20 research outputs found

    Steering the multipotent mesenchymal cells towards an anti-inflammatory and osteogenic bias via photobiomodulation therapy: How to kill two birds with one stone

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    The bone marrow-derived multipotent mesenchymal cells (MSCs) have captured scientific interest due to their multi-purpose features and clinical applications. The operational dimension of MSCs is not limited to the bone marrow reservoir, which exerts bone-building and niche anabolic tasks; they also meet the needs of quenching inflammation and restoring inflamed tissues. Thus, the range of MSC activities extends to conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases, immune disorders and various forms of osteopenia. Steering these cells towards becoming an effective therapeutic tool has become mandatory. Many laboratories have employed distinct strategies to improve the plasticity and secretome of MSCs. We aimed to present how photobiomodulation therapy (PBM-t) can manipulate MSCs to render them an extraordinary anti-inflammatory and osteogenic instrument. Moreover, we discuss the outcomes of different PBM-t protocols on MSCs, concluding with some perplexities and complexities of PBM-t in vivo but encouraging and feasible in vitro solutions

    Massive open online courses as the initial stage of development of a digital university

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the conditions (including pedagogical) for effective development and operation of MOOCs to meet the interests of all participants in the educational process and national innovation (educational) policy. The present paper is based on the classical methodology of scientific research, including a set of scientific methods such as a logical consideration of historical events, a dialectical way of studying the world around us, considering concepts in the interrelation of their contradictory aspects, identifying the causes and relations between phenomena, abstracting and specifying results, and the method of multiple thematic comparative research. The study uses the method of sociological surveys to collect empirical data. Further, it uses methods of statistical and graphic data processing. Other methods applied include analysis of relevant modern scientific literature and the synthesis of promising new directions for the development of universities using digital educational technologies. Relevant questionnaires were developed to interview students and teachers on the research topic set forth. In general, students have a positive attitude toward digital educational technologies and MOOCs. The main effects of MOOCs in the pedagogical process are as follows: The educational material becomes easier to perceive, more visual and diverse, the cognitive activity of students grows, the quality of information transmission and knowledge transfer to students improves, and the controllability of the acquired skills and abilities by students and teachers increases. To improve the effectiveness of MOOCs, it is necessary to reduce the academic load of teachers, simplify paper workflow, and increase the practical orientation of educational materials

    Tigecycline antibacterial activity, clinical effectiveness, and mechanisms and epidemiology of resistance: narrative review

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    Tigecycline is unique glycylcycline class of semisynthetic antimicrobial agents developed for the treatment of polymicrobial infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens. Tigecycline evades the main tetracycline resistance genetic mechanisms, such as tetracycline-specific efflux pump acquisition and ribosomal protection, via the addition of a glycyclamide moiety to the 9-position of minocycline. The use of the parenteral form of tigecycline is approved for complicated skin and skin structure infections (excluding diabetes foot infection), complicated intra-abdominal infections, and community-acquired bacterial pneumonia in adults. New evidence also suggests the effectiveness of tigecycline for the treatment of severe Clostridioides difficile infections. Tigecycline showed in vitro susceptibility to Coxiella spp., Rickettsia spp., and multidrug-resistant Neisseria gonnorrhoeae strains which indicate the possible use of tigecycline in the treatment of infections caused by these pathogens. Except for intrinsic, or often reported resistance in some Gram-negatives, tigecycline is effective against a wide range of multidrug-resistant nosocomial pathogens. Herein, we summarize the currently available data on tigecycline pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, its mechanism of action, the epidemiology of tigecycline resistance, and its clinical effectiveness

    Learning Management Systems in Academic and Corporate Distance Education

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    Present-day development of information technologies is making deeper and deeper incursions into all spheres of human activity, both social and economic. It is only natural that they greatly influence the educational industry, changing the approaches, methods and forms of education. Currently e-learning and distance technologies are being actively introduced into both academic and corporate education, as complementary to traditional forms. The efforts of teachers are aimed at finding effective models of blended learning. All this determines the relevance of the present study. The abstracted article is aimed at developing frameworks of a distance learning model based on the use of modern learning management systems. To obtain thorough and reliable results the authors make use of two research approaches: acmeological and competencebased. They review the features, the scope and use of the existing LMS platforms and work out tools for the development of e-learning system. In addition, they assess the compliance of e-learning tools with the preferences of X, Y and Z generation users. The outcome of the research is the development of a universal competency that can be applied to the study of modern methods and approaches with reference to both academic teaching and learning, and to corporate training. It is quite apparent that pros and cons of the learning management system and its possibilities should be carefully studied and thoughtfully used. The effective e-learning requires constant monitoring of equipment, proper work of host servers and considering user-friendliness of the platforms. This is related to the fact that public educational organizations, including schools, colileges and universities, especially in low developed countries, prefer traditional teaching methods and are slowly moving to innovative models. The research findings can be viewed as a step forward in creating user-friendly and flexible e-learning platforms, suitable for separate users, institutions and businesses. They can be applied for further assessment of existing learning models, especially for the younger generation, and for research and development of new strategies and methods of using learning management systems and platforms

    Photobiomodulation and Oxidative Stress: 980 nm Diode Laser Light Regulates Mitochondrial Activity and Reactive Oxygen Species Production

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    Photobiomodulation with 808 nm laser light electively stimulates Complexes III and IV of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, while Complexes I and II are not affected. At the wavelength of 1064 nm, Complexes I, III, and IV are excited, while Complex II and some mitochondrial matrix enzymes seem to be not receptive to photons at that wavelength. Complex IV was also activated by 633 nm. The mechanism of action of wavelengths in the range 900-1000 nm on mitochondria is less understood or not described. Oxidative stress from reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by mitochondrial activity is an inescapable consequence of aerobic metabolism. The antioxidant enzyme system for ROS scavenging can keep them under control. However, alterations in mitochondrial activity can cause an increment of ROS production. ROS and ATP can play a role in cell death, cell proliferation, and cell cycle arrest. In our work, bovine liver isolated mitochondria were irradiated for 60 sec, in continuous wave mode with 980 nm and powers from 0.1 to 1.4 W (0.1 W increment at every step) to generate energies from 6 to 84 J, fluences from 7.7 to 107.7 J/cm2, power densities from 0.13 to 1.79 W/cm2, and spot size 0.78 cm2. The control was equal to 0 W. The activity of the mitochondria's complexes, Krebs cycle enzymes, ATP production, oxygen consumption, generation of ROS, and oxidative stress were detected. Lower powers (0.1-0.2 W) showed an inhibitory effect; those that were intermediate (0.3-0.7 W) did not display an effect, and the higher powers (0.8-1.1 W) induced an increment of ATP synthesis. Increasing the power (1.2-1.4 W) recovered the ATP production to the control level. The interaction occurred on Complexes III and IV, as well as ATP production and oxygen consumption. Results showed that 0.1 W uncoupled the respiratory chain and induced higher oxidative stress and drastic inhibition of ATP production. Conversely, 0.8 W kept mitochondria coupled and induced an increase of ATP production by increments of Complex III and IV activities. An augmentation of oxidative stress was also observed, probably as a consequence of the increased oxygen consumption and mitochondrial isolation experimental conditions. No effect was observed using 0.5 W, and no effect was observed on the enzymes of the Krebs cycle

    Interaction between laser light and osteoblasts: Photobiomodulation as a trend in the management of socket bone preservation\u2014a review

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    Bone defects are the main reason for aesthetic and functional disability, which negatively affect patient\u2019s quality of life. Particularly, after tooth extraction, the bone of the alveolar process resorbs, limiting the optimal prosthetic implant placement. One of the major pathophysiological events in slowly-or non-healing tissues is a blood supply deficiency, followed by a significant decrease in cellular energy amount. The literature shows that photons at the red and infrared wavelengths can interact with specific photoacceptors located within the cell. Through this mechanism, photobiomodulation (PBM) can modify cellular metabolism, by increasing mitochondrial ATP production. Here, we present a review of the literature on the effect of PBM on bone healing, for the management of socket preservation. A search strategy was developed in line with the PRISMA statement. The PubMed and Scholar electronic databases were consulted to search for in vivo studies, with restrictions on the year (<50 years-old), language (English), bone socket preservation, and PBM. Following the search strategy, we identified 269 records, which became 14, after duplicates were removed and titles, abstract and inclusion-, exclusion-criteria were screened. Additional articles identified were 3. Therefore, 17 articles were included in the synthesis. We highlight the osteoblast\u2013light interaction, and the in vivo therapeutic tool of PBM is discussed

    Experimental and clinical applications of red and near\u2010 infrared photobiomodulation on endothelial dysfunction: A review

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    Background: Under physiological conditions, endothelial cells are the main regulator of arterial tone homeostasis and vascular growth, sensing and transducing signals between tissue and blood. Disease risk factors can lead to their unbalanced homeostasis, known as endothelial dysfunction. Red and near\u2010infrared light can interact with animal cells and modulate their metabolism upon interaction with mitochondria\u2019s cytochromes, which leads to increased oxygen consumption, ATP production and ROS, as well as to regulate NO release and intracellular Ca2+ concentration. This medical subject is known as photobiomodulation (PBM). We present a review of the literature on the in vitro and in vivo effects of PBM on endothelial dysfunction. Methods: A search strategy was developed consistent with the PRISMA statement. The PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, and Scholar electronic databases were consulted to search for in vitro and in vivo studies. Results: Fifty out of >12,000 articles were selected. Conclusions: The PBM can modulate endothelial dysfunction, improving inflammation, angiogenesis, and vasodilatation. Among the studies, 808 nm and 18 J (0.2 W, 2.05 cm2) intracoronary irradiation can prevent restenosis as well as 645 nm and 20 J (0.25 W, 2 cm2) can stimulate angiogenesis. PBM can also support hypertension cure. However, more extensive randomised controlled trials are necessary

    Key indicators of innovation activity of Russia (From 2011 to 2017)

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    © 2019, Allied Business Academies. All rights reserved. Innovation as a priority for development Russia's economy became relevant relatively recently. Management of innovation processes federal and regional level requires knowledge of their patterns, problems and the specifics of innovation in Russia, as well as the problems and specifics of the innovation activities of enterprises in the context of economic activities. Official federal statistics contain extremely limited number of indicators characterizing innovative processes in business. The innovation sphere is currently the subject of a study of various branches of scientific knowledge and is actualized in numerous scientific publications. However, they do not have common conceptual foundations, and for the most part they have only economic content. In the literature there is no single definition of the concept of "innovation", we tried to give a single comprehensive definition of the concept of "innovation", consider different points of view, identified two main approaches to the definition of the concept of innovation. In the article we tried to analyze the basic indicators of the innovative development of the Russian Federation over the past 7 years

    Models of business education in Russia and their main competitive advantages

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    © 2019, Allied Business Academies. All rights reserved. Innovation and business education today are key conditions for the effectiveness of business activities of any scale. For the full development and successful competition of commercial companies, the skills of employees need to be constantly updated with new knowledge about modern business strategies and tactics. The article deals with the development of business education and entrepreneurship education in the system of continuous education, the relationship of business education with vocational education and science, business education and entrepreneurship education in Russia. The purpose of the article is to study the basic models of business education in Russia. The scientific significance consists in the analysis of the main competitive advantages of the presented models of business education. In addition, the article analyzes competition in the field of business education in Russia

    Key indicators of innovation activity of Russia (From 2011 to 2017)

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    © 2019, Allied Business Academies. All rights reserved. Innovation as a priority for development Russia's economy became relevant relatively recently. Management of innovation processes federal and regional level requires knowledge of their patterns, problems and the specifics of innovation in Russia, as well as the problems and specifics of the innovation activities of enterprises in the context of economic activities. Official federal statistics contain extremely limited number of indicators characterizing innovative processes in business. The innovation sphere is currently the subject of a study of various branches of scientific knowledge and is actualized in numerous scientific publications. However, they do not have common conceptual foundations, and for the most part they have only economic content. In the literature there is no single definition of the concept of "innovation", we tried to give a single comprehensive definition of the concept of "innovation", consider different points of view, identified two main approaches to the definition of the concept of innovation. In the article we tried to analyze the basic indicators of the innovative development of the Russian Federation over the past 7 years