29 research outputs found

    Obtaining of combined hardening coatings of copper molds of mashines for continuous-casting of billets

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    The article is devoted to study of the problem of improving of durability of surfaces of copper plates of molds of machines for continuous casting of billets. Presented here are the results of investigations of combined Ni-coatings on Cu that are a thin Ni-sublayer obtained by electric spark alloying method and a working Ni-layer deposited by arc plasma-spraying. Complex analysis (optical microscopy, durometric analysis and SEM) of the coatings is conducted and their mechanical characteristics are also studied. The using of Ni-sublayer is shown to increase the adherence of coatings considerably. Resulted in the work are the values of adhesion and other characteristics of the coatings obtained

    A comparative analysis of karyotypes of three species of Macleaya-producers of a complex of isoquinoline alkaloids

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    Using a set of methods (C-banding, DAPI-staining, fluorescence hybridization in situ (FISH) with probes of 26S and 5S rDNA, and analysis of meiosis), the first comparative cytogenetic study of three species of Macleaya, producers of complex isoquinoline alkaloids, cordate Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. (2n = 20), small-fruited Macleaya microcarpa (Maxim.) Fedde (2n = 20) and Macleaya kewensis Turrill (2n = 20), was first carried out. On the basis of morphometric analysis, formulas of karyotypes were made for each species. Species ideograms for M. cordata, M. microcarpa, and M. kewensis were constructed taking into account the polymorphic variants of the C-banding patterns and indicating the location of 26S and 5S rDNA sites. A comparative study revealed that the karyotypes of M. microcarpa and M. kewensis have more in common with each other than with M. cordata. Analysis of meiotic chromosomes suggests of genetic stability of Macleaya genomes. The results of chromosome analysis were used to confirm the close relationship of Macleaya and to clarify their phylogenetic relationships. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Comparative cytogenetic study of the tetraploid Matricaria chamomilla L. and Matricaria inodora L.

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    A comparative cytogenetic study of the autotetraploid breed of Matricaria chamomilla L. (M. recutita L.) and Matricaria inodora L. was carried out by DAPI-banding, fluorescent hybridization in situ (FISH) with 26S and 5S rDNA probes, and analysis of meiosis. All chromosomes were identified in both karyotypes on the basis of DAPI-banding images and 26S and 5S rDNA distribution, and species-specific idiograms were composed for both M. chamomilla and M. indora taking into account the polymorphous variants of DAPI-banding images, showing the location of the 26S and 5S rDNA sites. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Comparative cytogenetic study of the forms of Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. From different localities

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    A comparative cytogenetic study of two introduced forms of Makleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. = syn. Bocconia cordata Willd. grown in different ecological and geographical regions (Moscow and Donetsk areas) was carried out. In the study, a complex of methods utilizing various chromosomal markers, i.e., C- and DAPI-banding technique, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes of 26S and 5S rDNA, as well as estimation of the total area of C-positive regions (C-HCH) in prophase nucleoli and meiosis analysis, was used. In the karyotypes (2n = 20), each chromosome was identified on the basis of C-banding and FISH patterns and the chromosome ideograms were built. Pericentrometric and telomeric C-positive bands in chromosomes of the Moscow form karyotype were found to be smaller and intercalary bands, larger than the corresponding bands in the M. cordata form grown in Donetsk. It was found that the content of C-HCH in prophase nucleoli in the form of M. cordata grown in Donetsk was higher than in the form grown in Moscow. In both forms sites of 26S rDNA and 5s rDNA were localized on satellite chromosome 1 and on chromosome 4 respectively but the signals were more intensive in the plant form grown in Donetsk. The results of this study enable selecting M. cordata forms for use in pharmacology and recommending them for cultivation in various ecological and geographical regions. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    A comparative analysis of karyotypes of three species of Macleaya-producers of a complex of isoquinoline alkaloids

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    Using a set of methods (C-banding, DAPI-staining, fluorescence hybridization in situ (FISH) with probes of 26S and 5S rDNA, and analysis of meiosis), the first comparative cytogenetic study of three species of Macleaya, producers of complex isoquinoline alkaloids, cordate Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. (2n = 20), small-fruited Macleaya microcarpa (Maxim.) Fedde (2n = 20) and Macleaya kewensis Turrill (2n = 20), was first carried out. On the basis of morphometric analysis, formulas of karyotypes were made for each species. Species ideograms for M. cordata, M. microcarpa, and M. kewensis were constructed taking into account the polymorphic variants of the C-banding patterns and indicating the location of 26S and 5S rDNA sites. A comparative study revealed that the karyotypes of M. microcarpa and M. kewensis have more in common with each other than with M. cordata. Analysis of meiotic chromosomes suggests of genetic stability of Macleaya genomes. The results of chromosome analysis were used to confirm the close relationship of Macleaya and to clarify their phylogenetic relationships. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Comparative cytogenetic study of the tetraploid Matricaria chamomilla L. and Matricaria inodora L.

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    A comparative cytogenetic study of the autotetraploid breed of Matricaria chamomilla L. (M. recutita L.) and Matricaria inodora L. was carried out by DAPI-banding, fluorescent hybridization in situ (FISH) with 26S and 5S rDNA probes, and analysis of meiosis. All chromosomes were identified in both karyotypes on the basis of DAPI-banding images and 26S and 5S rDNA distribution, and species-specific idiograms were composed for both M. chamomilla and M. indora taking into account the polymorphous variants of DAPI-banding images, showing the location of the 26S and 5S rDNA sites. © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Chromosomal rearrangements in wheat: their types and distribution

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    Four hundred and sixty polyploid wheat accessions and 39 triticale forms from 37 countries of Europe, Asia, and USA were scored by C-banding for the presence of translocations. Chromosomal rearrangements were detected in 70 of 208 accessions of tetraploid wheat, 69 of 252 accessions of hexaploid wheat, and 3 of 39 triticale forms. Altogether, 58 types of major chromosomal rearrangements were identified in the studied material; they are discussed relative to 11 additional translocation types described by other authors. Six chromosome modifications of unknown origin were also observed. Among all chromosomal aberrations identified in wheat, single translocations were the most frequent type (39), followed by multiple rearrangements (9 types), pericentric inversions (9 types), and paracentric inversions (3 types). According to C-banding analyses, the breakpoints were located at or near the centromere in 60 rearranged chromosomes, while in 52 cases they were in interstitial chromosome regions. In the latter case, translocation breakpoints were often located at the border of C-bands and the euchromatin region or between two adjacent C-bands; some of these regions seem to be translocation "hotspots". Our results and data published by other authors indicate that the B-genome chromosomes are involved in translocations most frequently, followed by the A- and D-genome chromosomes; individual chromosomes also differ in the frequencies of translocations. Most translocations were detected in I or 2 accessions, and only I I variants showed relatively high frequencies or were detected in wheat varieties of different origins or from different species. High frequencies of some translocations with a very restricted distribution could be due to a "bottleneck effect". Other types seem to occur independently and their broad distribution can result from selective advantages of rearranged genotypes in diverse environmental conditions. We found significant geographic variation in the spectra and frequencies of translocation in wheat: the highest proportions of rearranged genotypes were found in Central Asia, the Middle East, Northern Africa, and France. A low proportion of aberrant genotypes was characteristic of tetraploid wheat from Transcaucasia and hexaploid wheat from Middle Asia and Eastern Europe

    Comparative cytogenetic study of the forms of Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. From different localities

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    A comparative cytogenetic study of two introduced forms of Makleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. = syn. Bocconia cordata Willd. grown in different ecological and geographical regions (Moscow and Donetsk areas) was carried out. In the study, a complex of methods utilizing various chromosomal markers, i.e., C- and DAPI-banding technique, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes of 26S and 5S rDNA, as well as estimation of the total area of C-positive regions (C-HCH) in prophase nucleoli and meiosis analysis, was used. In the karyotypes (2n = 20), each chromosome was identified on the basis of C-banding and FISH patterns and the chromosome ideograms were built. Pericentrometric and telomeric C-positive bands in chromosomes of the Moscow form karyotype were found to be smaller and intercalary bands, larger than the corresponding bands in the M. cordata form grown in Donetsk. It was found that the content of C-HCH in prophase nucleoli in the form of M. cordata grown in Donetsk was higher than in the form grown in Moscow. In both forms sites of 26S rDNA and 5s rDNA were localized on satellite chromosome 1 and on chromosome 4 respectively but the signals were more intensive in the plant form grown in Donetsk. The results of this study enable selecting M. cordata forms for use in pharmacology and recommending them for cultivation in various ecological and geographical regions. © 2012 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd