictology is dealt with together with a short chapter focusing on psychadelics and their use in addictology. The practical part presents qualitative research where a semi-structured interview was used. The interview was further analyzed and coding methods were used. Then codes were...Department of Adictology First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika adiktologie 1.LF UK a VFN v PrazeFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Can Blockchain Lead us to Forest Sovereignty? A future imagining of more-than-human relations.

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    This work endeavoured on a preliminary futuristic imagining of what it would take for Forest to practice its sovereignty in our current system. The concept of Forest Sovereignty is employed to mitigate against the challenges identified in this work within the forest governance space in Canada. As an attempt to make this imagining real, the practice of governance is leveraged to anchor the concept of Forest Sovereignty. Because there are signals in the Web 3.0 space that are exploring ways in which natural resources, particularly Forest, may be governed differently, blockchain technology is explored as a tool to do this. While it is determined that blockchain technology is not sufficient, it is revealed that this research question is essentially an exploration into two significant matters: 1) understanding that this question is essentially exploring the relationship between a natural entity (forest) and a piece of technology (blockchain), and 2) ways in which we, humans, may be able to engage more-than-human beings in meaningful ways as an attempt to shift away from human-centric systems. This shift is considered vital as human beings continue to demonstrate a lack of regard towards Earth. Keywords: Forest Governance, Blockchain, Non-Human Relations, Web 3.0, Natural and Tech System Merger

    Spirituality of professionals in addictology inpatient services: a questionnaire survey

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    Východiska: V léčbě závislosti se využívá bio-psycho-socio-spirituální paradigma, se kterým pracujeme. Práce na první tři témata jsou více zastoupená ve výzkumech než práce zaměřené na téma spirituality. Ve většině případů, se výzkum zaměřuje na prožívání spirituality u klientů. Zmapování spirituality pracovníků pomáhajících profesí rezidenční léčby závislosti, pak může přinést nové poznatky i z pohledu možných implementací do praxe, jak pracovat se spiritualitou. Cíl: Cílem mojí práce je popsat pojetí spirituality u pracovníků rezidenční léčby závislosti. Metody: Pro sběr dat byl použit Pražský dotazník spirituality, kterým se dají zjistit vlastní postoje respondenta ke spiritualitě. Dotazník je rozšířený o sociodemografické otázky a otázky ohledně osobních zdrojů spirituality a vlivu spirituality. Výzkumu se účastnilo 49 respondentů pracujících v rezidenční léčbě závislosti. Výsledky: Rozdíly ve vlastním pojetí spirituality mezi jednotlivými profesemi. Nejvíce spirituální profesí jsou z vícečetných skupin zdravotní sestry, nejméně pak adiktologové. Existuje spojitost mezi spiritualitou a věkem, kdy se s věkem zvyšuje prožívání a vnímání spirituality. Muži více vnímají drogy za svůj zdroj spirituality než ženy, které vnímají více rodinu za svůj zdroj spirituality. Ženy více vnímají pozitivní vliv...Background: For dealing with addiction, bio-psycho-socio-spiritual paradigm which is the main subject of this paper. The first three topics are mostly concerned about research rather than spirituality theme itself. The majority are focusing particularly on feeling spirituality of the researched clients Aims: The main aim was to map spirituality of workers that are supporting residual addiction treatment, which could bring new findings with possible implementation to bring spirituality to practice. Aims: The main focus of the paper is to describe spirituality of residual addiction treatment workers. Methods: For data gathering, Prague spirituality questionnaire was used, where individual approach to spirituality can be assessed. The questionnaire consists of social and demographic questions combined with personal spirituality position together with its impact. There were 49 respondents consisting of residual addiction treatment workers. Results: The outcome describes differences between individual professions of which nurses are the group with biggest impact of spirituality while addictologists on the opposite site. Analysis further reflects link between spirituality and age of the respondents, which is clearly higher with increasing age. On top of that, men clearly feel drugs as a source of...Department of Addictology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in PragueKlinika adiktologie 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    A study of univariate wavelets

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    Bibliography: p. 141-143

    Attitudes of therapists from selected inpatient care facilities to spiritual topics and techniques in the treatment of addiction

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    Spirituality is an interesting phenomenon that is hard to describe, therefore, any person may have different understanding or meaning of it. In addictology, a bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model is used, in which you can talk about the first three dimensions but the fourth is "sometimes" omitted. Many authors urge the need to involve spiritual dimension in addiction treatment, for example by inducing altered states of consciousness. Most often in addictological practice, you encounter spirituality in the therapeutic community in form of many rituals. The aim of this paper is to describe how addictologists approach spirituality from a personal and professional point of view, their experience with specific topics and clients, and finally how they perceive different spiritual techniques and tools in addiction treatment. The theoretical part deals with the definition of spirituality, altered states of consciousness and psychospiritual crisis. In the second half of the theoretical part, spirituality and its place in addictology is dealt with together with a short chapter focusing on psychadelics and their use in addictology. The practical part presents qualitative research where a semi-structured interview was used. The interview was further analyzed and coding methods were used. Then codes were..

    Spirituality of professionals in addictology inpatient services: a questionnaire survey

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    Background: For dealing with addiction, bio-psycho-socio-spiritual paradigm which is the main subject of this paper. The first three topics are mostly concerned about research rather than spirituality theme itself. The majority are focusing particularly on feeling spirituality of the researched clients Aims: The main aim was to map spirituality of workers that are supporting residual addiction treatment, which could bring new findings with possible implementation to bring spirituality to practice. Aims: The main focus of the paper is to describe spirituality of residual addiction treatment workers. Methods: For data gathering, Prague spirituality questionnaire was used, where individual approach to spirituality can be assessed. The questionnaire consists of social and demographic questions combined with personal spirituality position together with its impact. There were 49 respondents consisting of residual addiction treatment workers. Results: The outcome describes differences between individual professions of which nurses are the group with biggest impact of spirituality while addictologists on the opposite site. Analysis further reflects link between spirituality and age of the respondents, which is clearly higher with increasing age. On top of that, men clearly feel drugs as a source of..

    Purpose Economy in Canada: Synthesis Map

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    How might we understand and support the Purpose Economy in Canada to propel the shift from capitalism towards the next economies? This artifact explores the interconnection of values and the economy from its origin to its possible futures