371 research outputs found

    The Limits of Education Purpose Limitations

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    While student privacy has been a public issue for half a century, its contours change in response to social norms, technological capabilities, and political ideologies. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) seeks to prevent inaccurate or inappropriate information about students from being incorporated into pedagogical, academic, and employment decisionmaking. It does so by con- trolling who can access education records and, broadly, for what purposes. New education technologies take advantage of cloud computing and big data analytics to collect and share an unprecedented amount of information about students in class- rooms. Schools rely on outside, often for-profit, entities to provide these innovative tools. With the shift from education records to student data systems, privacy protection through access control does not account for the possibility that authorized recipients, or even educators themselves, might use student data for commercial or other non-educational purposes. Both FERPA and new state reforms rely on education purpose limitations as a compromise that allows schools to outsource data-reliant functions while addressing stake- holder concerns. However, current regulations define “education purposes” as information practices conducted on be- half of schools or pursuant to their authorization. Accordingly, they provide more procedural than substantive constraints. As with student privacy protections based on controlling access to education records, modern technological affordances limit the protection provided by education purpose limitations. Data-driven education tools change the nature of student information, the structure and method of school decisionmaking, and the creation of academic credentials. Broad education purpose limitations provide limited protection under these circumstances because they (1) treat education and non-education purposes as binary and mutually exclusive; (2) presume data practices serving education purposes align with students’ academic interests; (3) overlook the ethical complications created by “beta” education; (4) neglect the pedagogical effects of computerized instructional tools; and (5) discount the impact of data-driven technology on education itself. Ethical discourse regarding education technology points to productive avenues for more substantive student privacy protection


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    The role of a workplace in the provision of lifelong learning processes is increasingly emphasised in the academic discourse. Since the early 21st century, a new term – “workplace pedagogy” (Billet, 2000) – has appeared, which signifies the increasingly important role of the workplace in the process of adult learning. The goal of this article is to discuss the key principles in determining the training needs and the key training topics in the enterprises of Latvia. The author of the article has carried out a qualitative study using a partially structured interview method. Four heads of human resource departments have been interviewed in four enterprises of Latvia with varied capital and with total number of employees reaching more than 6000. The outcomes of the study reveal three key tendencies in determining the training needs. First, the principle of urgency, namely, technical training, in order to ensure that corporate activities are pursued in accordance with law. Second, the principle of professional development for staff. This block contains various training options aimed at the development of the different skills and competences. Third, the training dictated by the development of information technologies. However, it must be noted that it is more characteristic to the enterprises specialised in information and communication technologies and thus could be integrated in the group mentioned in the second group. All the interviewees confirmed that training in the companies they represent is financially supported, although specific amount of expenditure was not mentioned. Still, it is possible to conclude that the planning and implementation of staff training form an integral part of corporate strategies. At the same time, it is possible to draw a conclusion that several crucial skills such as complex problem solving, cross-cultural competency, new media literacy, which have been mentioned as essential in the sources used for this research, have been neglected as staff training options.


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    The article addresses comparative qualitative content analysis as a part of the grounded theory research to explore the relationship between English language proficiency of economically active adults and their quality of life. Using comparative qualitative content analysis of the policy documents in respect of lifelong learning as main data collection method, the authors of the article aim to identify the relationship between the 21st century skills and indicators of life quality by comparing the sources that define the 21st century skills and analysing them in the context of the “8+1” dimensions of life quality offered by the European Union. The following research questions have been proposed: how 21st century skills are defined in the policy documents and how they relate to the quality of human life. The analysis of European Parliament, Council of the European Union, Word Economic Forum and Eurostat policies, models, strategies and their implementation in respect of lifelong learning reveals existing gaps and points at the urgent need in profiling the development of human skills to enhance human well-being and life quality in Europe. Besides, developing new skills and improving existing ones can be a tool for improving the quality of life in the future, whereas the dimensions of life quality can serve as a prerequisite for skills development.


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    In 2006 the European Parliament and European Union Council has defined eight key competences for lifelong learning, necessary for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. Since the economic crisis of 2008, the world is looking for new ways and methods to ensure the well-fare and reformulate the value of human life. Currently at EU level, one of the most important debates closely connected with the basic context of lifelong learning is on the dimensions of life quality. The desk study deals with the qualitative content analysis of the documents of EU, OECD, data of the projects of Office of National Statistics in Latvia, the U.K. and Germany, research of Ruff (1995), Rath and Harter (2010), Layard (2005), Rohr (2014), etc. The dimensions of life quality in different sources and by different authors have been defined similarly indicating that the qualitative indicators are as important as the quantitative. It is clear that the quality of life cannot be measured only by quantitative indicators such as income or birth / mortality. This article discusses the theoretical aspects of such dimension of life quality as well-being in different sources, compares and analyses them in the Latvian context

    Analysis of parameters of computational EM scattering experiment on the rotating cylinder

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    В работе описываются основные характеристики (чувствительность, стабильность, вариативность) вычислительного эксперимента по рассеянию ЭМВ от однородного слабопроводящего цилиндра, обладающего ненулевой круговой скоростью вокруг своей оси. Представлен исходный математический аппарат и кратко описывается его программная адаптация. Приводятся сравнительные графики, с статистическими данными, при различных входных значениях, с целью, установления точности проводимого эксперимента. Объясняются аппроксимационные методы, и устанавливается их влияние на выходные данные. Описываются, используемые в модели коэффициенты соотносимости, их допустимые значения и влияния на вычисления. Проводится анализ полученных результатов и параметров эксперимента. Частично показываются методы определения стабильности, и допустимый диапазон начальных значений для проведения корректного эксперимента. Косвенно анализируется вариативность модели вне диапазона стабильности, а так же уточняются приоритеты в развитии модели.In this work describes main parameters (sensibility, stability, variability) of computational EM scattering experiment on the homogeneous low-conductivity cylinder, with nonzero angular velocity. Shows original mathematical apparatus and describes its program adaptation. Leads comparative plots with statistical values for the different input parameters, in the case of setting accuracy of experiment. Explained approximations methods and determined its impact to output values. Describes using correlating coefficients, its meaning and impacts on calculations. Shows the analysis of the results and parameters of experiment. Partially shows methods of determined of stability and allowable diapason of input values to set of correct experiment. Indirectly analyzing variability of model out of diapason of stability. Clarifies the priority in the development

    The right to be forgotten

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    The right to be forgotten gained international attention in May 2014, when the European Court of Justice ruled that Google was obligated to recognize European citizensâ data protection rights to address inadequate, irrelevant, or excessive personal information. As of April 14, 2015, Google received 239,337 requests to eliminate 867,930 URLs from search results and has removed 305,095 URLs, a rate of 41.5 percent. The right to be forgotten is intended to legally address digital information that lingers and threatens to shackle individuals to their past by exposing the information to opaque data processing and online judgment. There are a number of challenges to developing these rights â digital information means and touches so many aspects of life across cultures as they grapple with new policies. The controversial ruling and establishment of such a right, potential for a similar movement in the U.S., and future of transborder data flows will be discussed by this esteemed panel.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/117474/1/pra2145052010010.pd

    HIV infection and susceptibility to epidemic bacterial infections among Rwandan refugees

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    AbstractObjective: To study HIV prevalence and susceptibility to epidemic bacterial infections among Rwandan refugees treated at the Israeli military field hospital in Goma, Zaire, during a 2-week period of massive outbreaks of cholera, shigellosis, and meningitis in the summer of 1994.Methods: Anonymous testing was performed on serum samples obtained for laboratory analysis from patients who had had an intravenous line inserted at the hospital's emergency facility. The prevalence of HIV was compared among patients who presented at the emergency facility because of watery or bloody diarrhea, pneumonia, meningitis, or trauma.Results: Of the 1350 patients who were seen during the period, 127 were tested: 35 of 127 (27.5%) were HIV seropositive by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blot. No statistical difference in the prevalence of HIV was found among the four categories.Conclusion: A high prevalence of HIV infection was observed among Rwandan refugees treated for severe cholera, shigellosis, pneumonia, meningitis, or trauma in a field hospital in Goma, Zaire in the summer of 1994. This rate was similar to that reported among the healthy Rwandan population. Although based on only a small sample of the sick refugees in the camps, this study suggests that HIV infection did not cause increased susceptibility to the epidemic bacterial infections seen during the 1994 refugee crisis in Rwanda

    A Generic Expert Scheduling System Architecture and Toolkit: GUESS (Generically Used Expert Scheduling System)

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    Scheduling has become an increasingly important element in today's society and workplace. Within the NASA environment, scheduling is one of the most frequently performed and challenging functions. Towards meeting NASA's scheduling needs, a research version of a generic expert scheduling system architecture and toolkit has been developed. This final report describes the development and testing of GUESS (Generically Used Expert Scheduling System)

    Uncertainty of Forest Biomass Estimates in North Temperate Forests Due to Allometry: Implications for Remote Sensing

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    Estimates of above ground biomass density in forests are crucial for refining global climate models and understanding climate change. Although data from field studies can be aggregated to estimate carbon stocks on global scales, the sparsity of such field data, temporal heterogeneity and methodological variations introduce large errors. Remote sensing measurements from spaceborne sensors are a realistic alternative for global carbon accounting; however, the uncertainty of such measurements is not well known and remains an active area of research. This article describes an effort to collect field data at the Harvard and Howland Forest sites, set in the temperate forests of the Northeastern United States in an attempt to establish ground truth forest biomass for calibration of remote sensing measurements. We present an assessment of the quality of ground truth biomass estimates derived from three different sets of diameter-based allometric equations over the Harvard and Howland Forests to establish the contribution of errors in ground truth data to the error in biomass estimates from remote sensing measurements