601 research outputs found

    Predicting land use and soil controls on erosion and sediment redistribution in agricultural loess areas: model development and cross scale verification

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    This study quantifies soil and land use controls on sediment mobilisation and redistribution in cultivated loess soil landscapes, as these landscapes are frequently used for intensive cultivation and are highly susceptible to erosion. To this end we developed and verified a process based model named CATFLOW-SED at the plot, hillslope and catchment scales. The model relies on an explicit representation of hillslopes and their dominant physiographical characteristics which control overland flow formation, particle detachment and sediment redistribution (transport and sedimentation). Erosion processes are represented by means of the steady state approximation of the sediment continuity equation, their interaction is conceptualized based on the sediment transport capacity of overland flow. Particle detachment is represented by means of a threshold approach accounting for the attacking forces of rainfall and overland flow which need to exceed a threshold in soil erosion resistance to mobilize soil particles (Scherer et al., 2012). Transport capacity of overland flow is represented as proposed by Engelund and Hansen (1967). Top soil particles and aggregates are detached and transported according to their share in the particle size distribution. Size selective deposition of soil particles is determined based on the sink velocity of the various particle size classes. CATFLOW-SED was verified on the plot, hillslope and catchment scale, where either particle detachment or lateral redistribution or sedimentation is the limiting factor, to check whether the respective parameterizations are transferable for simulations at the next higher scale. For verification we used the Weiherbach data set providing plot scale rainfall simulation experiments, long term monitoring of sediment yields on a selected hillslope as well as observed sediment fluxes at the catchment outlet. Our findings corroborate that CATFLOW-SED predicted the sediment loads at all scales within the error margin of the measurements. An accurate prediction of overland flow turned out as being necessary and sufficient to guarantee spatial transferability of erosion parameters optimized at smaller scales to the next higher scale without need for further calibration. Based on the verified model setup, we investigate the efficiency of land use management to mitigate measures in erosion scenarios for cultivated loess landscapes

    Series distance - an intuitive metric to quantify hydrograph similarity in terms of occurrence, amplitude and timing of hydrological events

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    Applying metrics to quantify the similarity or dissimilarity of hydrographs is a central task in hydrological modelling, used both in model calibration and the evaluation of simulations or forecasts. Motivated by the shortcomings of standard objective metrics such as the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) or the Mean Absolute Peak Time Error (MAPTE) and the advantages of visual inspection as a powerful tool for simultaneous, case-specific and multi-criteria (yet subjective) evaluation, we propose a new objective metric termed Series Distance, which is in close accordance with visual evaluation. The Series Distance quantifies the similarity of two hydrographs neither in a time-aggregated nor in a point-by-point manner, but on the scale of hydrological events. It consists of three parts, namely a Threat Score which evaluates overall agreement of event occurrence, and the overall distance of matching observed and simulated events with respect to amplitude and timing. The novelty of the latter two is the way in which matching point pairs on the observed and simulated hydrographs are identified: not by equality in time (as is the case with the RMSE), but by the same relative position in matching segments (rise or recession) of the event, indicating the same underlying hydrological process. Thus, amplitude and timing errors are calculated simultaneously but separately, from point pairs that also match visually, considering complete events rather than only individual points (as is the case with MAPTE). Relative weights can freely be assigned to each component of the Series Distance, which allows (subjective) customization of the metric to various fields of application, but in a traceable way. Each of the three components of the Series Distance can be used in an aggregated or non-aggregated way, which makes the Series Distance a suitable tool for differentiated, process-based model diagnostics. After discussing the applicability of established time series metrics for hydrographs, we present the Series Distance theory, discuss its properties and compare it to those of standard metrics used in Hydrology, both at the example of simple, artificial hydrographs and an ensemble of realistic forecasts. The results suggest that the Series Distance quantifies the degree of similarity of two hydrographs in a way comparable to visual inspection, but in an objective, reproducible way

    Predicting Subsurface Stormflow Response of a Forested Hillslope

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    SciKit-GStat Uncertainty: A software extension to cope with uncertain geostatistical estimates

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    This study is focused on an extension of a well established geostatistical software to enable one to effectively and interactively cope with uncertainty in geostatistical applications. The extension includes a rich component library, pre-built interfaces and an online application. We discuss the concept of replacing the empirical variogram with its uncertainty bound. This enables one to acknowledge uncertainties characterizing the underlying geostatistical datasets and typical methodological approaches. This allows for a probabilistic description of the variogram and its parameters at the same time. Our approach enables (1) multiple interpretations of a sample and (2) a multi-model context for geostatistical applications. We focus the sample application on propagating observation uncertainties into manual variogram parametrization and analyze its effects. Using two different datasets, we show how insights on uncertainty can be used to reject variogram models, thus constraining the space of formally equally probable models to tackle the issue of parameter equifinality

    BRIX - An Easy-to-Use Modular Sensor and Actuator Prototyping Toolkit

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    Zehe S, Großhauser T, Hermann T. BRIX - An Easy-to-Use Modular Sensor and Actuator Prototyping Toolkit. In: Tenth Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications, Workshop Proceedings. Lugano, Swizerland: IEEE; 2012: 817-822.In this paper we present BRIX, a novel modular hardware prototyping platform for applications in mobile, wearable and stationary sensing, data streaming and feedback. The system consists of three different types of compact stack- able modules, which can adapt to various applications and scenarios. The core of BRIX is a base module that contains basic motion sensors, a processor and a wireless interface. A battery module provides power for the system and makes it a mobile device. Different types of extension modules can be stacked onto the base module to extend its scope of functions by sensors, actuators and interactive elements. BRIX allows a very intuitive, inexpensive and expeditious prototyping that does not require knowledge in electronics or hardware design. In an example application, we demonstrate how BRIX can be used to track human body movements

    Use of soil moisture dynamics and patterns for the investigation of runoff generation processes with emphasis on preferential flow

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    International audienceSpatial patterns as well as temporal dynamics of soil moisture have a major influence on runoff generation. The investigation of these dynamics and patterns can thus yield valuable information on hydrological processes, especially in data scarce or previously ungauged catchments. The combination of spatially scarce but temporally high resolution soil moisture profiles with episodic and thus temporally scarce moisture profiles at additional locations provides information on spatial as well as temporal patterns of soil moisture at the hillslope transect scale. This approach is better suited to difficult terrain (dense forest, steep slopes) than geophysical techniques and at the same time less cost-intensive than a high resolution grid of continuously measuring sensors. Rainfall simulation experiments with dye tracers while continuously monitoring soil moisture response allows for visualization of flow processes in the unsaturated zone at these locations. Data was analyzed at different spacio-temporal scales using various graphical methods, such as space-time colour maps (for the event and plot scale) and indicator maps (for the long-term and hillslope scale). Annual dynamics of soil moisture and decimeter-scale variability were also investigated. The proposed approach proved to be successful in the investigation of flow processes in the unsaturated zone and showed the importance of preferential flow in the Malalcahuello Catchment, a data-scarce catchment in the Andes of Southern Chile. Fast response times of stream flow indicate that preferential flow observed at the plot scale might also be of importance at the hillslope or catchment scale. Flow patterns were highly variable in space but persistent in time. The most likely explanation for preferential flow in this catchment is a combination of hydrophobicity, small scale heterogeneity in rainfall due to redistribution in the canopy and strong gradients in unsaturated conductivities leading to self-reinforcing flow paths

    Use of soil moisture dynamics and patterns at different spatio-temporal scales for the investigation of subsurface flow processes

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    Spatial patterns as well as temporal dynamics of soil moisture have a major influence on runoff generation. The investigation of these dynamics and patterns can thus yield valuable information on hydrological processes, especially in data scarce or previously ungauged catchments. The combination of spatially scarce but temporally high resolution soil moisture profiles with episodic and thus temporally scarce moisture profiles at additional locations provides information on spatial as well as temporal patterns of soil moisture at the hillslope transect scale. This approach is better suited to difficult terrain (dense forest, steep slopes) than geophysical techniques and at the same time less cost-intensive than a high resolution grid of continuously measuring sensors. Rainfall simulation experiments with dye tracers while continuously monitoring soil moisture response allows for visualization of flow processes in the unsaturated zone at these locations. Data was analyzed at different spacio-temporal scales using various graphical methods, such as space-time colour maps (for the event and plot scale) and binary indicator maps (for the long-term and hillslope scale). Annual dynamics of soil moisture and decimeter-scale variability were also investigated. The proposed approach proved to be successful in the investigation of flow processes in the unsaturated zone and showed the importance of preferential flow in the Malalcahuello Catchment, a data-scarce catchment in the Andes of Southern Chile. Fast response times of stream flow indicate that preferential flow observed at the plot scale might also be of importance at the hillslope or catchment scale. Flow patterns were highly variable in space but persistent in time. The most likely explanation for preferential flow in this catchment is a combination of hydrophobicity, small scale heterogeneity in rainfall due to redistribution in the canopy and strong gradients in unsaturated conductivities leading to self-reinforcing flow paths