636 research outputs found

    Ground state cooling, quantum state engineering and study of decoherence of ions in Paul traps

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    We investigate single ions of 40Ca+^{40}Ca^+ in Paul traps for quantum information processing. Superpositions of the S1/2_{1/2} electronic ground state and the metastable D5/2_{5/2} state are used to implement a qubit. Laser light on the S1/2↔_{1/2} \leftrightarrow D5/2_{5/2} transition is used for the manipulation of the ion's quantum state. We apply sideband cooling to the ion and reach the ground state of vibration with up to 99.9% probability. Starting from this Fock state ∣n=0>|n=0>, we demonstrate coherent quantum state manipulation. A large number of Rabi oscillations and a ms-coherence time is observed. Motional heating is measured to be as low as one vibrational quantum in 190 ms. We also report on ground state cooling of two ions.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. submitted to Journal of Modern Optics, Special Issue on Quantum Optics: Kuehtai 200

    Effect of inhaled glucocorticoids in childhood on adult height

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    BACKGROUND: The use of inhaled glucocorticoids for persistent asthma causes a temporary reduction in growth velocity in prepubertal children. The resulting decrease in attained height 1 to 4 years after the initiation of inhaled glucocorticoids is thought not to decrease attained adult height. METHODS: We measured adult height in 943 of 1041 participants (90.6%) in the Childhood Asthma Management Program; adult height was determined at a mean (±SD) age of 24.9±2.7 years. Starting at the age of 5 to 13 years, the participants had been randomly assigned to receive 400 μg of budesonide, 16 mg of nedocromil, or placebo daily for 4 to 6 years. We calculated differences in adult height for each active treatment group, as compared with placebo, using multiple linear regression with adjustment for demographic characteristics, asthma features, and height at trial entry. RESULTS: Mean adult height was 1.2 cm lower (95% confidence interval [CI], -1.9 to -0.5) in the budesonide group than in the placebo group (P=0.001) and was 0.2 cm lower (95% CI, -0.9 to 0.5) in the nedocromil group than in the placebo group (P=0.61). A larger daily dose of inhaled glucocorticoid in the first 2 years was associated with a lower adult height (-0.1 cm for each microgram per kilogram of body weight) (P=0.007). The reduction in adult height in the budesonide group as compared with the placebo group was similar to that seen after 2 years of treatment (-1.3 cm; 95% CI, -1.7 to -0.9). During the first 2 years, decreased growth velocity in the budesonide group occurred primarily in prepubertal participants. CONCLUSIONS: The initial decrease in attained height associated with the use of inhaled glucocorticoids in prepubertal children persisted as a reduction in adult height, although the decrease was not progressive or cumulative. (Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Center for Research Resources; CAMP ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00000575.)

    Dirac-Foldy term and the electromagnetic polarizability of the neutron

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    We reconsider the Dirac-Foldy contribution μ2/m\mu^2/m to the neutron electric polarizability. Using a Dirac equation approach to neutron-nucleus scattering, we review the definitions of Compton continuum (αˉ\bar{\alpha}), classical static (αEn\alpha^n_E), and Schr\"{o}dinger (αSch\alpha_{Sch}) polarizabilities and discuss in some detail their relationship. The latter αSch\alpha_{Sch} is the value of the neutron electric polarizability as obtained from an analysis using the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. We find in particular αSch=αˉ−μ2/m\alpha_{Sch} = \bar{\alpha} - \mu^2/m , where μ\mu is the magnitude of the magnetic moment of a neutron of mass mm. However, we argue that the static polarizability αEn\alpha^n_E is correctly defined in the rest frame of the particle, leading to the conclusion that twice the Dirac-Foldy contribution should be added to αSch\alpha_{Sch} to obtain the static polarizability αEn\alpha^n_E.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, to appear in Physical Review

    Calculations of the A_1 phonon frequency in photoexcited Tellurium

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    Calculations of the A_1 phonon frequency in photoexcited tellurium are presented. The phonon frequency as a function of photoexcited carrier density and phonon amplitude is determined. Recent pump probe experiments are interpreted in the light of these calculatons. It is proposed that, in conjunction with measurements of the phonon period in ultra-fast pump-probe reflectivity experiments, the calculated frequency shifts can be used to infer the evolution of the density of photoexcited carriers on a sub-picosecond time-scale.Comment: 15 pages Latex, 3 postscript figure

    Anisotropic Spin Hamiltonians due to Spin-Orbit and Coulomb Exchange Interactions

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    This paper contains the details of Phys. Rev. Lett. 73, 2919 (1994) and, to a lesser extent, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3710 (1994). We treat a Hubbard model which includes all the 3d states of the Cu ions and the 2p states of the O ions. We also include spin-orbit interactions, hopping between ground and excited crystal field states of the Cu ions, and rather general Coulomb interactions. Our analytic results for the spin Hamiltonian, H, are corroborated by numerical evaluations of the energy splitting of the ground manifold for two holes on either a pair of Cu ions or a Cu-O-Cu complex. In the tetragonal symmetry case and for the model considered, we prove that H is rotationally invariant in the absence of Coulomb exchange. When Coulomb exchange is present, each bond Hamiltonian has full biaxial anisotropy, as expected for this symmetry. For lower symmetry situations, the single bond spin Hamiltonian is anisotropic at order t**6 for constant U and at order t**2 for nonconstant U. (Constant U means that the Coulomb interaction between orbitals does not depend on which orbitals are involved.)Comment: 50 pages, ILATEX Version 2.09 <13 Jun 1989

    Physical properties of misfit-layered (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Co-O system: Effect of hole doping into triangular lattice formed by low-spin Co ions

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    Pb-doping effect on physical properties of misfit-layered (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Co-O system, in which Co ions form a two-dimensional triangular lattice, was investigated in detail by electronic transport, magnetization and specific-heat measurements. Pb doping enhances the metallic behavior, suggesting that carriers are doped. Pb doping also enhances the magnetic correlation in this system and increases the magnetic transition temperature. We found the existence of the short-range magnetic correlation far above the transition temperature, which seems to induce the spin-glass state coexisting with the ferromagnetic long-range order at low temperatures. Specific-heat measurement suggests that the effective mass of the carrier in (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Co-O is not enhanced so much as reported in NaCo2{}_2O4{}_4. Based on these experimental results, we propose a two-bands model which consists of narrow a1ga_{1g} and rather broad e′ge'{}_g bands. The observed magnetic property and magnetotransport phenomena are explained well by this model

    Young Women and Consumer Culture

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    This article is presented as an intervention in the field of feminist media and cultural studies with particular reference to consumer culture. It is concerned with the seeming evasion of critique which can be detected in a number of recent feminist responses to the way in which modalities of ‘popular feminism’ have found themselves incorporated into women's genres of television, such as, in particular, the US series Sex in the City. This usage or instrumentalization of feminism (in its most conventionally liberal feminist guise) also provides corporate culture with the means of presenting itself to young women as their ally and even champion of ‘girls’ while at the same time earning seeming approval for adopting the mantle of social responsibility, which makes the concept of popular feminism more problematic than it first appeared. Such appropriation of popular feminist discourse by the commercial domain prompts a self-critique on the part of the author alongside an analysis of recent approaches toward consumer culture in cultural studies. The article continues by presenting a schematic account of how the commercial domain increasingly supplants state and public sector institutions in the intensity and dedication of its address to girls and young women. Whilst some may argue that the intersection of youthful femininity and the commercial sphere is not a new phenomenon, what is being explored here is the connection between this intensification of attention and the logic of current neo-liberal economic rationalities. The argument is, therefore, that it is by these means including the instrumentalization of a specific modality of ‘feminism’ that there emerges into existence a neo-liberal culture, with global aspirations, which has as its ideal subject the category of ‘girl’

    Use of Confocal Laser as Light Source Reveals Stomata-Autonomous Function

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    In most terrestrial plants, stomata open during the day to maximize the update of CO(2) for photosynthesis, but they close at night to minimize water loss. Blue light, among several environmental factors, controls this process. Stomata response to diverse stimuli seems to be dictated by the behaviour of neighbour stomata creating leaf areas of coordinated response. Here individual stomata of Arabidopsis leaves were illuminated with a short blue-light pulse by focusing a confocal argon laser. Beautifully, the illuminated stomata open their pores, whereas their dark-adapted neighbours unexpectedly experience no change. This induction of individual stomata opening by low fluence rates of blue light was disrupted in the phototropin1 phototropin2 (phot1 phot2) double mutant, which exhibits insensitivity of stomatal movements in blue-illuminated epidermal strips. The irradiation of all epidermal cells making direct contact with a given stoma in both wild type and phot1 phot2 plants does not trigger its movement. These results unravel the stoma autonomous function in the blue light response and illuminate the implication of PHOT1 and/or PHOT2 in such response. The micro spatial heterogeneity that solar blue light suffers in partially shaded leaves under natural conditions highlights the physiological significance of the autonomous stomatal behaviour

    Factors affecting the determination of threshold doses for allergenic foods: How much is too much?

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    Background: Ingestion of small amounts of an offending food can elicit adverse reactions in individuals with IgE-mediated food allergies. The threshold dose for provocation of such reactions is often considered to be zero. However, because of various practical limitations in food production and processing, foods may occasionally contain trace residues of the offending food. Are these very low, residual quantities hazardous to allergic consumers? How much of the offending food is too much? Very little quantitative information exists to allow any risk assessments to be conducted by the food industry. Objective: We sought to determine whether the quality and quantity of existing clinical data on threshold doses for commonly allergenic foods were sufficient to allow consensus to be reached on establishment of threshold doses for specific foods. Methods: In September 1999,12 clinical allergists and other interested parties were invited to participate in a roundtable conference to share existing data on threshold doses and to discuss clinical approaches that would allow the acquisition of that information. Results: Considerable data were identified in clinical files relating to the threshold doses for peanut, cows\u27 milk, and egg; limited data were available for other foods, such as fish and mustard. Conclusions: Because these data were often obtained by means of different protocols, the estimation of a threshold dose was very difficult. Development of a standardized protocol for clinical experiments to allow determination of the threshold dose is needed
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