76 research outputs found

    Evaluation of geochemical peculiarities of mining rocks for ecological restoration of the post-mining landscape

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    In regions with complex geological history, diversity of climate, soils and parent rocks, it is possible to predict a large number of paths for soils recovery in the areas that have been disturbed by human activit

    Priorities of agroecological monitoring of the composition of soil trace elements taking into account the peculiarities of its formation over time

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    The geochemical features of the chronosequences of soils in forest-steppe and steppe pedogenesis under the influence of zonal types of vegetation have been studied. A new method for the integral assessment of the biogeochemical transformation of soils in the chernozem sequence over time according to the most informative list of trace elements which are accumulated or washed away by soil solutions from humus horizons of soils was propose

    Associated data on the physicochemical properties of pedosediments, climatic and dendrochronological indicators for palaeogeographic reconstructions

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    Palaeogeographic markers can be justified among a large number of geochemical indicators in separate layers of pedosediments. Using individual of macroelements and trace elements as part of complex geochemical relationships and indicators allows us to determine the geochemical associations of elements that diagnose migration of the sediments at the trans-eluvial catena

    The infrastructure of land management in the post-antique agrolandscapes of Crimea = Инфраструктура землеустройства в постантичных агроландшафтах Крыма

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    Результаты комплексных исследований древнего землеустройства и землепользования вблизи археологических памятников античного времени в Северо-Западном Крым

    Performance in Cultural Sphere: Cluster Analysis of Socio-Economic Performance Indicators of Russian Theatres

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    Cultural organizations are important players of the public sector of the economy. Recent trends such as growing competition within the industry and among alternative entertainment venues and attractions, tighter restrictions on budget spending, etc. make performance measurement of cultural organizations highly relevant. The market of cultural organizations is heterogeneous. Cultural organizations have multiple strategic goals that do not boil down to financial results, but concern social, artistic and educational impacts. Currently more than 630 organizations form the theatrical network monitored by the Ministry of Culture of Russia. Such a large number of theatres implies that they are different in scope, aims, and resources possessed. Assessing their performance thus becomes a complicated task. The article describes the results of empirical analysis based on panel statistical data of the Russian Ministry of Culture from 2012 to 2016. The data covers a total number of 3,182 objects. The presented research has two aims. Firstly, we identify a set of key input, output and outcome indicators that represent a comprehensive approach to measuring the performance of theatres. Secondly, we identify clusters within the general population of Russian theatres and describe their key features. Two econometric methods are used: principal component analysis and k-means cluster analysis. The findings of the study reveal 12 principal components that seem to be a handy research tool for performance measurement of cultural organizations. Furthermore, four clusters of theatres with specific characteristics are distinguished. The author assumes that these clusters represent distinct theatre profiles and that the performance of theatres should be measured within these clusters since they represent seemingly homogenous groups of objects.Учреждения культуры являются важными участниками общественного сектора экономики. В России в последние годы очевидны значимые изменения в сфере культуры: появление различных организационно-правовых форм учреждений культуры, разнообразия механизмов финансирования организаций, рост конкуренции за потребителя услуг не только между учреждениями культуры, но и с поставщиками развлекательных услуг. Происходящие изменения делают необходимым тщательное изучение проблемы эффективности в сфере культуры. Рынок услуг культуры в значительной степени гетерогенен. Стратегические цели деятельности учреждений культуры многообразны, не сводятся лишь к финансовым результатам, а касаются социальных, художественных и образовательных эффектов. В настоящее время в России функционируют более 630 театральных учреждений, входящих в сеть Министерства культуры. Большое количество учреждений означает, что они очень сильно различаются по масштабу, целям деятельности, ресурсам и т. д. Все это делает оценку эффективности деятельности учреждений культуры трудной задачей. В статье представлены результаты эмпирического исследования, проведенного на основе статистических данных Министерства культуры по театральным учреждениям за 2012–2016 гг. Эмпирическая база исследования насчитывает 3 182 объекта. Исследование имело две цели. Первое: с помощью метода «анализ главных компонент» определить набор ключевых затратных и результативных показателей деятельности, которые могут быть использованы при проведении оценки эффективности в театральной отрасли. Второе: выявить кластеры учреждений на основе анализа генеральной совокупности театров РФ с помощью метода k-средних и описать ключевые отличительные характеристики кластеров. В результате исследования выявлены 12 главных компонент – латентных конструкций, включающих в себя показатели деятельности театров. Данные компоненты представляют собой набор наиболее значимых характеристик деятельности учреждений, позволяющих оценивать их эффективность. Также выявлены четыре кластера театральных учреждений, обладающие отличительными характеристиками, позволяющими говорить о существовании специфичных профилей российских театров с точки зрения показателей деятельности

    Effects of dimephosphone on skin survival in conditions of reduced blood circulation

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    The search for and creation of drugs with dermatoprotective and metabotropic activity is one of the priorities of modern diabetology. Synthetic organophosphorus compounds with no anticholinesterase activity, to which dimephosphone belongs to, deserve great attention in this respec

    The influence of relief on the density of light-forest trees within the small-dry-valley network of uplands in the forest-steppe zone of Eastern Europe

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    This paper investigates the spatial features of the density of trees in forest-steppe uplands of the East European Plain and its relationship with relief parameters. The Belgorod Region, one of the administrative regions of European Russia, was chosen as a reference for the forest-steppe zone of the plai

    Spatial and temporal changes in land resources of Belgorod region under the influence of anthropogenic factors

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    This article contains an assessment of the historical data on the land resources of the Belgorod Region with a breakdown by municipal district

    Land division system, agrotechnology and soil transformation in the post-antique agrolandscapes of Northwestern Crimea

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    The quality of products in regions that specialize in viticulture and horticulture depends on many environmental factors, but the importance of the concentrations of trace elements in the rhizosphere is no less important than the main elements of mineral nutrition. We determined the geographical factor as the main one when comparing the geochemistry of fallow soils in individual regions of ancient viticulture of NW Crimea, which is consistent with the assessment of the role of soil in the concept of terroi

    Sensitivity studies of beta-radiation detector based on small-crystalline scintillator ZnSe(Te)

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    A new large area β-detector has been designed and studied. The design includes wedge-shaped light transducers. A composite material based on a small crystalline ZnSe(Te) was applied onto the wide surface of light transducer. This design ensures optimum light collection from the large sensitive surface onto the output window of a much smaller size. An experimental specimen has been prepared, which showed a β-sensitivity Cβ=5.5 cm². The spectrograms of a ⁹⁰Sr+⁹⁰Y β-source obtained with the specimen under study make it possible to evaluate the age of the source by the ratio of low- and high-energy regions of the spectrum. Other designs are proposed for application of large-area detectors possessing wedge-shaped light transducers as elements of assembled constructions for high efficiency detectors operating under flow conditions