116 research outputs found

    Precision medicine and molecular imaging: new targeted approaches toward cancer therapeutic and diagnosis

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    Abstract: This paper presents a review of the importance and role of precision medicine and molecular imaging technologies in cancer diagnosis with therapeutics and diagnostics purposes. Precision medicine is progressively becoming a hot topic in all disciplines related to biomedical investigation and has the capacity to become the paradigm for clinical practice. The future of medicine lies in early diagnosis and individually appropriate treatments, a concept that has been named precision medicine, i.e. delivering the right treatment to the right patient at the right time. Molecular imaging is quickly being recognized as a tool with the potential to ameliorate every aspect of cancer treatment. On the other hand, emerging high-throughput technologies such as omics techniques and systems approaches have generated a paradigm shift for biological systems in advanced life science research. In this review, we describe the precision medicine, difference between precision medicine and personalized medicine, precision medicine initiative, systems biology/medicine approaches (such as genomics, radiogenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics), P4 medicine, relationship between systems biology/medicine approaches and precision medicine, and molecular imaging modalities and their utility in cancer treatment and diagnosis. Accordingly, the precision medicine and molecular imaging will enable us to accelerate and improve cancer management in future medicine

    Frequency of Class 1 Integrons among Escherichia coli Isolates of Patients with Urinary Tract Infection

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    Background: Recent studies demonstrated an increased pattern of drug resistance in uropathogenic Escherechia coli (E. coli) which is considered as the most common cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Present investigation was undertaken to evaluate antibiotic resistance pattern of E. coli causing UTIs obtained from urine samples and their relationship with integron class1. Apart from that, special emphasis was given on mediated and transferable antibiotic resistance in E. coli as well as the mobilized integrons that contribute to dissemination of antibiotic resistance. Methods and Materials: Susceptibility of isolates to 12 antibiotics was tested by the Kirby -Bauser disk diffusion method. The sensitivity was monitored by zone of inhibition according to the clinical and laboratory standard institute (CLSI) guidelines. Plasmid DNA from E. coli strains was tested for class 1 integron by PCR. Results: Rate of resistance to the 12 antibiotics is as follows: Ampicillin (89.4%), Cefotaxim (31%), Ciprofloxacin (22.4%), Aztreonam (21.7%), Ceftazidim (21.1%), Ceftriaxon (20.5%), Co-trimoxazole (19.9%), Gentamicin (15.5%), Amikacin (7.5%), Cefepim (11.8%), Nitrofurantoin (6.2) and Imipenem (1.9%). Existence of integron was confirmed in 41.9% of isolates. Significant association was evaluated by PCR between resistance to Gentamicin, Amikacin, Gentamicin, Amikacin, Cefotaxim, Ceftazidim, Ceftriaxon, Aztreonam, Ciprofloxacin and Co-trimoxazole with the existence of class 1 integrons. Conclusion: Imipenem could be used as the initial therapy for E. coli in UTIs. Similar studies are essential to determine appropriate guidelines for empirical therapy which vary by location


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    Arterial hypertension is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Data from observational studies indicate that it may affect 90% of the general population during their lifetime. Despite much research that has been done, the exact cause of this disorder is still unknown. Avicenna (Ibn Sina) in his masterpiece The Canon of Medicine described most of the clinical features, causes, and complications which are consistent with hypertension symptoms based on modern medicine. He described in detail the symptoms of hypertension such as headache, heaviness in the head, sluggish movements, general redness and warm to touch feel of the body, prominent, distended and tense veins, fullness of the pulse, distension of the skin, coloured and dense urine, loss of appetite, weak eye sight, impairment of thinking, yawning, and drowsiness. Moreover, Avicenna described haemorrhage and sudden death as the complications of hypertension. Due to the importance of this issue, we wanted to call the reader’s attention to Avicenna’s views about what corresponds to hypertension in modern medicine.Arterijska hipertenzija među glavnim je rizičnim čimbenicima nastanka bolesti srca i krvožilja. Podaci iz opažajnih ispitivanja ukazuju na to da se arterijska hipertenzija tijekom života javlja u 90% opće populacije. Unatoč intenzivnom istraživanju, još nije utvrđen uzrok ovoga poremećaja. Avicena (Ibn Sina) je u svom kapitalnom djelu Kanon medicine opisao većinu kliničkih manifestacija, uzroka i komplikacija koje odgovaraju modernom opisu simptoma hipertenzije. Do pojedinosti je opisao simptome poput glavobolje, osjećaja težine u glavi, usporenosti, općeg crvenila, toploga tijela na dodir, izraženo proširenih i tvrdih vena, punoće bila, rastezanja kože, obojane i guste mokraće, gubitka teka, oslabjela vida, otežanog razmišljanja, zijevanja i pospanosti. Kao komplikacije hipertenzije Avicena navodi krvarenje i naglu smrt. Zbog važnosti teme, htjeli smo ovim člankom prenijeti Avicenino viđenje onoga što se danas u medicini naziva hipertenzijom

    Induced frailty and acute sarcopenia are overlapping consequences of hospitalisation in older adults

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    OBJECTIVES: To determine the effects of hospitalisation upon frailty and sarcopenia. METHODS: Prospective cohort study at single UK hospital including adults ≥70 years-old admitted for elective colorectal surgery, emergency abdominal surgery, or acute infections. Serial assessments for frailty (Fried, Frailty Index, Clinical Frailty Scale [CFS]), and sarcopenia (handgrip strength, ultrasound quadriceps and/or bioelectrical impedance analysis, and gait speed and/or Short Physical Performance Battery) were conducted at baseline, 7 days post-admission/post-operatively, and 13 weeks post-admission/post-operatively. RESULTS: Eighty participants were included (mean age 79.2, 38.8% females). Frailty prevalence by all criteria at baseline was higher among medical compared to surgical participants. Median and estimated marginal CFS values and Fried frailty prevalence increased after 7 days, with rates returning towards baseline at 13 weeks. Sarcopenia incidence amongst those who did not have sarcopenia at baseline was 20.0%. However, some participants demonstrated improvements in sarcopenia status, and overall sarcopenia prevalence did not change. There was significant overlap between diagnoses with 37.3% meeting criteria for all four diagnoses at 7 days. CONCLUSIONS: Induced frailty and acute sarcopenia are overlapping conditions affecting older adults during hospitalisation. Rates of frailty returned towards baseline at 13 weeks, suggesting that induced frailty is reversible

    Rapid Identification of Aspergillus Fumigatus Using Î’eta-Tubulin and RodletA Genes

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    AIM: The main purpose of the present study was to test the β-tubulin and rodletA genes for rapid identification of Aspergillus fumigatus.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty-one A. fumigatus strains including environmental, clinical and reference isolates were tested in this research. PCR was carried out based on βtub and rodA partial gene sequences.RESULTS: A 198 bp DNA fragment was obtained using βtub gene. PCR amplification of the rodA gene resulted in a 313 bp band. The βtub and rodA genes PCR products exhibited a 100% homology with the associated sequences in the GenBank.CONCLUSION: In the present study, we used a PCR approach that was able to discriminate A. fumigatus from other related species within the section Fumigati

    Relation between clinical features and gastric emptying time in diabetic patients

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    BACKGROUND: Gastroparesis is characterized by delayed gastric emptying. This pathology is usually observed in patients with diabetes. One standard approach to quantitative assessment of gastric emptying is scintigraphic study. The aim of present study was to perform scintigraphic study of gastric emptying time in patient with diabetes and to find its correlation with patients’ characteristics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gastric emptying was assessed in 19 patients with type 2 diabetes (mean age of 61.04 ± 6.09 years) and 6 healthy volunteers. Characteristics of the patients were sex, age, duration of diabetes, blood sugar and serum HbA1c level. RESULTS: Results of present study revealed that gastric emptying half time was significantly larger in patients with type 2 diabetes as compared with healthy volunteers (P-value < 0.05). While correlation of sex, age, duration of diabetes and blood sugar with gastric emptying time was not statistically significant, HbA1c level had significant effect on gastric emptying time. CONCLUSION: Results of this prospective study indicated that level of serum HbA1c is an effecting factor on gastric emptying time in patients with type 2 diabetes; however, these preliminary findings should be validated in larger and well-designed studie

    Representation of Arbean's Walk in Cyberspace: Sociological semiotic analysis of Arbean's Walk's images on Instagram

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    In the present study, we studied published images on Instagram social network about Arbean's Walk as a platform for making Arbaens rituals meaning and representing it in the Cyberspace. Using the Sociological semiotic analysis of these images provided a deep analysis of photographic images, symbols, semiotic resources, and socio-cultural backgrounds; and the researcher achieved a representation method about Arbean walking on Instagram by theories such as dual space approach and display community. This constructed meaning which is also influenced by political power relations has been analyzed by factors such as going to achieve, difficulty and journey suffering, family, celebrities, flags and posters, transgendering and Selfie photography. The incidents of Karbala are a very rich source of meanings that semiotic analyzers benefit from it by making ideal surreal and attach it to the reality. Ultimately, Arbaen' Walk is defined as a ritual compounded with photographic processes and visualization is becoming to be a part of this ritual. This ritual is represented as an active and demanding action and redefines the concept of the Ummah by displaying family and social bonds. Arbaeen's walk, while active in its feminine dimensions and culturally and nationally diverse, is moving towards becoming a normalized, superficial affair

    Whole exome sequencing and homozygosity mapping reveals genetic defects in consanguineous Iranian families with inherited retinal dystrophies

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    Acknowledgements This research was funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (Grant #176097 to CR). We would like to express gratitude to the patients and all their family members that participated in this study for their valuable cooperation and participation.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Relation between clinical features and gastric emptying time in diabetic patients

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    BACKGROUND: Gastroparesis is characterized by delayed gastric emptying. This pathology is usually observed in patients with diabetes. One standard approach to quantitative assessment of gastric emptying is scintigraphic study. The aim of present study was to perform scintigraphic study of gastric emptying time in patient with diabetes and to find its correlation with patients’ characteristics. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Gastric emptying was assessed in 19 patients with type 2 diabetes (mean age of 61.04 ± 6.09 years) and 6 healthy volunteers. Characteristics of the patients were sex, age, duration of diabetes, blood sugar and serum HbA1c level. RESULTS: Results of present study revealed that gastric emptying half time was significantly larger in patients with type 2 diabetes as compared with healthy volunteers (P-value &lt; 0.05). While correlation of sex, age, duration of diabetes and blood sugar with gastric emptying time was not statistically significant, HbA1c level had significant effect on gastric emptying time. CONCLUSION: Results of this prospective study indicated that level of serum HbA1c is an effecting factor on gastric emptying time in patients with type 2 diabetes; however, these preliminary findings should be validated in larger and well-designed studies