20 research outputs found

    Labor status of construction inspectors in Slovenia from 1918 to 2015

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    Za delovnopravna razmerja gradbenih inšpektorjev veljajo določbe predpisov, ki veljajo za vse javne uslužbence (Zakon o javnih uslužbencih, Zakon o delovnih razmerjih in drugi), za vse inšpektorje na sploh (Zakon o inšpekcijskem nadzoru) in določbe 144. člena Zakona o graditvi objektov, kjer so določeni posebni pogoji glede izobrazbe, delovnih izkušenj in o strokovnih izpitih. V praksi se danes postavljajo vprašanja, ali je glede na pogoje, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati gradbeni inšpektorji, smiselno z gradbenim inšpektorjem skleniti delovno razmerje za določen čas, kako je s pripravništvom in uvajanjem novega inšpektorja v delo ter ali je način sklenitve in prenehanja delovnega razmerja s pogodbo o zaposlitvi dejansko smiseln. V preteklosti je namreč inšpektor sklenil uslužbensko razmerje na podlagi odločbe pristojnega organa, prav tako je uslužbensko razmerje prenehalo na podlagi odločbe. Tudi pravice in obveznosti so se določale z enostranskim aktom (odločbo ali sklepom). Glavni cilj naloge je bil preveriti, ali je sedanja ureditev delovnega razmerja za gradbene inšpektorje ustrezna ali ne in, ali bi določene delovnopravne institute, ki so veljali v preteklosti, lahko v modernizirani obliki uporabili tudi danes. Zato je prikazana ureditev delovnopravnih razmerij gradbenih inšpektorjev oz. njim podobnih organov v treh zgodovinskih obdobjih od leta 1918 do 2015 (Kraljevina Jugoslavija, Socialistična Republika Slovenija v okviru Socialistične federativne Republike Jugoslavije in samostojna Republika Slovenija). V teh obdobjih je predstavljen tudi gradbeni nadzor in določbe tistih predpisov, ki so se nanašale na uslužbenska razmerja gradbenih inšpektorjev, za boljše razumevanje pa je kratko podana tudi upravna ureditev države v posameznem obdobju. Glavne ugotovitve raziskave so naslednje: gradbeni inšpektorji so prvotno sklenili uslužbensko razmerje za nedoločen čas na podlagi odločbe pristojnega organa, za določen čas pa s pogodbo. Taka ureditev je veljala do leta 2002, ko je Zakon o javnih uslužbencih uvedel pogodbenost delovnih razmerij in od tedaj dalje se delovno razmerje sklene s pogodbo o zaposlitvi. Splošni pogoji, ki jih je moral izpolnjevati gradbeni inšpektor, so v glavnem ostali enaki ves čas (starost, državljanstvo, zdravstvena sposobnost, znanje uradnega jezika, nekaznovanost, strokovni izpit), posebni pogoji pa so se spreminjali (stopnja in smer izobrazbe, delovne izkušnje). V vseh obdobjih so uslužbenca lahko zaposlili za določen čas (predvsem pripravnika), s tem, da danes gradbenega inšpektorja kot pripravnika ni mogoče zaposliti. Do leta 2009 so inšpektorji pretekla uslužbenska oz. delovna razmerja izkazovali z delovno (uslužbensko) knjižico, ki je bila javna listina, sedaj te možnosti nimajo več. Glavni predlogi so: sklenitev in prenehanje uslužbenskega razmerja inšpektorjev z odločbo, odločanje o pravicah in obveznostih inšpektorjev z odločbo, zahtevana raven izobrazbe VII/2 (prejšnja univerzitetna ali sedanji bolonjski magisterij) in 5 let delovnih izkušenj, od tega vsaj 3 leta na gradbiščih, obvezno uvajalno obdobje pod vodstvom mentorja, ponovna uvedba uslužbenske knjižice kot javne listine.Employment rules for building inspectors are the same as for all civil servants (Civil Servants Act, Labour Relations Act and others), for all inspectors in general (Inspection Act) and the provisions of Article 144 of the Construction Act, where are certain specific conditions regarding education, work experience and professional examinations. In practice today they are raises questions, according on the conditions to be met by building inspectors, if the employment contract for a fixed period is suitable, what is with internships and if the conclusion and termination of employment contract is actually meaningful. Namely, in the past the inspector’s employment basis and terminated on the decision of the competent authority. The rights and obligations were determined by a unilateral act (decision or writ). The main aim of the study was to examine whether the present regime of employment for construction inspectors is adequate or not and whether certain labor institute, which applied in the past, could be in modernized form used today. Therefore, in the master paper it is shown regime of labor relations of building inspectors or similar bodies in three historical periods from years 1918 to 2015 (in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, in the Socialist Republic of Slovenia in the framework of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and in the independent Republic of Slovenia). During these periods it is also presented construction supervision and the provisions of those regulations, which concerned the employment for building inspectors. For better understanding is briefly elucidated the administrative structure of the state in a mentioned historical periods. The main findings are as follows: building inspectors initially concluded employment relationship of indefinite duration on the basis of the decision of the competent authority, while the contract is needed for the employment for a limited period. Such an arrangement was in force until year 2002, when the Civil Servants Act introduced labour relations by contract and since then the employment relationship is concluded with a contract of employment. General conditions for the building inspector have generally remained the same all the time (age, citizenship, medical fitness, knowledge of the official language, impunity, professional exam), while special conditions were changed (the rate and direction of education, work experience). In all historical periods of our interest, the employment could be for a fixed period (especially trainee), but today the building inspector as a trainee can not be employed at all. Until year 2009 inspectors proved their period of employment by work booklet which was a public document. Nowdays this option does not exist any more. The main proposals are: conclusion and termination of employment of inspectors are with the decision, deciding on the rights and obligations of inspectors are with the decision, the required level of education is VII/2 (previous faculty education or now Bologna master\u27s degree) and 5 years of professional experience, of which at least 3 years work on construction sites, mandatory introductory period under the guidance of a mentor, the reintroduction of the work booklet as a public document

    Some new embeddings and nonimmersions of real projective spaces

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    Four years along: Emerging traits of programs in the NATSAP Practice Research Network (PRN)

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    In its fourth year of active data collection, the NATSAP Practice Research Network (PRN) is showing promising outcomes for the NATSAP programs actively participating; however the overall implications of this PRN are still emerging. This study specifically looked at the changes reported by youth and their parents from admission to discharge using the Y-OQ scales. Overall, significant mean differences with large effects sizes were found at discharge, with many changes large enough to show significant clinical change according to the Y-OQ benchmarks. Additional analyses suggested that gender and depression were related to rates of change in both residential and outdoor behavioral healthcare programs. Despite these findings and similar to PRNs overall, there are several limitations to these findings including large variations in the data, limited generalizability, attrition and missing data. Only with increased support both on the research and program side can the potential of this PRN be realized

    An analytical and experimental investigation into application of a polyphase transistor switching circuit for speed control of induction motors

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    http://www.archive.org/details/analyticalexperi00dorsU.S. Coast Guard (U.S.C.G.) author.U.S. Naval Academy authors

    Participating NATSAP programs produce results for youth

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    On Belay: Providing connection, support and empowerment to children whose parents have cancer

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    Focus groups with youth and their parents were used in this research study to better understand the impact of the On Belay Program, an adventure-based support group for youth whose parents have cancer. Results demonstrated that challenge course programs reduce isolation in youth by creating a caring community and normalizing the cancer experience. Results also showed the importance of providing a place where the youth, not the parent or the parent’s illness, is the focus. Finally, the feelings of strength and empowerment gained from successfully accomplishing the physical challenges faced in the program were also applied to challenges faced at home

    Adding Interval Support to the GNU Fortran Compiler

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    Compiler support for intervals as an intrinsic data type is essential for promoting wide-spread use of interval arithmetic. This document gives an overview of modifications being made to the GNU Fortran Compiler to provide support for interval arithmetic. It also describes the design of interval runtime libraries that will be used by the modified compiler, and discusses the methodology used to test the compiler and runtime libraries. The modifications being made to the compiler are based on the Interval Arithmetic Specification being prepared by Chiriaev and Walster [1]. Their specification builds upon the work of Kearfott [2] and Priest [3] to provide a standard for supporting interval arithmetic in Fortran. Contents 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Interval arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Interval applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.3 Interval software and standardization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.4 Com..

    Experimental complex for research of vibration protection combined system of transportation and technological machines operator

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    The article is devoted to the structure and description development of the technical solutions which used in the stand design for studying the dynamics of the transport and technological machines operator vibration protection combined system which used in building. As a load-bearing elements of passive and active vibration protection systems are encouraged to use rubber-cord casing. Stand structure should allow to evaluate the contribution of both passive and active vibration protection system in the general process of oscillations suppression