109 research outputs found

    Інвестиційний процес і шляхи скорочення тривалості інвестиційних будівельних проектів

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    The urgent task of the state is to intensify investment activities and significantly increase the volume of investments. The general legal, economic and social conditions of investment activity on the territory of Ukraine are defined by the Law of Ukraine "On Investment Activity", which is aimed at ensuring equal protection of the rights, interests and property of subjects of investment activity regardless of the forms of ownership, as well as at effective investment of the economy of Ukraine. development of international economic cooperation and integration. The investment process means constant and growing investment of capital in material production for the purpose of successful social and economic development of Ukraine. For construction, the investment process means the creation of specific objects (or their complexes) for production and non-production purposes in the interests of specific investors (investor). The investment process consists of the implementation of separate investment construction projects (ICP). Each ICP is characterized by the duration of the life (or investment) cycle, which is measured by the interval of calendar time from the date of making the investment decision to the moment when the project goal is achieved. There are three stages of this cycle: justification of the idea and planning of investment, development of funds, reimbursement of invested funds or achievement of the project goal. The article examines the main, key procedures of each stage, which emphasize the importance of solving the financing issue, since the full set of procedures depends on the scope of the project. Reducing the duration of the investment cycle of a construction project depends on the intensification of each of its stages. The main factors affecting the reduction of the duration of each stage of the investment cycle of the construction project are given. The results of the conducted research should be taken into account in the further improvement of the legislative acts of Ukraine in order to activate investment activities and significantly increase the volume of investments in Ukraine.Актуальним завданням держави є активізація інвестиційної діяльності та значне нарощування обсягів інвестицій. Загальні правові, економічні та соціальні умови інвестиційної діяльності на території України визначає закон України “Про інвестиційну діяльність”, який спрямований на забезпечення рівного захисту прав, інтересів і майна суб’єктів інвестиційної діяльності незалежно від форм власності, а також на ефективне інвестування економіки України, розвиток міжнародного економічного співробітництва та інтеграції. Під інвестиційним процесом розуміється постійне і на зростаючій основі вкладення капіталу у матеріальне виробництво з метою успішного соціально-економічного розвитку України. Для будівництва інвестиційний процес означає створення конкретних об’єктів (або їх комплексів) виробничого і невиробничого призначення в інтересах конкретних інвесторів (інвестора). Інвестиційний процес складається з реалізації окремих інвестиційних будівельних проектів (ІБП). Кожний ІБП характеризується тривалістю життєвого (або інвестиційного) циклу, що вимірюється проміжком календарного часу від дати прийняття рішення на інвестування до моменту досягнення мети проекту. Виділяють три стадії цього циклу: обґрунтування задумки та планування вкладення коштів, освоєння коштів, відшкодування вкладених коштів або досягнення мети проекту. У статті розглянуто  головні, вузлові процедури кожної стадії, які підкреслюють значущість  рішення питання фінансування, оскільки повний набір процедур залежить від масштабів проекту. Скорочення тривалості інвестиційного циклу будівельного проекту залежить від інтенсифікації кожної з його стадій. Наведено основні фактори, що впливають на скорочення тривалості кожної стадії інвестиційного циклу будівельного проекту. Результати проведеного дослідження доцільно врахувати при подальшому вдосконаленні законодавчих актів України для активізації інвестиційної діяльності та значного нарощування обсягів інвестицій в Україні

    Розвиток та реформування державних житлових програм в Україні

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     The need to provide the citizens of Ukraine with housing has become acute since Ukraine  gained independence. The existing Soviet system of providing housing to citizens was broken, and the new system was never built. There are several categories of citizens who are legally entitled to free housing from the state. Also, some categories of citizens have the right to service apartments, which are provided to citizens temporarily. However, further privatization of such apartments in an automatic mode is not provided for by law. State housing programs provide assistance in obtaining housing for the rest of the citizens who do not have the right to receive housing free of charge. In 2020-2021, the Government of Ukraine and the National Bank of Ukraine did not implement the Presidential initiatives to significantly increase the volume of housing provision, including the introduction of effective mortgage and leasing financial instruments. Currently, state housing programs in Ukraine existed and exist only at the stage of pilot projects. Thus, according to the new state housing program "Homes in Action", in general, the state issued only 784 loans to Ukrainians in the amount of 1 billion 5.4 million hryvnias. In the period since the beginning of the full-scale war of russia against Ukraine, the problem of providing housing to citizens has become even more urgent. Damages from the destruction of the housing stock are estimated at 54billion.InDecember,thisamountincreasedbyanother54 billion. In December, this amount increased by another 1.5 billion. Over ten months of war, a total of 149,300 residential buildings were damaged or destroyed. Thus, it is clearly premature to talk about the solution to the issue of housing for the citizens of Ukraine at the present time. It is clear that State housing programs in Ukraine need further development and reform. For this, first of all, institutional support for the development and reform of state housing programs in Ukraine is necessary, which is one of the leading and relevant directions of the development of modern economic science and practice. In order to solve this issue, it is necessary to complete a number of tasks listed in this article, which will make a significant contribution to the successful reform of state housing programs in Ukraine in the conditions of the country's reconstruction after the end of the full-scale war with russia..  Потреба у забезпеченні громадян України житлом гостро постала ще с часів отримання Україною незалежності. Існуюча на той час радянська система забезпечення громадян житлом була зламана, а нова система так і не була побудована. Є декілька категорій громадян, які за законом мають право на безкоштовне житло від держави. Також деякі категорії громадян мають право на службові квартири, які надаються громадянам тимчасово. Проте подальша приватизація таких квартир у автоматичному режимі законодавчо не передбачена. Державні житлові програми служать допомогою у отриманні житла для решти громадян, які права на безкоштовне отримання житла не мають. Урядом України та НБУ у 2020-2021 роках не були реалізовані Президентські ініціативи щодо суттєвого збільшення обсягів забезпечення житлом, у тому числі запровадження ефективних фінансових інструментів іпотеки та лізингу. На теперішній час державні житлові програми в Україні існували та  існують лише на стадії пілотних проектів. Так, за новою державною житловою програмою єОселя в Дії загалом держава видала українцям лише 784 кредити на суму 1 млрд. 5,4 млн. грн. За період з початку повномасштабної війни росії проти України проблема забезпечення громадян житлом стала ще актуальнішою. Збитки від руйнувань житлового фонду оцінюються у 54млрд.Загруденьцясумазрослащена54 млрд. За грудень ця сума зросла ще на 1.5 млрд. За понад десять місяців війни загалом пошкоджено або зруйновано 149.3 тис житлових будинків. Таким чином, про вирішення питання забезпечення громадян України житлом на теперішній час говорити явно передчасно. Зрозуміло, що державні житлові програми в Україні потребують подальшого розвитку та реформування. Для цього у першу чергу необхідне інституціональне забезпечення розвитку та реформування державних житлових програм в Україні, яке саме і є одним із провідних та актуальних напрямків розвитку сучасної економічної науки та практики. Задля вирішення цього питання необхідно виконати ряд наведених у цій статті завдань, що зробить суттєвий внесок в успішне реформування державних житлових програм в Україні в умовах відбудови країни після закінчення повномасштабної війни з росією

    The development and growth of tissues derived from cranial neural crest and primitive mesoderm is dependent on the ligation status of retinoic acid receptor γ:evidence that retinoic acid receptor γ functions to maintain stem/progenitor cells in the absence of retinoic acid

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    Retinoic acid (RA) signaling is important to normal development. However, the function of the different RA receptors (RARs)-RARα, RARβ, and RARγ-is as yet unclear. We have used wild-type and transgenic zebrafish to examine the role of RARγ. Treatment of zebrafish embryos with an RARγ-specific agonist reduced somite formation and axial length, which was associated with a loss of hoxb13a expression and less-clear alterations in hoxc11a or myoD expression. Treatment with the RARγ agonist also disrupted formation of tissues arising from cranial neural crest, including cranial bones and anterior neural ganglia. There was a loss of Sox 9-immunopositive neural crest stem/progenitor cells in the same anterior regions. Pectoral fin outgrowth was blocked by RARγ agonist treatment. However, there was no loss of Tbx-5-immunopositive lateral plate mesodermal stem/progenitor cells and the block was reversed by agonist washout or by cotreatment with an RARγ antagonist. Regeneration of the caudal fin was also blocked by RARγ agonist treatment, which was associated with a loss of canonical Wnt signaling. This regenerative response was restored by agonist washout or cotreatment with the RARγ antagonist. These findings suggest that RARγ plays an essential role in maintaining stem/progenitor cells during embryonic development and tissue regeneration when the receptor is in its nonligated state

    Total serum cholinesterase activity predicts hemodynamic changes during exercise and associates with cardiac troponin detection in a sex-dependent manner.

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    BACKGROUND: Imbalanced autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity is associated with poor cardiovascular outcome. However, clinically validated biomarkers to assess parasympathetic function are not yet available. We sought to evaluate parasympathetic dysfunction by measuring serum cholinesterase activity and to determine its relationship to high sensitive cardiac troponin T (hs-cTnT) as well as traditional non-invasive parameters of ANS function during exercise in apparently healthy individuals. METHODS: We enrolled 1526 individuals (mean age 49 ± 11 yr., 75% men) from the Tel Aviv Medical Center Inflammation Survey (TAMCIS). We used the acetylcholine (ACh) analog acetylthiocholine (ATCh) as a substrate that is hydrolyzed by both ACh degrading enzymes and reflects the total serum capacity for acetylcholine hydrolysis, referred to as cholinergic status (CS). All subjects performed a cardiac stress test reviewed on the spot by a cardiologist and multiple physiological and metabolic parameters including hs-cTnT were measured. RESULTS: CS values at rest predicted multiple exercise-hemodynamic changes. Heart rate recovery after exercise was inversely correlated to CS values (p  5 ng/L) presented with elevated CS levels compared to women with undetectable levels; 1423 ± 272.5 vs 1347 ± 297.9 (p = 0.02). An opposite trend was observed in men. Metabolic dysfunction parameters were also associated with CS elevation in both men and women. CONCLUSIONS: Parasympathetic dysfunction assessed by total serum cholinesterase activity predicts hemodynamic changes during exercise. CS is also associated with hs-cTnT detection in women and inversely so in men. Future studies to assess the potential clinical use of this new sex-specific biomarker in cardiovascular disease risk stratification are warranted

    Accidents in dental treatment: A questionnaire investigation

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    The relationship between the operational situation of dental treatment and accidents experienced was investigated through questionnaires sent to members of the Kagawa Dental Association. Responses were received from 261 dentists (53% response rate), of whom 113 (43%) had experienced accidents during dental examinations and/or treatment during the past one year. Dentists with a particularly high risk of having accidents were predominantly young males who possessed many medical chairs at their clinic and who daily examined many patients. Those dentists who worked together with two or more colleagues had a lower risk of accidents. These factors should be considered when trying to take preventive measures against accidents during medical examinations and treatment

    HOXB13 is downregulated in colorectal cancer to confer TCF4-mediated transactivation

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    Mutations in the Wnt signalling cascade are believed to cause aberrant proliferation of colorectal cells through T-cell factor-4 (TCF4) and its downstream growth-modulating factors. HOXB13 is exclusively expressed in prostate and colorectum. In prostate cancers, HOXB13 negatively regulates β-catenin/TCF4-mediated transactivation and subsequently inhibits cell growth. To study the role of HOXB13 in colorectal tumorigenesis, we evaluated the expression of HOXB13 in 53 colorectal tumours originated from the distal left colon to rectum with their matching normal tissues using quantitative RT–PCR analysis. Expression of HOXB13 is either lost or diminished in 26 out of 42 valid tumours (62%), while expression of TCF4 RNA is not correlated with HOXB13 expression. TCF4 promoter analysis showed that HOXB13 does not regulate TCF4 at the transcriptional level. However, HOXB13 downregulated the expression of TCF4 and its target gene, c-myc, at the protein level and consequently inhibited β-catenin/TCF-mediated signalling. Functionally, forced expression of HOXB13 drove colorectal cancer (CRC) cells into growth suppression. This is the first description of the downregulation of HOXB13 in CRC and its mechanism of action is mediated through the regulation of TCF4 protein stability. Our results suggest that loss of HOXB13 may be an important event for colorectal cell transformation, considering that over 90% of colorectal tumours retain mutations in the APC/β-catenin pathway

    Haemostatics in surgery and our experience in the enucleoresection of renal cell carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>30 patients, with T1 renal cell carcinomas (RCC) who underwent open enucleoresection of the tumour, were randomized to the use of a topical haemostatic agent (Floseal) or to an infrared-sapphire coagulator (ISC), to compare their efficacy in achieving haemostasis. Methods: Successful intra-operative haemostasis, intra- and post-operative bleeding, operative time, hospital discharge were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Statistically higher rates of successful haemostasis and shorter time-to-haemostasis (8,1 vs 12,9 min) were observed in the FloSeal group (p < 0.001 both). Patients operative time was not different between Group 1 vs 2 (58.7 ± 12 vs 62.4 ± 15; p > 0.05). The average blood loss during surgery was less (60 +/- 25.5 mL) for the FloSeal group than for the ISC group (85 +/- 40.5 mL) (p < 0.05). Postoperative blood loss was 25 +/- 5 mL and 40 +/- 45 mL for Floseal and ISC respectively, (p < 0.05). Length of the postoperative hospital discharge was 2.5 +/- 1.2 days for FloSeal group and 3.5 +/- 1.3 for the Group 2 (p < 0.05). No major immediate or delayed complications were observed in either Groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The use of Floseal and ISC offer a safe and efficacy haemostasis in the enucleoresection of RCC. Moreover, our results show a less intra-operative and post-operative blood loss as well as a shorter time to haemostasis of Floseal in respect to ISC.</p

    Ghrelin Modulates the fMRI BOLD Response of Homeostatic and Hedonic Brain Centers Regulating Energy Balance in the Rat

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    The orexigenic gut-brain peptide, ghrelin and its G-protein coupled receptor, the growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a (GHS-R1A) are pivotal regulators of hypothalamic feeding centers and reward processing neuronal circuits of the brain. These systems operate in a cooperative manner and receive a wide array of neuronal hormone/transmitter messages and metabolic signals. Functional magnetic resonance imaging was employed in the current study to map BOLD responses to ghrelin in different brain regions with special reference on homeostatic and hedonic regulatory centers of energy balance. Experimental groups involved male, ovariectomized female and ovariectomized estradiol-replaced rats. Putative modulation of ghrelin signaling by endocannabinoids was also studied. Ghrelin-evoked effects were calculated as mean of the BOLD responses 30 minutes after administration. In the male rat, ghrelin evoked a slowly decreasing BOLD response in all studied regions of interest (ROI) within the limbic system. This effect was antagonized by pretreatment with GHS-R1A antagonist JMV2959. The comparison of ghrelin effects in the presence or absence of JMV2959 in individual ROIs revealed significant changes in the prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens of the telencephalon, and also within hypothalamic centers like the lateral hypothalamus, ventromedial nucleus, paraventricular nucleus and suprachiasmatic nucleus. In the female rat, the ghrelin effects were almost identical to those observed in males. Ovariectomy and chronic estradiol replacement had no effect on the BOLD response. Inhibition of the endocannabinoid signaling by rimonabant significantly attenuated the response of the nucleus accumbens and septum. In summary, ghrelin can modulate hypothalamic and mesolimbic structures controlling energy balance in both sexes. The endocannabinoid signaling system contributes to the manifestation of ghrelin’s BOLD effect in a region specific manner. In females, the estradiol milieu does not influence the BOLD response to ghrelin

    Lhx2 and Lhx9 Determine Neuronal Differentiation and Compartition in the Caudal Forebrain by Regulating Wnt Signaling

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    Initial axial patterning of the neural tube into forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain primordia occurs during gastrulation. After this patterning phase, further diversification within the brain is thought to proceed largely independently in the different primordia. However, mechanisms that maintain the demarcation of brain subdivisions at later stages are poorly understood. In the alar plate of the caudal forebrain there are two principal units, the thalamus and the pretectum, each of which is a developmental compartment. Here we show that proper neuronal differentiation of the thalamus requires Lhx2 and Lhx9 function. In Lhx2/Lhx9-deficient zebrafish embryos the differentiation process is blocked and the dorsally adjacent Wnt positive epithalamus expands into the thalamus. This leads to an upregulation of Wnt signaling in the caudal forebrain. Lack of Lhx2/Lhx9 function as well as increased Wnt signaling alter the expression of the thalamus specific cell adhesion factor pcdh10b and lead subsequently to a striking anterior-posterior disorganization of the caudal forebrain. We therefore suggest that after initial neural tube patterning, neurogenesis within a brain compartment influences the integrity of the neuronal progenitor pool and border formation of a neuromeric compartment